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"The Amazing Race: Expedition Episode 8 - "Now Let's See Your Insanity Pay Off""
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Colonel Zoidberg 3370 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

06-02-08, 11:26 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Colonel%20Zoidberg Click to send private message to Colonel%20Zoidberg Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
"The Amazing Race: Expedition Episode 8 - "Now Let's See Your Insanity Pay Off""
Blog Entry, 10/24
Authored by: Dr. Rage

Well, Phil says there's going to be something "crazy" that happens. That could mean positively anything - my guess is that Spike and Bryan get into a fist-fight in the middle of the street, both end up arrested, their teammates hate them, and the other seven teams get a free pass to the top half of the list. Mind you, that's what I'd like to see happen, but as an avid blogger, I can't overlook the things I'm reading.

Alex and Elena are so secretive. Derek acts like he's been to Iraq and back. And Spike no longer smokes? I just can't imagine what would cause any of that. It's like they're on the run from the law. Is TAR in legal trouble? Only time - and the media - will tell. I guess they can kiss their Emmy goodbye at this rate. This last season of Survivor is looking like a top contender for that.

Really, if I had to guess what happens...some kind of vehicle containing people crashes, and a lot of people are upset. They pause the Race, bring up a non-elim leg to wherever they are, and get on with life after everyone's cuts and bruises heal. That or someone gets taken out of the Race for medical reasons. A lot of someones, at this rate.

But at least until then, we get to listen to Derek talk about how perfect Danni is. We get it, dude. You're dating a mega-hottie and I'm not. Quit rubbing my nose in it and acting like it's some kind of hardship to be away from your gorgeous girlfriend while you're out trying to win a million bucks. We're all sick of it. Just show us her picture.

OK, I'm done now. Besides, Tina, as weird as she is, is still more attractive.

The Show Begins - air date 10/29/2008

The introductory shot is of Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic. The focus is mainly on Krumlov Castle; the view is panoramic of the entire area, including a candle-lit walkway.

Phil (voice-over): Previously on the Amazing Race...nine teams of two set out from Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic, traveled to Prague, and flew to Maputo, the capital of Mozambique. Some teams encountered money problems.

Team confessional, Charlie and Derek.

Charlie: It's to the point where we're starting to have money problems, but I was a single father for eleven years, and Derek's been in college for three, so we learned how to budget.

Derek: I learned to get fuel very cheaply in college. It's just more difficult on the run in different parts of the world.

Phil (voice-over): Reggie and Dan looked forward to the experience.

Team confessional, Reggie and Dan.

Dan: Reggie and I have done come charity work that benefited a few African nations, so hopefully we'll see something to warm our hearts here.

Reggie: From what I've seen of Africa, it's very hard to live there, but the people are so friendly and appreciative.

Phil (voice-over): Carrie, still coming down from a medical problem, was trying to get better.

Team confessional, Carrie and Dana.

Carrie: I haven't really been taking the best care of my body, and it came to bite me in the ass at the Pit Stop. I go hours without eating, and since I'm hypoglycemic, I can't really do that.

Dana: We didn't eat at all in the last leg, and with our spotty diet, it finally caught up to us.

Phil (voice-over): Derek used his language skills to get ahead.

Derek: Planta de alumínio de Mozal, por favor. Vá rapidamente. (Subtitle: Mozal aluminum plant, please. Go quickly.)

Charlie: Are you speaking another language?

Derek: Again, thanks a million for sending me to Rio.

Phil (voice-over): But his heart was in another place.

Charlie: Derek, you OK?

Derek: Yeah. I'm fine.

Charlie: No, you're not. You're usually the happiest guy I know. What the hell's wrong with you?

Derek: This is the first time I feel like I should be home with Danni instead of here. I love her and I miss her.

Charlie: Is this because it's her birthday? You knew about--

Derek: That doesn't make it easy, Dad.

Phil (voice-over): Carrie and Derek bonded on the train.

Carrie: You really love this girl, don't you?

Derek: More than I ever thought I could love someone.

Carrie: Well, the way I look at it, you already gave her an early birthday present.

Derek: How do you--oh, you mean because I didn't cheat on her with you?

Carrie: Derek, I don't mean to be immodest, but I'm, well--

Derek: I know. Absolutely beautiful.

Carrie: Well, you said it.

Derek: A lot of people think Danni's just going out with me to be in good graces with my dad and the Survivor community. It's not like that. So how are you holding up since the Pit Stop?

Carrie: I'm better. Thanks for keeping me company. You're a real friend.

Phil (voice-over): And Jeffrey had a meltdown.

Jeffrey (shouting): I have to spend the next day wading through garbage because these squalid pieces of s--- so-called people can't be bothered to clean up after themselves! All they do is spread disease and breed people to spread disease! They're f------ subhuman!

Phil (voice-over): At the Detour, some teams felt pressure to stay away from one option.

Team confessional, Reggie and Dan.

Reggie: I'm the heaviest contestant here; I know that, in the U.S., I don't meet the weight requirement for horseback riding, so I decided it would be safer to ride on a raft.

Dan: I thought it might be faster, too.

Phil (voice-over): Carrie helped Spike out of a horse-related jam.

Spike (shouting): Damnit, you f------ slow-ass piece of s---; move your big ass and let's go!

Behind her, Dana is cracking up as Carrie strokes her horse's mane. Spike's horse goes nowhere, and Carrie and Dana catch up.

Carrie: Every horse has a trigger word, Spike. Don't get frustrated. Just try talking to your horse a little bit.

Spike: I don't know animals! I've never even had a cat!

Carrie: Easy, Spike. Easy.

Phil (voice-over): But no one helped Bobby out of the same jam.

Bobby: Come on, horse; let's go.

Caroline: Come on, Bobby; you're leaving snail tracks!

Bobby: It's this f------ horse!

Caroline: Well, get it to go!

Bobby slaps the horse on the back a couple of times; the horse does not move.

Caroline: Really smart, Bobby. Hit the horse. That's going to make it do what you want.

Bobby: Forget it. This was a bad idea. Let's go to the other option.

Phil (voice-over): Jim struggled to get up while Tina struggled with an aversion to contact.

Team confessional, Tina and Jim.

Tina: I really hated to leave Jim there to get up by himself, but I felt like I didn't have a choice. I'm terrible with contact, and I would have freaked.

Jim: I'm used to getting up and everything by myself, so it was a struggle but not a big deal.

Phil (voice-over): On the drive back to Maputo, Carrie tried to hang in there.

(confessional) Carrie: All I wanted to do the whole way back to Maputo was sleep. I'm glad Dana has energy, because I barely had enough in me to keep drinking my Gatorade. I'm glad I don't have anything worse, but being hypoglycemic sucks.

Phil (voice-over): And at the Roadblock, teams got frustrated.

Alex: Tennis is not my sport. I'll just put it that way.

Elena: Hey, I did rugby. You can do tennis.

Alex: Of course I can do it. It doesn't mean I'm any good.

Phil (voice-over): And Derek took the lead.

Derek receives the serve and knocks it back over the net.

The pro rushes the net and returns Derek's return; Derek reaches out and taps the ball back over the net.

