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"Hawkeye - Episode 10.5"
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warp_core breach 469 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

10-17-06, 00:01 AM (EST)
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"Hawkeye - Episode 10.5"
Ok, I'm a bit rusty but here goes. Snarky questions posted here require snarky answers.

1. Which team or individual team member would you waste your hard-earned money on to get a picture put onto a puke-coloured, cheapy t-shirt and what would it say?

2. It was quite the confessional leg for Tyler and James. Besides drugs and alcohol, what are Tyler and James' other addictions?

3. Can someone tell me just why the hell the Cho Bros hung out with Team Welfare this leg?

4. Dustin/Kandace seemed pretty calm for someone "freakin' out right now" at the crocodile detour. What would happen if she truly freaked out?

5. Surely there must be a more difficult task for Lyn and Karlyn than child birth. What is it?

6. Contrary to Kimberly's comment about going to Europe and hanging out with rich people, I very much doubt that any European would want anything to do with her. However, surely there must be at least one European country that would take her. Who is it and why?

7. Name some creative uses for a crocodile.

8. What's the real reason why Team Alpha Male (Tyler and James) chose to do the wimpy rice detour?

9. Why does Peter chew with his mouth open?

10. What will David and Mary do to ensure that they come in first at the next leg?

Bonus: Next week it's Dustin & Kandace vs. Lyn and Karlyn - who will prevail and why?

A Seana Halloween Special - Bouncies by IceCat

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Hawkeye - Episode 10.5 Seana 10-17-06 1
 RE: Hawkeye - Episode 10.5 shilfiell 10-17-06 2
   RE: Hawkeye - Episode 10.5 Seana 10-17-06 4
 RE: Hawkeye - Episode 10.5 Max Headroom 10-17-06 3
 RE: Hawkeye - Episode 10.5 Snidget 10-17-06 5
 RE: Hawkeye - Episode 10.5 dajaki 10-17-06 6
 RE: Hawkeye - Episode 10.5 FishWoman 10-17-06 7
 RE: Hawkeye - Episode 10.5 Cygnus X1 10-18-06 8
 RE: Hawkeye - Episode 10.5 Molaholic 10-18-06 9
   RE: Hawkeye - Episode 10.5 jbug 10-18-06 11
 RE: Hawkeye - Episode 10.5 Ontheroadagain 10-18-06 10

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Seana 5044 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-17-06, 01:28 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Seana Click to send private message to Seana Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
1. "RE: Hawkeye - Episode 10.5"
1. Which team or individual team member would you waste your hard-earned money on to get a picture put onto a puke-coloured, cheapy t-shirt and what would it say?
Peter: "Escaped from Mental Institution. If found please forcibly deliver to the Siberian Psychiatric Hospital".

2. It was quite the confessional leg for Tyler and James. Besides drugs and alcohol, what are Tyler and James' other addictions?
- Talking about doing drugs and alcohol.
- Talking about recovering from being addicted to drugs and alcohol.
- Looking serious.

3. Can someone tell me just why the hell the Cho Bros hung out with Team Welfare this leg?
They make the brothers look pretty?

4. Dustin/Kandace seemed pretty calm for someone "freakin' out right now" at the crocodile detour. What would happen if she truly freaked out?
Her mascara would run. The horror!

5. Surely there must be a more difficult task for Lyn and Karlyn than child birth. What is it?

Climbing over a wall at a crocodile farm.

6. Contrary to Kimberly's comment about going to Europe and hanging out with rich people, I very much doubt that any European would want anything to do with her. However, surely there must be at least one European country that would take her. Who is it and why?
Turkey: the EU doesn't want anything to do with Turkey either.

7. Name some creative uses for a crocodile.
They could be used for
- showing Peter how to behave with some class.
- showing Kimberly and Rob how to behave with some class.
- eating Peter, Rob and Kimberly.

8. What's the real reason why Team Alpha Male (Tyler and James) chose to do the wimpy rice detour?
The rice lent itself more easily to metaphors about being recovering addicts.

9. Why does Peter chew with his mouth open?
To ensure a fresh supply of air for that space between his ears.

10. What will David and Mary do to ensure that they come in first at the next leg?
Bicker, I guess. Well, maybe they'll bicker a little harder.

Bonus: Next week it's Dustin & Kandace vs. Lyn and Karlyn - who will prevail and why?
Lyn and Karlyn. I mean just look at the Barbies: they're skinny little bits of nothing. Nothing! Lyn and Karlyn will trample them. Yes, I did just call them fat.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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shilfiell 83 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

10-17-06, 03:05 AM (EST)
Click to EMail shilfiell Click to send private message to shilfiell Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
2. "RE: Hawkeye - Episode 10.5"
1. Which team or individual team member would you waste your hard-earned money on to get a picture put onto a puke-coloured, cheapy t-shirt and what would it say?

