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"If anybody wants to know what the RW house is gonna be..."
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batts 1725 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

07-29-05, 09:48 PM (EST)
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"If anybody wants to know what the RW house is gonna be..."
in the near future, find out on this thresd. Some of you will not like this idea, so I've added this filler ...... I've heard some of the RW houses in the past havent been to successful, some have. I personally woulda hoped they woulda turned the house into a community center, museum, bar, or even a halfway house for ex realworlders. LOL.....
but a Mexican Restaurant? Like there arn't enough of them in Austin...... well, at least they're doing something with the place.....
Click here to see an article in the 'Daily Texan' on what they are going to do with the house.
What do YOU think? Comments?
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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: If anybody wants to know what t... volsfan 07-29-05 1
   RE: If anybody wants to know what t... DaveThe Dude 07-30-05 2
       RE: If anybody wants to know what t... montanagirl 08-03-05 5
 RE: If anybody wants to know what t... HobbsofMI 08-01-05 3
 RE: If anybody wants to know what t... Fox41 08-02-05 4
 RE: If anybody wants to know what t... wendyp 08-04-05 6

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volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-29-05, 10:53 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: If anybody wants to know what the RW house is gonna be..."
LAST EDITED ON 07-29-05 AT 10:53 PM (EST)

Another Mexican place? I haven't been to Austin but I have been all around Texas and I agree...there are enough Mexican places to eat.

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DaveThe Dude 967 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

07-30-05, 10:37 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: If anybody wants to know what the RW house is gonna be..."
From what I have seen of the current RW house, it seems to be in a rather bland and almost ugly neighborhood. There is a gross lack of curbside shade trees, WAY too much cement and macadam, and the city appears to have a really bad lack of proper mass transit. Like Las Vegas, the whole town seems to be very "pedestrian unfriendly." It just doesn't look like a very inviting area to me. I had always heard that Austin was a nice place, but from what I have seen so far this season, I wouldn't want to live there. Nope.
As for the house itself, well, I sure would never buy something that ugly and impractical. If you notice, there is an awful lot of wasted space, and the outside is putridly bland. I'd say, from all the houses featured on the Real World, this one might well be the worst. The San Diego house wasn't bad, and the Paris house was awesome. To put it bluntly, this house appears to be a really poorly designed piece of crap.
Of course, as long as it is near a bunch of loud pick up bars, the kids of RW will love it. Maybe next season they can share space in a brewery or a distillery. Then they wouldn't have to expend all that energy going back and forth from their bars. They could just sit at home, get fat, and stay drunk 24-7. After all, that's all they do now anyway. Plus, why go out since none of the guys are going to hook up with strangers anyway.......
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montanagirl 69 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

08-03-05, 04:36 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: If anybody wants to know what the RW house is gonna be..."
"To put it bluntly, this house appears to be a really poorly designed piece of crap."

I have to agree. But wasn't this house originally a grocery store or something? I can imagine that turning a grocery store space into a hip RW house wasn't that easy. Anywho...

I think it would make a good club or restaurant - but NOT Mexican. How about Ethiopian or Moraccan or something interesting?

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HobbsofMI 15959 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-01-05, 02:31 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: If anybody wants to know what the RW house is gonna be..."
A whore house?

Oh..wait...that's what it is when the RW'ers are there.

sig by Syren and bouncy by IceCat

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Fox41 251 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

08-02-05, 10:04 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Fox41 Click to send private message to Fox41 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
4. "RE: If anybody wants to know what the RW house is gonna be..."

There are a million mexican food restaurants in Austin. We sure don't need another one!
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wendyp 2081 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

08-04-05, 01:16 PM (EST)
Click to EMail wendyp Click to send private message to wendyp Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
6. "RE: If anybody wants to know what the RW house is gonna be..."
That is ashame...too many mexican food resturants alreayd. The article was right charity event would have been great there. I think he would have gotten more money renting for events, But to each his own.

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