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"Even a lame duck can see through the smoke and mirrors"

Posted by Romanticlee on 09-19-03 at 04:04 AM
Am I the only one to see it? During the opening episode of Joe Schmo, during the underwear session Earl, the old man made a error about which pair of shorts were actually his, and the cast skirted past that blunder, I guess you would call that a cliff hanger for those of you watching closely. But I am talking way before that, when they were meeting for the first time in front of the mansion. When Joe and Hutch were talking sports and Joe asked Hutch who his favorite football team was since he was suppose to be from Texas. Hutch replied "I don't know!" and Joe asked Hutch "what about the Huston Texans?" To which Hutch replied, "No I like the Oilers!" Hutch! Joe! Oilers, Texans!They are the same team, Hutch should of thought about his answer, and Joe should of caught the blunder...I think the whole cast, Joe included are a bunch of beginning actors! Am I the only one to see this?

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"RE: Even a lame duck can see through the smoke and mirrors"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 09-19-03 at 04:31 AM
Hi romanticlee. Welcome to the site. I'm sure the moderators will be letting you know that this post doesn't belong in the Survivor Spoilers board but in the Joe Schmo board found here: http://community.realitytvworld.com/boards/cgi-bin/dcboard.cgi?az=list&forum=DCForumID55&conf=DCConfID9

Feel free to post your survivor spoilers here, if you've got any

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"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it" - Mohandas K. Gandhi

"RE: Even a lame duck can see through the smoke and mirrors"
Posted by Romanticlee on 09-21-03 at 04:20 AM
Ok I am needing a little help here, how do I "pack my bags" and move my stuff to the "right place" Obviously I was not aware of what I was doing, so I do not know how to "undo" what I did, a little help is greatfuly needed here~thank you!

"RE: Even a lame duck can see through the smoke and mirrors"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 09-19-03 at 06:10 AM
Wow, these are pretty *strong* smoke and mirrors if it caused you to end up all the way over onto the Survivor Spoiler board!

Take a left and maybe the hurricane will pick you up and take you over to the Joe Schmo forum, which PhoenixMons was already kind enough to post a link to.

Click here to rank all 96 Survivors!

Heidi: My biggest assets to the tribe are my athletic skills and my intelligence. I've lost one of them.
Jiffy: Which one?

"RE: Even a lame duck can see through the smoke and mirrors"
Posted by Bebo on 09-19-03 at 10:05 AM
"what about the Huston Texans?" To which Hutch replied, "No I like the Oilers!" Hutch! Joe! Oilers, Texans!They are the same team,

Actually, they're not. The Oilers moved to Tennessee and became the Titans. And while I agree that it was an awkward conversation, it's not unusual for fans of the original team to be reluctant to embrace the new one.

It took this Baltimore native a little while to embrace the Ravens after the Colts departure, so I'm speaking from experience here.

Regardless, welcome to the forums. Make sure you take a glance at the Guidelines, accessible at the top of each forum. You may also want to join in on one of the threads, such as Crying Game or Joe Schmo Knows, where posters are already debating this topic.

Fighting for evil (and neat forums) since 2002

"Through the smoky looking glass"
Posted by Neffer on 09-19-03 at 11:44 AM
As Bebo, my favorite poster by the way, stated, the Oilers moved and the Texans are an expansion team. You're not putting yourself in the moment. Think about the situation. Your perspective is much different than Schmo's.

--Neffer (Big Water)

"RE: Through the smoky looking glass"
Posted by kyngsladye on 09-23-03 at 02:09 AM
Neffer, I KNOW you'll be joining Bebo's fan club soon.

T-shirt $149.95 available in S,M,L,XL and XXL

La Métropole

"RE: Bebo fan club t-shirts (off topic)"
Posted by Neffer on 09-24-03 at 02:30 PM
Only $149.95? That's a steal. Unfortunately I am too poor right now. Perhaps you could cut me a price break? Also, are these officially sanctioned t-shirts? I don't want any bootleg stuff. It better have a hologram on it.