Rob and Kimberly, with the caption in the local language: "We Love to Be Touched By the Sexy Local Peoples"

2. It was quite the confessional leg for Tyler and James. Besides drugs and alcohol, what are Tyler and James' other addictions?

Vanilla Ice Cream, Tofu, and any other bland and boring substance.

3. Can someone tell me just why the hell the Cho Bros hung out with Team Welfare this leg?

Just can't get enough of the childbirth stories! Can you blame a guy?

4. Dustin/Kandace seemed pretty calm for someone "freakin' out right now" at the crocodile detour. What would happen if she truly freaked out?

You mean you didn't see that "very special scene" in Dustin & Kandace Do Dallas?

5. Surely there must be a more difficult task for Lyn and Karlyn than child birth. What is it?


6. Contrary to Kimberly's comment about going to Europe and
hanging out with rich people, I very much doubt that any European would want anything to do with her. However, surely there must be at least one European country that would take her. Who is it and why?

Germany. Circa 1939 or so.

7. Name some creative uses for a crocodile.

Accessories for Tom & Terry, T-Shirt material for ChoBro, and a new and exciting opportunity for Prosthetic Empathy for Peter.

8. What's the real reason why Team Alpha Male (Tyler and James) chose to do the wimpy rice detour?

They knew they'd be good with the powder.

9. Why does Peter chew with his mouth open?

He's demonstrating his ethics of teamwork by showering Sarah with little blebs of food, nourishing her so she can move faster.

10. What will David and Mary do to ensure that they come in first at the next leg?

Gallop over Peter's ankle to reach the mat, and just smile righteously when he complains about it.

Bonus: Next week it's Dustin & Kandace vs. Lyn and Karlyn - who will prevail and why?

Please see the famous short film, "Bambi vs. Godzilla." Team Bama is as nasty as Team Barbie wants to be themselves.


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Seana 5044 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-17-06, 09:19 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Seana Click to send private message to Seana Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
4. "RE: Hawkeye - Episode 10.5"
Oh, good snark. *applause*

Welcome to the boards!

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Max Headroom 10028 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-17-06, 08:43 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Hawkeye - Episode 10.5"
1. Which team or individual team member would you waste your hard-earned money on to get a picture put onto a puke-coloured, cheapy t-shirt and what would it say?

Erwin and Godwin. Quote: "Around the world in 80 days."

2. It was quite the confessional leg for Tyler and James. Besides drugs and alcohol, what are Tyler and James' other addictions?

Drugs and alcohol. Just ask them, they'll tell you.

3. Can someone tell me just why the hell the Cho Bros hung out with Team Welfare this leg?

They were trying to learn new ways to beat the system.

4. Dustin/Kandace seemed pretty calm for someone "freakin' out right now" at the crocodile detour. What would happen if she truly freaked out?

One strand of perfectly coiffured hair would pop out of place, causing her tiara to fall off.

5. Surely there must be a more difficult task for Lyn and Karlyn than child birth. What is it?

Standing in line at the bank on the first of every month to cash the welfare check.

6. Contrary to Kimberly's comment about going to Europe and hanging out with rich people, I very much doubt that any European would want anything to do with her. However, surely there must be at least one European country that would take her. Who is it and why?

France, a. k. a. "Snobs 'R' Us"

7. Name some creative uses for a crocodile.

Motivational tool to make Sarah run faster.
Provide toothy smile tips to Dustin and Kandice.
Inspire Kimberly to greater man-eating feats.

8. What's the real reason why Team Alpha Male (Tyler and James) chose to do the wimpy rice detour?

More drama to boost TAR's disappearing ratings. Everyone knows they'll be in the final 3, but what if they screwed up and got Philiminated early?

9. Why does Peter chew with his mouth open?

That way he can simultaneously tell Sarah to hurry up while nourishing his body.

10. What will David and Mary do to ensure that they come in first at the next leg?

Disguise themselves as man-oobies and hide under Phil's sweater? That's the only way they'll be first to the mat.

Bonus: Next week it's Dustin & Kandace vs. Lyn and Karlyn - who will prevail and why?

Dustin & Kandice. Just think of how many other women the two of them climbed over on their way to becoming Miss New York and Miss California.

