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"Friday Night Lights: Season 2"

Posted by sharnina on 09-07-07 at 07:52 PM
I thought it might be a good idea to start a new thread for Season 2 since the other one is getting so long.

Here are the updated banners. And updated siggy for Glow.

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2"
Posted by Glow on 09-10-07 at 08:10 AM
Awesome. Thanks, Shar.

"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2"
Posted by samboohoo on 09-12-07 at 03:22 PM
I just saw a write-up in TV Guide about what's going to happen this season. Not sure if I should post anything, but they sure did let a few cats out of the bag.

Woo Hoo! I love me some Arkie!

"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2"
Posted by Max Headroom on 09-12-07 at 03:36 PM
All right, I get to use a new FNL siggie! Thanks, sharnina.

...and Boo? No spoilers!

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2"
Posted by Hoobie on 09-15-07 at 02:26 AM
Please watch! We need the ratings up, up, up.

"Season 2 Premiere Video"
Posted by KScott on 09-27-07 at 12:57 PM
Looky what I found, it is the premiere of Season 2, just click on the watch full episode. I read somewhere that it won't be available after September 30 so watch it while you can....


Snidget rocks! Friday Night Lights Rules!

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn... that was fun!"

"RE: Season 2 Premiere Video"
Posted by sharnina on 09-27-07 at 09:47 PM
Oh.My.Heck! Ahhhh! It was......!

Well, I guess I better not say for those that want to wait another week.

Shar's World

"RE: Season 2 Premiere Video"
Posted by KScott on 09-28-07 at 01:23 PM
Oh.My.Heck does not even begin to describe it. I can't wait for the rest of the shows!!!

Snidget rocks! Friday Night Lights Rules!

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn... that was fun!"

"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2"
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-01-07 at 00:35 AM
I am the newest FNL fan. I heard you all rave about it last year and was tempted.

But when I read on ESPN that it might be cancelled and that they were posting all the old eps free online, I had to check it out.


Finished Season I tonight. In EP 120 "Mud Bowl" I thought that the Byant Viking captain looked familiar. He was the guy who asked before the game if Smash's mom was "a goat roper".

He was one of my former college students. What are the odds?

sig by Shar
Clear eyes, full hearts...can't lose!

"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2"
Posted by Glow on 10-02-07 at 12:23 PM
Yay Spanky!

I've made several mentions of how I just adore the acting on this show. Even the "extras" are extra-special. So. Yay for your former student!

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose

"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2"
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-02-07 at 12:34 PM
Some of your students who go on to big things surprise you. "Gee, I never imagined him as a doctor".

Not this guy. He was a DAW by the standards of baseball players. He was continually hitting on the hot girls in class. So him in a movie (and this wasn't his first credit) wasn't a surprise at all.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2"
Posted by Glow on 10-02-07 at 12:43 PM
here's my post from that episode. Near the bottom is my comment about your student.

"My name is Tim Riggins and I play fullback." -- Friday Night Lights Fridays @ 9 on NBC

"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2"
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-02-07 at 04:50 PM
I looked and looked. Sorry, but I didn't see it.

He was the class cut-up and a star athlete at the same time. What a combo.

"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2"
Posted by Glow on 10-03-07 at 07:46 AM
oh jeez. Sorry bout that! You said "captain" but I read "coach".

"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2"
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-03-07 at 09:45 AM
No problem. I thought that was the confusion. I was thinking "does she think I am old enough to have taught that COACH in college? He's older than I am!!!"

Surfkitten Siggie Shop


"Ok, this is really about seaon 1...."
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-04-07 at 00:36 AM
But I didn't want to dredge that monster thread up here to the top of the page.

I have had "Devil Town" stuck in my head since watching State episode over the weekend. I don't mind as I think the song fit the mood of the series perfectly in the two places I remember them using it (Tyra in the Applebees) and at the state victory parade. The only guy I can find singing it on Youtube is a guy who seems really...freaky. Seems like they had someone else sing it on the show. and I like the show verison better than the Johnston guy on youtube.

I am eagerly looking forward to S2 Friday. Our hometown football team is off this week. But most of the towns and teams represented in the movie are within easy driving distance of me in real life.

And in case you haven't said it already a dozen times (I tried reading the monster S1 thread, I really did), this movie has Texas high school football nailed. Dead on. Nailed.

It's religion for a lot of folks down here. Sad but true.

Flashy sig by RollDdice

"RE: Ok, this is really about seaon 1...."
Posted by sharnina on 10-04-07 at 02:11 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-04-07 AT 02:14 AM (EST)

Try this website.


Bright Eyes is listed as the artist along with somebody named Tony Lucca. ETA - just checked iTunes and Tony Lucca sounds like the right artist.

The nbc FNL message board is also a fairly decent source of info. I enjoy Ran Cansley's episode recaps that are linked there every week.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

Shar's World

"RE: Ok, this is really about seaon 1...."
Posted by Glow on 10-04-07 at 10:39 AM
Here's a snip from my blog entry on April 12th (that I can't get to link for whatever reason). http://obsessivetelevision.blogspot.com

Fun Fact: “Devil Town” was written by a guy named Daniel Johnston (Bright Eyes did a brilliant cover. We heard the Bright Eyes version in “State”) a singer/songwriter who has a cult-like following in Austin, TX. There’s a documentary called “The Devil and Daniel Johnston”. He was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and believed the devil was out to get him.

"I was living in a devil town
Didn't know it was a devil town
Oh Lord, it really brings me down
About the devil town
And all my friends were vampires
Didn't know they were vampires
Turns out I was a vampire myself
In the devil town
I was living in a devil town
Didn't know it was a devil town
Oh Lord, it really brings me down
About the devil town"

"RE: Ok, this is really about seaon 1...."
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-04-07 at 12:14 PM
Oh. I think I heard of this guy. He was living with his parents and writing songs that scared everybody because they were so raw?

Ah. Thanks. This makes sense now.

Surfkitten Siggie Shop


"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2"
Posted by sharnina on 10-06-07 at 03:41 AM
First, a present for Spanky. Enjoy!

Second, I loved this episode! Buddy's fight in the parking lot was just what you'd expect from Buddy. And Lyla's prayer was hilarious. I loved seeing her little brother and sister. The little brother almost had a line there.

And I have never seen a cuter little baby on TV than little Grace Taylor. I sure hope Julie warms up to her and fast.

Yikes! What was Tyra thinking??? They should have called the police right away. I can't wait to see how this plays out. I have a feeling the guy isn't dead and will turn up again later.

The new coach is a bugger bear and I wanted to smack him when he was yelling at Timmy. By the way - I thought Timmy was a senior last year. Shouldn't he have graduated. And if he was held back, how is he eligible to play for another year?

What did ya'll think?

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

Shar's World

"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 10-06-07 at 09:33 AM
Oh my gosh, the Tyra story....I kept screaming "Call 911". She did the right thing about going to the police station if someone is following her, but darn it, press charges! And then the guy is killed, and they take the body and dump it!!!! They should have called 911--it was self defense! He threatened her! And they both will need therapy....what's going to happen when they are caught, and they will get caught. What were they thinking. Such big problems for young children.

Coach's daughter----so disappointing story lines with her. But probably pretty realistic, such a shame.

Sarencen and his grandmother in the grocery store. Loved his grandmother's reaction to Coach Eric Taylor!

The new coach saying that a coach can't be friends with the players. Well, we'll see about that.

Mrs. Taylor's facial reactions to Coach saying he had to leave on Friday. My face does the same thing!! Gets all twitchy and muscles distorting it.

Great episode...almost too much to digest, but I will be back.


"Ran Cansley recap Episode 2.1"
Posted by sharnina on 10-06-07 at 04:31 PM
Here's a link to Ran Cansley's recap. This is not PG13.

FNL recap at The Recapist

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

Shar's World

"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2"
Posted by true on 10-06-07 at 09:52 AM
This is now my favorite show. Thanks to all you obsessed freaks (I mean that in the best way!) for turning me on to this quality program. Oh, and you can thank me for not watching it last season or it would have surely been cancelled. I have that effect on new, quality programming. I caught up online over the summer, and I got to see the show on my big screen HDTV for the first time last night. Wooo!!!

Here's to season 2 being as great as season 1. *cheers*

"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2"
Posted by KwietOne on 10-06-07 at 11:21 AM
NO-NO-NO...I'm the NEWEST fan! This show was crammed in my face, and I finally decided to take the plunge...and boy do I feel shamed. This is honestly a GREAT show!

It was touching that Coach Taylor is trying his darndest to keep his family together. I loved the father/daughter talk in the car at the bar. He really needs to be with his family. Can't he see this college coaching job is tearing his family apart?

What's up with Landry and Tyra? Tyra was level headed to drive to the police station while she was being followed. But then they dump the guy's body? I was yelling at my TV for them to call 911! It'll be interesting to find out where this story leads.

Bravo TV was airing a marathon of episodes, but I believe I only watched the last 3 shows of last season - AWESOME.

surfkitten siggie shop 2007

"Episode 2-1 "Last Days of Summer""
Posted by Glow on 10-06-07 at 11:40 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-06-07 AT 12:10 PM (EST)

and the episode starts with!
Timmy in the pool! Timmy in the pool!

I love that the season opened with the Matt/Landry talk at the pool (and Timmy without a shirt). “WWRD? What would Riggins do?” “Captain of the SS Tatas” *snort* Tyra walking up to the pool, pushing the little red rocket popsicle up as Landry was drooling. Hee!

Love the new opening. Hate the new coach but I love that they make it SO obvious that Eric will be back.

It’s a good thing I never let myself forget how invested I am in these characters because I’m not sure about the storylines right now. The whole Landry and Tyra thing is hard to watch and definitely not a storyline I’m totally sold on. But I’m in love with them so anything that gives them more time on my television is appreciated. My husband was yelling at them. “Call the cops! What are they doing? Call the cops!”

Lyla’s storyline is interesting and I think I can appreciate where they’re going with that. I was rooting for her to come out all angst-y and hardass but I’ll buy into the born again Christian thing because I think she’ll be headed for hardass soon. And probably a born again Christian is harder for her parents to handle than an angst-y troublemaker anyway. Her pre-dinner prayer was funny. Loved the scene with Lyla and Tim in the parking lot. “I had a three-way with the Stratton sisters.“ “I wouldn’t go around town bragging about the fact that you spent your entire summer in a drunken stupor.“ “So what you’re saying is you’re jealous.“ Tim’s “the best I’ve ever had” comment was his little way of telling her he loves her. “Enjoy Jesus.” “Yeah. Enjoy your depraved hedonism.” “Oh I will.” “So will I.” Tim raises his eyebrows. And she’s all “I mean Jesus not hedonism.” And he’s all “’course.” So yeah. That little exchange. And Tim’s arms!

Julie is a bigger brat than ever. If that’s even possible. The Swede. Please. *rolls eyes* Don't get me started on the strain he's putting on his voice trying to sing like Eddie Vedder! When she said to Eric, “Guess what? He has a girlfriend”, in my head he said, “Guess what? You have a boyfriend.” Kyle Chandler is wonderful. He says so much with the raise of an eyebrow. I love that he’s all proMatt now. Hopefully we’ll find out what we missed over the summer that drove Julie away from Matt and Matt back into his “I’m a nobody” attitude.

Connie Britton is amazing as per her usual. I was all impressed with her greatness as soon as she walked up to Julie at the pool all pregnant and awesome. My heart broke when she broke down on the couch.

I just love Adrienne Palicki but I’m not crazy about Tyra’s haircut.
Scott Porter? Yes. More Jason Street please.

I'm watching it again soon to see what I've forgotten to comment on!

ETA: OMG! Buddy sleeping at the car dealership... eight months later. Buddy flipping the heck out on new boyfriend. Buddy getting kicked out of watching practice. Love the potential of his story. But I fear it too.

Watching baby Grace makes my maternal alarm clock go off all over the place.

"RE: Episode 2-1 "Last Days of Summer""
Posted by true on 10-06-07 at 07:31 PM
>It’s a good thing I never
>let myself forget how invested
>I am in these characters
>because I’m not sure about
>the storylines right now.
>The whole Landry and Tyra
>thing is hard to watch
>and definitely not a storyline
>I’m totally sold on.
>But I’m in love with
>them so anything that gives
>them more time on my
>television is appreciated. My
>husband was yelling at them.
> “Call the cops!
>What are they doing?
>Call the cops!”

This was the only part of the show that ticked me off. I think those two characters are a couple of the smartest on the show, and even though I know they're just kids, I think the way they handled the stalker was way out of character for them.

I heard somewhere that the show was going to take on a more "soap opera" vibe to try to increase ratings. I hope they don't ruin the show and it's wonderful characters with too much unbelievable soap-style crapola.

Still, I can't wait for next Friday night!

ps. Timmy looked hotter than ever, but Coach Taylor makes me *swoon*.

"RE: Episode 2-1 "Last Days of Summer""
Posted by Max Headroom on 10-06-07 at 09:37 PM
Finally pulled the first episode of Season 2 off the TiVo. Whew.

The Landry and Tyra situation is a problem. Suppose they called 911. What do they tell the police? "Uh, he threatened her, roughed her up a little, and was walking away when I clocked him from behind with a pipe?" We know the stalker tried to rape Tyra previously, but the guy was never caught and we never found out if Tyra even filed a police report. Hmm, will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Looks like this will be a good season!

"RE: Episode 2-1 "Last Days of Summer""
Posted by aquariaqueen on 10-06-07 at 10:33 PM
I am going to assume that Tyra did a police report because you see her walking out of the station last year, and she's a little miffed at Landry for talking.

If she would have gone in to the station on the episode when he was following her with a description and license number, she would have more of a chance.

And his car at the store.....another stalking incident. They needed to call 911....left his body alone. They are so caught!

And like mentioned in a previous post, these were two of the most level headed kids-a little much to choke down.

"RE: Episode 2-1 "Last Days of Summer""
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-06-07 at 11:19 PM
And like mentioned in a previous post, these were two of the most level headed kids-a little much to choke down.

I agree. They should have gone to the police right after the attack and the death of the rapist (if that happened). I have been in fights before. Always when I was defending myself. And after it's over, the adrenaline rush runs out and you get all jittery and are kind of in shock. I am sure that in a real-life attack like that things would be hazy after it ended.

So I can see it as more plausible than most can.

Flashy sig by RollDdice

"RE: Episode 2-1 "Last Days of Summer""
Posted by aquariaqueen on 10-07-07 at 08:40 AM
I can see your point....I guess I am so used to kids these days being droned into their heads "Call 911!!" Yes, adrenaline trumps reality.....I hope the courts see it that way also!

(Just wish she would have filed more reports to help build her case though)

"RE: Episode 2-1 "Last Days of Summer""
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-07-07 at 10:08 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-07-07 AT 10:09 AM (EST)

yep. She was bullheaded. She was shortsighted. Man, she was turning into Riggins, wasn't she?

etf spelling

"RE: Episode 2-1 "Last Days of Summer""
Posted by sharnina on 10-07-07 at 06:24 PM
I left this for you upthread but I think you missed it. Enjoy!

Shar's World

"RE: Episode 2-1 "Last Days of Summer""
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-07-07 at 08:46 PM
I am getting nearsighted in my old age. Thanks for the shiny new siggy.

"RE: Episode 2-1 "Last Days of Summer""
Posted by Glow on 10-08-07 at 09:21 AM
"I heard somewhere that the show was going to take on a more "soap opera" vibe to try to increase ratings. I hope they don't ruin the show and it's wonderful characters with too much unbelievable soap-style crapola."

I heard that too. It scares me. There was a lot missing from this season opener that I liked about last season. While I admit I loved the opening with the (Timmy in the) pool, it was a bit too much like some other soap opera-y teenager shows that I won't mention by name (because I can't think of any other than The OC and I mentioned that down there). The great dialogue remains though and that is a HUGE factor in what makes this show so awesome. I'll hang out with the Tyra/Landry murder story and hope for good things from it (them becoming a couple couple ~and then breaking up because I love breakup drama Tyra, more great dialogue, more Tandry on my television). Not sure I'm buying Landry on the football team though.

