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Lvoe List 26.10 ds/User_files/4dd30c2c68848c07.gif What a wild wild Tribal! Great one, shook every
9 messages
04-24-13 05:59 PM
Brett Clouser Kickstarter
Hi, I really am not trying to spam here, but I am a friend of Brett Clouser (of Survivor: Samoa) and he has launched a kickstarter for a new
2 messages
04-24-13 05:44 PM
Lvoe List 26.9
I'll start it this week: 1- Cochran: This is the guy we're supposed to root for? Yes, he is playing a smart game and it's fun
5 messages
04-16-13 08:44 PM
Was Malcom trying to get rid of Reynold?
Evidence 1: He voted for Reynold when (at least based on the edit), the plan was for Stealth-R-Us to split the votes between Reynold and Eddi
3 messages
04-15-13 09:34 AM
Lvoe List 26.8
If this season has an underlying theme, it is that those who can't control their emotions will be ruled by them. And perhaps doomed as well. Bra
4 messages
04-08-13 08:23 PM
It Was Bound to Happen Eventually
Haven't seen this posted anywhere else around here. Thought it would be of interest.
1 messages
04-04-13 03:12 PM
Lvoe List 26.7
Well, maybe if we get these up sooner some more folks will turn back up to play. This forum is much too unlively lately. 01. Cochran (
7 messages
04-01-13 08:39 AM
Lvoe List 26.6
Since Michel didn't start one for week 6, alright, I'll give it another shot. Lot of movement this week again as the game actually picks up a
1 messages
03-26-13 10:06 PM
Lvoe List
This season is really hitting new lows as far as participation is involved. I mean, Survivor jumped the shark way back in Cook Islands but it still
5 messages
03-19-13 09:06 PM
Can't find this season's clips of the Ponderosa. Anyone see these? ds/User_f
6 messages
03-18-13 09:17 AM
Lvoe List
1- Andrea: She was the only one to realize that Phillip's strategy could backfire. Sure, it could contain outsiders in case of a swap but it co
1 messages
03-11-13 09:41 PM
I'm guessing Phillip doesn't understand the concept of an "alliance"? When you're in an 8 person tribe, and you are in an 8 p
3 messages
03-08-13 08:02 PM
Lvoe List
If anyone wants to do this earlier each week, be my guest. I want to keep the tradition alive but I can't do it before Sundays. 1- Sher
2 messages
03-06-13 11:05 PM
Once Again I Can't Grasp The Fear...
of a hidden immunity idol... The main group has an opportunity to get rid of a hidden idol with 100% certainty...and they don't...becau
8 messages
03-06-13 06:03 PM
Lvoe List
Anyone interested in doing this? Here's my list: 1- Sherri: I really enjoyed the way she handle Shamu and got her way wi
3 messages
02-27-13 10:39 PM
Macolm gets a day job...
[ om-Freburg-1059965.aspx|It's so much nicer than Survivor!] Haven't watched B&B
7 messages
02-23-13 11:13 PM
Survivor: Player of the Season [View All]
Time to vote for your favorite player of the year! Go [ of_the_week/|here] to cast your vote.
49 messages
01-17-13 08:57 PM
S25 Philippines Episode 13 Love / Loathe List
Apparently, the theme of this episode is, “Denise wins Survivor.” Malcolm called it. Abi called it. So don’t be surprised if Michael wins it
6 messages
12-18-12 08:49 PM
S25 Philippines Episode 11 Love / Loathe List [View All]
Determining my rankings for this episode was rather difficult since I didn’t find anyone to be particularly unlikeable. I have to say though—I did
22 messages
12-14-12 05:52 PM
S25 Philippines Episode 12 Love / Loathe List
I don’t really have much to say about this episode. To me, at least, this is easily the most boring episode since the merge happened. Lisa final
4 messages
12-10-12 02:43 AM
Carter's Mom
[/br]... has got it goin' on.
3 messages
12-07-12 01:03 AM
Penner family member? Carter screws up.
I finally realized that Penner's loved one had to be there on the Island with the others. Although it seems like a week has passed for us, the rew
2 messages
12-06-12 07:11 PM
S25 Philippines Episode 10 Love / Loathe List
Eating my words seems to be the theme of my week. After I declared after Ep. 3 that this was the worst season since RI, I've gained much more appr
13 messages
11-30-12 06:08 PM
S25 Philippines Episode 9 Love / Loathe List
1. [b]Jonathan[/b] (10, 6, 5, 5, 6, 1, 1, 2) This was undeniably Jonathan's and Lisa's episode. From breaking the
3 messages
11-19-12 12:37 PM
Lisa Welchel Has West Nile Virus,- 20648388,00.html ds/User_files%
1 messages
11-16-12 10:36 AM
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