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"Airline tickets and such"
michiganlargefan 14 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
03-31-14, 06:28 PM (EST)
1. "RE: Airline tickets and such" |
The only time I really remember Customs being shown and mentioned was TAR2 leg 3.
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kingfish 17178 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
04-01-14, 08:16 AM (EST)
3. "RE: Airline tickets and such" |
LAST EDITED ON 04-01-14 AT 08:17 AM (EST)Whenever I travel I elbow my way past other travelers to get to the ticket agent and tell them that I'm on TAR and have to get a seat near the door on the next fastest flight to wherever. And whenever I take a taxi I tell the driver "Fast! Fast! Fast!" and "Pass those guys!", and "I'm in a race with other teams and there will be an extra buck if you can get me there first". And when filling up at gas stations I always yell "Green Green Green!" and push other cars out of my way. OK, I don't do these things, I just live in my fantasy world while waiting patiently in line, or drowse in the back seat of the cab. Even in my fantasies I'm a cheapskate. I've always wondered why they don't show them going thru customs. That's a major delay in international travel, and has surely been a source of frustration for some teams. However there is probably a prohibition against filming customs agents at most airports.
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AyaK 10322 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
04-14-14, 04:19 PM (EST)
6. "RE: Airline tickets and such" |
Wow, I'm amazed that, for a change, I actually have useful information on this topic.First, TAR does indeed prebook sometimes. You'll see that whenever you have two-tier flights out of a city. Some of that is caused by the airlines refusing to permit prebooking of enough seats to accomodate everyone. In addition, TAR generally requires teams to go through travel agents now, because they won't permit booking to be done directly at the airport except for nonstop flights. That's what happened to Margie and Luke -- they also wanted to try the short connection that Brenchel used, but the airlines wouldn't permit them to book that at the terminal . . . and the TAR producers wouldn't let them use a workaround. Customs is indeed a nightmare. Back in season 1, though, TPTB at TAR decided that they weren't going to try to film traveling through customs because of the risk that it would be misinterpreted as a hostile action AND because it would dramatize the role of pure, random luck in the show. Yes, customs can be a huge factor, but that's part of the reason why all the traveling is done at the start of the episode now -- to give teams at least a theoretical chance to catch up after customs disasters (which do happen but are never discussed on the show).
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mikey 1147 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"
04-16-14, 09:57 AM (EST)
9. "RE: Airline tickets and such" |
If speed of getting through customs is an issue, I wonder if Leo and Jamal have a harder time than the rest of the teams? This may vary by what country they are visiting, but I would think they might be at a particular disadvantage if they made it to the final leg when they would be flying to the US.
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