I don't recall needing my ready box of Kleenex and that is un.heard.of.

Yes, I am an obsessed freak, btw.

And where is Waverly? What's up with her?

"RE: Episode 2-1 "Last Days of Summer""
Posted by Max Headroom on 10-08-07 at 10:07 AM
Yep, Landry will get his arse kicked on the football team. But it's feasible to me, given the small-town nature of Dillon.

The other plot line I'm looking forward to is Lyla's religious conversion. The girl's been through a lot in the past few months, so a radical change like that isn't unrealistic. I'm curious to see how it plays out!

Waverly? Bet we'll see her sometime soon, though I don't think she's part of the regular cast.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

"RE: Episode 2-1 "Last Days of Summer""
Posted by samboohoo on 10-08-07 at 10:11 AM
I haven't heard this. If it's any consolation, I didn't feel like it was more soap opery. I've never seen the OC. I didn't feel too much change, just not as much going on. I'm sure there will be more drama as we go on.

Woo Hoo! I love me some Arkie!

"RE: Episode 2-1 "Last Days of Summer""
Posted by Glow on 10-08-07 at 10:40 AM
Max, I think we should know what's happened with Waverly even if she isn't part of the regular cast. Her storyline is a big deal. I'm sure we'll find out in some capacity at some point (I'll check imdb to see if she's listed in the credits this year).

"I didn't feel too much change, just not as much going on. I'm sure there will be more drama as we go on."

Boo! MORE drama?!?! Gosh, I hope not! In episode 2-1 we had a birth, a stalking, a murder, a murder cover-up, the drama-oozing beginnings of a breakup, a fight, a former cheerleader being "born again", the subtle undertones (perfectly subtle) of a major storyline about a highschool football player destroying his life with alcohol, hateful new football coach... They shoved way too much into the opener and still left out way too many details. I've been fearful of them trying to "improve" an absolutely spot-on perfect first season so maybe I watched this episode with fearful eyes. Doesn't matter though. I'm not going anywhere.

"RE: Episode 2-1 "Last Days of Summer""
Posted by aquariaqueen on 10-08-07 at 11:08 AM
I agree......that was jammed packed with drama.

Last year was perfect, they gave you a storyline for each character each week...it unfolded like a beautiful flower.

We don't need soap opera. They need to keep good crisp storylines and great acting going, it's perfection!

"RE: Episode 2-1 "Last Days of Summer""
Posted by samboohoo on 10-08-07 at 01:28 PM
Okay, let me stand corrected.

It was a different drama to me. Quick drama, not drawn out drama. When I think of soap opera drama, it's loooooonnnnnggggggg.

Take the Julie/Matt storyline for instance. When we left them, she had just been upset about the possiblility of moving away. She was totally in lvoe with him. Now something has happened that pulled her away from him. We got a brief explanation of him becoming her dad, her becoming Tammy, but it seemed to come out of nowhere to me. Does this make sense?

Woo Hoo! I love me some Arkie!

"RE: Episode 2-1 "Last Days of Summer""
Posted by Glow on 10-08-07 at 02:04 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-08-07 AT 02:06 PM (EST)

yep, it does. They focused way to much on an out-of-character storyline to try to suck in more viewers. Loyal and obsessive viewers, like myself, would have much rather seen a gradual regression of our beloved characters, if they must regress, instead we saw them fall back into who they were pre-progression. We missed a huge chunk of their lives and got no explanation as to how they ended up where they are. We can kind of figure out where Julie is coming from and why Tim is drinking himself stupid again and why Smash is so full of himself but it would have been ideal (for me) to see it all unfold.

I just hope their murder plot can keep some of the new viewers glued because if it was the first time I saw it, I'm not so sure I'd stick around. I have faith though. And I'm obsessed.

I expanded on my thoughts more on my blog (which I still cannot get to link for some strange reason). Of course. http://obsessivetelevision.blogspot.com

"RE: Episode 2-1 "Last Days of Summer""
Posted by samboohoo on 10-08-07 at 02:15 PM
I just read your blog.

Woo Hoo! I love me some Arkie!

"RE: Episode 2-1 "Last Days of Summer""
Posted by samboohoo on 10-08-07 at 10:08 AM

I love your summaries.

Julie: I didn't really think of her as a brat last year, but she is definitely one this year. I think she has really taken advantage of Eric being away. I LOVED him pulling up, reading the sign and then letting loose. I also love how he realtes with her.

Lyla: I too think I see where this is going. I think she really is a bit of a lost soul at the moment. And she had quite a traumatic year last year. I think Jesus is going to lose out to Tim Riggins on this one. I think I might like her better with Riggins than with Street.

Love Connie Britton: I agree with you on all of that. I loved her saying, "Either I just peed in the pool or my water broke."

Tyra/Landry: I like them, but I don't see them "together" for a very, very long time. And I can understand them dumping the body. They were scared crapless. That was 100% fear, and I think that they now think they can't go back. I can see them becoming a couple in their late 20s/early 30s, but not now. I like her haircut, I just am not sure if it's right for this phase of Tyra's life. Not the "highschool Tyra."

Buddy: Too darn funny. All of it. I like that Eric went to see him. I love how he probably has not been with a woman since Pam. And how about Pam. She looks like a divorcee. Loved Lyla's prayer about the skinny girl jeans. OMH.

Woo Hoo! I love me some Arkie!

"Hear Ye Hear Ye"
Posted by Puffy on 10-08-07 at 01:57 AM
*I* am FNL's newest fan. I watched it for the first time with the opener of Season 2. Thanks to Glowie for turning me on to it.

©Surfkitten siggie shop, 2007

"RE: Hear Ye Hear Ye"
Posted by Glow on 10-08-07 at 09:11 AM
Yay! You're welcome. Thank you!
You should watch Season 1 (it was much less OC-y).

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose

"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2"
Posted by Glow on 10-09-07 at 08:38 AM
This show owns me. I was reading a thread at an elsewhere listing "top 10" favorite scenes and I thought I would love to list my "top 10" favorite Riggins scenes to try to encapsulate why I think he is maybe my favorite television character of all time. Then I thought, well I could list my "top 10" favorite scenes for everybody. But we can't really do that kind of thing here (since we only have a thread and not a forum ~ but when half the posts are mine, I can see that I don't really need my own forum... or do I?). So yeah. I just google FNL and long for discussions like I see at other places. I could join the other places I suppose but I don't wanna.

*goes to blog to talk to self*

Posted by Max Headroom on 10-11-07 at 02:50 PM
Guess the critics don't like the Landry / Tyra murder plot line either.


Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

"Episode 2.1 "Bad Ideas""
Posted by sharnina on 10-13-07 at 12:32 PM
Here's the ever amusing Ran Cansley recap.


Shar's World

"October 12 episode"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 10-14-07 at 09:13 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-14-07 AT 11:12 AM (EST)

Wow, Connie is falling apart. Raging hormones, lack of sleep, and a crying baby. And that spoiled selfish daughter. I thinks I like the preview with Connie and Julie!!! About darn time!

I did like when Connie had all the answers about the students, but then her daughter acts off...classic!

Landry and Tyra...loved the conversation under the bleachers...that's the writing that makes FNLs so good.

Coach Taylor at the hearing.....fabulous writing again, along with the conversation in the pimpwagon and pancake house.

Riggins comes through once again with the Garrity family. He's a great guy folks, he's just been a little unguided.

Sarencen and the 2400.00 tiara....oh my gosh, this guy has heaps of responsibility beyond his years. Loved his line to Julie at the party about it being "the Smash Show".

Anyone else wish to discuss?

ETA: Two more things...
I was so disappointed in the writers. Connie didn't have a carseat for the child when she was at the hospital. Almost every baby is in an infant carrier at that age. I am so surprised they missed this obvious mistake. I am sure the science teacher didn't just have one in the car already.

Also, I found it rather funny, when Coach Taylor told the board they would take away his Iphone among other things, and guess what? In the St. Louis market, the first commercial after that scene was for iPhone!!! I loved it!!!

"RE: October 12 episode"
Posted by KwietOne on 10-14-07 at 02:50 PM
I can relate with Matt Sarencen's character. So much responsibility at a young age, and he's only in high school! I was in my second year of college, when my Dad became incapacitated due to an illness. I had to provide 24-hour care, and thus dropped out. It's a huge responsibility to provide care for a loved one.

Now off my soapbox...I honestly don't like where the Landry/Tyra story is going. I'm kinda disappointed given how Landry's own Dad is a cop, and he didn't even have the balls to report it. I guess it was done all out of love due to Tyra.

I agree...I liked the part where Coach Taylor was speaking up during that hearing. I wish there were more people like him out there.

surfkitten siggie shop 2007

"RE: October 12 episode"
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-14-07 at 11:27 PM
Wow. You are so right about the car seat. Sends shivers down my spine when I see a kid (much less an infant) in a car w/o one.

I said before that adrenaline would make sometimes over ride common sense. But I like the Landry/Tyra plot less and less. Geez, I hope this doesn't kill the show.

There is more than enough drama in a show about small town Texas football as it is. There is no need for this kind of plot to drum up more.

I hope Mrs. Taylor isn't getting involved with the science teacher. Was that last scene b/t them a clue that she might move to Austin? It certainly seemed like Coach might be longing for his HS job back again. As sleezy as HS football can be, college is usually worse I would think.

Riggins comes through once again with the Garrity family. He's a great guy folks, he's just been a little unguided. I am not so sure. Like a lot of boys his age, he usually thinks with his other head too often. And he can be endearing when he is after something. He's after Lyla so he will be nice. When the script writers want him to be, he will be a tool again. If he is avoiding 30something neighbors, rally girls and other dangerous women, how exciting can he be?

"RE: October 12 episode"
Posted by Max Headroom on 10-15-07 at 12:24 PM
My concern with the Landry/Tyra plot line is that there's no clear end to it. The stalker is dead and that's not going away, so how does this plot line ever go away? It's not like either of them is ever going to forget what happened.

Loved the Eric Taylor interaction with the athlete. Gotta give the kid credit, he had some good points about Coach being away from his new baby...

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

"RE: October 12 episode"
Posted by KScott on 10-16-07 at 08:10 AM
Maybe the body did not wash away and Landry's watch will be found next to it. Or maybe he is not dead, did they really check? I can't remember.

Snidget rocks! Friday Night Lights Rules!

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn... that was fun!"

"Episode 2-2: "Bad Ideas""
Posted by Glow on 10-16-07 at 10:19 AM
I read an interview somebody did with Jason Katims about the Tyra and Landry story line and I’m holding on. They wanted to tell this story and though I don’t like the story, I do like the way they’re telling it. They have two really great actors in Adrianne and Jesse and they wanted to bring them to the front. I’m okay with that. Their relationship was inevitable even without the murder. He’s truly the best man she knows. His “I’m in love with you” speech under the bleachers was delivered flawlessly. Her look of disbelief and his “don’t pretend you don’t know” were brilliant. It is still a bit disheartening though that they felt they had to tell this story to give Landry a main story. They could have done all this without a murder. I loved Tyra last season and I don’t want her to turn into Izzie because for the past two seasons, Izzie makes me want to throw things at my television. *sigh*
I wonder when he’s going to tell his dad. Soon? Sweeps? End of the season?

I loved the Tim and Lyla scene with drunk Buddy. (Complete with Season One camerawork.) Tim was helping Buddy before Lyla was anywhere around. Jason’s face when Lyla saw Tim helping Buddy up off the ground? Heartwrenching. HE wanted to be able to help him, or rather, help her. Lyla telling Tim “I bet you’re loving this.” And Tim’s all, “Why would I love this?” Tim fears ending up like Buddy or worse since Buddy isn’t a drunk, he’s just sad (Tim’s words). His respect (if that's what we should call it) for Lyla is probably becoming more clear to him. Less confusing. I’m willing to bet there’s a big story line for them coming up.
Timmy knocking the crap out of Landry at practice… I’m personally hoping that’s foreshadowing. Not that I want him to beat the crap out of Landry but that he isn’t happy about Tyra spending so much time with him. I was really hoping for the Tim finding out about Tyra being attacked, hunting the guy down, getting her back story arc but evs. I guess it’s plausible that Tim and Lyla lean on each other for support without taking it that extra step because of Jason and because they know they’re wrong for each other. I’m not sure where they’re going but I’ll ride along even if I am a bigger fan of the Tyra and Tim angle. Not to mention I was very hopeful, for two episodes last year, of a Tyra and Lyla friendship.
I am in desperate need of Jason/Tim scenes.

Didn’t Lyla graduate last year?
Didn’t Tyra graduate last year?

The scene with Jason telling Tami his dream was perfect. I would love more scenes with those two but it’s kind of exciting when they’re few and far between. I’m not sure what more I can say about them that I haven’t already. Scott Porter is perfection. Connie Britton is perfection. (Note: if Jason walks again, this show will jump sharks all over the place.)

Loved Matt’s drawing of Julie. I was wondering if they forgot he liked to draw. Silly me. Not loving the nurse but that'll probably change.
Matt agreeing with Julie when she told him he didn’t do anything wrong. I think she’s a brat but she’s sixteen and has a lot of stuff going on. And plus, who wasn’t a brat at sixteen? Teenagers are assholes. I think it’d be boring to have Matt+Julie 4ever anyway. But not helping her mom out is really really getting to me.

Landry playing along with Grandma’s tiara was adorable.

“Murderball” dude. Cool but I want Herc.

I think we need more Smash. Waverly?

Eric’s scenes with Antoine were great. That’s why he’s a head coach. It was strange to hear somebody tell him “Coach wants to see you.” My head didn’t compute that at first. I think Julie’s “nothing feels right” comment describes how the show feels right now. Maybe it’s intentional.

My ready box of tissues was needed this week. At least twice.

I may not be totally on board with the murder storyline but I’m not going to let that ruin this show for me. It’s all of those other scenes that keep me here. I loved so much about this episode. Perfection doesn’t always come without flaws.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose

"RE: Episode 2-2: "Bad Ideas""
Posted by aquariaqueen on 10-16-07 at 10:29 AM
Well thought out post...thanks

"RE: Episode 2-2: "Bad Ideas""
Posted by samboohoo on 10-16-07 at 02:41 PM
I've been waiting for you to get here.

Landry/Tyra Muder Plot: Here is my thinking. Some may agree, some not. And let me also state clearly that I am not condoning this type of behavior. But I think Tyra has a reputation. Look at her mom, look at her mom with Buddy. Look at her sister. The whole town has to know about the whole family. While they have not even hinted at this, it is very plausible for me to look at this and know exactly why Tyra would not have gone to the police in the first place. And it's also very plausible for me to guess that the police and the town would have not believed Tyra was the victim for one second.

I agree with you about the brilliance of that bleacher scene. I do not like them having sex. I don't like it at all. I still don't think they are couple material at this point in their lives.

I loved Landra playing along with the tiara too.

I am torn in the Tim/Lyla/Jason triangle. But I am leaning toward Lyla and Jason. I'm a softee for a high school sweetheart romance, but I think Jason and Lyla were too much of a fairy-tale.

And Connie Britton is absolute perfection. She is the queen.

Woo Hoo! I love me some Arkie!

"RE: Episode 2-2: "Bad Ideas""
Posted by Glow on 10-17-07 at 10:32 AM
And there's the way she was questioned when she went to the police. "Do you remember leaving your notebook?" "So the notebook he was carrying looked like your notebook but you don't remember leaving your notebook?" They treated her like she was somehow asking for it. They're looked at as tramps. So yes, I also believe the police would not have believed her.

