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The Last 5 Tribal Councils Have Been Among the Best Ever
I mean goin back to when Dan got voted out from Kota as a shocker to Ace getting voted out after being betrayed by Sugar to Marcus getting dooped, t
10 messages
11-29-08 06:57 AM
Survivor Gabon eBay charity auction for finale 12/14 taping
Hey everyone - Jeff and the whole Survivor cast from Gabon are offering the chance to attend the finale show taping 12/14 in LA. 100% of the money
0 messages
11-29-08 01:30 AM
Funkiest tribal council
Hell Yeah. (And it matches my name). That is one of the funniest things I have seen in TC for a while. I can't believe Bob
5 messages
11-24-08 07:50 AM
Summary Sign-Up Thread [View All]
[/br]If you are interested in writing an episode summary for the upcoming season, please respond in this thread with your episode preference i
26 messages
11-22-08 03:27 AM
Rest In Peace, Marge Boesch
Wife of Rudy Boesch (S1). She passed away Nov. 1 after a long illness, the most recent episode "The Brains Behind Everything" was dedicated
5 messages
11-21-08 08:31 AM
Survivor Love/Loathe List v17.8
I'll be out of the country until Nov. 24, so if someone would like to initiate this list after the next episode that would be good. If not, no b
7 messages
11-19-08 08:30 PM
Kota 6 - interesting times
I think the Kota 5 (the Kota 6 except Suzie) are getting what's coming to them. Seriously when Marcus said that he's banking on the
7 messages
11-18-08 09:24 AM
slingshot golf
Does anyone know of any good slingshot golf courses in the US? Looks like fun.
8 messages
11-15-08 04:58 PM
I love that CBS is giving us the video to see what happens at LL or The Big P...I just watched Marcus and I laughted out loud, watching a lawyer and
0 messages
11-15-08 10:29 AM
Survivor Games Forum Update
I think the siren has now turned off and it’s safe to come out of the bomb shelter. Well because off the nuclear blast that went off, I am suspend
10 messages
11-15-08 03:06 AM
Hi Tribe, No temptation for me this week. Bob Corinne Crystal Matty Randy Sugar
3 messages
11-13-08 01:41 PM
Please use this temporary forum for discussion while we work to fully restore the original forum's data. Once the original forum is ful
1 messages
11-13-08 10:00 AM
Lame twist [View All]
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 11-07-08 AT 08:17 AM (EST)[/font] [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON
31 messages
11-11-08 10:27 AM
Susie: Crazy bitch or savvy player?
Or both? It takes a special kind of chutzpah to be direct and say "I'm voting you out" right to Corrine's face and still remain i
10 messages
11-11-08 05:22 AM
The Crystal/Ken alliance.
This is one of the oddest pairings we've ever seen: the Olympic-class athlete and world-ranked gamer. Outside of the game, there's virtually
7 messages
11-10-08 07:36 PM
Another Survivor on HGTV (Matt from Amazon)
Matthew Von Ertfelda was on Designed to Sell this evening. I missed the beginning, but I think he was friends with the homeowner. I didn't recogni
0 messages
11-10-08 07:33 PM
Survivor Love/Loathe List v17.7
Well last week I "smelt" Anti-Darwin Snydrome...this week it's pathetically apparent with ALL my senses. If everyone is sick and tired of hearin
13 messages
11-10-08 07:25 PM
Best Friend/Cousin Relationship???
Personally I'm perplexed over this best friend/cousin relationship with Marcus & Crystal. Consider your own very best friend...if he or she had
10 messages
11-10-08 05:39 PM
Survivor Love/Loathe List v17.6
Best episode of the season IMO. Love the misdirections but the stench of Anti-Darwin Snydrome is in the air. OK, now all the petunias on the Board c
11 messages
11-08-08 06:04 AM
Matty Trivia
Here I am listening to TMZ they mention Matty from survivor while talking about his grandfather. His CBS bio says [i]"Matty Whitmore
0 messages
11-07-08 06:54 PM
This has got to be one of the worst tribes in Survivor history. They've already eaten almost all their rice. They've won only 2 of 10 challenges
8 messages
11-06-08 06:58 PM
Questions - Your Survivor strategy/preferences??
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 11-03-08 AT 11:50 AM (EST)[/font] 1. Exile I have read that Sugar has had an advantage by r
6 messages
11-06-08 06:44 PM
Survivor Love/Loathe List v17.5
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-26-08 AT 05:14 PM (EST)[/font] [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON
8 messages
10-28-08 01:15 AM
Jeff gets his dearest wish.
Instead of hanging around hoping for contestants to die, he gets to host a show where someone is [i]guaranteed[/i] to keel over every sing
1 messages
10-25-08 02:14 PM
prematurely voted off/worst voting mistakes
Season 1: Joel Klug: Joel made some comments that were interpreted to be sexist. Gervase made a comment that was definitely sexist. %2
6 messages
10-24-08 07:34 PM
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