The pro spikes the ball over the net, but it goes high in the air; Derek watches the arc of the ball and swats it back at the pro, who is unable to return the hit.

Derek shouts and pumps his fist as the pro rushes over to hand him the clue.

Phil (voice-over): And it boosted him and Charlie to the top.

Phil: You're team number ONE!

Phil (voice-over): Reggie beat a tired pro and tried to stay out of last.

Cut to the gardens; Reggie manages to return a serve from a dogged pro, and the pro is unable to return Reggie's shot.

Phil (voice-over): And he and Dan were successful.

Phil: You're team number eight!

Phil (voice-over): Bobby and Caroline were a distant last, but even with the gap to make up, they were spared.

Phil: I'm...pleased to tell you, however, that this is another of three pre-determined non-elimination point, and you are still in the Race.

Phil (voice-over): But the good news was not without a strong warning.

Phil: However, you will have to go through another Toll Booth. In addition, the penalties from the Toll Booth will be stiffer. You are over two hours out of eighth place. This will be a very difficult leg for you guys.

Phil (voice-over): Nine teams remain. Who will be eliminated next?

The opening credits begin to roll. At first, a Mercator projection of the world in black, green, and yellow, with the Amazing Race logo superimposed over it cuts to a view of an airplane flying above a layer of clouds. The phrase "14 teams of 2" appears on screen. The first team shown on screen is Leilani and Kea against an island backdrop. The credits continue to Carrie and Dana outside a college building, Hayley and Alexis in front of a row of prison cells, Reggie and Dan outside FedEx Field, Bobby and Caroline in front of their Colorado home, Ray and Jamal in front of a panoramic shot of the Gulf of Mexico, Tina and Jim on a football field sideline with a medical pod in the backdrop, Debra and Bob on a hilly road with their bikes, Alex and Elena on a college green, Jeffrey and Bryan in front of a construction site, Spike and Jennifer outside Seattle's City Hall, and Steve and Darius on a chicken ranch. In this ending, Eric and Jessica appear outside Jessica's home in Kansas, and Charlie and Derek appear on a hockey rink.

The screen cuts to commercial.

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Colonel Zoidberg 3370 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

06-02-08, 11:27 AM (EST)
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1. "The Amazing Race: Expedition Episode 8 - "Now Let's See Your Insanity Pay Off""
Blog Entry, 11/6/2008
Authored by: Phil Keoghan

Yes, we know; the show wasn't on anywhere last night. CBS News decided to pre-empt just about everything, and our producers decided, as a last-minute change, not to air the show this week. Sure, as high as the ratings are, we could have gotten a few people to stay up until 2:30 in the morning to watch, but this episode is not the kind you want to watch when you're half-groggy and listening to infomercials between scenes. We just couldn't do that.

We've promised some insanity this season. And the ninth leg will have it. A never-before-seen event takes place. I can't say what until next week, but it will speak for itself, and you will all know why we postponed it a week. Our ads for this 90-minute episode were selling for more than half of what a Super Bowl commercial runs. The buzz is immense.

We have tried our best to stay in touch with everyone since we got back, especially everyone who was on the ninth leg, where more happened in that time than I've ever seen happen in an entire season. A rivalry got even more personal than even the one we've seen between Spike and Jennifer and Jeffrey and Bryan. Things were said that deeply offended someone on an extremely personal level.

At the same time, someone pulls a bold move that turns out to be their only hope. Someone actually convinces another team to break the rules. Rob did it in the seventh season, and it hasn't happened since, but it happens in a whole new way this time.

Also, the defining event of the season takes place in the ninth leg. This is why Danni talks about Derek's Vietnam-like symptoms. She's even said on some level that she doesn't know if she can handle the way Derek acts after the Race, and considering all the rumors that are piling up about the two of them, I hate to say it, but they have a long road ahead.

My personal favorite is that Derek is sneaking off to Oakland every weekend to be with Carrie. Never mind that this is absurd, albeit mildly amusing; at least it's more creative and insane than the one that says Danni's controlling Derek's behavior and monitoring him with a GPS. Some versions even say Danni hits Derek. Come on. The guy who crushes people on a hockey rink getting beaten up by his girlfriend? Hellga from American Gladiators couldn't hurt him.

Before I go, just remember - the biggest Amazing Race ever is next week. The finale's pushed back a week. What else are people going to do on Christmas Eve, anyway?

Back from commercial.

Cut to an overview of Gaborone, Botswana; the panoramic view is, at first, of the central business district, which looks like a scaled-back version of a large city; the next view os of Old Gaborone.

Phil (voice-over): This is Gaborone, Botswana. This growing metropolis on the southern border of Botswana serves as the starting point for this leg of the Race.

Cut to teams arriving at the statue of Eduardo Mondlane in Maputo, Mozambique.

Phil (voice-over): Teams arrived in Maputo, Mozambique at the Pit Stop, but they were transported from Maputo to Gaborone by bus and private car. The teams had no idea where they were headed, and have no idea what's in store for them. Will a new surrounding enable Bobby and Caroline to overcome a deficit of over two hours despite being forced to go through a Toll Booth?

Cut to a clue box in The Village, or Old Gaborone.

Phil (voice-over): Charlie and Derek, who were the first to arrive...

Cut to Charlie and Derek at the clue box.

Phil (voice-over): ...will depart at 8:00 am.

Charlie opens the clue; inside is a cryptic message that appears to be a Coca-Cola logo in an African language.

Charlie: Go to where this logo directs you--

Cut to the Kgalagadi factory in Broadhurst not far from Gaborone.

Phil: Teams must figure out that the clue is directing them to the Kgalagadi bottling plant in Broadhurst, outside of which they will receive their next clue.

Cut back to Charlie and Derek.

Charlie: You have $22 for this leg of the Race.

Derek: It just never gets any easier.

Charlie and Derek run out into the street and begin to search for people.

Charlie: Excuse me.

A man turns around.

Charlie: Do you know what this logo is?

Respondent: Yes. That is Kgalagadi. It's like Coca-Cola, but they bottle it in Broadhurst.

Charlie: How far is that from here?

Team confessional, Charlie and Derek.

Charlie: We got lucky because someone knew exactly where to tell us to go.

Derek: I figured it was some kind of Coca-Cola type hot spot, but I never would have figured out it was a bottling plant.

Cut to Spike and Jennifer, second to depart at 8:18 am.

Spike: Go to where this logo directs you. I think it's directing me to have a Coke.

Jennifer: Is it directing you to put rum in it?

Spike: Later.

Cut to Alex and Elena, third to depart at 8:23 am.

Alex: Go to where this logo directs you.

Elena: It looks like a foreign Coca-Cola logo.

Alex: I think it is. Should we ask about it?

Elena: No, dummy; I think we should run around in circles.

Cut to Carrie and Dana, fourth to depart at 8:24 am.

Carrie: Go to where this logo directs you.

Dana: I haven't had a Coke in weeks.

Carrie: Well, we're getting one.

Cut to Kgalagadi bottling plant; Charlie and Derek, currently in first place, are arriving in a cab.

Charlie runs out of the cab as Derek pays the driver; he runs over and meets Charlie at the clue as Charlie opens it.