"RE: Bebo fan club t-shirts (off topic)"
Posted by Deonna on 09-24-03 at 02:32 PM

"RE: Even a lame duck can see through the smoke and mirrors"
Posted by Oscirus on 09-22-03 at 10:12 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-22-03 AT 10:13 AM (EST)


www.treknology.org/ osiris-dvt.jpg

"RE: Even a lame duck can see through the smoke and mirrors"
Posted by gpursley on 09-23-03 at 10:17 AM

:You are not the only one the first week I saw the show I told my wife the show was suppose to snow all of america and make us the schmo but I like it anyway

>Am I the only one to
>see it? During the opening
>episode of Joe Schmo, during
>the underwear session Earl, the
>old man made a error
>about which pair of shorts
>were actually his, and the
>cast skirted past that blunder,
>I guess you would call
>that a cliff hanger for
>those of you watching closely.
>But I am talking way
>before that, when they were
>meeting for the first time
>in front of the mansion.
> When Joe and Hutch
>were talking sports and Joe
>asked Hutch who his favorite
>football team was since he
>was suppose to be from
>Texas. Hutch replied "I don't
>know!" and Joe asked Hutch
>"what about the Huston Texans?"
>To which Hutch replied, "No
>I like the Oilers!"
>Hutch! Joe! Oilers, Texans!They are
>the same team, Hutch should
>of thought about his answer,
>and Joe should of
>caught the blunder...I think the
>whole cast, Joe included are
>a bunch of beginning actors!
> Am I the only
>one to see this?

"RE: Even a lame duck can see through the smoke and mirrors"
Posted by calraith on 09-23-03 at 10:33 PM
OK tonight's episode supports your theory. I'm quite confused. For blog's sake (for when the episode is no longer fresh in memory), following is a recount of tonight's episode:

In the beginning of the episode, a contest was rigged so that Matt would win a vacation in Utah. During the competition, he knocked Pat on her back (justified by a little tension introduced when a tryst was revealed between her and Hutch that morning). It didn't appear to me that she hit her head very hard -- most of the Sumo suit took the impact. Certainly not hard enough to go to the hospital for a suspected concussion. But the hospital is where she went.

The next contest of the day was rigged so that Matt would win the immunity robe. As the contest was starting (the contest that Matt was going to win anyway) and the group was welcoming Dr. Pat back from her hospital visit, Matt generously gave up his wonderful vacation to make up for the awful abuse he had inflicted on Dr. Pat.

Lo and behold, at the eviction ceremony, a surprise was revealed that gave the winner of the Utah vacation the opportunity to walk away from the show with an additional $25K. This voluntary exodus invalidated the night's voting.

It's clear that Hutch is intended to be a continuing source of tension for the entire season. It seems that Dr. Pat was indeed intended to leave the show next, to keep Hutch on. However, logically, how could they have justified voting her off if Matt had not given her the vacation? Since the group had never planned for Hutch to get the robe, how was he going to stay on the show?

Were they going to offer Matt the same out that was offered to Dr. Pat, had he kept his prize from that morning's Sumo wrestling contest? Doubt it. Were they going to give Hutch the immunity robe if Matt hadn't offered a way for them not to? Supposedly, nobody knew he was going to give his vacation prize away until just before the contest started.

I suppose it's possible that Matt had revealed his intention to Brian (a producer of the show) earlier that day, giving the group enough time to re-plan the immunity contest. That seems pretty far-fetched though. So how else were they planning to keep Hutch on the show? I suppose it's also possible that the Hutch was going to be eliminated, but at the last minute there was a change of plans that would keep him in. But with an organized effort that has taken a year of planning, I find it hard to believe that such a major change would be a spur of the moment ordeal.

It appears that Matt is an actor as well.

"RE: Even a lame duck can see through the smoke and mirrors"
Posted by SchmoFan on 09-24-03 at 00:14 AM
Well, this show is partially scripted, and I'll bet Pat was scheduled to be evicted next. The storyline pairs up Molly and Ashleigh as competitors. Kip and Hutch are similarly paired off. Since it doesn't look like those storylines have come to a head, I can't imagine these characters being evicted.

That leaves Brian and Pat as the free floaters that should logically be evicted. But Brian is a producer of the show, which made Pat the obvious character to kill off. So I assert that Pat was scheduled to be evicted anyway.

Here's how I bet it was supposed to happen. At the beginning of the episode Pat slept with Hutch. Since this storyline was scripted it was supposed to go somewhere - it was supposed to lead to her eviction. Kip would vote against her because she slept with Hutch, who has been picking on him. Molly votes against her because she considers her to be slutty. Ashleigh votes against her because she can't stand a woman who throws herself at a man. And Hutch votes against her just because he's an asshole.