Tyra and Landry's coupledom may not be earth moving or coming from some place of undeniable chemical attraction but it was going to happen murder or no murder. The minute Julie and Tyra started hanging out, it was inevitable. He was attracted to her and fighting for her attention and the minute he got it, he gained some self-esteem. She tried to keep him away but realized that she couldn't fight the way he was starting to feel for her. Probably nobody else has ever felt that way about her before. So she let him hang around her. She probably started to feel more secure and safe around him because he didn't push himself on her but made it obvious that he wanted to be with her. Then she was attacked and he was her "knight in shining armor" whenever she needed one. Eventually, they were going to become a couple or at least a couple friends hooking up. Then the murder. Which, come on, happened because Landry's ego was bruised when the dude punched him out. So now they have this secret and are closer than ever. He's the only one she can lean on. And he's in love with her. That might not be the right material to make a relationship but it definitely does the job. They're headed for a dramatic break-up though, even before the couple starts... er... coupling.

Jason and Lyla were a fairy tale. "You are Jason Street and I am Lyla Garrity." Sometimes they can have happy endings. Jason reaches for extremes. He needs somebody to keep him grounded. Everything in Lyla's world is falling apart. She needs the comfort of familiarity and to surround herself with people who love her (who are not her parents). Tim is falling back into old habits and needs somebody to thrust responsibility on him. Like a coach who just happens to be his best friend. And somebody who will teach him how valuable and important morals can be. Like somebody he respects who has just recently found religion. The three of them are bound together.

The more I think about it, the more I just KNOW Tim and Tyra are going to end up back together. Or, at least, it make total sense to me that they would end up back together. That's how I'm writing it in my head anyway.

Connie Britton had her Emmy reel already in Episode 1. Stupid blind Emmy people better get something right this year.

"My name is Tim Riggins. I play fullback."

"RE: Episode 2-2: "Bad Ideas""
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-17-07 at 09:02 AM
Great review, Glow.

Didn’t Lyla graduate last year?
Didn’t Tyra graduate last year?

I could've sworn Lyle, Tyra, Street and Riggins were all seniors. Smash was alluded to during the "scout" episode as a junior. Saracen was called a sophomore in the first episode.

They obviously kept them around for ratings. I think that one Season 3 plotline will be the new coach leaving (or being forced out and Eric coming back to the team).

I think the best part about season I was Saracen's continual look of confusion and anguish in every scene. That kid must be a superb actor to manage so many different variations of confusion.

Agman tricked out my siggie

"RE: Episode 2-2: "Bad Ideas""
Posted by Glow on 10-17-07 at 10:01 AM
Thanks, Spanky.

We knew for sure, without question, that Lyla, Tyra and Jason were seniors last year. It was a little unclear what year Tim was in so it's completely possible that he was a junior. I understand why they did it this way. I just wanted to point it out.

Eric will be back before Season 3. He'd have to be.

These actors are incredible. That's what happens when you give an actor freedom to become the character.

"Just a rumour"
Posted by KwietOne on 10-17-07 at 03:15 PM
I read from the Ausiello report at TVGuideOnline.com that NBC is considering moving FNL to Monday AFTER Heroes.

surfkitten siggie shop 2007

"RE: Just a rumour"
Posted by SilverStar on 10-17-07 at 04:23 PM
I hope that doesn't happen. My Monday night viewing schedule is already jam packed.

"RE: Just a rumour"
Posted by Glow on 10-18-07 at 07:38 AM
It thrills me to see you here.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose

"RE: Just a rumour"
Posted by sharnina on 10-17-07 at 05:30 PM
That makes a full night of viewing for me too but anything is better than Friday night as far as I'm concerned. I know some wanted it on Friday because of the title but that's gotta be one of the worst nights for a hot show like this one. If you review last year's ratings, the best night was show #5 "Git 'Er Done" which aired on Monday night at 10pm right after Heroes.


Shar's World

"RE: Just a rumour"
Posted by Glow on 10-18-07 at 07:30 AM
I thought that was going to read, "I know some wanted it on Friday because of the title but that's gotta be one of the worst... reasons I've ever heard.

I'm all for FNL on Mondays. The only thing we watch Mondays at 10 is Journeyman and that would obviously be moved (or cancelled?) if FNL's going in it's time slot. They could move this show wherever they wanted and I'd be happier than it being on Friday.

but you'll have to change my siggy again

"RE: Just a rumour"
Posted by KScott on 10-18-07 at 09:10 AM
I agree, I think if they leave it in the Friday time slot it will kill it. They need it after a bigger show during the week not on Friday.

Snidget rocks! Friday Night Lights Rules!

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn... that was fun!"

"RE: Just a rumour"
Posted by KwietOne on 10-18-07 at 02:12 PM
I would actually be happy, if it moved to Monday nights because I dropped Journeyman from my Season Pass. I just couldn't get into the show. Besides, for totally SELFISH reasons, there's just too much TV (for me) on Fridays. It starts backing up on Wednesday because of the "too much TV" reason.

surfkitten siggie shop 2007

"RE: Just a rumour"
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-19-07 at 01:32 PM
AH! Puts fingers in ears and hums until the talk of dropping Journeyman is over.

Seriously, it gets better after the first episode.

Agman tricked out my siggie

"RE: Just a rumour"
Posted by Glow on 10-19-07 at 02:20 PM
I really do like that show very much. I do. If given a choice though, there's really no contest.

"RE: Just a rumour"
Posted by emydi on 10-19-07 at 03:09 PM
ditto. Hey, maybe they can move Jman to wed at 10...Life is on life support imo

"RE: Just a rumour"
Posted by KwietOne on 10-20-07 at 06:19 PM
Hey! I like Life!

surfkitten siggie shop 2007

"RE: Just a rumour"
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-20-07 at 11:36 PM
Now you know how I feel about Journeyman

Agman tricked out my siggie

"RE: Just a rumour"
Posted by emydi on 10-22-07 at 12:30 PM
i do too but I heard it's not doing well at all

"Episode 2-3 "Are You Ready for Friday Night?""
Posted by Glow on 10-20-07 at 06:55 PM
This episode was miles better than the first two.

Landry and Tyra. hmmm. I'm so unsure how I feel about this. I love her but as much as I love Jesse Plemon's acting, I'm thinking maybe too much Landry is just that... too much. Parts of it are sweet, I suppose. The smile when he was eating his apple. His dad checking in on her at Applebees to see what she was doing with his son. Looking at the watches. Tyra said the one looked kinda like it and he's all, "it looks nothing like it actually." But them waking up in bed and the lingering shot of shirtless Landry made me go "enough!" but then we got shirtless Timmy. *happy sigh*

Billy and Jackie. I knew it! Poor Tim. How old is Billy supposed to be? The scene in the church with Lyla and Tim was gorgeous. The only thing I could think of when Tim told Lyla that she makes him feel closer to God was the song "Closer" by NiN and I would have definitely felt the same way she did about it (but my reaction would have been TOTALLY different). If you don't know it, look up the lyrics. His little grunts on his way out the door just showed how much he was expecting a different outcome. I do believe he was being sincere though... or at least thought he was.

Buddy! I loved Buddy this episode. I've always had that love/hate thing with him though. Brad Leland is so great in this role. I got a little choked up when he came to pick up Tim at the hosptial. When he pulled over after Tim told him it was his fault because he was playing hungover, you expected some lecture. Instead, we got, "I have seen you play hungover many, many times and you're damn good." And speaking of Tim in the hospital, that mean coach... grrrr. My poor Timmy.

Julie. "your baby's crying". ughhhhhhhh! Such a brat. I was so "yeah!" *fist pump* when Tami smacked her. And the Swede was all, "that's kidnapping. Get out of the car." EPA strangling polar bears.

Matt and Carlotta are obviously going to hook up. I thought it was cute that she started singing to him. Matt and Smash was awesome. It seemed very realistic to me because you can see where they're both coming from. Smash needs to try not to over ego so much on the field though.

Looks like Coach is coming home sooner than I thought. When he pulled up to Garrity Motors and Buddy was all, "yes!" "Do you have a drink?" "Yes I do." Tami breaking down about hitting Julie, sitting on the couch with him holding her. Just gorgeous.

Tim and Jason on a roadtrip. I love BFF Timmy and Six! OMG when McGregor called Jason the mascot, I gasped out loud. His facial expression made me cry. But I swear, if Jason walks, I will scream bloody perfect television show murder.

So. While I loved this episode, I was still finding myself flinching and wincing here and there because the first season was perfect. But. I think it's unfair for me to keep doing that. To keep expecting and waiting for it to be as good as it was last year. I love this show. Even if it never recaptures all of the Season One glory, it is still by far the best show on television... in my most humble opinion, of course.

"RE: Episode 2-3 "Are You Ready for Friday Night?""
Posted by Max Headroom on 10-20-07 at 10:08 PM
Nice review, Glow.

Buddy Garrity makes the show for me right now. I'm not into the murder plot line at all (just wishing it would go away), but the scene of Buddy with his head on his desk at the dealership late at night, his continuing passion for Panther football, his scheming to bring back Coach Taylor, that's what keeps me coming back.

Not liking the Matt/Carlotta story too much either. The need for an in-home nurse for Matt's grandma is there, but why did they cast someone so unrealistic for the role? Young, attractive, and very sensous nurse in backwater Dillon, TX? Nope, not buying it.

Jason Street and the Mexico stem cell/surgery plot line has potential. As long as there's no miracle result, the story of Jason's journey could be good TV.

And Julie. Where to begin with her? As gritty as this show can be, I won't be surprised if she turns up pregnant. But her horribly disrespectful, bratty behavior adds sorely-needed drama.

My Season 2 verdict to date: Not nearly as good as Season 1. But plenty good enough to keep watching.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

"RE: Episode 2-3 "Are You Ready for Friday Night?""
Posted by aquariaqueen on 10-20-07 at 11:09 PM
Landry and Tyra, loving it. Loved that the father saw Tyra leave out the window.

Buddy is still true to his character....

Julie, glad Tami smacked her. She needs a reality check. And NOW!!!! No, I don't want her turning up pregnant...maybe a pregancy scare would be realistic.

Not liking Carlotta with Matt. That's a little too much.

The church scene was very realistic and spot on. Big warehouse non-denominational churches around here are sprouting up and full to the rafters!

Loved Street's lectures to Riggins....

"RE: Episode 2-3 "Are You Ready for Friday Night?""
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-20-07 at 11:45 PM
I liked Lyla turning Tim down (not that Glow would, I know...but it was good to see Lyla put her faith before her libido).

I like Landry's dad catching Tyra. I could see my dad doing the same thing in that situation. In real life, he knew more about the girls I dated than I did more than once.

Just resolve the murder/dumping plot already. It is alike a cancer eating at the show.

I couldn't wait for the jerk coach to leave and Eric to come back. I really felt for Buddy in this episode, too. Overall, it's hard not to like the guy. Sure, he's doing illegal and immoral things. But he's just so darn transparent.

I liked that Matt tackled Smash. Punching him would have been too much. Don't think I'll like the inevitable "caregiver"-QB romance. But we'll see. Lots of other twists that should have been cliche (stud QB goes down in big game, hapless backup wins) have worked anyway. So maybe this one will surprise me.

Agman tricked out my siggie

"RE: Episode 2-3 "Are You Ready for Friday Night?""
Posted by emydi on 10-22-07 at 12:48 PM
I agree glowie, this ep was much better than the 1st two...felt more like 1st year.

Connie Britton is amazing...how she wasn't nom for an emmy is beyond me...

I actually said "YES" at the same time as Buddy did when Coach knocked on the door. Then when he asked for a drink and Buddy said..."Yes I do, yes IIIIII dooo" I loved it!!

I don't know about Tim's intentions about church....I thought the same thing as Lyla did...he's trying to play her....but the fact that it's that nuanced is great tv.

Also great tv...the first shot of Tim waking up and looking out the window. the way the shorts landed on his torso...I my HECK!!! I think his brother is closer to 30 than 20. that was a surprise..I didn't even recognize him as the brother until they said something.

I don't like the Matt/nurse story...although he'll lose his v to her and the Swede...he just drove away...he's just trying to get her v

Well I think the murder story will start to get resolved...and of course Landry's dad will get involved. Probably make Landry tell about Tyra and he won't do it.

This should be the couple..not the international possibilities!!

"RE: Episode 2-3 "Are You Ready for Friday Night?""
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-22-07 at 01:09 PM
That was a surprise..I didn't even recognize him as the brother until they said something.

Me too. I thought it was just some random other guy.

Agman tricked out my siggie

"RE: Episode 2-3 "Are You Ready for Friday Night?""
Posted by samboohoo on 10-24-07 at 02:46 PM
Cod I hope the Swede is gone. I don't even find him attractive. Not the least bit. He looks like he could use a shampoo or two or three.

Woo Hoo! I love me some Arkie!

"RE: Episode 2-3 "Are You Ready for Friday Night?""
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-25-07 at 09:25 AM
That's the way it usually works thought. She dumps me for a guy who looks like something that the cat drug in.

Agman tricked out my siggie

"Episode 2-4 "Backfire""
Posted by Glow on 10-28-07 at 09:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-28-07 AT 09:54 PM (EST)

Yay Timmy + Six! Where are Jason's parents??!! That boy breaks my heart. "The one honest cop in Mexico" scene. I'm glad it wasn't a drawn out Tim in jail thing. I loved that Tim was asking the doctor questions. (Shark cells?!!! What? Is that a real thing?) Timmy and Jason singing in Spanish was one of he funniest things ever on this show. And then Jason started singing about walking and broke my heart again. Tim's face, showing the realization that his friend is so desperate to walk again that he's not being reasonable, perfectly registered the worry it should have. His phone call to Lyla was perfect. I knew he would have to call somebody and I can kind of see why he called Lyla. Would a new viewer understand why he would call her? We haven't heard one thing about Jason Street and Lyla Garrity this year. And besides where are Jason's parents? Tim and Herc need to have a sitdown. Jason is reacting the exact way Herc knew he would. oh. And I'm not sure how smart it is to carry $10k around in a bag.

I am loving Lyla but calling her mother un-Christian because she didn't want a juvenile delinquent who they know nothing about in her home was a little much. I'm very interested in seeing where they're going to take Santiago. Awww for Buddy giving him a job. I realize he did it to suck up to Lyla a bit but still aww. Good gravy, Brad Leland as Buddy Garrity continues to amaze.

Good riddance Coach McGregor. No more bullying my favorite fullback.

Eric Taylor in Panther Blue again. woo hoo! I was happy to see Julie running over to be the first to hug him. But she called Baby Grace a blob. oh Julie. I hope we're done with "the Swede". Good on Julie for opening her eyes. Or. Good on Tami for forcing her daughter's eyes open. The scenes with Eric teaching Julie to drive were so real. They're a real family in real life, right? No? Because they really seem like it. OMG the scene when Julie came home from the Swede's and Tami hugged her.

The Landry and Tyra scenes are wonderfully acted, of course, but it's like they're on a different show. I hope the outcome from this storyline explains why it had to exist in the first place.

Again, not enough Smash or Matt but I loved the part where Matt told him he wasn't doing so well out there without Riggins to block for him.

I know "this isn't a show about football" but I really miss the football. And I still think it's really important to know what happened to Waverly.

"My name is Tim Riggins. I play fullback." -- Friday Night Lights Fridays @ 9 on NBC

"RE: Episode 2-4 "Backfire""
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-29-07 at 00:17 AM
I agree that we need to keep the football for this show to work. Hopefully now that Eric is back the football will be, too.

You're right about Brad Leland. He is an amazing Buddy.

Baby Grace is beautiful.

That scene where McGregor accused Eric was like a dagger in my heart. I've had smaller-scale situations where I was in Eric's shoes in real life. Eric coudln't deny it totally b/c Buddy had pulled him into the mess.

Am I the only one who thought Eric would be without a job while this played out in court? That was mercifully short, him getting the job back that quickly.

I like this season. I loved last season.

Agman tricked out my siggie

"RE: Episode 2-4 "Backfire""
Posted by aquariaqueen on 10-29-07 at 07:35 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-29-07 AT 09:26 AM (EST)

Coach's job may get sidelined in court in a few weeks....and to add to the drama, just when he gets the team back in order.