Charlie: Drive yourselves to Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park--

Cut to Phil at the entrance to Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park.

Phil: Teams must now drive over 60 miles to Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park and find the main entrance. Once there, they must follow a marked path, and they will find their next clue at the end.

Cut to Charlie and Derek.

Derek: Another first-place finish and Danni's got a Christmas present, too.

Cut to Hayley and Alexis, fifth to depart at 8:50 am.

Alexis: Go to where this logo directs you.

Hayley: Looks like something Coca-Cola related.

Cut to Tina and Jim, sixth to depart at 8:58 am.

Jim: Go to where this logo directs you.

Tina: Looks like Coca-Cola. Of course, as a pediatrician, I can't really encourage drinking the stuff.

Jim: Doesn't do me much good as a football coach, either.

Cut to Spike and Jennifer, currently in second place, arriving at the Kgalagadi bottling plant.

Spike: Any chance of a free sample?

Jennifer: Come on, Spike. Hurry it up.

Jennifer opens the clue; Spike joins her.

Jennifer: Drive yourselves to Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park.

Soon after, Alex and Elena, currently in third place, arrive at the Kgalagadi bottling plant.

Trailing them are Carrie and Dana, currently in fourth place.

Alex and Elena both head to the clue; only Dana goes for her clue.

Alex: Drive yourselves to Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park.

From one of the taxis, a man starts to shout and rev his engine.

Driver (angrily): Hey! I need my money!

Team confessional, Alex and Elena.

Elena: I guess we forgot to pay our driver when we got in our car, but it wasn't something we really thought about.

Alex: When you have to get somewhere, the details sometimes get lost. There's no excuse for it, but I guess there was a reason.

Elena: Whatever helps you sleep at night, you damn cheapskate.

Alex: You forgot to pay him just as much as I did.

Cut to Jeffrey and Bryan, seventh to depart at 9:21 am.

Bryan: Go to where this logo directs you. Hey, wait a minute; I know about this!

Jeffrey: How the hell do you know this? You're an expert on Asia, not Africa!

Team confessional, Jeffrey and Bryan.

Bryan: Jeffrey's right. I am an expert on the Korean peninsula, not on southern Africa. But I took a class on southern Africa in college, and Kgalagadi came up. I was fascinated, so I learned all about it.

Jeffrey: So my husband's insanity actually pays off for once.

Bryan: Now let's see your insanity pay off.

Cut to the Kgalagadi bottling plant; Hayley and Alexis, currently in fifth place, are arriving.

Alexis pays the cab driver as Hayley grabs the clue; Alexis then joins Hayley.

Hayley: Drive yourselves to Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park.

Alexis: We're running out of money.

Hayley: It's Africa, the land of the cheap stuff.

Alexis: You're thinking of China.

Hayley: Whatever. We'll be fine through this leg.

Soon after, Tina and Jim, currently in sixth place, arrive at the Kgalagadi bottling plant. Jim pays the driver while Tina dashes for the clue. After that, Jim hobbles toward Tina and the clue.

Tina: Drive yourselves to Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park.

Team confessional, Tina and Jim.

Jim: One of the consequences of my knee problems is that I really can't do too much driving, either. So Tina's had to pick up the slack.

Tina: I grew up in Los Angeles. I can handle driving.

Jim: Well, so did I, but you didn't get shot.

Tina momentarily holds back tears but composes herself.

Cut to Reggie and Dan, eighth to depart at 9:36 am.

Dan: Go to where this logo directs you.

Reggie: Looks like Coca-Cola, but what does that mean?

Dan: We'll have to ask.

Dan approaches a man in the street.

Dan: Excuse me. Do you know what this logo is?

Respondent: It's Kgalagadi. It's like your Coca-Cola.

Dan: Is there anything big around here that has to do with that?

Respondent: Not in Gaborone proper, no. You need to go to...let me think where that is...let me ask.

Team confessional, Reggie and Dan.

Reggie: Dan managed to stump the guy he asked about the Coca-Cola place we had to go to.

Dan: It didn't matter; we were so far ahead of last place that we could afford to take our time.

Cut to Charlie and Derek, currently in first place, on the road to Kgalagadi Park.

Charlie: So what you're telling me is that you drive like a f------ idiot because it gets us ahead of the other teams?

Derek: Do you see any other teams around here? Other teams have people that can't drive, so we have to capitalize.

Charlie: Looks like we have someone who can't drive, too.

Derek: And just who the hell's getting us here?

Charlie: Hey, we're here.

Derek: And you doubted me for what reason?

Cut to Jeffrey and Bryan, currently in seventh place, at the Kgalagadi plant.

Bryan: Drive yourselves to Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park.

Jeffrey: We're driving a lot here in Africa.

Bryan: Better than counting on trains and taxis.

Cut to Spike and Jennifer, currently in second place.

Jennifer: Look, Spike, I think you made a lot of progress here on the Race.

Spike: I'm really trying.

Jennifer: I know. I think I could give our relationship another try.

Spike: Wow.

Jennifer: What?

Spike: After everything I did to you, you want to stay with me?

Jennifer: Spike, you had a rough life.

Spike: That's no excuse for everything I did to you. I cheated on you, what, a few hundred times in four years?

Jennifer: I shut you out. I spent all my time worrying about my career while you were out living life.

Spike: You made the money, Jen. I spent my money on cigarettes and stuff we didn't need. And now I've realized something. I didn't try to do it on my own because you did it for me. I just went crazy when I was with you.

Jennifer: Everyone needs to live sometimes, Spike. I'm not upset. I'm glad you did what you did.

Spike: I'm not happy with myself. I took you away from a great guy.

Jennifer: I was in a rut.

Spike: I blackmailed you.

Team confessional, Spike and Jennifer.

Spike: When I first met Jennifer, I turned her from this nice, model citizen into as much of a wild girl as I thought I could make her.

Jennifer: I was boring up to that point, and I hated it. So I let Spike do things to me that I wouldn't otherwise dream of doing.

Cut to Spike and Jennifer.

Jennifer: I'm glad you did.

Spike: I still hate myself for it. I tried to make you something you're not, and I tore you away from your family.

Jennifer: You didn't do anything I didn't let you do. I've made my decision about us, Spike. I think we can make it work.

Spike (tearing up): I don't. I...I just don't. I'm s-sorry I h-hurt you, Jen.

Jennifer: You didn't hurt me. Why don't you want to be with me--

Spike (exasperated): Because you're not a lesbian, Jen.

Jennifer: So?

Spike: I knew full well that night you were straight, and I seduced you and took you away from you fiancé.

Jennifer: What the hell are you saying?

Spike: I'm saying that I broke you and your fiancé up just because I wanted a girlfriend and didn't care how I got one. I didn't care who you were or how straight you were; you looked stable and I needed someone.

Jennifer looks long and hard at Spike.

Jennifer (shouting): You f------ bitch! You ruined my f------ life and made my parents look down on me just for your own needs? I don't f------ believe this! F------ hell!

Jennifer seethes as Spike buries her head in her hands, sobbing.

The screen cuts to commercial.

