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Conferences Big Brother Fanatic Forum (Protected)
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Now that BB7 is gone...
It's time to think about next season's BB. This thread can be made for suggestions, predictions, or even off-the-wall ideas. I will start it o
Colonel Zoidberg
3 messages
09-14-06 01:50 PM
Does Anyone Know If Any (All?) Have Websites?
I hope I'm posting this OK....but does anyone know the last names of any or all of the final 9 houseguests in BB? I am dieing to be able to read
5 messages
09-14-06 11:01 AM
Erika's Demise
Ohhh my dear, dear, Erika......-You thought you were so big & bad......Wasn't that funny what Alison said to you? The truth sucks doesn't
12 messages
09-14-06 01:56 AM
Flirtmance, please share your favorite word...
Best word i heard this year (along with showmance, howmance)
9 messages
09-13-06 11:41 PM
Finale summary is up in bashers
No one reads the finale anyway, right? ds/User_files/3e8a1ef9427d5391.gif http://co
Canada Girl
1 messages
09-13-06 08:00 PM
BBRAT3: Final Results
[center] [font size = +2][b]Further proof that All-Star anything sucks. But [b]we[/b] have a deserving winner!%
6 messages
09-13-06 07:13 PM
erika said
she would rather come in second than see Boogie win or in the final two..did she really think she was going to win, she shouldn't have thrown that
3 messages
09-13-06 04:24 PM
YAY!! WAHOO!! YAY!! I'm so Excited!!!!!
[i]maybe[/i] Enjoy everyone!
1 messages
09-13-06 04:11 PM
Will and Jannelle video.. Ro
3 messages
09-13-06 01:48 PM
Bro's Not Ho's...
-Yes I am sad that Janelle is gone.....but at the same time I am glad that Erika is being played by some retard/Eminem-wanna-be.....LOL! Janelle
1 messages
09-12-06 10:52 PM
What compensation do they get per day?
They MUST get something, i cant see the network not paying them for their entertaining. Ive wondered the same about survivor as well, b
9 messages
09-12-06 10:41 PM
"You, the jury"
I voted on the CBS site for who I thought/think should win, just because I wanted to see what the results were, but then I got this message:%0
Das Mole
15 messages
09-12-06 06:38 PM
BBRAT3: Week 8 Results / Final Entry [View All]
[center]http://community.realitytvworld- com/boards/User_files/44f7d76e7d7021e5.gif [font size = +2][b]EvilExterminato
21 messages
09-12-06 05:03 PM
Bring bring .... bring....
will? oh dammit boogie good job , funny joke man
9 messages
09-12-06 01:55 PM
Jsnirlle on the Early Show
Did anyone else see this? I'm wondering if it's just me.....:o usually is.... But I thought she seemed somewhat intoxi
15 messages
09-12-06 12:50 PM
Amazing Race * Will and Janelle * Awesome idea
Rob and Amber from Survivor did it. Why couldn't Will and Janelle? I bet the ratings would go up. I would be turned in every week or I know my Tiv
11 messages
09-12-06 12:48 PM
Ok, how upsetting is it that Erika is in the F2?
At this point, Boogie had better win, because I can't figure out what Erika has possibly done to win the game. Did she have a strategy? Did
20 messages
09-12-06 12:04 PM
To What Degree Are you Addicted..........
Thought I'd start this thread before I head out for the day. Which is taking a long time trying to catch up with the BB dirt.
13 messages
09-12-06 11:28 AM
Will and Danielle sneak out of Sequester!
It seems will and Danielle managed to sneak out for a few hours. Just enough time to go to a restaurant, do a little karaoke, have a few drinks.%0
4 messages
09-12-06 10:55 AM
Today Really puts it all in Perspective huh??
I'm wondering if they're aware of what day it is and if it has any signigance to them in the big picture. I sure hope so. Sorry for the
1 messages
09-11-06 10:12 PM
Time Warner to buy Big Brother producers?
Just came by this article on Netscape. So would this equate to a network change as well? I don't understand the implications. [lin
2 messages
09-11-06 02:43 PM
Will's prediction of Boog/Erica final
Do I remember this right? Didn't Will predict Boogie & Erica would be the final two HG? I remember something about this from the first few w
8 messages
09-10-06 05:34 PM
Cast your vote
Not sure if this has been posted before, but apparently CBS is allowing viewers to cast a vote for the winnner on their website. As quoted on the si
1 messages
09-09-06 10:57 PM
Did Eirka throw the last HOH competition? ....
If so it was a good move. She promised Janie "on her mother" that she would take her to the final two. If she did win HOH and took Ja
2 messages
09-08-06 04:48 PM
For all you Dr. Will fanz
I've come across the rare, never released season 2 of BB on dvd. The quality isn't perfect, but it's totally watchable. Every one of Dr.
1 messages
09-08-06 03:09 PM
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