And the officers approaching Landry in the diner.....priceless.

Eric having a heart to heart while teaching to drive....why didn't he give her a cell phone and a coke to put between her legs, too. LOL perfect!

Glad Julie got a real look at the Swede, and comes back to earth, she's a little girl....

"RE: Episode 2-4 "Backfire""
Posted by emydi on 10-30-07 at 09:08 AM
You're right about Brad Leland. He is an amazing Buddy.

He's the only Buddy there's ever been...he was in the movie too!

I'm curious as to what will happen w/Jason --this week he's Lt. Dan...(going in water) and with Tim when he gets back to see Coach Taylor suspend him a game or two for missing the game they lost...

And I hope the murder story is over...we know that L's dad tells T to stay away...and in TV Guide for 11/9 show....the beg of the end I hope. I read another article that it was a story line to focus on L and T bc they are such good actors...but they could have done it better imo.

Courtesy of arkiegirl!!

"RE: Episode 2-4 "Backfire""
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-30-07 at 01:52 PM
He's the only Buddy there's ever been...he was in the movie too!

Thanks. I know that. I was only saying that he has the character so nailed I can't imagine anyone else playing him nearly as well.

Agman tricked out my siggie

"RE: Episode 2-4 "Backfire""
Posted by Max Headroom on 10-29-07 at 08:54 AM
Are we done with the murder subplot? Because the murdered guy was wanted on rape charges in two other states, the Dillon PD doesn't need to investigate the case any more? That plot line leaves a rotten taste in my mouth even as it (hopefully) ends.

Buddy Garrity continues to make the show for me.

Wonder how Coach Taylor will react to "the Smash show"?

I have the same thoughts as Glow about Jason's trip to Mexico. The kid is just out of high school, yet he can round up $10K in cash and run off to Mexico? What about his coaching job with the Panthers-- is he really the "team mascot" after all? And where are his parents in all this? But it's still an interesting plotline, even with so many holes.

Speaking of plot holes, this season has many of them. One of the things I liked about Season 1 was the effortless meshing of so many different stories. That's so not happening this season.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

"RE: Episode 2-4 "Backfire""
Posted by Glow on 10-29-07 at 09:08 AM
I think they meant they were closing the case of Tyra's attack, since they never found the guy.

Hopefully since Coach Taylor is back, the "Smash Show" will be brought to a hault on the field.

Jason can be a bit of a brat, so I can see him just running off without telling his parents. He took some of the money from the lawsuit and took off for Mexico. I would like to see something of how his parents are reacting to all of this though. I love Timmy for being responsible enough to call somebody but I wish he would have done the really responsible thing and called the Streets.

I keep thinking about the football practices and the games that Tim is missing but I keep forgetting about him missing school too. I guess maybe 13th grade is lenient with attendance.

"Episode 2-5 “Let’s Get It On”"
Posted by Glow on 11-04-07 at 10:49 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-04-07 AT 11:10 AM (EST)

I loved Matt this episode. Calling Coach out on leaving them. Making Smash apologize first. Telling Julie off. He was awesome this episode.

Eric and Tami were so adorable. “I don’t feel like it, honey.” So cute how he was so excited to finally have sex. Running to the bedroom. Hee.
Coach made his chili for Matt and Smash. (“Do you like your chili spicy, lady?”) Awesome.

OMG Tim just makes me so swoony. When he told Lyla he’d stay there to support Jason even if he had to carry him home in a box. Telling her he’s a better Christian than she is. Then he convinced her to stay and then asked her for money for the Booze Cruise. *snort* Telling Jason he loved him (I’m fairly certain J is the only person he’s ever said that to) and he’d knock him out to take him home during that talk on the boat. I kind of wish Lyla never showed up at all. But. That scene at the end was gorgeous (even if I was a bit disappointed in Lyla) with the three of them in the bar. “I have to go pray.” bwah.
Street continues to break my heart. Tim continues to touch my heart.

I really hate Landry’s storyline this year. Hate it. It’s the only thing keeping this show from being perfect for me this season. The murder coverup. The suddenly an awesome football player storyline. Gah. Maybe it was unrealistic that Jason swam to shore and survived. Maybe it was unrealistic that Tim and Lyla had no problems finding him. But it’s more unrealistic to me that Landry is this football hero. Giving a pep talk? Having the whole town chant his name? ouch, FNL writers, ouch. If I have to deal with him being on the football team, that’s fine. But please don’t try to make me believe the whole.town.would.chant.his.name. Please remember that he’s a math geek that plays in a Christian speed metal band. *sigh* I do love the Landry character and I do think Jesse Plemons is wonderful. So I’ll do my best to take it all in and not hate the murder and football hero stories so much. And also? Wasn't he a defensive player?
“Get me Lance.” “you mean Landry.“ “Lance! LANCE!“ LOL.

I feel so bad for Tyra. She was brutal with Landry. The huge smile she had when he was called into the game. The breaking down in the car. Poor Tyra.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose

"RE: Episode 2-5 “Let’s Get It On”"
Posted by KwietOne on 11-05-07 at 00:06 AM
Hey...don't hate the player - hate the game!

Gotta agree though..Landry from geek to luvuh to football star to criminal...hmmmm.

Agman did me!

"RE: Episode 2-5 “Let’s Get It On”"
Posted by Max Headroom on 11-05-07 at 08:56 AM
I agree, we'll look back later this year and point to the Landry/Tyra killing of the stalker as "the plot that sank FNL".

Tyra handled the Landry situation about as well as one would expect, given her background and reputation. That was brutal. Especially at the postgame celebration.

Landry as a football star? Nope, not buying it.

Finally Matt grew some cojones and told Julie off. She needed that. Am I the only one who's enjoying seeing Julie getting her comeuppance in a big way?

Where was Buddy this episode??

"RE: Episode 2-5 “Let’s Get It On”"
Posted by Spanky68 on 11-05-07 at 10:08 AM
Buddy was in the stands. He was emoting angst when the team was losing. He was glowing when the team won at the end. I thought he might be on the sideline second-guessing Eric. But he probably gave Coach a break since it was his 1st game back.

I lvoes me some Matt telling of Julie. She was so sweet in season I and such a beyotch this season.

I think Matt is as well-acted a character as any on the show. He's been consistently a dorky kind of lost since ep 1 of season 1. It has to be hard for a good actor to do that.

I hate, Hate, HATE the murder plot. But I am in the minority here in thinking the Landry football angle isn't as far-fetched as you seem to think. It isn't like Landry stepped in at QB and threw a game winning pass (like ep 1, season 1) or that he ran for hundreds of yards (Riggens in season 1 after Smash flubbed) in a game. Coach saw Landry say what had to be said, though he was hoping Smash or Matt would say it. And to reward "Lance" he threw the ball to him in the 2nd half. It was intercepted, but Landry put a big hit on the guy. Ok, the sappy thing was that a receiver there wouldn't have had the angle for that hit after being intercepted on that angle. But then the final drive? I think coach threw to Landry because he felt loyalty after Landry had given them some spark. It wasn't like Landry made a wonderful catch. He was interfered with. I think the crowd was excited that the math geek made a contribution. *gets off soapbox*

Agman tricked out my siggie

"RE: Episode 2-5 “Let’s Get It On”"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 11-05-07 at 10:08 AM
I think Buddy will have a pretty decent role this coming episode!!!

Landry being a superstar is a little over the top, but I can handle it.

I can't wait to see what they do with the murder storyline this coming week....the suspense is killing me.

I wish FNL was on as much as CSI!!!!

"RE: Episode 2-5 “Let’s Get It On”"
Posted by samboohoo on 11-07-07 at 04:29 PM
*cues music*

I'm back in the saddle again
I'm back
I'm back in the saddle again

I love Tammy and Eric. They are just so funny. And so real. And so funny. I thought for sure he was gonna throw an "I'm tired" on her at the end there.

I am still torn on the Jason/Lyla/Tim story. I didn't like her kissing both of them, and my heart broke for each of them when she kissed the other one. I am glad he did not have the surgery. I do not want to see him walk again - not like that.

I'm think I'm okay with the Landry/Tyra storyline. Only because I do feel like they set it up last year. It is very believeable for me to think that all of this could have happened. Especially given the way the set Tyra up last year. I find it more believable that she and Landry would have ended up like together because of this than I do about her and Julie ending up together last year.

I think he was on defense, but then when they swapped, Eric saw something in him offensively that he wanted to try. And it's no uncommon in high school ball for a player to play both sides. My neighbor's son plays all of it.

Friday night football is serious stuff, something the writers have done a good job of showing. So to go from State Champs to sucking and not performing under new coach to having something to cheer about again, I think it's okay. Also, I get the feeling that Landry's dad is pretty high ranking on the force. Everyone knows him and his kid.

I loved that Eric kept calling him Lance. And Tyra was brutal with him. Do you think he will suspect anything?

Woo Hoo! I love me some Arkie!

"RE: Episode 2-5 “Let’s Get It On”"
Posted by Spanky68 on 11-08-07 at 09:28 AM
I thought for sure he was gonna throw an "I'm tired" on her at the end there.

You don't know us very well, do ya?!?!? Pass it up after waiting for months? Surely you jest.

As for the football players playing offense and defense, our hometown HS team does it with it's most athletic 3 or 4 players...the ones that have Division I college football scholarships waiting...all the time.

Agman tricked out my siggie

"RE: Episode 2-5 “Let’s Get It On”"
Posted by Glow on 11-08-07 at 11:07 AM
I think the Jason/Lyla/Tim scene was aiming to signify Jason accepting Timmy and Lyla together and kind of passing her off to him. He guided her to Tim for the dance and Tim went in for the kiss. She felt a zing and went to pray (which is TOTALLY not what I would have done after feeling his zing). I would LOVE to write the Timmy + Six conversation after she walked away.

"I think he was on defense, but then when they swapped, Eric saw something in him offensively that he wanted to try."

I think I must have totally forgotten about that scene when I posted my entry. (that's why I normally re-watch before or after posting)

I can totally see the crowd cheering uproariously for the awesome! game-saving! play that NuFootballplayingmurderingLandry made. I'm still not okay with the crowd chanting his name. I want RealLandry back and I fear that will never happen. How could he come back? For real. I'd be all, "hahaha he's funny. BUT! Remember when he.killed.a.guy?" The scene in the caf with Landry and Matt hinted at the awesome that was RealLandry though.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose

"RE: Episode 2-5 “Let’s Get It On”"
Posted by Spanky68 on 11-08-07 at 10:45 PM
I know everyone is reacting to the killing as a murder. And it would look that way to the police now that this much time has passed.

But the rapist was trying to rape Tyra again. And who knows if he would have stopped. He sure seemed like he wanted to hurt or kill both of them. So I think Landry's hit that killed him was justified under those circumstances.

In an ideal world, nobody would attack an innocent victim. And nobody would respond with lethal violence after such an attack. But in my book, when a guy is trying to rape a woman (much less the second time) and he gets killed in the process, it wasn't a murder at all. Landry a killer? Yes. Murderer? No.

Call me crazy that way.

Agman tricked out my siggie

"RE: Episode 2-5 “Let’s Get It On”"
Posted by Glow on 11-09-07 at 08:04 AM
In the original preview scene, the guy was attacking Tyra and Landry came up behind and bonked him with a bottle. I'm not sure why they bagged that scene but they did. In the aired episode, the guy was walking away and Landry hit him on the back of the head (twice, I believe) with a pipe. I'm not crying for the dude but that is murder.

"My name is Tim Riggins and I play fullback." -- Friday Night Lights Fridays @ 9 on NBC

"RE: Episode 2-5 “Let’s Get It On”"
Posted by Spanky68 on 11-09-07 at 12:36 PM
You've got to remember this is TEXAS we're talking about. I bet you won't find a jury here that would convict someone who did what Landry did (up until the hiding it and body dump part).

Agman tricked out my siggie

"RE: Episode 2-5 “Let’s Get It On”"
Posted by emydi on 11-09-07 at 12:55 PM
Actually it's voluntary manslaughter (heat of moment) bc he did not have premeditated intent to kill.

I would have liked to see the whole thing aired with his bottle hitting.

However, if I'm Landry's attorney, I would try to convince the da or jury that because of the history btw this guy and Tyra that it was reasonable for Landry to believe that there was imminent danger of him coming back to hurt Tyra. Therefore, defense of others is applicable and it was reasonable use of force that unfortunately caused his death. Second, I'd get him in the juvenile courts and I'd try to plea bargain it to reckless homicide with juvenile detention until age 19 and probation afterwards. It's a very interesting set of facts, bar exam/criminal law final exam question facts.

On another note, I have to agree that Zach Gilford is a truly amazing actor...I love how he plays Matt and I loved that he finally stood up for himself. I thought he should have received emmy nom

Courtesy of arkiegirl!!

"RE: Episode 2-5 “Let’s Get It On”"
Posted by Glow on 11-09-07 at 01:07 PM
That makes sense. thanks, em!

ZG is wonderful. This cast really bring the emotion... and the pretty.

"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2"
Posted by Glow on 11-09-07 at 03:01 PM
Jenna Fischer, Pam from The Office, describes the writers' strike in her
blog and does a real good job of explaining who it effects.

How does this relate to FNL, you ask? You're not interested in the writers' strike, you say? Scroll to the bottom of her entry. LOL. I love Jenna.

"Episode 2-6: How did I get here?"
Posted by Spanky68 on 11-12-07 at 09:53 AM
Worst. Episode. Ever.

I am glad Landry's dad finally confronted him. But I can't believe Landry's dad would brain-fart that bad. He had to know that the minute the investigators found Landy's burnt-out car it would have giant "i am guilty" sign in neon over it. Even the simplest investigation would point straight to Landry at that point.

I understand that his dad probably panicked and is too close to the situation, but surely he could see that Landry didn't murder the rapist. The jury would almost certainly take the kids' side if they just came clean right away.

Destroying evidence? Seems like a implication of guilt to any neutral observer. Geez. Who was the moron who dreamed up this mess? I could see Riggins doing everything that Landry has in this plotline. But Landry? Even with the adrenaline I mentioned several episodes, I can't see him being this stupid for this long. And his veteran cop dad giving him the worst possible advice? Pure bullbleep.

Well now, isn’t Agman….special?

"RE: Episode 2-6: How did I get here?"
Posted by Glow on 11-12-07 at 10:07 AM
heh. I was just coming here to post my comments. I'm just going to do that and then come back and read yours.

First of all, I was really looking forward to the arrival of Tami’s sister because I’ve read how “awesome” she is. I was kind of put off by her.

I loved seeing Tim and Smash at the Williams’ house. “Are you asking me on a date, Williams?” Love Smashmomma. I hope we see more of her this season.
Tim and Billy in Tami’s office, talking about the breast pump! Too funny. And when Tami said if Billy wanted to talk about Tim’s football career, he needs to talk to coach and Billy got up and walked out. Heh.
Tim and Santiago at the end. “Are you in any way, shape, or form trying to screw Lyla Garrity?”
Smash and Matt joining them on the field. It’s scenes like THAT one that make me love this show.

Not enough money to pay Coach? They’re still paying J, right? Seems to be a hole in the writing there.

OMG the scene with Eric and Jason. “You lift up everyone around you.” It’s scenes like THAT one that make me love this show.
I hope Jason is the one to talk him back into bringing Tim back.

Glad to see Lyla and Jason interact. Hated the way she approached Tim. If they’re going to insist on putting those two together, she needs to stop treating him like crap for me to be okay with it.

Tyra and Julie after Julie sees Matt with somebody else. Yeah. It’s scenes like that one too.
That Lauren chick is creepy.

Jason’s birthday party. Oh my. I’ve been wondering and harping on the presence of his parents. Now I remember why I shouldn’t have actually missed (missed in the where are they sense, not the Smashmomma sense) them. Showing clips of him playing football at his birthday party? Yeah. Stuff he will never be able to do again. Happy Birthday. Yeesh.