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Colonel Zoidberg 3370 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

06-02-08, 11:29 AM (EST)
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2. "The Amazing Race: Expedition Episode 8 - "Now Let's See Your Insanity Pay Off""
Blog Entry, 10/30/2008
Authored by: Ron "Blazer" Macklin, punkrockliveshere

Count me as one of about five people who wasn't shocked by Spike's revelation about her relationship with Jennifer. When Jennifer broke up with her, Spike told me everything, right down to how she threatened to tell Jennifer's family and her fiancé about their relationship if she didn't keep it up. Eventually, they got close enough to live as roommates and possibly even friends, and Jennifer felt sorry enough for Spike to stay with her.

This is why Jennifer was ripped out of her head for most of the first year of their relationship - she felt obligated to be intimate with Spike and seemed only to be comfortable with it when she was drunk. It's also why she looked the other way when Spike was picking up girls here. I guess she just decided that enough was enough, and when Jennifer said she needed to "figure a few things out," Spike crashed at my place for a few nights and told me everything, including, "Just so we're clear, Blazer, you have absolutely no chance of dating me."

I love the girl. I am trying for it not to be like that, though. It's just hard to find what my role is with her, though; given that she considers her father a saint, I can't exactly take his place and don't care to. Besides, I saw how much trouble Evel Dick had with his beautiful, rebellious daughter, and I was very happy not to have any kids. But I realized that she needs me.

Sunday night, she disappeared for a few hours during her shift; on Sundays, she's usually gone from about halftime of the Sunday night football game until maybe halfway through the fourth quarter. She's usually gone for an hour or two every night, but when it was 11:30 and she wasn't back, I got worried. She Spike's a pretty big Seahawks fan, and the game was good, so I wasn't sure what was going on.

So I followed her when she left after the Race on Wednesday. I hated to do it, but I did what I suppose any concerned punk dad would do. I had a hunch something was wrong - or maybe all too right and she didn't want me or anyone to know. OK, so I didn't really hold out any hope for the last possibility.

Good thing I didn't. When I got there, Spike was there with another girl and a weird-looking guy, and they were in, let's just say, a severely altered mental state, at least more so than when she came back from her long breaks. I always thought Spike might have a drug problem, but I trusted her because she had always been honest with me before. It absolutely broke my heart to see her getting high and lying to me about it.

Her casual drug use didn't bother me. She did ecstasy, pot, alcohol, and the occasional line of cocaine, and since I've done a few drugs in my day, I couldn't tell her not to. This time, though, she was shooting heroin, and this clearly wasn't the first time. I tried to pull her away, but she kept telling me that she needed it "to stop the pain."

I called Finn, my assistant manager, and had him take over for the evening while I got Spike to my place. As she came down from her high, she completely broke down and told me how horrible she felt for betraying my trust. She said she felt even worse because she couldn't tell me what drove her to her addiction - but it wasn't Jennifer.

I checked her into rehab this morning, and on the way in, she thanked me and said she loved me. I told her I would do anything I could to help her stay clean, just as long as she didn't turn into one of those damn born-again Christians. She smiled and told me that they could tell her all about religion but couldn't make her believe. No amount of religion could bring her father back. That's what she always told me for why she doesn't believe in God. And then, before she left, she kissed me.

Then she said, "That doesn't mean we're a couple, Blazer." Damn.

Back from commercial.

Jennifer (shouting): I don't f------ believe this! F------ hell!

Jennifer seethes as Spike buries her head in her hands, sobbing.

Team confessional, Spike and Jennifer.

Spike: I was a wild girl after I left home. I blackmailed Jen into staying with me because I just wanted a girlfriend. I didn't care how I got one.

Jennifer: I knew that Spike was rough around the edges and wasn't sure how to get what she wanted, but when she told me she broke me and my male fiancé up on purpose, I just felt...used.

Spike: I didn't try to use Jen. I just wasn't very responsible.

Cut to Spike and Jennifer, who are entering the marked path at Kgalagadi Park.

Jennifer: Look, Spike, this was four years ago. I know why you did what you did.

Spike (still crying): I-I--

Jennifer: I forgive you, Spike. I'm glad we spent all this time together. You're a fantastic girl. I think we'll always be friends.

Team confessional, Spike and Jennifer.

Jennifer: I never see Spike cry unless she's talking about her dad. She was hurting, and I couldn't have a hurting Spike. When she hurt, I started to hurt, and this is a race for a million dollars.

Spike: I tried to compose myself, but I knew this was definitely looking like a rough leg for us.

Cut to Alex and Elena, currently in third place, training Spike and Jennifer; Carrie and Dana, currently in fourth place, are close behind.

At the end of the marked path, Charlie and Derek, currently in first place, reach the clue; Derek opens it.

Derek: Fast Forward.

Cut to Phil at a nearby village.

Phil: There's only one Fast Forward on any given leg of the Race, and once a team uses a Fast Forward, that team can never use another one for the rest of the Race. In this Fast Forward, that team must come to this village and participate in a simulation of the method of hunting that the natives use by shooting an arrow at this gazelle-shaped moving target. Upon completing this task, the team can then skip all remaining tasks and proceed directly to the Pit Stop.

Cut to Charlie and Derek.

Derek: Let's save the Fast Forward.

Charlie: All right. What's next?

Derek: Roadblock. Who's got a photographic memory?

Cut to Phil on a safari trail.

Phil: in this Roadblock, the chosen player will have three minutes to study five pictures of animals. Then they will be given a camera and be instructed to take a picture of each of those animals. After they turn in their pictures to the safari guide, he will hand them their next clue. If a team forgets what animals they are looking for, they can ask for more time to study the pictures; however, for every minute they take, they will incur a 10-minute penalty to be enforced after they are finished.

Cut to Charlie and Derek.

Charlie: I need to do one.

Derek: Have fun.

Team confessional, Charlie and Derek.

Charlie: My attention to detail is pretty good after being in the Navy so long, so I decided to so this Roadblock.

Derek: And my attention to detail may not be so good after getting my bell rung on the hockey rink for so long.

Cut to Spike and Jennifer, Alex and Elena, and Carrie and Dana at the clue box; Jennifer, Elena, and Dana all open the clues.

Jennifer: You need to do this.

Elena: I got it.

Dana: I'll do this.

Cut to Reggie and Dan, currently in eighth place, arriving at the Kgalagadi plant.

Reggie: Drive yourselves to Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park.

Dan: Glad we're not in last and we drive like sane people.

Cut to Bobby and Caroline, last to depart at 11:50 am.

Caroline: Go to where this logo directs you.

Bobby: And I have no sense of direction. Good luck, Bobby and Caroline.

Team confessional, Bobby and Caroline.

Caroline: We left almost four hours after the first-place team, and even if there's a Fast Forward, we can't use it. So we're probably going to have a tough go of it.

Bobby: Plus the Toll Booth. But if we work fast enough, we can make up 30 minutes.

Cut to Kgalagadi Park; Charlie, Spike, Elena, and Dana are at the Roadblock. Charlie is out in a Jeep with a camera; Spike, Elena, and Dana are studying the pictures, which are of an antelope, a zebra, a wildebeest, a lion, and a cheetah.

Charlie uses his camera, which has a conspicuous Kodak logo on it, and snaps a picture of a running wildebeest.

