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Conferences The Amazing Race Basher Forum (Protected)
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Since when does Ouzarzate start with a Q?
I used to think that if I were ever accepted as a TAR racer, I would make an attempt to learn how to pronounce a few of the world's more predomina
7 messages
11-30-06 04:43 PM
Official TAR 10.10 Summary- Getting Lost with the Chos
The Official Amazing Race 10.10 Summary: Getting Lost with the Cho’s Last time on The Amazing Race: We discover
10 messages
11-23-06 02:35 PM
Be the Amazing Racer 10.10
Hello and welcome to Ukraine! Aren't we tricky, telling you to go to the capital of the country where Chernobyl is. I swear I have no idea who
11 messages
11-23-06 01:07 PM
Hawkeye 10 Episode 10.10
1. What sort of task would you have liked to see the teams do in Chernobyl? 2. Tyler/James and Dustin/Kandice have this weird sort
Cygnus X1
3 messages
11-22-06 11:55 AM
Caption This 10.10
Too good to pass up: g_race10/shows/ep10/images/story_14.jpg Dustin
Cygnus X1
6 messages
11-21-06 05:13 PM
TAR Hawkeye 10 anyone?
I haven't seen a sign-up thresd for this fun bit of bashery. I will be glad to step to the mat if necessary. http://community.reali
9 messages
11-20-06 03:57 PM
Hawkeye 10 Episode 10.9
Snark attack! (Or, for you Can’tadians, [i]attacque snarque[/i]!) 1. The flight from Antananarivo to Johannesburg
Cygnus X1
4 messages
11-17-06 10:57 AM
Be the Amazing Racer 10.9 [View All]
Ha! Superleg! Not too many of you saw that coming, did you? Since there's no Pit Stop this time, I will mock you all in no p
21 messages
11-15-06 10:22 PM
Back Pack Hate
I don't like Erwin/Godwin or Lyn/Karlyn that much just from watching them on the show, but the editors are really holding back judging from so
3 messages
11-15-06 01:19 PM
Caption This 10.9
What do you suppose Alabama could be thinking about? g_race10/shows/ep09/images%2
Cygnus X1
7 messages
11-15-06 02:00 AM
I? Want this show back on Tuesday nights at 9. [View All]
I guess I'm bashing a timeslot here. I keep missing half, or all, of the show on Sunday night, which also happens to be one of the few nights
28 messages
11-14-06 01:07 PM
Official RTVW Tar 10 Episode #8 Summary. Eating Cow lips and other Funny Business
In last week’s episode, the 6-pack was touring the Island of Mauritius and enjoying each others’ company while getting on the nerves of the othe
10 messages
11-12-06 04:56 PM
Be the Amazing Racer 10.8 ds/User_files/454ea9a21c64dc8d.jpg I am the king of the monkey things! I like to move it
16 messages
11-10-06 05:23 PM
TAR 10.8 Haweye 10
Wow. What an episode. Loads of pathos. A wee bit of foreshadowing, even some musical cars. What more could we ask for? Snarkiness.%0
3 messages
11-10-06 11:30 AM
Official RTVW Summary: TAR 10, Episode 7
[center][h2]A Six Pack, The Lost Boys and More Idiots![/h2][/center] Previously on the Amazing Race: Teams travel
17 messages
11-08-06 00:46 AM
A Fast Forward is a -- double dip?
The question: given that David & Mary had already used their one and only Fast Forward opportunity, could the fused Kentucky/Alabama team hav
3 messages
11-07-06 06:04 PM
Intersection? Thoughts? [View All]
I didn't like it. This show is not Survivor, and has never been about being forced to work with other people. What I like about this
Cathy the Canadian
34 messages
11-07-06 11:36 AM
Rob and Kimberly - Damn Foreigners LMAO
anyone find it funny that Rob called the people in Vietnam foreigners when in fact he was the foreigner? LMAO. I love watching these 2 brats fight.
19 messages
11-06-06 06:14 PM
Caption This 10.8 g_race10/shows/ep08/images/story_15.jpg Kandice decides to never mind the Race an
Cygnus X1
4 messages
11-06-06 03:55 PM
Be the Amazing Racer 10.7 [View All]
Welcome to Meridius. Um, More-a-teeus. Er. Moreetus. Or something. Who cares, really? Well, lots of fun with cars for two of o
26 messages
11-05-06 11:59 AM
team trailer trash = rupert?
[font color=teal] come on. is this rigged? they get that stupid noneliminiation, "marked for elimination," must be first, or OH
17 messages
11-04-06 08:14 PM
Caption This 10.7 e10/shows/ep07/race/photo_album/images/7.jpg The field sobriety test intended
Cygnus X1
6 messages
11-03-06 08:47 PM
Hawkeye 10 Episode 10.7
I need some snarky ballplayers! 1. What's the real reason there was no way for the Racers to fly from Kuwait to Mauritius other than v
Cygnus X1
8 messages
11-02-06 10:25 PM
Return of the searching task
Does anyone like random searching tasks? [u]Two improvements this time:[/u] 1. As half of a Detour, teams could avoid
Max Headroom
5 messages
10-31-06 01:37 PM
The Amazing Race 10 – Episode 6 Summary – Alice, The Camel had Three Humps
Previously on Survivor, two castaways were voted off the island. But this is TAR and nobody was eliminated. Dave and Mary have to come in first or
10 messages
10-30-06 08:49 PM
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