Landry’s dad. Oy. Don’t they have some kind of paper trail to that car? Insurance? Pink slip? Dumbass. I loved the hug after Landry confessed. Jesse Plemons is awesome. Can’t be said enough.

Next week is a Panther striptease? While Tim is not on the team? Bad timing.

"RE: Episode 2-6: How did I get here?"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 11-12-07 at 11:11 AM
>Not enough money to pay Coach?
> They’re still paying J,
>right? Seems to be
>a hole in the writing
I think the same thing...

>That Lauren chick is creepy.
It seems like they almost forced her character into the story.

> Jesse Plemons is awesome.
> Can’t be said enough.
I think Emmy's are in order!!

"RE: Episode 2-6: How did I get here?"
Posted by Glow on 11-12-07 at 10:49 AM
I'm curious why you thought this was the "worst episode ever". Was it just because of the car? Because that's all you've commented on. I actually thought, other than the SL that I dislike so much, that this was a fantastic episode. I love the continuity and the true to character bits thrown in. This is the one show that makes me feel somehow invested in the characters. I care about the relationships they build and the consequences of their actions. The throw away lines and the little extras that a casual viewer would probably not care enough to notice. I like to think that everything that's tossed out there has a purpose. Billy and Tim in Tami's office mentioning, again, that Billy is screwing Tim's ex. The airplane flying over the field at the end. Eric's almost half smile when he told Tim he hasn't done nearly enough yet. Tim coaching Santiago. Jason's 19th birthday.
I believe in the full circle storylines. I believe that everything is put out there for a reason. If they need to have the Landry/dead guy storyline, I'll trust them.
I really loved this episode as a whole though. There were some real shiny pretty moments. Most shows would benefit from having a few really awesome scenes but I can't really find them this good anywhere else. I can forgive this show for storylines that I don't like because even though (I think) the plot sucks, (I think) the writing is wonderful ~the best there is~ and the acting is beautiful.

"RE: Episode 2-6: How did I get here?"
Posted by samboohoo on 11-12-07 at 11:19 AM
I agree.

I'll agree with Spanky on hating the episode because of what it did to Landry's dad, but again, it's totally believable to me think that could happen as he is trying to protect his son.

Billy and Tim discussing the breast pump was so fricking funny.

I don't like Lauren either.

And I love that soccer coach scene. That was to die for.

Woo Hoo! I love me some Arkie!

"RE: Episode 2-6: How did I get here?"
Posted by Max Headroom on 11-12-07 at 03:22 PM
*sits with Spanky*


Hasn't Landry's dad ever heard of a VIN number? It'll be pretty easy to track the owner of that burned-out wreck, won't it? The "cover-up" is only making things worse.

*sits with Glow*

The rest of the episode was excellent. The scene with Billy and Tim in Tami's office: very clever. And their actions are true to the character we've seen previously out of the two of them. Santiago trying out for the team: also an interesting twist. I was afraid the guy would be a superstar and am refreshed that he isn't. Maybe he will provide a little redemption for Tim? Landry seeing Tyra across the hall, laughing with another guy. Ahh, high school angst.

*sits with Boo*

The soccer coach scene was fantastic, and spot-on.

Guess I'm feeling agreeable today. (Enjoy it, it never lasts long...)

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

"RE: Episode 2-6: How did I get here?"
Posted by emydi on 11-13-07 at 09:57 AM
I think his dad will report the car stolen. It's not the VIN he's worried about, its the fibers. That scene in the garage was amazing, the casting of Landry's dad (he was the secret service dude on 24) was excellent...they really look alike and the actors make you believe it.

But when they find the watch...the ^%#$ will hit the fan

I loved this episode. I was crying when Jason was talking to coach...

Courtesy of arkiegirl!!

"RE: Episode 2-6: How did I get here?"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 11-13-07 at 10:35 AM
Ok, if they use your idea of the car getting stolen, wouldn't that have worked a whole lot better if the car was reported stolen right after the murder? Too bad Landry never thought of it.

If it's reported stolen now, the authorities have already been shown telling Landry's dad what type of car it was. And just all of the sudden, theirs vanishes?

I love your idea, but I hope Landry's dad can plug those holes.

I have confidence that FNL writers have covered their backs on this storyline. (Well, lots of hope, anyway)

"RE: Episode 2-6: How did I get here?"
Posted by emydi on 11-13-07 at 02:50 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-13-07 AT 02:51 PM (EST)

did the investigators from the nearby town tell Landry's dad or did he look it up in records? if they don't have the fibers there's some doubt, is it reasonable doubt? dont know

but maybe Landry should have told his dad about the watch right away...cause there's no mistaking whose watch it is, there could be a lot of cars with that type of fiber

"RE: Episode 2-6: How did I get here?"
Posted by Spanky68 on 11-13-07 at 03:29 PM
Ok, if they use your idea of the car getting stolen, wouldn't that have worked a whole lot better if the car was reported stolen right after the murder?

Short answer: yes. Long answer is that that type of car would NEVER be stolen in real life. There is no street value to it. No car thief wants to be seen riding it in. And it's so old there is no value in the parts.

If he was driving a late-model pickup or even a "middle of the road" car like a Taurus, Accord or Cavalier the investigators might think it was plausible. But with that old station wagon, any investigator worth his salt will see it as a giant sign pointing to Landry and Tyra.

Agman tricked out my siggie

"RE: Episode 2-6: How did I get here?"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 11-14-07 at 09:50 AM
Stolen only as a get away car....ie, it was the only car in the store's parking lot (except for the rapist's) So you may take it just to get away quickly, ditch it, set it on fire, and car jack another car that is inconspicuous.

I don't know, I just can't wait to see what the writers do....****the song "Anticipa-a-a-a-ation is making me wait..." keeps going through my head.

"RE: Episode 2-6: How did I get here?"
Posted by Spanky68 on 11-13-07 at 09:47 AM
I'm curious why you thought this was the "worst episode ever". Was it just because of the car? Because that's all you've commented on.

Right. I was in a hurry but wanted to get that part off my chest.

I agree with you that the rest of the episode had its merits. If only the car/murder plot wasn't polluting the ep, it would have been great.

I agree with Boo that Lauren is a bitty. How dare she undermine their influence with Julie? That top she brought Julie was not for a HS girl with her looks.

I liked Tim being the coach and Street coming to grips with his life.

The soccer coach is a character I look forward to in the future. She stole the scene.

And I agree with you that this is still a well-written show. I just want the murder plot over. NOW. It is a turd in the punch bowl.

Agman tricked out my siggie

"RE: Episode 2-6: How did I get here?"
Posted by Glow on 11-13-07 at 03:42 PM
"I agree with Boo that Lauren is a bitty. How dare she undermine their influence with Julie? That top she brought Julie was not for a HS girl with her looks."

Lauren is the BSC chick who ran up to Matt in the hallway when he was with all his football buddies all "hi I'm your new girlfriend."

Shelley would be the aunt who buys her niece slutty clothes and makes her sister feel horrible about her life.

"RE: Episode 2-6: How did I get here?"
Posted by Spanky68 on 11-13-07 at 05:17 PM
My bad. I don't like either of them much.

I don't trust Lauren. I think she has ulterior motives (other than making Matt booty calls).

I think Shelley is a parent's nightmare.

Agman tricked out my siggie

"RE: Episode 2-6: How did I get here?"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 11-14-07 at 09:52 AM
Of all characters, I think they pushed Lauren on us pretty strongly compared to most character add-ins.

"Episode 2-7: Pantherama"
Posted by Spanky68 on 11-18-07 at 00:42 AM
It seemed realistic that Tyra would have the football players' routine turn into a strip tease. And I know Lyla's "conversion" was superficial, but I would have expected her to put up a fight to keep it cleaner. Props to Coach and Mrs. Taylor for looking perplexed.

I wondered when the first Matt-caretaker kiss would come. I have to say, it was both plausible and enjoyable. I would have expected her to be remorseful afterward, but she seems smitten like a schoolgirl.

I'm glad Julie is kicking herself over losing Matt. He's a catch. But I don't like her falling for the journalism teacher. Hey, teach, didn't they tell you NOT to let students crush on you before they sent you into the classroom looking like you're one of them?!?!? I hope Mrs. Taylor rips him a new one next episode.

Glad to see Ms. Williams being the voice of reason again. I like her lots.

Seems pretty obvious that South Miami planted that cheerleader girl. I wonder if her brother REALLY got a Porsche out of the deal or if she's lying about that.

I like Santiago. I am not sure he really has an uncle. Might be some sort of code for his gang leader. But I think he is trying HARD to play it straight.

Agman tricked out my siggie

"RE: Episode 2-7: Pantherama"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 11-18-07 at 09:35 AM
First things first, Julie and "Noah"? Tami is going to rip them both a new personality! Ummm, Mr "Noah" you're skidding towards criminal, if you don't watch it, unless you ARE that dense and don't realize Julie is coming on to you.

Yep, Cheerleader from Miami is a plant, that's for sure. Poor Smash just doesn't get that he needs something to fall back on.
Get a jounalism degree and think about being a ESPN football commentator/announcer.

Smash's mother is fantastic. I loved her speech with Coach Taylor. "I am not asking you to be his father, I am reminding you that he doesn't have one". Fantastic line!!!! And how about the realistic worn out/smudged kitchen cabinets. The details in this show are phenomenal.

Tyra and Lyla....I was laughing so hard. Glad to see Lyla have some highschool fun. It was shocking for those in the stands, but not too raunchy!!! Fun crazy teenage boys stuff! (Did you see Momma Smash's expression????)

Landry....his conscience is just killing him.

Riggins-thought for sure he would have gone straight to Street's house. Loved how Tyra gave him 48 hours and didn't give in. He does respect her. What in the world about the guy he went to after his time was up? This has me intrigued! Obviously, Riggins didn't know that Garrity was setting up an orphanage, or he would have probably chosen to go to "Garrity's Home for Orphaned Panthers"!!

Santiago, wow, I couldn't read his eyes while everyone was making decisions in Garrity's apartment. Finally he says "I've never had my own (or slept in a) bed before". When he took out his papers and letters, it was quite touching.

"RE: Episode 2-7: Pantherama"
Posted by Glow on 11-19-07 at 09:09 AM
This? Worst.episode.ever. Even so, it was still very watchable and entertaining.
Tim going to stay with some dirty pedophile? I would hope that he's learned something about something along the way. Am I supposed to believe he's that stupid? Do ferrets need that much care?
Matt and Carlotta? Am I supposed to believe he's that irresistible? (Though if she gets BSC Lauren away, yay.)
Julie and "Noah"? Am I supposed to believe she's that irresistible? I'm hoping he's just clueless or she's not really crushing on him... *rolls eyes*
I loved Buddy taking Santiago in. LOVED it but it's not without holes.
My biggest beef with it though was stripteasing without #33.

Favorite part of the episode was MommaSmash.
Favorite line: "She asked me through the bathroom door. What was I supposed to say?"

"RE: Episode 2-7: Pantherama"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 11-19-07 at 10:56 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-19-07 AT 10:57 AM (EST)

>My biggest beef with it though
>was stripteasing without #33.

You're a nut!!! Truthful, though. LOL!!!! ;)

"RE: Episode 2-7: Pantherama"
Posted by Glow on 11-19-07 at 12:07 PM
whut? That was a bigtime writing flaw. Bad! timing is an understatement. Come on. Like you haven't seen him without his shirt.

"RE: Episode 2-7: Pantherama"
Posted by Max Headroom on 11-19-07 at 09:51 AM
Loved the clueless, deer-in-headlights look on Matt's face when he came into the kitchen for breakfast the next morning after the kiss with Carlotta. The gears were turning-- "Now what do I do??"

Agreed, Ms. Williams is the voice of reason. Someone needs to put a stop to the "Smash Show". Hopefully it'll be her.

And I like the addition of Santiago. The lesser characters make this show much richer and more entertaining.

But overall I side with Glow-- there are some lousy plot lines this season:

* The murder subplot -- What a mess. And so not needed.

* Matt's kiss with Carlotta -- Matt's underage, so Carlotta is making a big mistake here if this goes anywhere beyond that single kiss.

* "Noah" allowing Julie's teacher-crush to continue. See above, Matt's kiss with Carlotta.

* The addition of Lauren, the abruptly-introduced cheerleader-from-somewhere-else who's too good to be true.

If the writer's strike doesn't kill this show, poor storylines will.

"RE: Episode 2-7: Pantherama"
Posted by Glow on 11-19-07 at 12:02 PM
It all started with Timmy and Jackie last season. One May/December was plenty. Plus Julie and "the Swede" was pushing it so if we include that one, that's three (if you include Guy, the ferret guy, that's four ~ I'm kidding! He better keep his grubby paws off my Timmy.) already!

I really like the potential of the Santiago story. The other new characters notsomuch. I don't think Lauren and whatsherface will be around long but Carlotta and Noah will probably stick for a bit. I'm not going to get myself too worked up about Noah just yet though because I really think that's harmless. *gives squinty eyes to writers*

Maybe the writers' strike will help? But I seriously think they have this whole season outlined, if not scripted already. I still trust them. I have to. I believe! I believe!

oh! another beef with this episode. No Jason. I'm okay with an episode or two where he's not central but I miss him when he's gone.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose

"No show 11-23-07?"
Posted by Spanky68 on 11-26-07 at 04:06 PM
I never watch live on TV, only later on the net. But apparently there was no new episode last week, right?

Agman tricked out my siggie

"RE: No show 11-23-07?"
Posted by Glow on 11-27-07 at 12:52 PM
There was! You missed it!

"RE: No show 11-23-07?"
Posted by Spanky68 on 11-27-07 at 03:04 PM
Oh, I got it now. NBC finally posted it. Thanks. It would've been a shame to miss an episode THAT good!

Phew, at first I thought you were messing with me.

Shar dresses me like her personal Ken doll.

"2-8 "Seeing Other People""
Posted by Glow on 12-02-07 at 12:10 PM
Taylor Kitsch is beatiful. That scene with the sunglasses before he walked into Guy's meth lab. Yeah. wow.

Cannot take this Julie/Noah thing. I was hoping that it was going to go somewhere that I could appreciate. It doesn't seem to be going there though. I was hoping he was oblivious to her flirting. He's clearly not. Every scene with Tami and Julie is emmy-worthy.

I don't hate Matt and Carlotta like I thought I would. Though Matt? He went from feeling like a nobody to having a huge set pretty quickly, eh?

Loved the fight with Eric and Tami. He was so out of line with the "you need to spend more time with your family" thing but she needed to hear it. I would never go hang out with a male coworker and expect all hugs and grins when I got home. But it was awesome to see him not be wonderful for a minute.

Loved Tim's apology to the team. "four six. I don't remember ever seeing you play in a game. I don't expect you ever will." (not verbatim) I love that he knows he needs football to keep him from completely spiralling out of control.

I have really bad feelings about Smash. It's scaring me. (It was the RB in the movie, wasn't it?) I almost expected him to have some career-ending injury running from that guy. I hated that whole thing, btw.

I was a little annoyed with Tyra for letting Landry go in her place to meet the dead dude's brother but I see where the point of it was going. Landry learning that the guy meant anything to anybody helped him realize that this isn't something that will just go away.
I LOVE Lyla. Love her. Never thought I'd say that. Her scene with Landry was just beautiful. She was the perfect person for him to talk to (and to help move this story along).

I miss Jason. Matt needs him. Tim needs him. He's necessary. Please don't cut him out of entire episodes.

37-0!!!!!!!! Ack! I can handle them losing but jeez. Maybe they'll show that it was because #33 wasn't playing.

"RE: 2-8 "Seeing Other People""
Posted by samboohoo on 12-03-07 at 09:34 AM
The whole Noah/Julie thing gave me the creeps. Ick!!! Way to go Tami! Julie just needs to get a clue.

I love Matt!! And I'm okay with him and Carlotta too.

And I too loved Tim's apologies. And how he wouldn't get off of the field. I am hoping, hoping, hoping that he moves back home. I don't like him living in this creepy guy's house.