Charlie: I wish this thing would focus. Or those damn wildebeests would hold still.

The picture comes off the camera, and it captures the wildebeest but cuts off the tail end.

Charlie: I hope they take it if the legs are cut off - ooh, a cheetah!

Charlie snaps the picture, and as it comes off the camera, it captures the cheetah's head and front half.

Spike, Elena, and Dana are soon out in Jeeps; there are few animals visible, but Dana snaps a picture of an antelope.

As it comes off the camera, however, there is no antelope in view.

Dana: Damn.

(confessional) Dana: One thing I learned about the animals out there is that they're really fast. If I were trying to take a video, I could do it, but photographs were tough to come by.

Cut to Kgalagadi Park; Charlie has a picture of a lion to go with the cheetah and wildebeest, and he appears to spot an antelope.

Behind him, another Jeep pulls up; Elena snaps the picture of the antelope, and Charlie misses it.

A quick pan to Spike shows that she has a picture of a cheetah and is near a wildebeest; she picks up the camera and snaps it.

(confessional) Spike: I didn't really pay much attention in school, so I really had no idea what I was snapping. I don't know what the hell a wildebeest is, but I can say I've taken a picture of one.

Cut to the entrance; Hayley and Alexis, currently in fifth place, are arriving, and Alexis runs up and opens the clue.

Alexis: Roadblock. Who's got a photographic memory? I'll do it.

Cut to the Roadblock; Charlie has all the pictures except for the antelope.

An antelope dashes near his Jeep; another Jeep rolls up and takes a picture of the antelope. Charlie misses again.

Dana peers over the other Jeep with three other pictures in her hand. Elena pulls up and snaps a picture of a cheetah.

Soon, Alexis drives by and takes a picture of that cheetah, nabbing a picture of the antelope at the same time.

(confessional) Alexis: I caught right up to the other teams at the Roadblock, and pretty soon, they were eating my dust.

Cut to the Roadblock; Alexis has all the pictures but the lion. Charlie is missing the antelope, Dana the cheetah, Spike the lion, and Elena the zebra and wildebeest.

Alexis spots the lion in the distance, as does Spike. Alexis, however, pulls her Jeep out in front of Spike, blocking her view.

Alexis takes the picture; Spike is unable to.

Alexis speeds back to the safari guide while a frustrated Spike tries to take the picture.

(confessional) Spike: That bitch Alexis pulled out in front of me and kept me from taking the picture I needed. I'm ready to f------ kill her.

Cut to Kgalagadi Park; Spike pulls up and takes the picture of the lion. She speeds back to the safari guide, where Alexis is joined by Hayley and getting her clue.

Spike: Nice going blocking my view, you f------ bitch.

Alexis: You're just mad because you didn't think of it first, f-----.

Spike: Eat s--- and die, slut.

Spike stares down Alexis as she and Hayley open the clue, which is handed to her as Jennifer joins her.

Alexis: Drive yourselves to Tshabong--

Cut to Phil in front of Tshabong Primary Hospital.

Phil: Teams must drive themselves to Tshabong, the capital of Botswana, South-Western district, and find Tshabong Primary Hospital, where they will find their next clue.

Cut to Hayley and Alexis, currently in first place.

Hayley: What's with those bitches?

Alexis: Spike's a f------ sore loser; that's all.

Spike angrily rips her clue open.

Spike: Drive yourselves to Tshabong and find Tshabong Primary Hospital.

Jennifer: So when do we kill the bitches?

Spike: Soon.

Spike and Jennifer angrily stare down Hayley and Alexis as they pull away.

The screen cuts to commercial.

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Colonel Zoidberg 3370 desperate attention whore postings
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06-02-08, 11:30 AM (EST)
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3. "The Amazing Race: Expedition Episode 8 - "Now Let's See Your Insanity Pay Off""
Blog Entry, 10/30/2008
Authored by: Judith Sparks, girlpowercluberis

I really hate to say I hope Hayley and Alexis didn't win. After all, they are still my friends, but when your friends are doing something stupid, you have to stop them. They stopped me when I wouldn't leave my abusive boyfriend. And I've tried to stop them as they slip down the dangerous path of abuse themselves - except, as I said, they're the perpetrators, not the victims.

I've done everything I can. Their boyfriends dropped the charges against them and moved back in with them, and when I saw them yesterday, they both looked like hell. I asked Alexis' boyfriend a question, and he literally whispered in Alexis' ear before she answered for him. Hayley backhanded her boyfriend at least eight times, and neither guy spoke unless spoken to first. My ex wasn't even that controlling.

I finally told them both point-blank - either stop acting like bitches or I'll fire them both from the club. Granted, I can't do that; I can just buy them out, but they'll have to take it - Alexis got suspended again for using excessive force on a suspect, and Hayley is in severe danger of losing her job. So I signed them up for anger management. Clearly the gym and the club are not helping them blow off enough steam; even treating their boyfriends like punching bags isn't enough.

All right, so I hatched a crazy plan, and I'm about to find out if it worked - I paid four of the bouncers to help me out. They're going to do to the boyfriends exactly what Hayley and Alexis did to me. We'll see how the girls like a taste of their own medicine, and we'll see how they get along when thye don't have anyone they can abuse. At least I figure that they guys will come to their senses. Seeing their girlfriends in jail didn't seem to help. Maybe this will make them come to their senses.

Ah, that's the doorbell. That should be my bouncers with the guys. This ought to be fun.

Back from commercial.

Jennifer: So when do we kill the bitches?

Spike: Soon.

Spike and Jennifer angrily stare down Hayley and Alexis as they pull away.

Team confessional, Spike and Jennifer.

Spike: I flat-out don't like Florida. I'd work with those bastards from Ohio before I'd go near Florida again.

Jennifer: Well, I don't know about that.

Spike: I do. At least Ohio did something gutsy. These bitches just did something passive-aggressive.

Cut to Kgalagadi Park; Tina and Jim are at the clue box, and Jim opens the clue.

Jim: Roadblock. Who has a photographic memory? I got it.

Cut to Kgalagadi Park; an antelope runs out after the Jeeps.

Jim picks up the camera and snaps the picture; Charlie does the same.

A picture comes off a camera; a hand grabs a developed picture of an antelope.

Jim takes it and drives after a zebra.

Charlie takes his picture and looks over it; it has the antelope in it.

He pumps his fist and drives to the safari guide; Derek joins him as they take their next clue.

Charlie: Drive yourselves to Tshabong and find Tshabong Primary Hospital.

Arriving at the front of the park are Jeffrey and Bryan; Jeffrey opens the clue.

Jeffrey: Fast Forward. Do you want to go for it?

Bryan: No. I want to hang onto it.

Jeffrey: All right. Roadblock. Who has a photographic memory? I can do this.

Cut to the Roadblock; Elena has just snapped a picture of a wildebeest while Dana looks for a cheetah. Jim has all but the cheetah as Jeffrey arrives.

A cheetah dashes out in the open; Jim and Dana both snap a picture quickly.

The pictures develop as Elena drives off; both Jim and Dana captured the cheetah. Dana drives out first; Jim follows.