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Snidget 43862 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-17-06, 10:28 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Snidget Click to send private message to Snidget Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
5. "RE: Hawkeye - Episode 10.5"
I posted before reading
Any resemblance of your
answers to mine is an
indicaton you need an
immediate mental health

1. Which team or individual team member would you waste your hard-earned money on to get a picture put onto a puke-coloured, cheapy t-shirt and what would it say? Peter. "Puke is the color of my soul."

2. It was quite the confessional leg for Tyler and James. Besides drugs and alcohol, what are Tyler and James' other addictions? Tyler and James

3. Can someone tell me just why the hell the Cho Bros hung out with Team Welfare this leg? Their lib-rul ivy league education deluded them into thinking you can help the less fortunate

4. Dustin/Kandace seemed pretty calm for someone "freakin' out right now" at the crocodile detour. What would happen if she truly freaked out? When you put that much vasaline on your teeth for that long that is the only expression your face can have. Thus truely freaked out looks exactly the same as calm and collected or well anything else.

5. Surely there must be a more difficult task for Lyn and Karlyn than child birth. What is it? Going 10 minutes without comparing what they are doing to pain of child birth.

6. Contrary to Kimberly's comment about going to Europe and hanging out with rich people, I very much doubt that any European would want anything to do with her. However, surely there must be at least one European country that would take her. Who is it and why? Albania. They need new people to invest in their pyramid schemes.

7. Name some creative uses for a crocodile. Iron Chef Secret Ingredient, or Project Runway Design Challange. You thought it was a pain making an outfit for a dog...try this!

8. What's the real reason why Team Alpha Male (Tyler and James) chose to do the wimpy rice detour? They were concerned they would confuse the real crocodile for the ones they see all the time from the drug flashbacks. You wouldn't want to put the rubber bands on the imaginary croc right next to the fully capable of biting you one.

9. Why does Peter chew with his mouth open? He has a soul the color of puke.

10. What will David and Mary do to ensure that they come in first at the next leg? David is finally going to find a use for all that methane he brought with him from the coal mine.

Bonus: Next week it's Dustin & Kandace vs. Lyn and Karlyn - who will prevail and why? The Barbies will use the vasaline from their teeth to make Lyn and Karalyn's whatever the need for the task all slippery.

Haunted by Tribe!

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dajaki 1453 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

10-17-06, 10:30 AM (EST)
Click to EMail dajaki Click to send private message to dajaki Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
6. "RE: Hawkeye - Episode 10.5"
Be warned: I answer before reading any other brilliant responses. If we share an answer to any question, than we obviously have a psychic connection.

1. Which team or individual team member would you waste your hard-earned money on to get a picture put onto a puke-coloured, cheapy t-shirt and what would it say?
Crossed out pic of Peter and logo "Team Sarah"
2. It was quite the confessional leg for Tyler and James. Besides drugs and alcohol, what are Tyler and James' other addictions?
Talking about drugs and alcohol
3. Can someone tell me just why the hell the Cho Bros hung out with Team Welfare this leg?
They were hoping that if they ended up in last place, a sprint to the end would save them.
4. Dustin/Kandace seemed pretty calm for someone "freakin' out right now" at the crocodile detour. What would happen if she truly freaked out?
The croc handlers would have been forced to rubber band her mouth shut and tie her down to a palette.
5. Surely there must be a more difficult task for Lyn and Karlyn than childbirth. What is it?
Getting over a 3 ft. high wall
6. Contrary to Kimberly's comment about going to Europe and hanging out with rich people, I very much doubt that any European would want anything to do with her. However, surely there must be at least one European country that would take her. Who is it and why?
Monaco, but she has to fool around with Prince Albert first.
7. Name some creative uses for a crocodile.
paperweight, ship's ballast, Mafia enforcer
8. What's the real reason why Team Alpha Male (Tyler and James) chose to do the wimpy rice detour?
They thought the rice would be zen. They also misread the clue thinking crocodile was Chocodile and didn't want to be reminded of their food addictions by an enormous pile of prepackaged sweets.
9. Why does Peter chew with his mouth open?
Why are you questioning Peter's manners? He likes how he is and how he chews his food. That should be enough for you.
10. What will David and Mary do to ensure that they come in first at the next leg?
Whine, beg and moan, finally convincing the other teams to promote their cause and hamper Peter and Sarah.
Bonus: Next week it's Dustin & Kandace vs. Lyn and Karlyn - who will prevail and why?
Neither - Their fighting will land them in jail for being outspoken females in a Muslim country.

