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"S39|Ep 4|East Coast Spoiler Thread"
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

10-16-19, 08:02 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
"S39|Ep 4|East Coast Spoiler Thread"
All commentary regarding the episode that airs tonight will remain in this thread until the show has aired in its entirety on the West Coast. Have PHUN!
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  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Plan Z Flowerpower1 10-16-19 1
 Will Noura be the caller? Flowerpower1 10-16-19 2
 Have a feeling Vokai will be losers... Flowerpower1 10-16-19 3
 RE: S39|Ep 4|East Coast Spoiler Thr... michel2 10-16-19 4
   RE: S39|Ep 4|East Coast Spoiler Thr... Flowerpower1 10-16-19 6
 Maybe it will be Dean? Flowerpower1 10-16-19 5
 Tribal Council.... Flowerpower1 10-16-19 7
 Next time on Survivor.... Flowerpower1 10-16-19 8
   The Vote michel2 10-16-19 9
       RE: The Vote Flowerpower1 10-17-19 10

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

10-16-19, 08:18 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
1. "Plan Z"
Return from TC, night 8 at Lairo

You understand what happened, right? No hard feelings, it's a game
Karishma: Tonight at TC I had a gut instinct that I was going out, luckily I was plan B, but I still got 3 votes, that tells me that to th is tribe I am expendable, unless something drastic happens My life is about to go out....easy peasy done

Aaron: I know how Karishma feels, but now I feel Like I am calling the shots, there are other people on my radar, Dean and Chelsea are too damn close, a power couple, has to get squashed.

Next AM....Elaine tells Dean andChelsea that they are perfect, they slept together not he first date

DEan in conf: Chelsea is a cutie, I am drawn to her...
Chelsea tells elaine it always messes up peoples game

Missy and Aaron on the beach talking...
Missy: dean and Chelsea are snuggling up, always need more than one plan, me and Aaron have alot in common, we are willing to make a big move, maybe we do get rid of Dean, get the sorority sisters back together

Karishma, she's annoying as hell right now, but I will survive her, tells Missy to Aaron

At Vokai...they are all going to fish except Jamal.
Jamal: I could not shake this feeling that gets implanted in your bones when you are one of two people left out of a vote....If I didn't look for an idol right now I'd be stupid...dealing with change was my mo in the last 2 years. end of a relationship, lesson I learned was how to take things in stride, don't get to o worked up about things, be here in space and time, connect in here and now, moments reveal themselves to you and he DOES find the idol....he's laughing, there it is in all its glory...

It is really awesome to find an idol, especially with a tribe that thinks they are in control fo me.

A boat approaches when they are all back at camp....Tommy of you must come to the I of the I's. Must be unanimous...or draw from the bag. Kellee is worried, can ruin her game or may get closer.

Jamal: most players feel it will put a target on your back. Lauren in conf does not want to go. Jason comments. Tommy: My whole game is lowering my threat level. Noura says that she will go. We are here to play this game, I am a risk taker, it's a no brainer, I want to go...

she sees the idols...then she sees them....I don't think she knows who they are, lol

BR and Sandra, super to meet them in person...these are experts that are coming to you...have you eaten anything? He offers her watermelon....I am not a typical S player, Indeed these guys....Rob tells her, everyone gets a lesson, it's about the art of persuasion...a very imp have to understand that persons motivation.

It has to line up with something that they want....if you can figure out what this person wants persuading them should be easy...can appeal to some one's ego, see Parvati....could try to scare someone to get what you want...or start a rumor...what about this for that...Opportunity to test....we have some insight into your next immunity challenge, the tribe will be blindfolded, one person will be caller, persuade your tribe to let you be the caller....if they let you be the caller you will get an advantage to block the vote of another player, if they don't let you be the caller, then you will lose your votes.

Noura says she will do it...Sandra: she didn't give it must thought, she just jumped on it...