Elena is joined soon by Alex; Tina and Carrie join their partners as well.

Elena, Dana, and Jim: Drive yourselves to Tshabong and find Tshabong Primary Hospital.

Arriving at the front gate as Tina and Jim, Alex and Elena, and Carrie and Dana leave are Reggie and Dan, currently in eighth place. Reggie opens the clue.

Reggie: Fast Forward.

Dan: Let's go for it.

Reggie: We're a million miles ahead of Colorado.

Dan: And a million miles behind every other team. We need this.

Reggie: Let's see. We need to head to this village and shoot an arrow at a moving target.

Dan: It's just like playing darts. Let's do it.

Team confessional, Reggie and Dan.

Dan: I decided to go for the Fast Forward because I'm sick of bringing up the rear. We need a first-place trip for our foundation, and I figured this was our best chance.

Reggie: I didn't think of it that way, but Dan's right.

Cut to Broadhurst, where Bobby and Caroline are arriving at the bottling plant.

Bobby: Drive yourselves to Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park.

Caroline: Let's go.

Cut to the village where Reggie and Dan are attempting the Fast Forward; Dan has a bow and arrow, and Reggie is standing and waiting.

The target is shaped like an antelope and is moving quickly on a track.

Dan fires an arrow and misses.

Reggie: Let me try.

Dan: This is tougher than it looks.

Cut to Tshabong; Hayley and Alexis, currently in first place, arrive at the entrance.

Alexis: Detour. Kids or Grown-Ups?

Cut to Phil outside the hospital.

Phil: In this Detour, teams must choose between two jobs designed to help the local people of Botswana. Their choices? Kids or Grown-Ups.

Cut to a school area.

Phil: In Kids, teams must open a crate of school supplies and sort them into care packages for ten children. Some types of supplies will number more than ten; some will number less than ten and not go to any child. The task is not physical in nature, but teams without attention to detail could be stuck for a while.

Cut to Phil by the hospital loading dock.

Phil: In Grown-Ups, teams must load ten crates of medical supplies by hand from a delivery truck to several wards of the hospital. Once they have all ten receipts for the crates, the hospital receptionist will hand them their next clue. The task requires a lot of physical work, but teams that can carry the load will finish quickly.

Cut to Hayley and Alexis.

Alexis: We'll do Grown-Ups.

Hayley: Got it.

Behind them are Spike and Jennifer, currently in second place.

Jennifer: Detour. Kids or Grown-Ups?

Spike: Kids.

Jennifer: Let's go.

Cut to Kgalagadi Park; Jeffrey has a picture of every animal but the zebra.

Jeffrey (to herself): Damn zebras always causing problems.

A zebra runs by, and Jeffrey picks up the camera and snaps the picture.

The picture rolls off the camera, and on it is a zebra, though the nose is cut off.

Jeffrey speeds back to the safari guide, who hands her the clue as Bryan joins her.

Jeffrey: Drive yourselves to Tshabong and find Tshabong Primary Hospital.

Bryan: At least we're still in it.

Cut to the village; Dan has the bow and arrow again.

He fires an arrow but misses high.

Reggie: We've been doing this all day, it seems like.

Dan: But we only have to hit it once.

The target moves quickly as Dan winds up to shoot; the arrow hits the target in the ear.

Dan: Didn't say it had to be a lethal shot.

The village chief hands Dan the clue.

Dan: Drive yourselves to Kgalagadi Tent Camp--

Cut to Phil at the tent camp.

Phil: Having won the Fast Forward, Reggie and Dan may now proceed directly to the Pit Stop, Kgalagadi Tent Camp. This tourist stop in the eighth Pit Stop in the Amazing Race.

Cut to Reggie and Dan, currently in first place.

Reggie: That's right around the corner.

Cut to Tshabong Primary Hospital; Charlie and Derek, currently in fourth place.

Derek: Detour. Kids or Grown-Ups? We can do Grown-Ups.

Cut to Hayley and Alexis; both are carrying crates of supplies, one that says "EMERGENCY" on it and another that says "CANCER" on it.

Cut to Spike and Jennifer; they have each created piles for their supplies, some larger than others.

Spike: So wait, we have ten of these drawing kits and how many of those coloring books?

Jennifer: I counted thirteen. I think three are spare parts.

Team confessional, Spike and Jennifer.

Spike: We had a system right off where we just sorted everything and counted out how many we had of each.

Jennifer: Most things we had, there were ten of, but there were a few odd things. But we got them out of the way early.

Cut to the front entrance; Alex and Elena, currently in fifth place, pull in, with Tina and Jim right behind and Carrie and Dana pulling up the rear.

Alex: Detour. Kids or Grown-Ups? Kids, I think.

Jim: Kids. My knee's too bad for Grown-Ups.

Carrie: Kids.

Cut to Hayley and Alexis dropping off two crates marked for "HIV/AIDS"; the nurse hands them two receipts as they head to the front desk.

At a different part of the hospital, Charlie drops off a crate destined for "QUARANTINE" while Derek has one for "HIV/AIDS."

Hayley and Alexis hand their receipts to the front desk, where the receptionist hands them their clue.

Hayley: Drive yourselves back to Kgalagadi park and find the tent camp. Warning, last team to check in may be eliminated.

Cut to Bobby and Caroline, currently in last place, arriving at Kgalagadi Park; waiting for them is a sign that says "TOLL BOOTH."

Caroline: Welcome to the Toll Booth--

Cut to Phil standing in front of the Toll Booth.

Phil: The Toll Booth is this season's penalty for finishing last in a non-elimination leg. Having arrived in last place at two non-elimination legs in a row, the penalty this time is more severe.

Cut to Bobby and Caroline.

Caroline: In order to proceed, place one hundred American dollars in the envelope and put the envelope in the box where this note was found.

Caroline slips $100 into the envelope.

Caroline: From this point, if you do not finish in first place in this leg, you will incur a 60-minute penalty at the Pit Stop. Consider yourselves marked for elimination.

Bobby: So if we don't finish first, we're f-----.

Caroline: Yeah, pretty much.

Bobby: It was only $50 and a 30-minute penalty last time.

Caroline: And we had the Fast Forward.

Bobby: We're screwed.

Caroline: Yeah, pretty much.

Caroline looks through the envelope with frustration, bypassing the Fast Forward.

The screen cuts to commercial.

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Colonel Zoidberg 3370 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

06-02-08, 11:31 AM (EST)
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4. "The Amazing Race: Expedition Episode 8 - "Now Let's See Your Insanity Pay Off""
Blog Entry, 10/30/2008
Authored by: Rex Majors, stillaliveandkicking

Whatever's gotten into Carrie hasn't aired yet; that's for sure. The poor girl hasn't slept through the night in months, and she's taken more sick days at her job than she's taken in her entire career. She hasn't even slept in the same room with me since August because - get this - she says I'm "ashamed" of her. As if I could possibly be ashamed of someone as wonderful, intelligent, caring, and yes, divinely beautiful as Carrie.

She even cited my family as a reason why I might be ashamed of her, as if my racist uncle and cousin's opinion ever meant a damn thing to me. Apparently the fact that Carrie gave me a bone marrow transplant to save my life isn't good enough for those jerks, and apparently my philosophy of "to hell with them" isn't enough for Carrie.