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FishWoman 1510 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

10-17-06, 07:01 PM (EST)
Click to EMail FishWoman Click to send private message to FishWoman Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
7. "RE: Hawkeye - Episode 10.5"
1. Which team or individual team member would you waste your hard-earned money on to get a picture put onto a puke-coloured, cheapy t-shirt and what would it say?
Erwin/Godwin - "they're just like me, only . . . male, buff, and asian."

2. It was quite the confessional leg for Tyler and James. Besides drugs and alcohol, what are Tyler and James' other addictions?
Giving boring life lessons about how much drugs and alcohol have taught them. Hey, if you learn so much by being an addict, why don't more people do it?

3. Can someone tell me just why the hell the Cho Bros hung out with Team Welfare this leg?
Not without making an inappropriate comment about the potential for creating babies.

4. Dustin/Kandace seemed pretty calm for someone "freakin' out right now" at the crocodile detour. What would happen if she truly freaked out?
Gimme an "O"! Gimme a "Mi"! Gimme an - Oh, wait, she's a beauty queen, not a cheerleader - there went my joke.

5. Surely there must be a more difficult task for Lyn and Karlyn than child birth. What is it?
The task of keeping one's mouth shut in re: comparisons to childbirth.

6. Contrary to Kimberly's comment about going to Europe and hanging out with rich people, I very much doubt that any European would want anything to do with her. However, surely there must be at least one European country that would take her. Who is it and why?
East Germany during the Berlin Wall years, so they can shoot her when she "tried to escape."

7. Name some creative uses for a crocodile.
alarm clock; guard dog; Peter-eater.

8. What's the real reason why Team Alpha Male (Tyler and James) chose to do the wimpy rice detour?
crocodiles would remind them how dry their hands are getting without any model-approved lotions and creams available during the race.

9. Why does Peter chew with his mouth open?
because he wasn't irritating enough already?

10. What will David and Mary do to ensure that they come in first at the next leg?
I don't know, but it will probably involve rudely stepping in front of someone who wasn't even in line.

Bonus: Next week it's Dustin & Kandace vs. Lyn and Karlyn - who will prevail and why?
The *Lyns, because as easy and D&K are, they aren't as easy as childbirth.

~vintage tribephyl~

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Cygnus X1 7505 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-18-06, 00:27 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Cygnus%20X1 Click to send private message to Cygnus%20X1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
8. "RE: Hawkeye - Episode 10.5"
1. Which team or individual team member would you waste your hard-earned money on to get a picture put onto a puke-coloured, cheapy t-shirt and what would it say?
Peter, and it would say "Stop All Domestic Violence." Or Sarah, whereby hers would say "Start All Other Forms Of Violence -- Against Peter."

2. It was quite the confessional leg for Tyler and James. Besides drugs and alcohol, what are Tyler and James' other addictions?
They're lifetime members of Super Mario Anonymous.

3. Can someone tell me just why the hell the Cho Bros hung out with Team Welfare this leg?
The producers wanted to outflank EPMB and make this an even more Culturally Sensitive Reality Show. It also impresses the Emmy folks . . . or so the producers think.

4. Dustin/Kandace seemed pretty calm for someone "freakin' out right now" at the crocodile detour. What would happen if she truly freaked out?
I don't know, but there'd be no door that her hair would fit through safely.

5. Surely there must be a more difficult task for Lyn and Karlyn than child birth. What is it?

6. Contrary to Kimberly's comment about going to Europe and hanging out with rich people, I very much doubt that any European would want anything to do with her. However, surely there must be at least one European country that would take her. Who is it and why?
Italy, and Sicily in particular. There are plenty of icky swordfish that need to be carried.

7. Name some creative uses for a crocodile.
Sarah's leg bearer.
Bruck's new executive producer.
Emergency backpack.

8. What's the real reason why Team Alpha Male (Tyler and James) chose to do the wimpy rice detour?
They thought it involved Minute Rice (R).

9. Why does Peter chew with his mouth open?
He's just trying to encourage Sarah in the proper way to digest her food. In reality, it makes Sarah barf, so Peter considers it part of her training regimen.

10. What will David and Mary do to ensure that they come in first at the next leg?
Offer up a burnt sacrifice (hopefully, Peter) to Colonel Sanders, Adolph Rupp, and Elvis. But not necessarily in that order.

Bonus: Next week it's Dustin & Kandace vs. Lyn and Karlyn - who will prevail and why?
Lyn and Karlyn will get the pinfall after using an illegal foreign object that was tucked in Karlyn's bra.

Tribe strikes again!

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Molaholic 8451 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-18-06, 03:50 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Hawkeye - Episode 10.5"
LAST EDITED ON 10-18-06 AT 08:57 PM (EST)

Usual disclaimer: Posting before reading. Honest. Anything that is duplicated can only be explained away as a result of an invasion of paranormal powers.