They were going to develop this storyline in between the vacation competition and the immunity competition, but they couldn't because Pat was at the hospital. Then they were going to develop it between the immunity competition and the eviction ceremony. After the immunity competition, the writers have an emergency meeting about two issues: (1) Won't it be a little too emotionally intense for Matt to see Pat evicted, considering he just put her in the hospital? And, (2) What neat plot twists can we add given that Matt gave Pat his prize?

So they come up with that last minute rewrite. Pat leaves, but on a happy note, with $25,000 in her pocket. Matt gets to feel good about himself, there are no tears at this eviction ceremony, and the show goes on.

Whaddaya think?

"RE: Even a lame duck can see through the smoke and mirrors"
Posted by Guppin1234 on 09-24-03 at 01:32 PM
Yesterday's episode was surprisingly refreshing. I actually enjoyed it. It showed SchmoMan's generous nature and how much of a good sport he can be. Even Hutch was funny (most disgusting) but funny, best lines:
"I had my head examined"
"She opened up to me"

Seems like Hutch got a little mushy eyed when the people in the room got disgusted that he had pseudosex with Dr. Pat, defensively like "why is that so hard to believe."

I've always wanted to try those sumo suits, so that was fun to watch, either that or the velcro suits. Even the cat fight was fun to watch, good improv on Ashleigh's part.

Brian's gotta overcome his problem with shyness!

I don't buy into the Joe Knows and everybody else is the schmo thing. I thought I over-speculated at times, you guys definitely take it over the top.

Posted by Neffer on 09-24-03 at 02:26 PM
It's all speculation of course, but that sounds reasonable. Well constructed at any rate SchmoFan.

Whatever the original plan, a rewrite was pushed on the producers. I don't think it's a big conspiracy. It would take some mastermind to twist thing up this much on purpose and keep it all going according to a plan with human game pieces.

Just a note on Dr. Pat’s injury, head-whip is likely what she suffered, which can result in a variety of injuries, including muscle strain, whiplash, or concussion.

"RE: Reasonable"
Posted by calraith on 09-30-03 at 10:02 PM
OK, I'm retarded. It was so obvious that Hutch was going to remain a perpetual source of tension for the rest of the season. But he got evicted tonight. That pretty much nullifies what I said at the end of last week's episode. I no longer believe Matt is in on it.

Another thought occurred to me tonight. This reality show isn't much of a parody on other reality shows. It could be much funnier if Matt was actually in on the secret and could play along, and the actors could embellish on their parts even more whimsically than they do now.

I had expected in the beginning of the season that the characters would eventually end up playing live-action cartoon characters or something, but instead they're really consistently believable and realistic, like a character study on different personalities. If anything, they're more docile than participants of real reality shows, which pretty much already make fun of themselves.

I'm rambling though. Matt's not an actor. Even though sometimes when he does that weird eye thing he reminds me of Jim Carrey or Steve Buscemi. . .

"RE: Reasonable"
Posted by Guppin1234 on 10-01-03 at 01:33 AM
MATT reminds me of a combination of 10th generation Ray Romano and my ex-brother-in-law. I've got that image bouncing around in my head.

"RE: Even a lame duck can see through the smoke and mirrors"
Posted by ryanpaige on 10-14-03 at 02:35 PM
Pretty sure Joe was asking him about the Astros when Hutch mentioned being an Oilers fan. They were talking about Doug Drabek being from the Pittsburgh area, etc.

Of course, I don't know that not having local sports knowledge is all that suspicious. My father grew up in Houston and still lives in Texas. He did not know the Harris County Domed Stadium was commonly known as the Astrodome and didn't know the team was called the Astros.

There are just some people who are that in tune to the sports world (now if it had been me, I would've followed up the "Oilers fan" comment with some talk of Dan Pastorini, Bum Phillips and the Tyler Rose, along with some Bud Bashing. Now, if he then didn't know anything about the Oilers, that would make me suspicious. But I've been an Astros fan for pretty well my whole life, and I can't hold too long a conversation about Doug Drabek).

Seems to me, though, that making his character be from Houston didn't have any sort of payoff. It was an unnecessary complication that could've caused problems. Might as well have made the character of The Hutch be from wherever the actor is actually from. Just like making the obviously-Texan Molly be living in Wisconsin.