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"East Coast Spoiler Thread"

Posted by volsfan on 11-09-05 at 08:30 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-09-05 AT 08:47 PM (EST)

Please keep all discussion of tonight's episode until the "westies" have a chance to see it.

The three weeks are finally over!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by J Slice on 11-09-05 at 08:52 PM
Oh wow.

Walt's back in another creepy backwards-talking vision.

Just don't tell me what I can't do.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by volsfan on 11-09-05 at 08:54 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-09-05 AT 08:55 PM (EST)

Yep and Sayid got some action!

Sayid built a tent for Shannon and they did the deed.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Fishercat on 11-09-05 at 09:18 PM
Ana-Lucia just told Michael/Walt/Jin the story of how "they" (Others I'm assuming) took a total of twelve people from the tailies camp.

Sawyer's injury is worsening, and the Shannon-centric episode has focused on her father's death and her brother comforting her, along with an appearence by Walt (talking backwards) to Shannon and no one believing her.

Locke also found out about Charlie's "statue", but hasn't taken action yet.

Just a quick and dirty update.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by volsfan on 11-09-05 at 09:25 PM
I am so freakin over the commercials! URGH!

Sawyer's eyes rolled back in his head as we go off for the 987th commercial break.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Fishercat on 11-09-05 at 09:26 PM
This? Is why I loved the TiVo/DVD episodes (all the ones that I've seen).

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Fishercat on 11-09-05 at 09:43 PM
Holy. ****.

I mean, I figured that Shannon would die...and you had to figure Ana-Lucia was a threat, but wow! Wow! Lured by Walt? What the?

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by volsfan on 11-09-05 at 09:47 PM
I lvoe it!

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Das Mole on 11-09-05 at 10:25 PM
Check this out, baby. Look at the last sentence! I was so excited when it actually happened. I know..."animal" does not equal "Other", but hey, I was close.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by batts on 11-09-05 at 10:54 PM
good guess! I was thinking that Rouseou lady was gonna kill her.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Das Mole on 11-09-05 at 10:59 PM

No, j/k.

I was thinking Rousseau too as the episode progressed...I wasn't really sure. Until I saw Ana-Lucia whip out her gun and say "Run!" and then I was like....yeah, she probably shoots Shannon, lol.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by batts on 11-09-05 at 11:09 PM
Until I saw Ana-Lucia
>whip out her gun and
>say "Run!" and then I
>was like....yeah, she probably shoots
>Shannon, lol.

That was an intense scene wasn't it? OMGosh, I was like standing up in front of the television, hair standing on end, and uttering a gutteral growl that the neighbors prolly heard...

"Das Mole, outed"
Posted by Bebo on 11-09-05 at 11:24 PM
I just blew your cover, Mr. Abrams.

"Mole, dood"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 11-10-05 at 00:16 AM
You're late. very late.

These reality show contestants need a reality check!

"RE: Mole, dood"
Posted by Rhyn on 11-10-05 at 12:01 PM
Eh, you thought she would go all nutso. That's like way different.

"RE: Mole, dood"
Posted by ladro on 11-10-05 at 12:59 PM
I am not sure if TJ based his prediction on the Spolier(s), but the spoiler did imply that the killing was premeditated and/or intentional.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by pumpkinqueen on 11-10-05 at 00:47 AM
wow! that was intense--i can't believe that they made me like Shannon--then they killed her!

actually, it's a PhoenixMons

i knew she would die--likely by Ana, but i didn't expect to care.

"Is this completely out of left-field..."
Posted by wandacal on 11-10-05 at 04:31 AM

Could Sayid have just been humoring Shannon when he said he saw Walt, too?


Shannon (sobbing hysterically): "Do you SEE him?!!! Do you SEE Walt?!!!"
Sayid (in a very kind, placating voice): "Yes. Yes I do."

Lost with PhoenixMons!

I mean, the man did just get laid...

"RE: Is this completely out of left-field..."
Posted by skeetergirl87 on 11-10-05 at 09:11 AM
>Could Sayid have just been humoring
>Shannon when he said he
>saw Walt, too?
I don't think so because he's the one that saw Walt first. Shannon's back was to Walt, but when she saw the look on Sayid's face she turned around and saw him, too.

I still don't understand what's going on with Walt - is that really him or is he projecting himself? Why would he warn her that they were coming and then lead her to get shot?