I've tried. I leave her love notes in her e-mail all the time - we met over the internet and chatted by e-mail and the phone for a couple of months before we decided to meet. I almost hyperventilated when she sent me her picture - a cross between "my God, she's the most gorgeous woman on the planet by far" and "she's going to think I'm hideous." She thought I was "cute." Most people would be spit on for calling me cute. But Carrie could call me whatever she wanted.

Last Friday, I bought her dinner at the restaurant where we met. I remember that night...after a busy Friday, I waited for what felt like forever, and I was a total wreck through most of the evening. Finally, she said to me, "Look, Rex. I'm having a great time. Please loosen up and do the same." This time? She said, "Rex, you can't afford this." OK, so I was a TV producer when we met, and all I could find since I lost my job because of leukemia is in a call center, but I could take my girlfriend out for a nice evening if it got her spirits up.

It didn't. She still slept on the couch. She buried her face in the couch cushions and cried no matter how many times I told her I loved her and I wasn't ashamed of her (I lost count after about twenty and went to bed.) In the morning, I made her breakfast, but when I poured her some coffee, she refused it. Rather, she fearfully poured the whole pot of coffee out and ducked under the table, getting her breakfast everywhere. At least when she got better, she told me I saved her life.

I wish I knew what the hell was going on. Damn your contract, Bruckheimer.

Back from commercial.

Bobby: We're screwed.

Caroline: Yeah, pretty much.

Caroline looks through the envelope with frustration, bypassing the Fast Forward.

Team confessional, Bobby and Caroline.

Bobby: It was only $50 last time, and we didn't have to finish first. Aside from that, we had the Fast Forward then, and this time, someone else will no doubt get it, so we have to finish an hour ahead of someone.

Caroline: Well, there's only one thing to do.

Bobby: Give up?

Caroline: Shove it, Bobby.

Cut to Bobby and Caroline.

Caroline: Roadblock. Who has a photographic memory? I'll just do it.

Caroline frustratedly walks away as Bobby folds his arms.

Cut to the Pit Stop; Reggie and Dan are arriving on the mat as Phil is joined by a villager.

Greeter: Welcome to Kgalagadi Park.

Phil: Reggie and Dan...

Dan is wringing his hands; Reggie is eagerly anticipating the results.

Phil:'re team number ONE!

Both Reggie and Dan pump their fists and high-five; then they bump chest sand snort like pigs. Dan gives Phil a fist-pound.

Phil: Now I have some good news. As the winners of this leg of the Race, you have won a trip for two to Vancouver Island courtesy of Travelocity.

Reggie: At the start of the Race, we promised that any prizes we won would be auctioned off for our charities. Now we have something.

Phil: I think your charities will be very happy with this trip.

Reggie: I think so too.

Cut to Tshabong Primary Hospital; Spike and Jennifer have several kits put together, while Alex and Elena, Tina and Jim, and Carrie and Dana are working on theirs.

A quick pan to the entrance shows Jeffrey and Bryan, currently in eighth place, arriving.

Bryan: Detour. Kids or Grown-Ups? Grown-Ups looks too physical. Let's do Kids.

Jeffrey: I hate kids.

Bryan: Too bad, because we have three of them.

Cut to Kgalagadi Tent Park, where Hayley and Alexis are arriving at the mat.

Phil: Hayley and're team number two!

The two girls scream and exchange a high-five.

Phil: You guys have been near the bottom a lot. Is now a good time to get near the top?

Alexis: It's the right time to go to the top. We'll be winning a lot more trips before we get the million.

Soon after, Charlie and Derek arrive as Hayley and Alexis leave.

Phil: Charlie and're team number three!

Derek picks up Charlie and swings him around.

Phil: Derek, you're doing a lot better than at the end of the last leg.

Derek: I'm having a great time.

Phil: Glad to hear it.

Cut to Tshabong Primary Hospital; Spike and Jennifer are almost finished and have a pile of odds and ends.

Spike picks up several kits and hands them to a teacher, who looks through them; the teacher is smiling as Jennifer brings the remainder.

A quick look through the kits shows nothing unusual and all the kits look the same.

The teacher hands Spike the clue.

Spike: Drive yourselves to Kgalagadi Tent Park.

She wraps her arms around the teacher before leaving; the teacher continues to smile.

Jeffrey (to herself): F------ suck-up.

Bryan: Just do this and shut the hell up.

At the same time, Alex and Elena are near completion, following Spike and Jennifer's method of sorting items; Carrie and Dana, however, are putting together kits as they find items.

Carrie: Do we have any more of these pencil sets?

Dana: I haven't found any.

Carrie: We need to start taking them out.

Team confessional, Carrie and Dana.

Carrie: I thought it would be faster to just put the kits together as we went, but I think we just got more confused.

Dana: Usually I have a pretty good memory, but as close as Carrie and I are, I can't read her mind.

Carrie: So like I said, we got confused.

Cut to Tshabong Primary Hospital, where Alex and Elena are near completion, and Tina and Jim are making what appear to be complete kits.

Alex and Elena then take their kits to the teacher, who looks through them; before she finishes, Tina and Jim carry theirs over and hold them while they wait.

The teacher hands Alex the clue and begins to look through Tina and Jim's work. The teacher brushes her hand against Tina's arm on accident, and she appears to recoil in horror.

However, she hands her the clue.

Alex and Tina: Drive yourselves to Kgalagadi Tent Park.

Cut to the Pit Stop; Spike and Jennifer are arriving.

Phil: Spike and're team number four!

Jennifer warmly embraces Spike, who appears to be upset with herself.

Cut to Kgalagadi Park, where Caroline has taken four pictures but does not have a cheetah.

Caroline: How the hell do I photograph a damn cheetah?

(confessional) Caroline: I tried to get the cheetah, but they're so fast and they don't make themselves seen.

Cut to Caroline, who has spotted a cheetah.

She chases after the cheetah and snaps two pictures.

One of the pictures has the front half of the cheetah. Joyously, she drives back to meet the safari guide and grab the clue.

Caroline: Drive yourselves to Tshabong and find Tshabong Primary Hospital.

Cut to the Pit Stop; Alex and Elena are arriving.

Phil: Alex and're team number five!

Alex embraces Elena; Elena kisses him on the neck.

Soon after, Tina and Jim arrive.

Phil: Tina and're team number six!

Jim grabs his knee and exhales forcefully as Tina looks at him with concern.

Cut to Tshabong Primary Hospital, where Carrie and Dana are almost finished while Jeffrey and Bryan are putting kits together.

Carrie and Dana grab their kits and head over to the teacher, who begins to look through their kits. She still seems to smile.

She hands Carrie the clue.

Carrie: Drive yourselves to Kgalagadi Tent Park.

Jeffrey and Bryan grab their kits and head to the teacher; Jeffrey drops the kits at the teacher's feet. The teacher is no longer smiling as Jeffrey waits impatiently.

She frustratedly hands Bryan the clue.

Bryan: Drive yourselves to Kgalagadi Tent Park.

Jeffrey: Please tell me we're not sleeping in tents.