Handcrafted by Rolly

"RE: 2-8 "Seeing Other People""
Posted by Glow on 12-03-07 at 03:53 PM
Why doesn't he move in with Jason?????? Where is Jason????

I think we're done with creepy guy.

"RE: 2-8 "Seeing Other People""
Posted by aquariaqueen on 12-03-07 at 10:22 AM
Finally watched the episode...

Altogether, I enjoyed the episode, some of the things that aggravated me were:

1. Tyra probably would have been called to the office, not gotten by the principal, and NOT with a cop with a visible badge!!!! Schools DO have to provide for some confidentiality.

2. The authorities probably would have reached her at home, NOT school. This was NOT part of the investigation, but an opportunity!

3. I can not think that the brother of the rapist would have been given the victim's names...but maybe it was a slip by Landry when he went into the diner and said he was there in place of "Tyra Collett".

4. Tami's sister needs to move out. The Taylors need to be a family of 4 and get a balance, they're spinning out of control.

5. Shelly ??? is that her name??? may have been a little right asking Tami how she would have felt if their mother would have done the same thing, but that's a mother's duty. A mother HAS to step in, something all wrong is developing here. There are too many parents not stepping in because they don't want to hurt their children's feelings...parents need to be parents, not their kid's best friend.

Tim Riggins
Smash's Mama

Raises eyebrows/tilts head about:

"RE: 2-8 "Seeing Other People""
Posted by Glow on 12-03-07 at 03:56 PM
Do you think Smash ever got his stuff back?

"Tami's sister needs to move out."
Timmy needs to move in!

Yes, I know, I have a one track mind.

"RE: 2-8 "Seeing Other People""
Posted by aquariaqueen on 12-03-07 at 04:52 PM
>Do you think Smash ever got
>his stuff back?
LOL, I was thinking the same thing while watching!!!!

"RE: 2-8 "Seeing Other People""
Posted by SilverStar on 12-03-07 at 01:53 PM
I have to get something off my chest. I've been hesitant to say anything because it seems you guys love him so much, but...

I HATE Coach Taylor!!! Hate him, hate him, hate him. He's such an obnoxious, selfish, self-absorbed prick. I've wanted to rip his head off since pretty early on in Season 1. When it comes to the guys on the team, yeah he's alright. But when it comes to his family, UGH! I can't stand him. Tami is way too good for him. He treats her like crap. So, she's not allowed to have any friends (especially male ones) and she's not allowed to want to go out and have a free night. Guess she's just supposed to stay home all the time and take care of the baby and not have any time for herself while he gets to devote 90% of his life to his football team. She needs to pay more attention to the family??!!! PLEASE! I bet Eric doesn't have any clue what's going on with Julie and Noah. And he had no problems leaving his family to go coach at that other school while leaving her alone and pregnant/with a newborn and with a bratty teenager. Man, I just loathe him.

Phew. Ok, I feel better now.
*waits for backlash*

Drinkin' with Ahkie!

"RE: 2-8 "Seeing Other People""
Posted by sharnina on 12-03-07 at 02:42 PM

*clutches chest*


"RE: 2-8 "Seeing Other People""
Posted by Max Headroom on 12-03-07 at 03:31 PM

Well, the man is somewhat arrogant. But good football coaches usually come with lots of attitude. (Bill Belichick, anyone?)

"RE: 2-8 "Seeing Other People""
Posted by Glow on 12-03-07 at 03:52 PM
hee! You're funny!!!!

what? Not a joke?

Still love you anyway! *smooch*

"RE: 2-8 "Seeing Other People""
Posted by samboohoo on 12-04-07 at 09:37 AM
*sits with Glow*

Handcrafted by Rolly

"RE: 2-8 "Seeing Other People""
Posted by Max Headroom on 12-03-07 at 03:39 PM
I thought Lauren's reaction to Matt's "open relationship" comment was priceless-- "this is about my ex-boyfriend, right?" followed by a complete meltdown. Captured the essence of high school pretty well there...

Smash's recruiting trip was funny too. Hopefully Ms. Williams will straighten him out before he makes a choice for the wrong reasons. Or before he gets hurt doing something stupid, like running away from an angry, oversized football player.

I wonder how long Riggins will ride the bench even though he's back on the team? Coach Taylor still seemed pretty ticked off... And a nitpick, is Riggins still academically eligible after his Mexican sojourn away from school?

"RE: 2-8 "Seeing Other People""
Posted by Glow on 12-03-07 at 03:50 PM
Am I crazy to be askeerd every time Smash is on the screen? Something baaaaad is going to happen, huh? *covers eyes*

"I wonder how long Riggins will ride the"
I stopped reading that sentence there. Gosh, he's pretty.

As far as academics go, I think probably the 13th grade is pretty lenient all around, no?

"RE: 2-8 "Seeing Other People""
Posted by samboohoo on 12-08-07 at 05:10 PM
I agree about 13th grade.

Some interesting things have struck me in that regard:

Lyla: I always figured her for a perfect attendance kind of girl. Did she just fly down to Mexico for the weekend? And how did she get a plane ticket AND leave the country being a minor?

Tyra: Tim, that salesman dude, Smash (I think), Landry - she's slept with a lot of guys at such a young age.

Jason: Was he a senior? Did he graduate or just drop out?

Handcrafted by Rolly

"2-9 "The Confession""
Posted by Glow on 12-09-07 at 01:03 PM
I love this show.

I cried a few minutes into the show with Landry at the police station. I do hope they're not pressing charges so we can get over this story line. I don't care if I think it's realistic or not at this point. Tyra. *sigh* I love her.

omg, my heart stopped when ferrett guy pointed a gun at my Timmy. So glad he got out of there. I don't think my heart could take much more. Did Coach give him a sleeping bag for his truck? Is he sleeping in the garage? Will he get his stuff back? (Did Smash get his stuff back from last week?)
I'm hoping he's staying with the Taylors and we get a towel scene with all the women being rendered speechless for the remainder or the episode. Tami? is nuts. I told DH the bitch changed hands this week. I felt bad for Julie. Still don't see why I was hearing so much about how awesome Tami's sister is.

ha! Tim's reaction at the gymnastics thing when Coach asked him if he was okay. LOL! oh! and when Coach asked him if he could think of anybody and he said, "Williams is the first one that comes to mind," cracked me up. Taylor Kitsch has grown so much as an actor. I just cannot express my adoration of Tim/Taylor enough.

I don't hate Matt and Carlotta but I don't like them either. Is it crazy of me to find it a bit disrespectful to Grandma (who I adore)?

I was dreading a Santiago saves the game scene but when it came, I was happy. His realization that he was part of something... thanking Buddy. I *heart* Papa Buddy and Santiago.

Thank you, FNL for giving me some Jason. And! Herc! Jason moving in with Herc? Awesome. Jason's nightmare date? Hilarious. Jason and the waitress? Awesome. The scene with him and Lyla and her helping him move (I had to rewind it to make sure) warmed my heart. He will always be a lot of what this show is about to me. "You lift up everybody around you." Indeed. AAAAAAAAHHHHH! Maybe Tim will move in with J and Herc! *squeeeeeeeeee* I mean, he did save J's life.

"RE: 2-9 "The Confession""
Posted by Max Headroom on 12-10-07 at 08:52 AM

So much for the murder plotline. Landry finally got the coaching he needed to put the right spin on the whole sequence of events, resulting in no charges being filed. Realistic or not, at least this major misstep is now behind us.

--we now resume our regularly-scheduled commentary--

The rest of the episode was excellent. I also loved Riggins' comment about Smash being the first selfish one who came to mind-- it cracked me up. Guess Coach Taylor wasn't in the mood for the truth at that particular moment.

Santiago is the latest example of a lesser character who makes the show much better. (See also: Garrity, Buddy.) FNL does a great job of using an ensemble cast.

Jason's awful date was classic too. And the setup by Herc made it so much funnier. Internet dating, indeed.

Anybody else notice the decreased lack of focus on football? Do we even know the Dillon Panthers' record? And if they're still in line to make the playoffs? Guess the writers heard the criticism about too much football and took the show pretty far in the other direction this season.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

"RE: 2-9 "The Confession""
Posted by aquariaqueen on 12-10-07 at 11:40 AM

>So much for the murder plotline.
> Landry finally got the
>coaching he needed to put
>the right spin on the
>whole sequence of events, resulting
>in no charges being filed.
> Realistic or not, at
>least this major misstep is
>now behind us.

I don't know if Landry was outside the convenience store when that jerk threated Tyra that he would be back...but Tyra was threatened, and would continue to feel in danger, or at least I would! And to help justify, after the fact, he did rape 5 gals that they know about, not to mention maybe more unreported ones.

This storyline just shows Landry as a protective man, who has a conscience, and is a good guy overall, in a terrible situation.

A Blessed Christmas season to all who welcome the Newborn King into their lives.

"RE: 2-9 "The Confession""
Posted by samboohoo on 12-11-07 at 06:50 PM
I only like disagreeing with you just a little bit.

I think Tami is going through something post-partum. Not sure what, but it's something. And I still think Julie is wearing inappropriate clothing. Soooooooooooo glad I don't have a girl.

That's all of my disagreeing.

I too laughed hard when Tim Suggested Smash. And I wondered the same thing about the sleeping bag. He can't very well sleep in the yard - especially if they are getting ready for Tami's big party. I ended up wondering if he will join Santiago on the bunk bed.

I do find it disrepectful, and I think I'm with you. I don't hate it, but I'm not really liking it.

Loved Jason, loved Herc.

By the way, I just saw the movie. I didn't know Tami and Buddy were in the movie. Too funny. The boys in the movie seemed so much older than these guys.

Handcrafted by Rolly

"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2"
Posted by Max Headroom on 01-04-08 at 08:09 AM
New episode tonight -- everyone please watch!

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2"
Posted by KScott on 01-04-08 at 08:43 AM
You beat me to it, I am doing the Happy Dance!!!!!!

Snidget rocks! Friday Night Lights Rules!

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn... that was fun!"

"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2"
Posted by samboohoo on 01-05-08 at 01:31 PM

Poor Riggins.

Um, Glow Pop, I think he needs a place to sleep.

"2-10 "There Goes The Neighborhood""
Posted by Glow on 01-07-08 at 09:24 AM
Um. Tim and Baby Grace? I felt like my ovaries popped out to stare at me right in the face. I loved how he was playing big brother to Julie and helping out around the house. He was showing how grown up and responsible he can be and it came back to bite him on the #####. I wish they could have let that go on longer since I feel like he’ll fall backwards (again) now.
Heh. Julie and Shelly watching Tim working out.
Taylor and the tornado in the beginning... just wow.
OMG! Timmy and Coach playing ping pong at 5am. Seriously? If I woke up to them? doing that? wearing that? being cute? uh yeah. I'll make you eggs.
I was just screaming at the tv for Julie to say something ANYTHING to stick up for him. Dude, I don't care how drunk she was.
Timmy! Please go move in with Jason.
I hope we find out that this hurts Coach too and not just Tim.

Tami seems to be getting under my skin more and more with each passing episode. Connie Britton though? Still the awesome. The argument with Tami and Shelly was one for the Emmy reel. She’s got a lot of those to choose from.

Missed Jason.

Loved Buddy. The whole scene with the Buddy and the kids at the go-kart arcade place was sweet (until Lyla brought up the "elephant" in the room).

Loved the Landry and Julie scenes.

As soon as Landry went up to the Chip dude in the cafeteria, I felt a fight coming on. Tim looked thrilled to join in. Loved Tyra jumping in! Smash slamming the guy.

Coach slamming Larrabie coach up against the wall was soooooo good. I was waiting for Tim to throw the #####-soaked shirt at him though. That team was SO disrespectful!

The smile Tyra gave when she saw Landry walking across the dance floor. I think I had the exact same conversation that Tyra and Landry had at the dance. It was eerie.

Great episode. Maybe my favorite of the season so far.

Posted by Max Headroom on 01-07-08 at 09:48 AM
Partway through the episode, DW looked at me and said, "This is very slow."

About halfway through the episode, she said, "If I didn't like this show, I'd go upstairs and do something else."

At the end of the episode, she said, "That was awful."

While I think she was a bit harsh, I didn't like the episode either. There was way too much melodrama for me, from the tornado hitting while Riggins and Julie were at the store, to the whole sequence with the two rival football teams sharing the same space, to Riggins (for once) doing the right things and getting screwed for it. And the dance scene with Landry and Tyra could've been so much better than it was; how convenient that Tyra's date was away at the moment Landry showed up.

The only bright spots for me were the Buddy Garrity scenes where he finds out his ex is getting remarried. I've said it before, Buddy is a big part of making the show as good as it is. And Connie Britton is doing an outstanding job of portraying a character coming unglued due to the stresses of work, new baby, and unsettled family life.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

"RE: Disagree"
Posted by Glow on 01-07-08 at 10:39 AM
huh. I didn't think it was slow at all. They packed a lot in that episode.
I agree about the tornado being a bit on the side of cheese but the actors (namely Taylor, natch) nailed the scene. I'm guessing they needed a reason for the other team to share their field and locker rooms.

I loved the camera work in the episode... the panning down to Tami's shoes when she came in the door and kicked them off, Tim and Julie through the window at the... wherever they were (not Applebees or Alamo Freeze). Brad Leland IS absolutely a big part of what makes the show as good as it is. No question. Right along with Connie Britton, Scott Porter, Kyle Chandler, Jesse Plemons and Adrianne Palicki. ;)

"to the whole sequence with the two rival football teams sharing the same space, to Riggins (for once) doing the right things and getting screwed for it"

I think that's a theme this season. He got screwed for saving his best friend's life too. (So the "for once" isn't accurate.)

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose

"RE: Disagree"
Posted by samboohoo on 01-07-08 at 02:26 PM
I agree with you.

At first I wasn't sure about the whole Tornado thing, and I do find it odd that there was no formula, but they had to do that to set it up. They probably should have had Shelly drop the can or something a little more believeable.

Loved Julie and Shelley oogling him working out.

And I agree. I'd not only make the eggs, I'd go and lay them.

I think we can assume Waverly is gone - they should have included something about that.

Boo and Captain Chaos sitting in a tree . . .

"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2"
Posted by Glow on 01-14-08 at 00:05 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-14-08 AT 00:06 AM (EST)

Episode 2-11 "Jumping the Gun"

I was SO annoyed with Julie for not telling Eric the truth about Tim. Glad she finally did.

Bye bye Jackie! *cheers* I adore the Riggins brothers. My heart got mushy when they were sitting there drinking beer together. ha! They threw the caps on the floor. Timmy cleaned the house! I thought it was always Billy cleaning the house last season. Hated them stealing the money from Guy though. That'll come back to bite them. Hello? Tim? You took your stuff. He's going to know it was you. I have a BAD feeling about his fingerprints all over that gun. *shudder* Funny Coach calls him "honorable" right after he steals $3000 from a drug dealer.

I like Smash's storyline. Love how he was acting like he didn't want to go to TMU and then was thrilled when he got the offer. (Not sure what's great about TMU though. Maybe cause it's closer to home?) Loved him giving Momma (love her) flowers at the end. Noelle is kind of intriguing to me.

Loved the Taylor family scene at the end. Tami wearing the too tight red shirt and Coach holding baby Gracie, grabbing her hand and saying, "Why do you keep hitting yourself?"

From the previews: So we're going back to Tim and Lyla? I guess I knew it was coming.

No Jason again. It's starting to get to me. Can't say I missed Tyra/Landry though. I think they're wonderful but they don't need to be front and center every episode.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose

"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2"
Posted by samboohoo on 01-14-08 at 09:52 AM
I really missed Jason and Buddy this episode, not Tyra and Landry. Kind of glad for that break.

I love the Riggins brothers too; however, I am not thrilled with the writers this season. It's just little things that are bugging me. Like Tim. He's got money for gas, for beer, etc., but Billy is broke. Doesn't make sense. Where does he get his money?

