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The Amazing Race 10 – Episode 6 Summary – Alice, The Camel had Three Humps
Previously on Survivor, two castaways were voted off the island. But this is TAR and nobody was eliminated. Dave and Mary have to come in first or
10 messages
10-30-06 08:49 PM
Lamest tasks ever?
What was up with last nights episode? Those had to be some of the most pathetic "challenges" ever. Road block - climb a ladder. (pe
9 messages
10-30-06 02:32 PM
Be the Amazing Racer 10.6
Welcome to some other distinctive towers in Kuwait. Yep, they're all over! Our Racers' first task this week was to find the phal
19 messages
10-27-06 01:46 PM
Dear Peter, [View All]
Please make up your mind: are you going to treat Sarah like your pet dog or like your 4 year old child? The constant switching back and forth is g
92 messages
10-27-06 01:37 PM
TAR 10.6 - Hawkeye 10
Come be snarky! (Sorry I'm late - gosh, what a busy day!) 1. At the travel agency, Peter tried to play the 'hand
10 messages
10-26-06 09:20 PM
Caption This 10.6 e10/shows/ep06/phil/photos/images/5.jpg While waiting for the Racers to arriv
Cygnus X1
8 messages
10-25-06 09:12 PM
Least Favorite Team Survey [View All]
Just an informal survey to find out what teh least favorite team is so far. Don't be influenced by anyone elses votes. Bilaal and Sa'e
34 messages
10-23-06 05:40 PM
Caption this! g_race10/shows/ep05/images/story_08.jpg "Um, Sarah says she's not having fu
Cygnus X1
11 messages
10-21-06 12:11 PM
Post your bad one legged jokes here...
1. "One team has a woman with one leg named Sarah." "What was the name of her other leg?" 2. Team Ironman found that
15 messages
10-19-06 12:38 PM
Be the Amazing Racer 10.5 [View All]
Here I am in Chettenad House. Right here with the Native Greeter guy (nice beard). I'm not hiding. I know [i]exactly[/i] where I am
34 messages
10-19-06 02:51 AM
***TAR10 - Ep.5 Official Summary***
[b]The Amazing Race 10 - Official Summary Episode 5: Dedicated to Red Foreman Who Would Oblige Sarah by Putting His Foot Up Peter’s #@!%
9 messages
10-19-06 00:12 AM
Hawkeye - Episode 10.5
Ok, I'm a bit rusty but here goes. Snarky questions posted here require snarky answers. 1. Which team or individual team member would
warp_core breach
11 messages
10-18-06 04:54 PM
Official RTVW Summary TAR 10, Episode 4: Row, Row, Row Your Boat...Or Not
Official RTVW Summary TAR10, Episode 4 Summary [b]Row, Row, Row Your Boat…Or Not[/b] Previously on The Amazing Race
13 messages
10-18-06 01:59 PM
Nominations for Creepiest Partner Nickname
Yes, everyone seems to call their partner "babe" or "dude". But Peter, in my humble opinion, bests them all with his encouragement for S
Canada Girl
12 messages
10-17-06 06:07 AM
How often do we start with the dollar leg?
Is it just me, or have the Racers been moving around on the smallest budget ever this season? What was it, sixty-six dollars for China and thir
14 messages
10-17-06 02:46 AM
Be the Amazing Racer 10.4 [View All]
Welcome to Soi Sim Island! What an episode! I laughed so much at all of your expense: Rob's ugly Americanism ("I'm done tal
39 messages
10-14-06 09:28 PM
Name the Baby Contest [View All]
Jonathan and Victoria are going to have a baby (it is in one of the racer interviews at Chip and Kim's website). Let's hope they used a sperm
33 messages
10-13-06 05:40 PM
Dear Tom and Terry [View All]
Considering how many other stereotypes you seem to be fulfilling, I am really surprised that I need to write you this note. Listen, guys, it'
66 messages
10-13-06 11:23 AM
Hawkeye 10 – TAR 10.4
Come on and give us some snarky answers to some snarky questions about this week's episode. 1. At the beginning of the episode, we are
6 messages
10-12-06 00:02 AM
Rowing a boat
Is it me, or was anyone else shocked at how practically no one knew how to row a boat? I never really thought about it before, but I guess I jus
14 messages
10-11-06 11:10 AM
TAR10 Hawkeye 10 Episode III
1. Name a team besides Tyler and James which has a chance in hell of winning this race and why? 2. On what did Duke and Lauren spend all
4 messages
10-09-06 03:14 PM
Official RTVW Summary TAR 10, Episode 3: Pennies, Paddies and Penalties
[font size=4 face=helvetica][center][b]Official RTVW Summary TAR 10, Episode 3: Pennies, Paddies and Penalties[/b][
9 messages
10-08-06 10:07 PM
Be the Amazing Racer 10.3 [View All]
Welcome to Vietnam! [b]Erwin and Godwin[/b]: *There* you are! You kept saying in your video how you were competitive a
33 messages
10-08-06 06:52 PM
Official RTVW TAR 10 Episode 2 Summary - Rule # 1, Never Work With Animals or If Wishes Were Horses, the Irony Fairy Would Be Out of a Job
[font size="3" color="blue"]Rule #1. Never Work With Animals or, If Wishes Were Horses, the Irony Fairy Would Be Out of a Job[
10 messages
10-05-06 05:23 PM
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