Cut to the Pit Stop, where Carrie and Dana are arriving.

Phil: Carrie and're team number seven!

Dana jumps into Carrie's arms; Carrie tears up slightly but keeps her composure.

Next to arrive are Jeffrey and Bryan.

Phil: Jeffrey and're team number eight!

Jeffrey does not respond; Bryan appears pleased.

Cut to Tshabong Primary Hospital, where Bobby and Caroline are arriving.

Caroline: Detour. Kids or Grown-Ups? Kids. I'm too tired to lift crates.

Cut to Kids, where Caroline is putting together kits while Bobby sits and does nothing.

Caroline: Bobby, can you help?

Bobby: What's the point? We're done for.

Caroline: I don't like your attitude.

Bobby: So it's mutual.

Team confessional, Bobby and Caroline.

Caroline: Bobby got frustrated and gave up at the Detour. I don't understand why he gives up when the going gets tough.

Bobby: This wasn't tough. It was impossible. We didn't have a prayer.

Cut to Caroline being handed the clue.

Caroline: Drive yourselves to Kgalagadi Tent Park.

Bobby: Well, here goes.

Cut to the Pit Stop; Bobby and Caroline take their places.

Greeter: Welcome to Kgalagadi Park.

Phil: Bobby and are the last team to arrive.

Caroline: We thought so.

Phil: I'm sorry to tell you that you have been eliminated from the Race.

Caroline: This was a rough time for us, but we made it.

Team confessional, Bobby and Caroline.

Caroline: I need to teach Bobby not to give up so easily. It's tough to see him throw in the towel as readily as he does.

Bobby: Maybe I do give up too easily, but it's hard. I just can't always do it.

Caroline: You can do it. You know you can.

Cut to Bobby and Caroline at the mat; they are standing tall and holding hands.

The credits begin to roll.

Phil (voice-over): Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

The screen cuts to commercial.

Episode 8: Elimination Station Summary
Authored by: Dr. Rage

And here I was thinking that Ray and Jamal would have the hardest time getting along at the Pit Stop. Bobby and Caroline spoke to each other on their way to Guam, sure, but nothing kind. Caroline called Bobby a quitter, a loser, and a wimp a lot of times, and Bobby called Caroline a bitch, a whiner, and a control freak a lot of times as well. The funny thing is, though, that they seem to be absolutely committed to staying together. Break up? Caroline isn't considering it, and Bobby the Jobless Wonder would have to be an idiot to think about it.

The other teams seemed about as happy to see them as they seemed to see each other. On one hand, they just directed the twosome up to their room and told them to make themselves comfortable, and then the other teams immediately went out to the beach without inviting the team from Denver. On the other hand, Eric was kind enough to deliver the highest compliment anyone could give: "At least it's not Jeffrey and Bryan."

The two were about as warm and friendly to each other the next day as expected, and everyone stayed out of their hair. Caroline tried to bring up the issue of how frustrated she is with Bobby's lack of gumption, about how he won't get a job, and about how his solution to his refusal to do housework boils down to "Just hire a maid." She ended up telling it to a house full of deaf ears after a while, and Kea walks away from her in mid-sentence. When Caroline takes exception, she replies, "I'm sorry; you must have been boring."

Bobby is a little better-received for two reasons, and one is that he isn't constantly harping on Caroline. What is he going to say, that she nags him about doing housework? That he's a slob? That he sits around watching TV in his underwear all day while she makes the money? Naturally, he's wise enough to keep his mouth shut about Caroline.

The second reason he's more well-received? The female sequesterees are enjoying the eye candy. Sure, Derek still ranks a clear #1 on the list of male contestants who are eye candy for the ladies (and to be fair, Steve said he thought Derek was a handsome guy, although he acknowledged that he likely wasn't Derek's type,) but the ladies are enjoying Bobby just as well. Aside from that, he spends most of the day in his underwear, and only Caroline seems to mind. The surprising choice for the most attractive female Race contestant? Jessica. Eric's vote helped a bit, but Ray and Jamal were floored that no one else picked Carrie or Dana.

Caroline also pulls a trick out of Ray's book - she claims that Bobby abuses her. This time, Darius acts in a more rational manner when he confronts Bobby, and Bobby, of course, denies the accusations and comes out of his room and angrily shouts Caroline down. The names he calls her are pretty revolting, but Caroline soon cracks up. Apparently she is capable of laughing. You see, when Bobby came out to yell at her, he was, predictably, in just his underwear. Caroline just couldn't take him seriously, and when Bobby figured out what Caroline was laughing about, he laughed, too.

Caroline apologizes to the house for making up the story about Bobby abusing her; she states emphatically that Bobby has never hit her and never tried. She did, however, joke that she's wanted to hit him on more than one occasion; a few people chuckled at that, but Darius sat with a dumb look on his face as if to be upset about the joke.

Eric and Jessica challenge Bobby and Caroline to a game of beer pong, and although Caroline refuses, Kea takes her place. In the spirit of the game, Kea strips to her bra and panties while Eric and Jessica put on each other's clothes. Kea said that she would have played strip beer pong, but Bobby only has one thing to take off.

Eric and Jessica win easily, and Bobby challenges Caroline to a game. The stakes are simple - if Caroline wins, Bobby has to spend the next 24 hours in normal clothes; if Bobby wins, Caroline goes to her underwear for that time. Clearly, Caroline doesn't have any idea what she's doing, as Bobby wins going away but tells Caroline she doesn't have to pay up, saying, "I'm just stoked I don't have to wear normal clothes." Kea marvels at just how much Bobby loves being in his underwear.

Bobby and Caroline predict that, before long, Reggie and Dan will be out; they needed the Fast Forward to win a leg, and according to Caroline, "they got what they came for, and that was a trip." They speculate that the trip will raise $3,000 for charity, but Steve points out that the fact that the flight would probably be international should drive the price up. He continues by saying that he hopes Reggie and Dan stay with it, or that at least another team follows their example and auctions off their trip for charity.

Caroline allows Bobby to sleep in her bed after a threat to make him sleep on the sofa. Bobby apparently decided not to snore as a way of thanking her.

Back from commercial.

Phil (voice-over): On the next episode of the Amazing Race...Alexis gets personal with Spike.

Spike: You have no right to talk to me like that! Never talk about me like that again!

Alexis: What can you do, bitch? I'll say what I want! You know I'm right!

Phil (voice-over): Teams reveal unexpected secrets.

Spike (sobbing): I-I don't like to t-talk ab-bout th-his.

Phil (voice-over): And several teams are in a life-or-death situation.

Charlie (nervously): This is the worst feeling in the world. Nothing compares to this.

Voice-over: Stay tuned for an all-new CSI: Miami coming up next.

Order of finish:

1. Reggie and Dan, 4:59 pm
2. Hayley and Alexis, 5:23 pm
3. Charlie and Derek, 5:24 pm
4. Spike and Jennifer, 5:41 pm
5. Alex and Elena, 5:52 pm
6. Tina and Jim, 5:53 pm
7. Carrie and Dana, 6:10 pm
8. Jeffrey and Bryan, 6:14 pm
9. Bobby and Caroline, 7:40 pm

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