I want answers!! - But yet I know when I get all of the answers the show will be over and I don't want it to end!!

"RE: Is this completely out of left-field..."
Posted by ladro on 11-10-05 at 10:14 AM
I was thinking the same thing. I think the producers made it look intentionally vague as to whether Sayid actually saw Walt.

Posted by HobbsofMI on 11-09-05 at 10:07 PM
That's all I got to say...and Shanon should have followed Walts advice and keep quite....

sig by PM and bouncy by IceCat

"Walt's audio, reversed"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 11-09-05 at 10:09 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-09-05 AT 10:19 PM (EST)

I reversed the audio.
Here's what Walt said in the tent:

"They're coming. And they're close."

If anyone has an idea on how to post it or link it, I have an audio file.
Or, if you just want to hear it, I can probably email it to you. Contact me at teamjoisey@yahoo.com or leave an email address here.

"RE: Walt's audio, reversed"
Posted by batts on 11-09-05 at 11:17 PM
That was going to be my next question. What would we do without you TJ?

Icee can link the sound.

I still can't understand what he said forwards. Last time he said "Shhhhh, they'll hear us." forwards.......
and "Don't push the button, the buttons bad." backwards. Could you tell what he said forwards?

"RE: Walt's audio, reversed"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 11-10-05 at 01:32 AM
I don't know where you got the idea that Walt's audio makes sense in both directions, but I don't hear the "Shhh, they'll hear us" from Walt at all.

The tent appearance doesn't seem to be intelligible unless played in reverse. And then it is a plain as can be.

"RE: Walt's audio, reversed"
Posted by batts on 11-10-05 at 02:46 PM
>I don't know where you got
>the idea that Walt's audio
>makes sense in both directions,
>but I don't hear the
>"Shhh, they'll hear us" from
>Walt at all.

I credit it to Breezy here (post #45) and I agree it sounds like "Shhh, they'll hear us" Some friends watched this portion of that episode with me and most of them agree thats what it sounds like he said forwards.
I read in another forum a few other posters said that's what they heard, but I can't remember which website.

"Audio link "
Posted by moonbaby on 11-12-05 at 10:14 AM
from another site:


"RE: Audio link "
Posted by batts on 11-12-05 at 01:58 PM
Thanks Moonbaby. I was actually talking about the first time Shannon saw Walt in the woodsies. What he said forwards sounded like "Shhh theyll hear us."
That was a great audio. You know, a scream sounds the same backwards as it does forwards.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Steph_Fan on 11-09-05 at 10:53 PM
I loved this episode! It was great to have scenes with so many of the characters. It was refreshing after having people like Charlie and Claire be so hidden this season. I wasn't surprised at how the death happened, because of reading spoilers of course, but I still thought it was intense.

And poor Sawyer! And where'd Cindy go? And is Sayid going to kick Ana's butt or what?

Courtesy of Phoenix Mons

"About that psychologist"
Posted by 1derfool on 11-09-05 at 10:59 PM
I can't recall her name, maybe Libby? ... what are the chances that she knows Hurley from his hospital days?

"RE: About that psychologist"
Posted by weltek on 11-10-05 at 09:18 AM
I'm guessing the chances are pretty good that she was on staff at Hurley's hospital. I don't necessarily think that means they know eachother, but just another one of those Lost intertwinings.

"The Libby theory"
Posted by moonbaby on 11-13-05 at 02:39 PM
that's being bandied about elsewhere is that she may have blended in with the tail-enders the way Ethan tried to with the group from the front of the plane. If we assume the others actually are scientists from the project then a psychologist could certainly be part of that team. She was also the last to be seen with the woman that disappeared. Thought I'd throw that out there for ya.

"RE: The Libby theory"
Posted by Das Mole on 11-13-05 at 06:37 PM
Yeah, what was going on w/that whole "it's not that bad" thing...??? She was definitely givin' off some weird vibes in the last episode. I never thought of the possibility that she was one of the Others, but when you think about it, she's the one that said "I don't know where they went" when Ana and Mr.Eko went back to the shelter and brought Michael, Jin, and Sawyer, w/them...

"Told ya"
Posted by FesterFan1 on 11-10-05 at 00:03 AM
That is all.

