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Anyone familiar with IP CCTV camera systems?
Hi, recently my office faced a theft attempt, by the grace of God we didn't lose anything. The incident happened during the lockdown days, so
4 messages
02-10-21 09:55 PM
Ted Cruz admits to having been born in Canada
I consider this our token revenge for the hockey results. Also that ye gawds, did we just dodge a 2016 bullet. Plus now I ge
7 messages
01-20-21 03:34 PM
Our dear President is a moron [View All]
That was AyaK's favorite put-down word, "moron". In past political discussion thresds, we'd have to buttress our argument with
106 messages
12-23-20 06:58 AM
Any way to find old Survivor Summaries?
Hey guys, I doubt anyone here still remembers me or my husband Pendragon. We were pretty active back in the day. Pendragon(Jason) pas
5 messages
12-03-20 11:29 AM
Anybody here has any experience in buying a customer care app for a SMB?
Anybody here has any experience in buying a customer care app? I would love to hear from people, who have expertise in buying business software.%0
0 messages
09-11-20 12:10 PM
RIP Buggy, aka Erica Reynolds. [View All]
Here is the post from her sister: This morning we lost her. My sister Erica Schiek Reynolds. My niece lost her Mama. So many
Sagebrush Dan
23 messages
09-02-20 11:53 PM
SharePoint VMS/VSI
Hey, this is my first post on this board. I have been looking to purchase a VMS system. It has been a week since I started to seek suggestions from
0 messages
08-22-20 06:48 AM
Welcome to Foonerville [View All] We've found what could Fooner's paradise. And, since we are all best friends, for us too. %0
593 messages
07-27-20 02:23 PM

-- 00: AM
Coronavirus [View All]
I thought for sure this place would be hoppin' with the coronavirus putting everyone in quarantine. If mom jeans and big glasses are back in style%2
78 messages
06-19-20 03:27 PM
South Carolina
Does anyone know what it's like to live there? I have a job offer, but Hell if I know..
12 messages
02-27-20 07:20 PM
Survivor 2020!
I don't know, I thought I had finally escaped. But I feel a lot of sarcasm rising into the back of my throat, threatening to explode all over th
2 messages
02-14-20 00:57 AM
Trash *Kick*
7 messages
10-06-19 09:27 AM
Tip-toeing in... [View All]
...trying to not disturb anyone's nap. Adjusting the volume. Adjusting the color. Checking the security tapes.%0
27 messages
10-06-19 09:26 AM
Now that Mueller is done, what's next? [View All]
Heck if I know. ds/User_files/47c74af77b1f5d85.gif[font color="black" size=%2
45 messages
10-06-19 09:23 AM
It's all our fault
[ /07/how-mark-burnett-resurrected-donald-trump-as-an-icon-of-american-success|We are all to bla
18 messages
10-06-19 09:21 AM
Secret Santa Sign Up Thread [View All]
Yep! It's true! I will coordinate. You might not get your present until New Years, but better late than never. May as well Party l
44 messages
10-06-19 09:20 AM
Happy New Year!
Got to be better than 2018, right? ds/User_files/52f2b64c0c334c46.gif http:
13 messages
10-06-19 09:20 AM
George was a good guy. RIP.
I liked George. Kicked Saddam's a[]ss. Kicked Berlin wall's a[]ss. Kicked Deficit's a[]ss.
6 messages
10-06-19 09:19 AM
I love . . . . [View All]
the dedication here. It takes that and more to keep this poor lost site moving steadily in the right direction. [marquee direction=l
21 messages
10-06-19 09:18 AM
Well, it finally happened. [View All]
We all got tossed in jail. ds/User_files/5ba042fddeeca009.jpg
22 messages
10-06-19 09:16 AM
I have a theory [View All]
My theory: Michel and Aruba are the same person, and they are arguing with themself. Discuss. http://community.reality
39 messages
10-06-19 09:15 AM
Update on Buggy
I'm sorry, but the news is not good. She has stage four lung cancer. It is incurable. The docs are going to do chemo and radiation to slow the can
Sagebrush Dan
10 messages
10-06-19 09:13 AM
Facebook Conversation from Buggy's site
Here's a FB conversation started by Buggy's sister Deena, who's blown away by the support she's getting. There are things here you may find
Sagebrush Dan
4 messages
10-06-19 09:12 AM
Prayers for Buggy
Buggy's sister just posted this on Facebook. To family and friends of my sister Erica Schiek Reynolds, she was admitted to hospital wi
Sagebrush Dan
6 messages
10-06-19 09:11 AM
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