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Conferences The Amazing Race Basher Forum (Protected)
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Be the Amazing Racer 16.7
The Turtle moves. Slowly. Sometimes quickly. Not always in a straight line. And you must lure it with a banana. Hey, did I look good
9 messages
03-30-10 01:36 PM
Our Racers Are Broken.
CHECK VISUAL GROUND SCANNING. Visual ground scan broken or missing in multiple units. Install different teams? NEGATIVE. PR
1 messages
03-29-10 07:09 PM
If you come in first during a leg....
expect your lead to be wiped out completely on the next one. Seriously? This is two weeks in a row that the first place team was sent off
11 messages
03-29-10 11:37 AM
Jordan is so dumb... (Part Deux)
...she's planning to follow Caite everywhere so she can take advantage of her rival's superior map-reading skills... ...the initial clu
20 messages
03-26-10 08:27 PM
Be the Amazing Racer 16.6
Hey Greeter! Notice how I'm not throttling you? That's because you aren't pretending to be stuck in a box that's getting smaller and sma
16 messages
03-26-10 08:04 AM
Be the Amazing Racer 16.5
Bienvenue á France! Vous savez que j'aime bien danser. Je secoue ce que ma maman m'a donné. [b]Mike and Louie:[/b]
11 messages
03-17-10 05:20 PM
Be the Amazing Racer 16.4
Wilkommen in Deutschland! So Racers, scarfing down sauerkraut and quaffing beer...could've been worse: foot-expressed grape juice a
17 messages
03-14-10 09:59 PM
Is Jet & Cord their real names and other random questions.
Did their parents really look down at their newborn baby and think we'll call him Jet? Which one is heterosexual - Dan or Jordan?
10 messages
03-09-10 03:54 PM
Be the Amazing Racer 16.3
Bienvenidos a Argentina! Now, I know that some of you are thinking this particular Race is fixed in favour of Jet and Cord since there
16 messages
03-07-10 09:20 PM
TAR 16.3 Summary: Bad Horse Sense
This is my first summary for the reality boards. I only mention this because if you're expecting a summary that's as award worthy as "The Hurt L
11 messages
03-04-10 07:47 PM
Be the Amazing Racer 16 Sign-up [View All]
I can't believe I almost missed the premiere again! Good thing I decided to have a peek at the TAR boards. Anybody want to play BTAR t
23 messages
03-01-10 08:31 PM
Quotes not spoken during the Argentina leg.
Jeff: 'Hang on a second, Jordan. I want to make sure I've read the entire clue before we start anything. We could lose a lot of time if I r
0 messages
03-01-10 08:12 AM
TAR16.2 Summary: Bus? Bus? You know?
Last week on The Amazing Race, teams took the bus from the starting line to LAX and continued to use public transport of one type or another the who
6 messages
02-28-10 07:42 PM
Be the Amazing Racer 16.2
Hello Racers! I have no idea where we are because [i]some[/i]body didn't check the tape in her VCR. Yes, that's right -
14 messages
02-26-10 09:50 PM
TAR Summary Summary writers needed
Now in it's correct place. Looks like we've also neglected this little tradition. Guess I'll be the [s]idiot[/s] [s]sh
5 messages
02-23-10 10:02 PM
Other ways to deal with llamas (and assorted livestock).
1. Start grabbing random potion vials and feed them to the llama until it turns into something more theoretically docile, like a fuzzy purple kitte
3 messages
02-22-10 08:28 PM
TAR 16.1 Summary - Stupid Is as Stupid Does
Previously, on [i]The Amazing Race[/i] -- [link:// rds/DCForumID54/1752.shtm|But that was S
9 messages
02-18-10 11:24 AM
Be the Amazing Racer Premiere
*yawn* And not just because watching the teams take all kinds of public transportation is dull, if environmentally
9 messages
02-16-10 05:05 PM
TAR 16 Hawkeye 10: The Amazing Race: Home Invasion Edition!
Answer the following ten questions in any bashing way you see fit. 1. You are a Chilean housepainter. A pair of strange Americans just en
3 messages
02-15-10 07:33 PM
Reading is funicular fundamental.
Kind of makes you wonder how any of them ever manage to fill out the application, doesn't it? The editing laid out an interesting s
3 messages
02-15-10 06:45 PM
Globetrotters [View All]
Dumbest move by the dumbest team in the history of Amazing Race. All they had to do was scramble 4 letters to make one word. There are only so many
Wacko Jacko
24 messages
02-05-10 06:32 PM
TAR15 Finale Official Summary: Welcome to Snidget’s Science Hour
[b][center]Welcome to Snidget’s Science Hour[/b][/center] Today on the Science Hour we will discuss the last of a ser
7 messages
01-01-10 07:18 AM
Be the Amazing Racer Finale
OK, this is it! *eyes the losers* Slap on a smile, people! I'm getting the word that the first team has just seen what's left of Wa
14 messages
12-12-09 12:25 PM
Ericka's Excuse
It's someone else's fault that they lost. I guess she'll blame us for not buying the country album that she's working on. [i]Ho
11 messages
12-11-09 07:45 AM
Unscramble these five letters to spell out a Racer's new name!
[font size=7][b]D I I T O[/font][/b]
10 messages
12-05-09 08:00 PM
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