LAST EDITED ON 10-09-24 AT 09:45 AM (EST)Thought I would write some thoughts down. Please chime in! At Gato,Yellow : Sam vs Anika. These two are getting most of the confessionals/air time. Andy is still getting air time and we see him in the preview promo. Sam + Sierra + Andy. On the other end of the spectrum is Anika + Rachel + Sierra aka breadwinners alliance. (ETA)Anika lied to the group but confided to Rachel and Sierra that she lost her vote for the next TC. Sierra is riding in the middle. Seems to me the next one out could be Anika. But, she brings a lot to the puzzle table. With the vid caps and it sure seems that Sams throwing skills and Anika and Rachel's puzzle prowess that Yellow may be winning the IC. At RED, Luvo:Rome vs Sol. Rome is still extremely arrogant and apparently acting like the dictator of the tribe. He's used his one time idol. Teeny knows he has a steal a vote. Her number one is Kishan. It looks like Sol will be the next to go. BUT, if Teeny, Kishan, Genivieve, and Sol all vote for Rome to go, he's toast. Question is will Genivieve go with Teeny/Kishan or will she go with Rome? The story at Red revolves around Rome and what all the others will do to manage him and their own survival. Sol is on the bottom, but if he goes on a journey and finds an idol or gets an advantage it could save him? If it's not Sol, who could it be? If he goes on the journey perhaps Rome would play his steal a vote on Sol, and then throw votes at his next name on the hit list, who I think would be Teeny. He confided in her re: his advantage find and she went directly to others and showed them where it was, he caught her. We know his numero uno is Genivieve, and we know that Teeny's numero uno is Kishan. At BLUE, Tuku Gabe wants Kyle with them. Gabe's number one, Sue, however wants Kyle gone. Sue and Caroline are tight. If Sue and Caroline go with Gabe they could vote out Tyanna. But, it seems that Kyle doesn't want Tyanna to go? In the previews, there is some drama surrounding Sue. Did she find an advantage or idol clue that contained paint? Or, is it really blood? ETA. We see Sue in promo, secret scene searching for an idol. I bet she finds one, fyi. We will also have 3 other daws going on the journey, to gain an advantage or to lose a vote. over the advantages and disadvantages. Let them just survive, please. 