BR: In my opinion, she is the last person to be the caller, this is S her perception reality, he says to Sandra

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

10-16-19, 08:24 PM (EST)
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2. "Will Noura be the caller? "
BR and Sandra think she's a fail....hmmmm?

She returns to camp....Noura: When I hit the beach, I had a big group, basically I get there and get an advantage in the next immunity challenge,e you all have to agree to let me be the caller, then I will get an advantage that will help you and your tribe.

Noura tells them that she will tell them the hint to the challenge if they agree to let her be the caller...

Dan: Noura presents us with a bizarre thing....
Jamal: explain to the tribe why you get the caller...
Tommy says that she could pick her role in the challenge
Kellee: pressure is off of me, I could not tell you guys this info unless I get to choose what I get to do...
Noura: they are not believing in me, I will be good, if we are practicing ahead of time....
See them practice, see Dan blindfolded and
Lauren says a blind man can see that Noura doesn't belong on the caller.
If Lauren is the caller and we lose then she will be out. If she insists being the caller then she better follow through or it will be her a$$

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

10-16-19, 08:33 PM (EST)
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3. "Have a feeling Vokai will be losers....bye Noura"
They arrive at the challenge...Caller leads blindfolded members through a course, get three sets of keys to solve a puzzle.

Vokai says that they want Noura to sit out....this is a freaking night mare

Elizabeth and Jason are the callers

Jason sending them all out together, then Elizabeth is sending out three pairs. Elaine and Tom, Chelsea and Dean

Vokai has an early lead...find a key and unhook it...Lairo has their first key, Tommy has two keys....Dean and Chelsea....and now vokai has all three keys, off to a fast lead great leadership by Jason...

Missy and Karishma are not able to they get another key....Dean and Chelsea looking for final key...

Vokai is back and doing the puzzle....Jason has the pieces, now they have the key...

Kellee is doing the puzzle

Vokai is working on puzzle...Elizabeth leading the tribe back to the puzzle table.

Vokai with a huge lead

Jason is very calm during this piece of the challenge. Jason has to direct Kellee with the puzzle while she is blindfolded....

Aaron is doing the puzzle now with Elizabeth. Elizabeth hs not panicked....Jason doesn't know if it's right, Elizabeth has shown great leadership.....And Lairo thought they had it but it's not right, and now Jason has it...Vokai wins

Lairo will go to TC....

No TC tonight for Vokai

Lairo, somebody will be the fourth voted out. See Dean. Missy says everyone thinks that Karishma is a dead fish in the water abut I will keep her safe...

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michel2 4059 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-16-19, 08:39 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: S39|Ep 4|East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Forcing Noura to sit out has to be one of the dirtiest but funniest trick a tribe has ever pulled on someone.
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

10-16-19, 08:47 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
6. "RE: S39|Ep 4|East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Forcing Noura to sit out has to be one of the dirtiest but funniest trick a tribe has ever pulled on someone.<[/b>


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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

10-16-19, 08:46 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
5. "Maybe it will be Dean?"
So far there has been no mention of Tom. Seems to be the choice is Karishma or Dean?

Noura loses a vote. LOL. Jason did a great job but so did Elizabeth.

Elizabeth apologizes....we put you in that position....Karishma: once again I am at the bottom, I am expecting a unanimous vote against me...who is the common denominator, it's me, I don't want to go home...this tribe is a bunch of pansies

See Tom and Chelsea talk
Dean: Karishma's name has been out there, she doesn't contribute in camp or challenges, tonight will not be a blindside
Chelsea tells her to go out swinging....
Chelsea: I know she doesn't have an idol, I have good relationships with people especially dean and that will take me far in this game
Elizabeth is crying she feels so bad because they are in this position because of me...

Aaron wants Dean gone, he's got Chelsea in his back pocket, he's gotta go, his resume is garbage,
Elizabeth pitched voting out Dean...why should I give Karishma getting farther in this game while Karishma is taking a nap...she is not ready to see Dean go, you have to look before you leap and I don't think that getting rid of Dean is good for my game.