1. Which team or individual team member would you waste your hard-earned money on to get a picture put onto a puke-coloured, cheapy t-shirt and what would it say?
I'd get Team Kentuck', with the caption "Will Break(not) for Road Kill"

2. It was quite the confessional leg for Tyler and James. Besides drugs and alcohol, what are Tyler and James' other addictions?
General Hospital, The Young and the Restless, and, inexplicitly, Big Brother

3. Can someone tell me just why the hell the Cho Bros hung out with Team Welfare this leg?
In maintaining the PG13 status, I'll just leave the explination to a simple phrase ... "red hot monkey love"

4. Dustin/Kandace seemed pretty calm for someone "freakin' out right now" at the crocodile detour. What would happen if she truly freaked out?
Kandice would have become so frantic that Phil would have had to slap her across the kisser, hard enough to straighten out her teeth, gums, and hair.

5. Surely there must be a more difficult task for Lyn and Karlyn than child birth. What is it?
Not talking about childbirth for, say, 20 consecutive seconds.

6. Contrary to Kimberly's comment about going to Europe and hanging out with rich people, I very much doubt that any European would want anything to do with her. However, surely there must be at least one European country that would take her. Who is it and why?
Waitasecondforaminutehere ... you mean to tell me that India isn't in Europe? You're just going to confuse Teams Kuntuck' and 'Bama with all that g'og'ro'fee stuff.

7. Name some creative uses for a crocodile.
Carrying one though the airport gives you a better spot in line than having a prosthetic leg.

8. What's the real reason why Team Alpha Male (Tyler and James) chose to do the wimpy rice detour?
They misread the clue, they thought it said "dice" and were sure it was a craps competition.

9. Why does Peter chew with his mouth open?
It helps block his hearing, so he can't hear Sarah's whining.

10. What will David and Mary do to ensure that they come in first at the next leg?
Well, let's just say that Phil is in for a nice little surprise...

Bonus: Next week it's Dustin & Kandace vs. Lyn and Karlyn - who will prevail and why?
Lyn and Karlyn will come out on top because they'll follow that rules. Kick - gouge - spit - etc.

Not only Ubiquitous, but Superfluous too!

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jbug 16685 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-18-06, 04:54 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Hawkeye - Episode 10.5"
>1. Which team or individual team member would you waste your hard-earned money on to get a picture put onto a puke-coloured, cheapy t-shirt and what would it say?
I'd get Team Kentuck', with the caption "Will Break(not) for Road Kill"

I sorta liked the T-SHIRTS that they actually worn one ep.
"Friends In Low Places" with coalminer crawling thru tunnel.

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Ontheroadagain 923 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

10-18-06, 04:41 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Ontheroadagain Click to send private message to Ontheroadagain Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
10. "RE: Hawkeye - Episode 10.5"
1. Which team or individual team member would you waste your hard-earned money on to get a picture put onto a puke-coloured, cheapy t-shirt and what would it say? FOUND -- with a picture of Peter -- Jonathan and Colin's long-lost brother

2. It was quite the confessional leg for Tyler and James. Besides drugs and alcohol, what are Tyler and James' other addictions? Spite, Tab, Fresca, Dr. Pepper and Moxie.

3. Can someone tell me just why the hell the Cho Bros hung out with Team Welfare this leg? The Chos thought Bama girls would know who to speak Indian.

4. Dustin/Kandace seemed pretty calm for someone "freakin' out right now" at the crocodile detour. What would happen if she truly freaked out? They'd start whining like the Weaver kids on the edition of TAR that goes without a name.

5. Surely there must be a more difficult task for Lyn and Karlyn than child birth. What is it? Shutting up.

6. Contrary to Kimberly's comment about going to Europe and hanging out with rich people, I very much doubt that any European would want anything to do with her. However, surely there must be at least one European country that would take her. Who is it and why? Romania, they just haven't had enough evil dictators over the years.

7. Name some creative uses for a crocodile. Chase Peter out of this race.

8. What's the real reason why Team Alpha Male (Tyler and James) chose to do the wimpy rice detour? They have alot of experience with powery substances.

9. Why does Peter chew with his mouth open? Open mouth, insert foot. Oh, now I've gone too far.

10. What will David and Mary do to ensure that they come in first at the next leg? Offer the top teams free coal.

Bonus: Next week it's Dustin & Kandace vs. Lyn and Karlyn - who will prevail and why? Dustin/Kandance. They would cut in front while Lyn/Karlyn are giving birth again.

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