LAST EDITED ON 05-11-14 AT 06:36 PM (EST)
The Pointless AllianceThis has been a weird season. All of that Brendon/Rachel drama the past two weeks, and then it ends up being the Cowboys who get screwed over. Strange. Gotta say, that bull Detour was pretty entertaining to watch, mostly for how absurdly physical it got. Its goofiness reminded me a little of the challenges they would have on The Mole back in the day, which is always a plus for me. Week 10 Results 1st place - Dave/Connor (2x) 2nd place - Brendon/Rachel (1.6x) 3rd place - Leo/Jamal (even) 4th place - Caroline/Jennifer (.4x) 5th place - Jet/Cord (0x) Neato.I apologize, I have to be brief this week as I am heading out of town tomorrow (returning Saturday night) and am trying to get this entry out the door. It was another hit-or-miss week overall... A bunch of decent scores, a bunch of flame outs. Unfortunately, the cowboys elimination ended up eliminating two more players, tribephyl and MzTee. They seemed like a safe bet, so it's a pretty understandable miss. Thanks for playing, both of you.  This week's Greatest Gainer Award goes to Jims03, who climbed 3 ranks overall. Nice job, me.The Perfect Bet Award also goes to Jims03 (1.8x), who made a decent Dave/Connor all-in (but whiffed on the bonus). Georganna (1.7x) had a great week too, nailing the bonus and doing a sneaky ignore team bet. Leaderboard 1. Georganna - 4646 (Leo/Jamal) 2. michiganlargefan - 3796 3. Yogi - 2778 (Leo/Jamal) 4. IanQuentin - 2044 (Brendon/Rachel) 5. flipxcyd01 - 1915 (Dave/Connor) 6. Jims03 - 1476 (Leo/Jamal) 7. louislam - 1297 8. Ontheroadagain1 - 1000 (Leo/Jamal) 9. coldbrewer - 938 10. taffnic - 722 11. Molaholic - 500 12. sarah12345 - 470 (Brendon/Rachel) 13. bbenz - 246 14. pepperz - 228 15. Chiubakka - 200 (Brendon/Rachel) 16. starshine - 192 17. tribephyl - 0 18. MzTee - 0 Georganna has taken the top spot in quite a fashion! We still have two weeks to go, so we'll see if that separation continues or if we're going to end up with another Final Jeopardy game theory finish. Week 11 Payout Table 1st place - 2x 2nd place - 1.3x 3rd place - .7x 4th place - 0xMax Individual Bet - 1000 points Ignore Price - 1x Nice round 1000 points. Note on Ignore TeamsThere will be no ignore teams in the finale week, and there will be no locked-out teams either. That means, if you ignore a team this week, you will be allowed to bet on that same team next week too. Because of this, I upped the Ignore Price up to 1x this final week (bringing 2nd place down to 1x if you ignore). Bonus Game - Consistency is KeyAfter recycling games constantly for several years now, here I am with an extra week and no bonus game. So I had to think of something new. This week, players may bet not only on where they will finish, but also whether they think teams will be Consistent or not. A "consistent" team is a team who: 1) Finishes the Detour... 2) Finishes the Roadblock... 3) Finishes the leg... ...All in the same ranking throughout the leg. It could be a team who just dominates the leg and finishes each individual component in 1st place. Or it could be a team that just drags behind the whole time. Or it could be that 2nd or 3rd place team. Who knows? Here's how it works. You'll place a bet of a certain number of points. The max bet in this game is 150 points. And then you can make Consistent predictions on as many teams as you want. You can bet that they'll be either consistent or inconsistent. The more teams you make predictions for, the higher the potential payout. But if you get a single one of your predictions wrong, you lose the entire bet and score 0x. So there's a risk-reward factor here. Remember, the wager amount is for a group of teams, kind of like in the SAME/DIFFERENT game. A sample wager could look like: Bonus Game - 150 points Dave/Connor - Consistent Caroline/Jennifer - Inconsistent Here's the Payout Table for this game. Consistent Payout Table All 4 Correct - 10x All 3 Correct - 7x All 2 Correct - 4x All 1 Correct - 2x At Least One Wrong - 0xMax Bet - 150 points TAR24 Teams Remaining Brendon/Rachel Caroline/Jennifer Dave/Connor Leo/Jamal Good luck! 