First thing I've been right about in a good 8 months.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by ladro on 11-10-05 at 00:24 AM
Was this the episode that we are supposed "to talk about all season long"? Or is that next week.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 11-10-05 at 00:31 AM
That's next week's episode, when we'll hear the story of what happened to the tail end survivors in the first 48 days after the plane crash.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by wandacal on 11-10-05 at 00:53 AM
*sits in stunned silence*

Lost with PhoenixMons!

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by calamityc on 11-10-05 at 01:02 AM
Tonight was the most sympathetic portrayal of Shannon, then boom! The other thing I got from the tail end passengers is that they are taking all the children (they may not even know Walt has these "abilities". Also leads me to believe they are not through trying to get Aaron.
Now I know why the guy in the hatch didn't believe our castaways over how many they had lost. The "Others" were busy scarfing up the tail section and hadn't bothered the front section nearly as much.
So what ARE they doing with the adults? Eating them?

"My favorite part"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 11-10-05 at 02:11 AM
No freaking Kate! *happy dance*

Man, I love this show.

I'm not as bright as the rest of you guys, so even though I knew Shannon died, I was stunned to find out that Ana Lucia shot her.

So do we go back to the beginning for just one episode or is it several, because I just want to progress, dagnammit.

It just wouldn't be the same without the geek! --tribe, the amazing creator of my siggie
I think I may hate Ana Lucia more than Kate. Just imagine what'll happen once they get together. I may have to be restrained so I don't attack something.

Posted by moonbaby on 11-10-05 at 07:54 AM
No Kate, and no Jack. Didn't really miss them, either.

Wonder how Ana fares with the rest of the survivors after they reach camp and everyone finds out she killed Shannon.

"RE: Yep"
Posted by AugustGirl on 11-10-05 at 08:46 AM
I imagine Ana and Sawyer will find a way to bond: Sawyer being the original outcast, and Ana becoming the newest outcast (at least with the Beach group). I'm sure it will be a love/hate relationship, with the emphasis on hate.

The Tailies probably won't turn against Ana, but you never know. Will be very, very interesting. Can't wait for next week to see the Tailies' story, and can't wait to see them join the Beach group.

a J Slice original. bounce by Icey.

"RE: Yep"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 11-10-05 at 12:30 PM
Jack was there. He passes in the hospital hallway when the doctor is telling Shannon and stepbiotch about the death of Adam Rutherford.

Posted by moonbaby on 11-10-05 at 01:01 PM
I really didn't see him! But I believe you, please don't go running off into the jungle to find him, mkay?

OMG what a wicked stepmother!! Cold cold woman.

A coupla more things: How 'bout the woman who just vanished? Not a peep out of her and she's GONE! Creepy deepy. Oh, and we found out that the others took whatever kids were with the tail-enders. Speaking of kids, why is Walt soaking wet whenever he appears? Is this a clue to where he's being held?

"RE: Yep"
Posted by pumpkinqueen on 11-10-05 at 01:45 PM
Wonder how Ana fares with the rest of the survivors after they reach camp and everyone finds out she killed Shannon.

i'm sure that we will understand why she's bat sh!t crazy after next week's episode, but i don't know if the rest of the survivors will be that quick to forgive her. of course she will have to get past Sayid before anyone else can get to her--good thing they still have Mr. Eko. hopefully they will be able to keep Ana away from guns for a while.

actually, it's a PhoenixMons

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by CattyChat on 11-10-05 at 07:43 AM
Best ep this season, WOW. I had a feeling that Walt was going to lead Shannon to her doom, but I thought maybe he'd have her go over a cliff or something. I'm wondering what Walt's deal is -- good or bad? Maybe the others took him because they knew they could turn him bad & use his powers for evil?

I loved the look on Sayid's face when Ana shot Shannon. He is ready to charge her.

I felt a little sorry for Shannon & how badly she was treated by evil Stepmom, but she still grated on my nerves, because she is so damn BULLHEADED when Sayid or Boone wanted to help her.

I also thought Boone looked really odd in the flashbacks -- too much makeup or something. Eww.

Can't wait until next week to see how the tailies fared following the crash & Ana's fall into insanity. Can't wait to see if Sawyer's good side really starts coming out, since he wasn't left for dead. Can't wait to see how they deal with Ana after the shooting.

GREAT episode!!

A PhoenixMons Production