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Rest in Peace, Alan Rickman
Cancer at age 69. What a loss. Hans Gruber. Valmont. Rasputin. Sheriff of Nottingham. Severus Snape.
2 messages
01-15-16 11:18 PM
Merry Christmas! ds/User_files/41373986205a61dc.gif [font size =1]Handcrafted by RollDdice
5 messages
12-29-15 09:25 AM
Guess what this is?
Earlier, I was at a Christmas party and at one point, the host brought this little gadget out and had us guess what it was. I was the only one wh
18 messages
12-20-15 11:10 AM
NBC to Donald Trump: you're fired. [View All]
Could this week get any better? nald-trump-nbc-ends-relationship/ St
52 messages
12-17-15 02:22 PM
Mystic Wolf is crying. ds/User_files/561e6e46ff2689b6.jpg From the BBC, a photo contest winner.
3 messages
12-09-15 09:34 AM
Happy Thanksgiving!
Have a great day even if no one reads this board anymore. ds/User_files/52f
3 messages
12-01-15 09:56 AM
Happy Vererans Day!
For All who served, we know that Freedom is not Free. ~[font size=1][b][font color=000099]T[font color=006699
3 messages
11-13-15 10:49 PM
Epic Old Skool Peep Meet
Bravie, Boo, Tummy and I are camping out in Oklahoma this weekend. We have been walking down memory road. You all are missed! Now we're decid
15 messages
11-06-15 10:29 PM
Fred Thompson, dead.
I wonder if he had a reverse mortgage? RIP Fred. Seemed like a nice fellow.
1 messages
11-02-15 03:07 PM
Canadian election
Looks like Canada is going to deal with its inferiority complex by electing its own version of Barack Obama -- a substance-free politician who carries
3 messages
10-21-15 11:01 PM
GOP candidate declaration & pre-primary tracker: The Quest To Take Back Something. [View All]
Just to keep from having fifty one-per-candidate threads as each one declares. If we stop at fifty people running. The touring car is rapidly lookin
64 messages
10-13-15 10:21 PM
Oscar Mayer Bacon Dogs
Saturday was international supadupah bacon day for some reason, prolly the bacon lobby. So the baloney conglomerate hauled out a new product:%
4 messages
10-11-15 11:12 AM
On The Other Side of the Coin.. [View All]
In the discussion of Donald Trump’s agenda for dealing with illegal immigration, lots of his proposals are said to be absurd. But are they all?%
37 messages
10-07-15 04:13 PM
The Office Pool Second Chances is OPEN for business!
Welcome my friends to another season of Survivor!! Please join us in the Game Thread for another season of [b]The Office Pool[/b]!
Scarlett O Hara
7 messages
10-03-15 05:27 PM
The Yogi is dead
Every baby boomer, baseball fan or non, loved Yogi Berra. And now he's gone. And the lament from every male baby boomer is the same%
5 messages
09-28-15 00:25 AM
Top 10 List to sign up for Be The Survivor
If you don't sign up to portray a character for this season's Be The Survivor (BTS) you're missing out. Top 10 Reasons to
1 messages
09-24-15 08:47 AM
Windows 10
I just installed it. Seems a heck of a lot better than that horrible Windows 8. ds/User_
7 messages
09-17-15 07:45 PM
RIP Yvonne Craig,(78) onne_Craig_Batgirl.jpg /5/53/Yvonne
3 messages
08-31-15 01:47 PM
It's been a couple of months.
Someone should go down to the courthouse and put up Estee's bail. And see when Snidget is due for parole while you're at it.
5 messages
08-30-15 04:25 AM
Don't You Miss [View All]
The Good Old Days? Dear beloved friend, I know that this letter may be a very big surprise to you, I came acro
22 messages
08-27-15 11:24 AM
Who Says
That the Canadians dont make useful, handy tools? ds/User_files/
8 messages
08-27-15 09:01 AM
What's wrong here? ds/User_files/55db70ee1f9a2d2c.jpg Apparently we are not allowed to move the Windex,
1 messages
08-24-15 04:49 PM
Oh Jared, say it ain't so!
Mr. Average Joe, our shining example of how anybody can lose weight eating 6" subs, pleads guilty to Child Pornography charges. Appar
2 messages
08-19-15 10:14 PM
Happy Birthday Kingfish!
Have a beer, have some cake, enjoy the day ds/User_files/4f6d0fbf6cade10a.jpg [fo
13 messages
08-19-15 09:21 AM
R.I.P. Uggie the Jack Russell Terrier
Star of "The Artist". Probably my favorite movie dog ever. ie-dog-dead-the-a
2 messages
08-17-15 07:02 PM
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