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"The Ratings Death March Sing-Off"
Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
12-14-09, 08:27 PM (EST)
1. "Watching the first bit." |
Not all the way through, though. Once the nerds come on at 9:30, I'm out of here. But until then...Judges: who? Host: nearly 'who?'. Prize: pitiful. Even for NBC's cheapout phase, this is sad: $100,000 divided between how many potential people? The contract may mean just about nothing -- and everyone had to fly to LA for the auditions, very possibly on their own dollar? How sad can this get? Who wants to bet they're all sleeping in the audience seats between shows? Opening number: potential near-powerhouse. I'd buy that download with a little more work put into it. Nota: Good tones, but didn't seem to fit the song or put enough of their own spin on it. Voices Of Lee: There's too much inherent hilarity in a Christian group encouraging people to take the spirit of their lives as an unwritten book while simultaneously releasing their inhibitions. In fact, there's so much hilarity that someone should have spotted it before they ever reached this point. Elephant in the room...
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Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
12-14-09, 09:22 PM (EST)
4. "Second hour starts." |
Beetlebugs Beelzebubs: Not much singing and a whole lot of overacting. Gotta agree with Judge #1: there were times when they went pitchy and tried to cover it with their movements: hey, what's that over there? Charisma and some talent, but very little consistency.Maxx Factor: The opening bars had me cringing so deep into my couch, I came within inches of emerging from the bottom. (Things improved a little once they got deeper into the song, but not much -- say, cushion level.) Dancing Queen as barbershop? It's a bad SNL skit in the middle of happening -- but they're a demographic and the judges seem to like them, so we're in trouble again. And on that acapella note, off to CBS.
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Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
12-14-09, 11:48 PM (EST)
6. "RE: The Ratings Death March Sing-Off" |
I have to say I really liked the very first group from PR. And then everything seemed to go downhill for me. The yellow sweater girls hurt my ears. I mean I was sticking my fingers in my ears because it was too screechy.
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mindy23 1319 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"
12-16-09, 10:21 AM (EST)
8. "RE: The Ratings Death March Sing-Off" |
Gotta agree with the 'who' factor. Have no idea who any of those judges are, but then again, Boyz2Men haven't been around for a while, PussyCat Dolls are not my 'thang', and the other dude with the glasses? Still can't remember his name or what it was he did. But he has some good input.Nick-wasn't he the one married to Jessica, and his younger bro did the DTWS?? LOL. HE used to be the famous one, now he rides on the coattails of younger bro. Too funny. Anyway, I digress. Barber Shop Quartets in the over 50 group seem so out of place with the beat-boxing of the other groups, yet they are still around, why? Is it the agism factor, or do the judges really think these ladies can win? I dunno...I do say I didn't see the first epi of this, so I can only talk about last night. Enjoyed the Puerto Rico dudes who did "Stayin' Alive" for their guilty pleasure. Enjoyed everything they did. They're cute, entertaining, and have amazing vocals. They get accappella. Which not a lot of people do. When you take away instruments, you can lose a whole audience, but these guys had a way of making you forget that there were no drums, bass, horns, etc. Also liked the group that did "Sail Away". And the other one who did the Alicia Keys' song. Sorry, too early to remember the names, and by the time we do, the show will be off the air, anyway. It's an 'alright' filler for mostly reruns or seasonal shows at this point in the year, so can't complain. I love music and whoever does it right. And when you DVR it, you get to jump through the commercials, and put 2 hours into about 50 minutes!  
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Sagebrush Dan 9983 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
12-17-09, 11:19 AM (EST)
9. "RE: The Ratings Death March Sing-Off" |
I finally got to see the PR guys. Wow. I was impressed.
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JessicaRN 1112 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"
12-22-09, 01:28 AM (EST)
11. "RE: The Ratings Death March Sing-Off" |
I have to say that I enjoyed the finale tonight. I thought the performances were good and the only one that was really goofy was the song with Nick Lachey.
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leggs77 80 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"
12-22-09, 01:21 PM (EST)
13. "RE: The Ratings Death March Sing-Off" |
I am also glad that Nota won, I actually voted for them. I also hate the way Nick drags out the announcement as well. I think he sounds silly and stupid when he talks like that.
Piggly Wiggly
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JessicaRN 1112 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"
12-22-09, 09:11 PM (EST)
14. "RE: The Ratings Death March Sing-Off" |
I got the feeling that Nick was watching a clock and wasn't supposed to talk until the time went off. It was a ridiculous amount of time. I also know that he was reading words that someone else wrote for him, but he is just not a natural at this. Makes you realize that Ryan Seacrest and some of the others are actually good at what they do. I also thought Nick was looking kind of pudgy.
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susang 435 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"
12-26-09, 01:39 PM (EST)
15. "RE: The Ratings Death March Sing-Off" |
The finale could have been trimmed by 1/2 hour (or more)Glad that Nota won However, the show was "just OK" (with too much filler)
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
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