Elizabeth tells Elaine that Aaron wants to go for Dean...
Elaine feels that Aaron is shady
Elaine says it's insane, Aaron you sneaky bastard, willing to cut the throat of his friend what will he do to me.
Elizabeth tells Aaron that Elaine is not on board.
Aaron: I am the only one that wants to play this game we are headed down a road of disaster....
Missy: this tribe has a lot of sheep on it and not will to make a move, I am here to play this game and kick some butt....I need a name that no one is completely attached to. See Missy and Elaine....if it is too scary to get rid of dean then will it be Chelsea?
Elaine: Missy is something else, literally she iw willing to drop names on a dime. with these yahoos you don't know what they are going to do . But it is real gut check time!

WOW, what a cluster. I don't see one solid person they agree to vote for!

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

10-16-19, 08:58 PM (EST)
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7. "Tribal Council...."
Night 11, Tribal

Scary music is playing, drums, tribal

So chelsea: day 11, 2 TC's, what does this say for this group, we suck at puzzles, but the line has not been drawn in the sand yet
Karishma says nobody wants to talk to me. See Missy shake her head
Elaine: Listen I stay lost, these people are moving fast, I don't really know what is gong on, Sandra says that one never knows what is going on
Dean ....
Chelsea: never throw the towel in, if you stop for a second you can put a little seed of doubt in
Aaron: sure you say one little thing it can blossom
Eliz: I thought we were going in with a clear plan, but evolved in to 2, 3, 4 plans...
Elaine says what if you were plan Z

Missy: We are playing Russian Roulette, it will hit someone
Karishma: if yousay you are a puzzle maker than do it...
Missy calls Karishma out
If you are voted out would you rather it be a blindside
Karisham says she would rather be a blindside
Elaine: blindsides are a part of the game, but if it is you walking out...
Missy: If I were to cut anyone, we don't know these people, we are in the dirt together but....
Chelsea when you pull off a blindside, your inner self smiles, but I wouldn't want to be blindsided...but I like it
BR says it could be anybody!

Hmmmm? I think it might be Karishma?

Missy last voter

No one plays the HII


WOW!!!! I was seriously blindsided....

Good luck guys

So much for the women alliance

Jiffy: Well, I guess that was plan Z

Can't wait to see who voted for her? All of the guys and Karishma?

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

10-16-19, 09:05 PM (EST)
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8. "Next time on Survivor...."
Jiffy; Next time on Survivor
Jiffy: n a game of lies...
Dean to Missy: You are talking a lot of nonsense right now
Missy: Yeah Dean, I took your girlfriend out of this game
Jiffy: New battle lines are drawn....drop your buffs
Elaine: We don't know these people, we can't trust them
Jason: There is so much danger...
Karishma: I need to flip on Lairo

Chelsea: Karishma
Dean: Karishma
Karishma: Chelsea
Elaine: Chelsea
Aaron: Chelsea
Missy: Chelsea
Tom: Chelsea

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michel2 4059 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-16-19, 09:18 PM (EST)
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9. "The Vote"
What exactly did this accomplish? Missy had nothing to worry about from Chelsea even if she was close to Dean. At this stage (and by that I mean before Final 5 or 7) being close to a pair is an advantage more than a problem.

As for Elizabeth and Elaine they didn't vote against Dean because they didn't want to upset Chelsea so what did they get out of this? They had a solid 5 person alliance and they simply blew it up just for the fun of a blindside.

It seems that this vote was only good for Karishma...

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

10-17-19, 08:58 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
10. "RE: The Vote"
LAST EDITED ON 10-17-19 AT 08:59 AM (EST)

Couldn't agree more, michel. Chelsea brought far more to the table then Karishma or Dean, imo. I think Aaron became Missy's plan B, and he was the one that drove the break the couple up. All the girls had to do was to stick together.

I am beginning to see how Karishma could make it to the end as a major league goat....ugh! Missy choosing to keep Karishma will bite them all if she jumps to Vokai.I don't get it.

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