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S20 H vs. V- Love/Loathe List Episode 7
S20 definitely took a turn for the worse though recent editing made it no surprise. I have no interest in watching S19 redux. Fortunately, I s
7 messages
04-09-10 08:40 PM
Survivor Producer Arrested
One of the producers of Survivor was taken into custody by Mexican police regarding his wife's death
4 messages
04-09-10 04:57 PM
*WARNING...THIS CONTAINS MILD SPOILERS* *****************************%2
3 messages
04-08-10 01:15 PM
Fix? [View All]
I have always thought that players who cried "Fix" were just sore losers, but after last night I'm re-thinking my position. Tyson's vote si
54 messages
04-06-10 08:24 PM
Take my survey!! urvey Please take a few minutes to complete my survey on reality TV. Thanks%2
4 messages
04-02-10 09:10 PM
S20 Heroes vs. Villians - Love/Loathe List- Ep 6
Big episode with the inevitable double boot after the basketball break. We got our first casualty in the Rob v. Russell war as one of Rob's alliance
15 messages
04-01-10 02:55 PM
Best survivor move?
Was Russell's move the best conceived and executed since they've been playing this game? He managed to keep himself in the game, ke
6 messages
03-29-10 11:21 PM
Best use of the Immunity Idol [View All]
Tom's use of the immunity idol last night with the change of JT's vote has to be the best use of the idol ever. The majority alliance thought the
31 messages
03-25-10 10:08 PM
an entertaining travesty of a season
Can't say its been boring. The villians have a number of interesting personalities, and the back and forth between James and his adversaries on t
6 messages
03-25-10 08:15 AM
Maybe a Survivor Winners Only season?
Granted, if Pavarti or Sandra win this season, you would have to wait a couple of seasons to get 20 winners...but if they can wait for Hatch to be
6 messages
03-24-10 06:49 PM
JP ranks Survivor seasons 1-19 in EW
In this week's issue of EW (Entertainment Weekly), JP ranked all 19 seasons. It is pretty sweet (though some of his rankings are pretty dubi
2 messages
03-23-10 08:13 PM
"S20 Heroes vs. Villians - Love/Loathe List- Ep 5
Disappointing episode on many levels. Reward challenge was so lame that the competitors themselves barely seemed into it. One of them should hav
8 messages
03-18-10 02:25 PM
Boom!! Goes Cirie!!! [View All]
HAHAHAHA!!! I haven't been that pumped at a TC since... I don't know... Maybe when Amanda used the HII in Micronesia... Maybe never. T
34 messages
03-12-10 05:54 PM
S20 Heroes vs. Villians - Love/Loathe List- Ep 4 [View All]
Now that's a little more like it. Great episode. Great confessionals. Insanity from Coach. Somewhat lame challenges, but I did appreciate th
23 messages
03-10-10 06:11 PM
Answering Jeff:
At Tribal Council, Jeff asked Rupert: [i]"What part of that makes sense? Keeping your word in a game called Outwit, Outplay, Outlast%3
7 messages
03-08-10 03:11 PM
Jeff's replacement
If Jeff ever decides to leave, would like to see as a replacement the combination of Coach and Boston Rob. Coach can tell his outlandish survival s
6 messages
03-05-10 06:09 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Russell married??? If so, he sure isn't acting like it with Parvati. (Sorry, I'm a we
12 messages
03-05-10 01:27 PM
S20 Heroes vs. Villians - Love/Loathe List- Ep 3
Much better episode this week, though the boot was equally predictable. It was as if the editing was trying to make up for lost time with the
7 messages
03-05-10 01:14 PM
Who on either tribe doesn't belong to be classed as Hero or Villain? [View All]
I saw the show last night and loved it but I'd always think about whether they were classed in the right way. You could assume that the Heroes playe
27 messages
02-28-10 07:11 AM
JT's strategy
Did anyone know what to make of JT trying to make Candice look bad by telling Cirie Candice had said she didn't completely trust her. Is he trying
6 messages
02-27-10 12:32 PM
Heroes vs. VIllians.... DELIVERS [View All]
Straight up, when I found out that it was going to be another all-star season when I had barely recovered from the embarrassment to masculinit
28 messages
02-26-10 08:44 PM
CBS Survivor Fantasy Game
Is anyone playing? I'd love to be on a tribe with people I know - (or who remember me) I havent been here is ages
4 messages
02-24-10 05:29 PM
20 Heroes vs. Villians - Love/Loathe List- Ep 2
It was an inevitable bland 2nd episode after the epic 2 hour premier, even ending with the ultra predictable Stephanie boot that I would have
8 messages
02-24-10 04:28 PM
Sugar Love
There are a lot of people who don't like Sugar because she cries too much. I say, "Who cares?" Lots of people cry all over the place on thes
13 messages
02-23-10 07:51 AM
S20 Heroes vs. Villians - Love/Loathe List- Ep 1
Alright, with Aruba out (inexplicably), someone has to get this going. We already knew everyone coming in, and we got 2 hours with scr
6 messages
02-19-10 01:37 PM
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