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Be the All-sTAR, Episode 9
Greetings Racers and welcome to Carcosa Seri Negara. Say [i]that[/i] three times fast. *sniffs pits* [b]Dusti
18 messages
04-15-07 11:36 PM
Official RTVW Summary TAR 11 Episode 9
Uchenna and Joyce and Danny and Oswald are the first to leave Krakow Poland at 9:48 p.m. because last week they got to do the lame intersected FF br
17 messages
04-15-07 08:45 PM
Caption This! 11.9
I'm glad SeeBeeSss eventually posted a few more photos, or else i'd have passed on it this week. Let's assume SeeBeeSss did some mo
Cygnus X1
11 messages
04-15-07 07:18 PM
Uchenna & Joyce Bashing Part 1 [View All]
So, in light of their possible win tonight and the fact that they have no hate threads here we go: I hate Uchenna & Joyce. %0
37 messages
04-13-07 06:09 PM
Suckiest Season in TAR History (besides FE)
I actually enjoyed Family Edition more than TAR9... God, the Hippies were awful and sanctimonious... add on top of that asshats Eric/Je
10 messages
04-12-07 11:50 PM
"dirty hookers" ????? what the ..?????
Seriously??? "becasue they're hookers"????? Where did THAT come from?? Sorry west coast people ... you'll know what I'm
1 messages
04-08-07 10:10 PM
Official RTVW TAR All-Stars Episode 8 summary
[b] RTVW Official Summary: Amazing Race 11: Episode 8 Sausage, Stairs and Armor: A Tale of Vomit and Valor [/b] Prev
11 messages
04-07-07 08:21 PM
4/1 - The crappiness continues (x2)
Could the bunching be more obvious? Or more distasteful? Did we need to watch teams camp out at a travel agency for 7 hours? (And
Max Headroom
5 messages
04-07-07 04:11 PM
TAR All-Star Hawkeye - Bonus version
In light of the double episode and overabundance of material, I thought we’d make this one a Hawkeye 15. [font color=purple]1. Ju
4 messages
04-06-07 02:22 PM
Be the All-sTAR, Eps 7&8 [View All]
Hello all and welcome to the end of Leg 8. We had to pull out a whole new bag of tricks for this season of the Race. Who knew we'd get so many Rac
25 messages
04-05-07 11:29 PM
Official Summary: TAR All Stars, Episode 7
[h1][center]Jet Lag[/center][/h1] Last time on The Amazing Race All Stars… oh the heck with recapping, go read [l
13 messages
04-04-07 06:06 PM
Caption This! 11.7-8
The challenge will be keeping this PG-13. Oh, well... e11/shows/ep07/gallery/9
Cygnus X1
14 messages
04-04-07 10:03 AM
Vaguely appropriate PG-13 bashing comments about two-foot Polish sausages --
-- go here. Good luck. I think we can start by saying thanks for Gretchen [i]not[/i] showing up at this Detour.
9 messages
04-03-07 07:41 PM
Official RTVW TAR All-Star Summary: Episode #6: This Race is on Standby
Haven’t these All-Stars proven how great they are at this race? OK, maybe not Jon Vito and Jill who didn’t know their North from their S
9 messages
04-03-07 02:36 PM
The Greeter at the Non-Elim Pitstop
The greeter at the non-elim pitstop looked like Adam Sandler with a fake beard. I thought he was going to pull off the beard and it was going to be s
1 messages
04-03-07 12:18 PM
TAR-Stars: brought to you by Armor-All and WOTC.
First thought: this would have been [i]the[/i] leg for Phil to hit a last-place team with 'You must continue the Race wearing exactly w
3 messages
04-02-07 04:30 PM
Attention: April/May Summary Writers
It seems that on 4/1 TAR will be running 2 episodes back-to-back. Please look at the revised summary recap schedule in http://commu
2 messages
04-01-07 11:53 AM
Be the All-sTAR, 11.6 [View All] ds/User_files/4606fe9e35b4bc44.jpg *looks at rungu* *gives it the Philbrow%
30 messages
03-28-07 08:57 PM
Caption This! 11.6
SeeBeeSss had a nicer assortment this week, so it was a little tougher choice: e11/
Cygnus X1
12 messages
03-28-07 08:52 PM
3/25 - What a crappy episode
[b]The fix is in.[/b] While I don't relish the thought of watching Charla & Mirna run around the world with a 24-hour lead,
Max Headroom
17 messages
03-27-07 02:45 PM
Charla and Mirna
Although I applaud Charla for overcoming her disability, I absolutely can't stand that cousin of her's Mirna! Have you ever noticed that when
1 messages
03-26-07 12:28 PM
Hate to say it but this epi sucked. I found myself flipping channels to watch 7th Heaven of all things. What was the rat detour?? Oh%2
2 messages
03-23-07 04:07 PM
Official TAR All Stars Episode 5 summary "Hey Dude? Where's the Jokes?"
Hello all and here we are again. When I say we, I mean myself and DD. Here to summarize another episode of TAR. *yawn* Man was this episode
12 messages
03-23-07 04:00 PM
Be the All-sTAR 11.5 [View All] ds/User_files/45fdeeda0e9b347e.jpg Say hello to my little friend. I tried to have my
35 messages
03-23-07 03:55 PM
ROB MARIANO is an idiot
what do you think of THIS version of Rob 94
5 messages
03-23-07 11:19 AM
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