Also, how did he get into Mexico with Jason. Unless he is 18, I can't remember. But the same with Lyla. She flew to Mexico. How did she get a ticket, get through customs, miss school without anyone questioning anything.

Same with the formula last week. Tammy was breastfeeding. She may have stopped, not sure. But previews for next week show her restless about the daycare. How was there absolutely no formula at that moment. Wouldn't someone have noticed?

Landry and his dad burning the car. I know it's moot now, but wouldn't someone notice him not driving the car?

I still love the show. Don't get me wrong. The writers were so good about the little things last season.

I'm glad Julie came clean. And I loved Tim asking Jackie if she wanted his dad's number.

Boo and Captain Chaos sitting in a tree . . .

"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2"
Posted by Max Headroom on 01-14-08 at 01:21 PM
I am not thrilled with the writers this season

Word. I realize it's hard for a show to keep its edge from one season to the next, but the dropoff in FNL season 2 has been pretty big. They've had too many gimmicky things-- terribly thought-out murder subplots, the whole sequence with being out of formula and the tornado, the Swede's interest in jailbait Julie, Riggins "finding" $3000 and stealing it from his drug-dealing former housemate, etc.

With that said, I liked this episode much better than last week's. The rising tensions at the Taylor household made it a matter of when, not if, Shelly would be sent packing, and Eric handled that situation in his usual, ummmm, direct way. The scenes showing the recruiting attention for Smash were well done, complete with examples of his mom's exasperation with the whole process. And the scenes with Riggins and his brother were excellent too, though Boo's comment about Tim's mystery money is duly noted.

The long list of the missing:
Matt/Carlotta - don't care
Matt's Grandma - need her back
Jason Street - need him back
Lyla Garrity - meh
Buddy Garrity - he makes the show, IMO

I hope we haven't seen the last of the drug-dealer. He's gotta know where that money went, with Riggins' stuff disappearing at the same time as the cash...

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

"2-12 "Who Do You Think You Are?""
Posted by Glow on 01-19-08 at 08:14 PM
Soooo... did we have another murder? I'm loving the Santiago story. I love that he is trying to turn himself around and not take the same path that got him into trouble. I thought it was sweet how he was so worried about Buddy's apartment. But. Why were there SO many people there? yeesh. Also, I swear to God if he killed that guy, I'm writing a letter... or an email.

Tim! Herc! Jason! yay! That's what I've been waiting for. More please. That was such a great scene. (but so very annoying that he's hanging out there now that he's back home. Should have gone there in the first freaking place.) Seems there's been a lot going on with that threesome off-screen (which makes it even more annoying that Tim didn't go to Jason first when he needed a place to stay). I didn't realize Herc and Tim got along so famously or that Tim's feelings for Lyla were so out in the open with Jason. I'm not exactly in a hurry to have a Tim/Lyla reunion but when he was driving along in his truck, listening to her on the radio and said, "Dammit Lyla," I said "awwww." Lyla and this Chris guy? meh. I'm sure she's just fighting her feelings for Tim like she's been doing.

Matt and Landry! were talking! yay! Landry didn't know about him and Carlotta... how sad. Carlotta's leaving? I'm okay with that. Maybe they could bring in a more age-appropriate nurse for Grandma now. You think? Speaking of age-appropriate... I'm thinking that somebody who is Carlotta's age (whatever age that may be) would not be parading around her 17 year old boyfriend. Just me? Matt thought they were in love? awww. Poor stupid Matt.

The Taylors and the daycare was cute. The part where they were walking out of the gate and she said, "you have to lift that up" and he said, "I know that" and she said, "well I didn't" just screamed ad lib to me. Love them. Everytime Coach is holding Gracie now, I think back to last week and the "why you keep hitting yourself?" think. And then that scene in bed where he lifts her up in the air and says, "Where did you come from?" So freaking adorable. Oh ha! During dinner. "Buddy's here. He's got a box." LOL. Brad Leland was wonderul in that scene. When are they going to move him up from costarring and throw his name in with the rest of them in the beginning where he deserves to be?

Loved the more Smash but that scene in the movie theater was terrible. And what was up with Corrina agreeing with Noelle's ignorant parents? I know she doesn't like Noelle, but I thought for sure she was going to let loose. "this is Dillon, Texas." okay but is it 1950? The people in line at the theater looking at them all disgusted like. *cringe* My husband tells me there are still places like that. But *cringe*

I love the camera angels Taylor Kitsch is getting this season. Somebody must have told them that he is one of the most beautiful things on television.

"RE: 2-12 "Who Do You Think You Are?""
Posted by Max Headroom on 01-19-08 at 08:50 PM
*deep breath*

I liked this episode.

I don't think Santiago killed his friend, but I do think he beat him up. (That's what it took to get the watch back.) And the buildup to that scene was intriguing; watching Buddy agonize over how to handle his prized possessions when he knew Santiago's unsavory friends were coming over-- wow. If he hides them or takes them away before the party, that implies a lack of trust in Santiago, but leaving them out invites theft. And Santiago was also caught in the same trap, as he's trying to make better choices in life and he knows the temptation will be too much for his friends. Hmm.

I'm not sure I like the Tim/Lyla storyline. The crank call to the radio show was classic Tim Riggins, though.

The daycare dropoff scenes were funny, but what was funnier to me was watching Tami try to take Gracie to school with her. That had me chucking, as there's no way a two-month-old can make it through an entire school day without needing tons of attention (and announcing those needs loudly). But the scenes rang true, as separation anxiety is common and a big deal for many moms.

DW and I disagreed on the Smash/Noelle scene. I thought Smash's mom didn't want them dating because she thought Noelle was a bad influence on Smash; I didn't see any overt concerns about multiracial dating. DW thought it was a racial thing, that Smash's mom thought he should be dating African-American girls. We'll see, I guess.

Great episode.

"RE: 2-12 "Who Do You Think You Are?""
Posted by aquariaqueen on 01-19-08 at 09:31 PM
I think Noelle's parents were concerned about the racial thing, but Smash's mother just doesn't like Noelle getting involved in Smash's head and helping him make decisions that she doens't agree with, so she just went along with the race thing, thus saving the "I don't like your daughter" from being an issue and causing a blowup with the other parents.

Poor Tim...didn't catch a break this week either.

"RE: 2-12 "Who Do You Think You Are?""
Posted by samboohoo on 01-21-08 at 10:44 AM
Buddy/Santiago: I don't think he murdered him. I hope not. I was very proud of Santiago. I was so worried that he would revert, especially when the guy told him that Buddy was just using him for the football. I would love to see a real bond between the two of them. I'm not sure it's over with the friends yet - they know who Buddy is.

Tim/Herc/Jason: I agree with you about why Tim didn't go there in the first place. I loved that whole thing, even agree with someone saying the prank call was classic Tim. I like seeing him being a little immature.

Matt/Landry: Loved seeing the two of them hanging out as well. I wonder how much Matt knows about the Tyra situation. And I wonder how those pancakes were. *giggle* I'm kind of glad Carlotta is gone. I wasn't too bothered by the relationship in the beginning. But the more I think about it, I'm glad. He has too many other adult responsibilities - he doesn't need this.

Everything Taylor: All of it cracked me up. I love watching Eric with Gracie Bell. And I can so relate to all of Tammy's concerns/reactions, etc. I like that they fight about real stuff. And I loved the conversation between he and Mac about Tammy quitting her job.

Smash: I think Corrina's initial concerns were because of Noelle's influence, and I think she agreed with the parents only after hearing the mother. But I don't think it's because Corrina is opposed to an interracial relationship because she doesn't like the color thing - I think she's opposed to how Noelle's family feels, and she doesn't want Smash to be a part of that. So it's a combination of things for her, but she was not about to be "ignorant" and agree with the parents' reasoning.

Boo and Captain Chaos sitting in a tree . . .

"2-13 "Humble Pie""
Posted by Glow on 01-28-08 at 09:24 AM
My favorite scene of the week was a toss-up between Jason talking the guy into buying the Hybrid (yay Jason! Scott Porter is mesmerizing.) and all the boys sitting and joking around together. So good to see Timmy having fun and not getting his face pummelled or his heart tramped on. The comments Tim and Saracen were making when Jean gave Landry the mix CD were so funny.

Second was Smash, his mom and Coach talking to the lawyer when she told Smash through clenched teeth that they were going to listen to what he had to say. Oh Smash. *sigh*

And what kind of lessons is this show teaching this season?!
Landry kills a guy. He wants to tell the truth and is guided to not tell the whole truth. He KILLS a guy... and nothing.
Tim steals $3000 from a drug dealer with a gun, gets beat up, has the money given to him... and now we're done (?).
Smash? well. Smash punched a guy who was making racist comments, tells the truth about it and he's arrested?

I was so worried for Billy with the meth guys. I loved seeing him sticking up for Tim. I hope that story is over. Thank you Lyla for giving Tim the money and telling him you don't love him. Please let that be the end of Tim/Lyla (yeah wishful thinking). She did sum up the relationship to Chris as "sleeping with my paralyzed boyfriend's best friend".

Why is Tyra so mad at Tim... again? I wish they'd get back together. So much pretty. Not sure what to feel about Tyra and volleyball. But Tyra spiking balls off of Tim was hilarious. Tim is good at that (assistant) coaching thing, eh?

Julie? good lord girl. Find something to smile about. So sick of her bratty jealous pouting.
Julie: what are they now? Like one and seven?
Coach: but your mom is one for one. She's one and o.

Love! Buddy.

That dude that Lyla is hanging around is creepy. I worry for her. oh great... I just realized where the Tim/Lyla thing could be going, I think. This Chris guy will hurt her in some way and Tim will come running to her rescue. Or he just realized she was denying her feelings for Tim. Or he thinks she's unworthy of his affection.

Landry and Jean? She seems more suited to him for sure. Loved his reaction to Tyra's jealousy.

RIP Heath

"RE: 2-13 "Humble Pie""
Posted by Max Headroom on 01-28-08 at 10:08 AM
My favorite scene was at the Taylor's house, when Tyra reached above the refrigerator to put something back while Tami watched... and suddenly she got the big idea. Chalk up another subtle scene with a big impact-- that's why I like this show.

And Tyra's spike that bounced off Riggins was the biggest laugh of the show.

I also liked the scenes at the dealership where the other salespeople picked on Jason, and Buddy's reaction when he heard about the imaginary "point system". While I don't see Jason selling cars for the rest of his life, this may help him grow up a little. Realistically there can't be many jobs in Dillon, TX for a paraplegic high-school graduate.

Speaking of Jason, where did his money go? You'd think he would've gotten more money out of his settlement with the school district after his injury...

Based on previews, I'm glad to see we'll be getting more Matt Saracen. We haven't had a lot of storylines about him this season and I'm looking forward to it.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

"RE: 2-13 "Humble Pie""
Posted by aquariaqueen on 01-28-08 at 10:36 AM
>My favorite scene was at the
>Taylor's house, when Tyra reached
>above the refrigerator to put
>something back while Tami watched...
>and suddenly she got the
>big idea. Chalk up
>another subtle scene with a
>big impact-- that's why I
>like this show.

At this point in the show, I was a little distracted with some papers, and was wondering if Tami had seen a pregnant belly as Tyra was stretching to get in the cabinet. I was so happy to find out Tami was measuring her up for volleyball! LOL

Jean----what a hoot! Nothing like her looking like an awful Tyra replacement.

Mrs. Smash....where is her Oscar, Emmy, Nobel Peace Prize???? Whoever writes her scripts and helps her develop her character...THEY ARE SPOT ON!!!! If, and I only say IF FNL is cancelled, I would love to see her on another show. Fantastic talent!

Julie needs to grow up...I agree, this pouty business is getting rather old and drawn out. She can't be happy for anyone. Grow up, sister!

"RE: 2-13 "Humble Pie""
Posted by Glow on 01-28-08 at 11:09 AM
"My favorite scene was at the Taylor's house, when Tyra reached above the refrigerator to put something back ..."

uh...yeah. I think that was my husband's favorite scene also.

"Speaking of Jason, where did his money go? You'd think he would've gotten more money out of his settlement with the school district after his injury..."

They made a point of showing us that he wanted to settle for whatever was needed to cover his medical expenses. He told his parents they weren't there to "win the lottery".

Next week... Matt and Timmy get drunk. hee. Based on the little bit we saw, it looks like ZG is back in top form. Of course I guess fondling Carlotta didn't take a whole lot of acting chops so it'll be nice to see a little of what he can do again.

"RE: 2-13 "Humble Pie""
Posted by samboohoo on 01-28-08 at 04:05 PM
Plus, I know he didn't get the surgery, but didn't he spend some money in Mexico?

Boo and Captain Chaos sitting in a tree . . .

"RE: 2-13 "Humble Pie""
Posted by samboohoo on 01-28-08 at 04:09 PM
I agree with your favorite scenes as well. And as usual.

Tyra: I don't know that she's really "mad" at Tim. It was just a good focal point for her, and he was there. Plus, there's the whole irritation factor between the two of them. So it's probably just carry-over irritation.

I too wondered about Chris. But he really just may be one of those guys who loves the Lord and loves Lyla. I don't see it lasting. I don't think he'll be the one to hurt her. I don't have a problem with her being born again. Not in the least. But this whole church thing reminds me of those big mega churches, and I've never had a good feeling about them. Reminds me of Jim and Tammy Faye.

Boo and Captain Chaos sitting in a tree . . .

"RE: 2-13 "Humble Pie""
Posted by rasslinmomma on 01-28-08 at 06:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-28-08 AT 10:43 PM (EST)

One of the things I loved about this show last season was that they always seemed to be "keeping it real". Not so much this season. I hate to say it, but I'm beginning to fall out of love with FNL.

Where are my football scenes? Loved the action, the roar of the crowd. It looked and felt just like the stadium back home in Alabama, and I miss it.

Why is Tim at girl's volleyball practice in the first place? He's first string, should be out on the football field practicing after school.

When did Tyra become a joiner? She becomes friends with Julie, and suddenly she's planning Pantherama and joining the volleyball team? Not with Julie, but solo? Can't see it happening.

As Glow said, Landry gets a pass for killing a man, and Smash gets taken off in cuffs for a fight between teenagers? From the previews, he's off the team for three games, based solely on the arrest? Where's his presumption of innocence pending trial? It's not like the altercation occured on school grounds. No basis for the suspension.

Where does Lyla, a high school student, suddenly come up with $3000? Apparently allowances are higher in Dillon, TX than I'm used to. Oh, and Lyla's new boyfriend is just to perfect for words - "I can't believe the courage it took for you to tell me that." - um, yeah, right.

Suddenly we have characters acting in ways that just don't seem real. I can see character development and change, but please don't try to cram 180 degree overnight reversals down my throat.

Thank goodness we have Coach Taylor, Tammy, Buddy, and Smash Momma. They make this show.

"Regarding Tyra"
Posted by samboohoo on 01-29-08 at 09:02 AM
I can see the transformation in Tyra. I myself could have been Tyra at that age - all of it.

I think a lot of the change in Tyra has to do with Tammy. And with finding people who care about you and who love. Tammy and Landry.

Boo and Captain Chaos sitting in a tree . . .

"RE: Regarding Tyra"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 01-29-08 at 12:42 PM
I think she morphed realistically through Tami and Landry....even slamming the balls at Riggins. It was good, clean, mean fun, and Riggins and she go a long way. It kinda was a neat way of saying "hey I still like ya"

"RE: Regarding Tyra"
Posted by Glow on 01-29-08 at 02:01 PM
oh yes. Absolutely. The Taylors have been a blessing for Tyra. There's a lot of stability there that she hasn't had in her home life. And Landry loves her. It started as a physical attraction on his part (who could blame him!) and it turned into love. He showed her what it was like to be appreciated for who she was and not only for what she looks like. He respects her and that's not something she's used to. We all know how I feel about Timmy but respecting Tyra isn't something he was ever good at. Smash? totally used her (long long ago) because she was Timmy's girl (and hot) and they hated each other. Connor, the oil guy? totally used her. She thought he was going to be her way out and he ditched her.

We're made to believe that Tyra's mom has had a revolving door of sleazy men in and out of her house for probably all of her life. Her sister is a stripper (I mean no disrespect to strippers but they aren't largely respected) and we have no knowledge of her ever having a meaningful relationship so we are left to assume she's never had a notable one. Tyra's relationship with Landry is/was foreign to her.

We're also made to believe that she has been known as the youngest of the Collette women, the town sluts. The police said as much when they were going over her abuse file. Because of that she wasn't befriended by the girls in Dillon until she hit it off with Julie. And because of that, she looked to sex for comfort... to feel wanted. She fell into her reputation due to the apparent lack of anywhere else to go.

As far as the volleyball thing goes, she's never been part of a team before. She's been a loner for the most part. Respect is new to her. Being a part of the volleyball team could absolutely be the hedge. So I guess, nailing Tim with the balls (as opposed to in the balls) was like saying, "you will respect me!" to somebody, to everybody, she never got that from.

I love Tyra.

"2-14 "Leave No One Behind""
Posted by Glow on 02-04-08 at 10:15 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-04-08 AT 10:29 AM (EST)

When this episode was over, I looked over at my husband and said, "Was this the best episode this season?... Yes, I do believe it was."

Tyra and Landry? So wonderfully done. I'm just so nervous that she'll do what teenaged girls do (I know I was one of them)... now that she has him, she will stop wanting him.

I wasn't looking forward to another Julie-is-a-jealous-brat scene but it was justified this time. Love that Tami talked the DMV guy into giving her the driving test.

Smash ripping down all his TMU stuff and Corinna coming in his room. Telling him she loves him and is proud of him.
Read a comparison. Smash=Randy Moss. Seems to fit.

Matt in art class.
Matt and Tim? Matt saying he wanted to be more like Tim because Tim doesn't let things effect him a moment before Lyla and Chris come in and Tim says they come in every day for lunch.
Matt's "I think stalking is pretty pathetic." I don't think they can sell me on this Tim/Lyla relationship. I just don't see how it would be possible. Let it go, writers.
Tim's "I always skip Wednesdays."
Tim's "nice hair" to Chris. LOL.
Matt's "Shalom".
Practice after the drinking was interesting. Tim was collected and Matt was a mess. We know Tim does this a lot and he seemed to realize maybe he shouldn't have taken Matt out drinking before practice. I just can't figure out why everybody in town thinks it's okay to let Tim drink... and sell alcohol to him.
Mac asking Eric if he could smell the alcohol on Matt and Eric saying "no".

I hope we get a scene of Matt buying a car from Jason.

Matt. Oh Matt. That scene? When Coach threw him in the bathtub? And turned the shower on him? That scene? WOW.
"There's nothing wrong with you." *sob*

Smash. Oh Smash. He about killed me at the end there. He's all "go go team" and they all say "let Smash play" then he breaks down when they leave the locker room. Gorgeous.

ha! Coach still calls Landry "Lance".

You know the P that they all smack on their way out of the locker room? Did you notice somebody wrote "Street" by it? *chills*

Finally. I can say it.I love this show. *huge sigh of relief*

Only one more episode until the strike catches up with us.
Peter Berg is guest starring in it though.

"RE: 2-14 "Leave No One Behind""
Posted by aquariaqueen on 02-04-08 at 11:28 AM
Ahhhhh.....that kiss!!!!!!

"RE: 2-14 "Leave No One Behind""
Posted by Glow on 02-04-08 at 11:39 AM
Tyra and Landry? That was a hot kiss.

"My name is Tim Riggins and I play fullback." -- Friday Night Lights Fridays @ 9 on NBC

"RE: 2-14 "Leave No One Behind""
Posted by emydi on 02-04-08 at 01:35 PM
When this episode was over, I looked over at my husband and said, "Was this the best episode this season?... Yes, I do believe it was."

I said the same thing to myself

Smash ripping down all his TMU stuff and Corinna coming in his room. Telling him she loves him and is proud of him.
Read a comparison. Smash=Randy Moss. Seems to fit.

this was such a great scene I love Mama

Matt. Oh Matt. That scene? When Coach threw him in the bathtub? And turned the shower on him? That scene? WOW.
"There's nothing wrong with you." *sob*

I love Zach Gilford...he is such a great actor. I loved his line...what' wrong with me why does everyone leave me...I was bawling just like Smash was at end of the ep...

Courtesy of arkiegirl!!

"RE: 2-14 "Leave No One Behind""
Posted by thndrkttn on 02-04-08 at 11:48 PM
"Smash. Oh Smash. He about killed me at the
end there. He's all "go go team" and they all say "let Smash play" then he breaks down when they leave the locker room."

This scene? Was seriously the first time my husband realized how much it kills me to be unemployed when I am trying my hardest to find a decent job. When they all left the locker room and Smash was left there crying, I said to DH, "That is exactly what it feels like when you go to work in the morning and I have to stay home."

"RE: 2-14 "Leave No One Behind""
Posted by sittem on 02-05-08 at 11:04 AM
Best episode I've seen. I just started watching this year and it's been a real treat. Today I watched the latest episode at lunch - kind of a mistake since I had to go back to the office a little blearly eyed! Smash at the end breaking down - tough, heart wrenching scene but the kid is starting to grow up a little. Good for him.

Matt. Tim. Landry. Tyra. Garrity. Tami. Corinna. Eric. Great characters. Life is complicated.

With only one more episode I think I'll start to download season one and watch it.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: 2-14 "Leave No One Behind""
Posted by aquariaqueen on 02-05-08 at 11:33 AM
Sacrifice something else and buy season 1 for 20 bucks, it's well worth it!

"RE: 2-14 "Leave No One Behind""
Posted by Glow on 02-06-08 at 12:31 PM
absolutely positively watch season one. It was beautiful. Like AQ said, if you can, buy it.

"RE: 2-14 "Leave No One Behind""
Posted by sittem on 02-07-08 at 05:46 AM
It's difficult to acquire the DVD here in English, but I've watched 1st episode and 2nd is downloading.

Eric's words/prayer at the end of the first show:

"Give us all tonight the strength to remember that life is so very fragile. We are all vulnerable and we will all at some point in our lives fall - we WILL all fall. We must carry this in our hearts, that what we have is special, that it can be taken from us, and that when it is taken from us we will be tested - we will be tested to our very souls. We will now all be tested. It is these times, it is this pain that allows us to look inside ourselves."

Wow. Looking forward to more and seeing how this bunch makes it from season one to season two.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: 2-14 "Leave No One Behind""
Posted by Max Headroom on 02-06-08 at 08:39 AM
Finally pulled this episode off the TiVo last night. I've got nothing to add-- it was the best episode this season.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

"RE: 2-14 "Leave No One Behind""
Posted by Glow on 02-06-08 at 12:32 PM
So it was the best episode this season!

"RE: 2-14 "Leave No One Behind""
Posted by samboohoo on 02-07-08 at 10:07 AM
Just watched last night. Yep, Best Episode!!

Love Grandma Saracen. When Matt was sleeping in the hospital lobby and Coach showed up. I love how excited she gets when she sees Coach. I love how he interacts with her.

Would You like for me to fix you a sandwich?

Also, I loved it when she said, "I'm glad you're here Coach, I think Matthew needs you." I'm sure she knew he's been drinking. But I think that that statement at that moment meant that Matt just didn't need him for that one situation.

Boo and Captain Chaos sitting in a tree . . .

"RE: 2-14 "Leave No One Behind""
Posted by SilverStar on 02-18-08 at 10:55 AM
I agree with everyone else. Definitely best episode this season. I usually delete them once I've watched them, but I saved this one on the DVR because I'll probably want to watch it again. I was bawling like a baby.

Drinkin' with Ahkie!

"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2"
Posted by KwietOne on 02-04-08 at 06:55 PM
When my Tivo skipped over Humble Pie, my heart skipped a beat. Did I miss an episode? Fortunately, I've got Hulu.com! I was about 10 minutes into the "Leave No One Behind" episode, when I realized I missed something. So, I just finished watching Humble Pie over the weekend, then watched LNOB episode last night. Ah man...

Poor Smash - me being a guy, I got a bit emotional.
Ditto for Matt.

I take it Connie's sister might be coming back in some form, since Gina's character on Nip/Tuck was killed off.

"2-15 “May the Best Man Win”"
Posted by Glow on 02-11-08 at 10:31 AM
I love Jason Street. His miracle baby storyline is great. He will be an awesome dad because he’s so freaking awesome. “Give it a chance.” Totally don’t understand Erin’s comment about him being a car salesman. She’s a waitress. (my dad is a car salesman and mom is a waitress and I have tremendous respect for both of them) He’s a damn good salesman. He could sell me just about anything. He was certainly working her over.

Interesting that earlier in the season, they lost a game 37–0. And now? In a game without Smash? They could have had a shutout at 45-0… if Coach wouldn’t have given them a touchdown at the end there.

I’m glad Smash is going to college. Again, the scenes with him and his mother were fantastic. Those two make you feel like you’re eavesdropping on a real life mother and son. But. A TON of colleges would still be banging down his door. “When God closes a door, he opens a window.”

Tami and Mo was a bit eh and the fight with Eric and Mo was ridic but loved seeing wonderful Peter Berg on this wonderfully amazing show. Loved! Tami leaving Eric at the restaurant and the telling Julie to speak loudly to him the next morning. Julie holding Gracie was heart-warming. Speaking of Gracie Belle. The pink Maggie Simpson snowsuit? Adorable.

Tyra and Landry were cute. She’s radiant. Landry and Matt were fantastic. I loved their discussion when Matt corrected Landry for calling Carlotta… what was it?... a Mexican maid?

Tim’s “whatever it takes” was dreamy. His charm with the older woman in church was adorable. Loved all the girls calling in to his radio show to ask him out. Loved Billy in church. And the old guy that he said a few lines to has been to many Panther football games.

No Buddy.

They cannot leave us hanging like this!
Time to start pleading for Season 3. *gets on knees*

Keep the Lights on!!!!

"RE: 2-15 “May the Best Man Win”"
Posted by emydi on 02-11-08 at 11:09 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-11-08 AT 11:09 AM (EST)

isn't the strike over? maybe get a few more in April/May

I screamed when she said she was pregnant!! TOtally not expecting it but I love the story!

Courtesy of arkiegirl!!

"RE: 2-15 “May the Best Man Win”"
Posted by samboohoo on 02-11-08 at 11:36 AM
Street: Love it. And love the whole argument with Herc. They crack me up. I thought the same thing with the "car salesman" line, but I thought maybe she is a waitress and going to school. Not quite sure.

I'm glad Eric let them score.

Love Smash and his mother. I really love his mother.

I did not like Mo at all. Talk about cheese. Major goofball. But I loved watching Eric looking at them. And Tami shouting. Too funny.

I am loving Tyra's hair more and more. The two fo them together still throws me sometimes, but they are cut. And that whole conversation between Matt and Landry about Tyra's experience. LOL. I think Landry called Carlotta a Mexican nanny.

Tim and Billy in church was funny. And Chris' family was a hoot. Poor Lyla being "frustrated." *giggle.

Boo and Captain Chaos sitting in a tree . . .

"RE: 2-15 “May the Best Man Win”"
Posted by sittem on 02-11-08 at 12:21 PM
This was a bit of a slower ep for me. Not a lot of sizzle. I loved the Smash stuff - still hoping he doesn't lose focus and go the arena tryout route for quick cash. Honor that commitment!

Also enjoying the Tim radio stuff - I'm still trying to get a handle on everyone by going slowly through the first season. I've just finished the first two and I still don't have Tim lvoe like y'all. I'm a bit creeped by Lyla's boyf and fam, but I liked his calling a halt to the, ahem, proceedings...

I'm also wondering how Buddy evolved. So far in season 1 I don't care for him much trying to bring in the Katrina "vic" to play QB. Therefore I don't miss him when he's not there, but I did enjoy a couple of brief shots of .... ah .... his... ah... "foster son" - it'll come soon. He was in the last play of the game and also in the dodgeball game.

Erin's comment - I took that to mean that he doesn't have a real solid future for her to pin her hopes and family on. Even though she's a waitress she is apparently hoping for more, especially with a guy who has limitations. It takes a rare person to see beyond the chair and in this case it's only a brief acquiantance between them. Tim - I respect what he wants to do. There could be a future (you pick it) little person in there. Loved the thought.

The Mo thing was ok - the fight was predictable. They were both headed in that direction from the get go. Eric was surprisingly baited into it, but it was fun.

Finally, I like some thoughts from the first season on each one I view. The one I like from ep 2 is Tami talking to Eric when he's at his lowest point regarding the team.

"You know what...there is not a person in the world that could do this except for you...this is what you do. I've seen you do it with my own eyes. I believe in you. I believe in you with every cell in my being." And, every cell of her being was in the look she gave him as she was communicating. It was a beautiful moment in a very tough episode.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: 2-15 “May the Best Man Win”"
Posted by samboohoo on 02-11-08 at 12:29 PM
Sittem, there is another conversation coming up in Season 1 that you will love between Eric and Tami when he asks her "if there is someone else he can talk to."

Boo and Captain Chaos sitting in a tree . . .

"RE: 2-15 “May the Best Man Win”"
Posted by sittem on 02-11-08 at 12:33 PM
Thanks - I'll be on the lookout.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: 2-15 “May the Best Man Win”"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 02-11-08 at 01:14 PM
that is a fantastic conversation.

"RE: 2-15 “May the Best Man Win”"
Posted by Max Headroom on 02-11-08 at 02:14 PM
While I thought the Eric and Mo scenes went a bit too far, most of it rang true to me-- picture two roosters in a (small) barnyard, each trying to prove he's the king. That's what we had with Eric and Mo at the restaurant with Tami. So who really is the bigger hotshot, the state-champion HS football coach in a football-crazy state, or the successful real estate developer coming back to town to buy a shopping center?

I'm not liking the plotline of Jason's one-night-stand getting pregnant. There are too many long odds in this one for me.

I chuckled at the conversation between Matt and Landry about their recent relationships. Most of it was two old buddies poking fun at each other, but I detected a little bit of a rivalry forming. Or was I imagining things?

Does anybody else think the Panthers will make the playoffs so Smash gets a chance at redemption? Let's just hope he doesn't get starry-eyed and think about reneging on his commitment to Whitmore after a big playoff performance. He needs to remember that the Whitmore coach has been watching his games since junior high... now that's commitment.

I liked Smash's girlfriend telling him he'd get lucky after talking to the Alabama coach, then blowing him off. That was good for a surprise laugh.

As for the rest of the TV season, to quote Coach Taylor, "Are we done here?"

"RE: 2-15 “May the Best Man Win”"
Posted by SilverStar on 02-18-08 at 11:04 AM
I hate the Jason baby story line. First of all, they are both only 19. And had a one-night stand. and now they're going to raise a baby together?
Second of all, he has been paralyzed for what? like a year now? I'm sure he's still getting used to being that way and finding new challenges every day. Can you imagine how hard it would be for him to take care of a baby? And wasn't he just trying to kill himself by jumping off a boat a couple of months ago??
And lastly, the thing that probably bugs me most, is that he is trying to guilt this girl into having a baby that she doesn't want. That scene just totally rubbed me the wrong way. Ick.

Drinkin' with Ahkie!

"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2 - Not good news"
Posted by sittem on 02-12-08 at 06:20 AM
Article by local TV critic in Chicago a few days ago in anticipation of the strike being settled put the odds of FNL coming back in the fall way up in the air. There's almost no chance of any new shows this spring from what I read. In fact, some of the filming of shows in the fall were lite on football action due to the strike.

Note ** in the article itself there's a link right at the top with more extensive information about FNL including comments by the producer - interesting stuff. The link is below.


Scripted shows arriving soon: “quarterlife” debuts Feb. 26. Episodes of “Monk” and “Psych” that have already aired on USA debut on NBC in April. New episodes of “Las Vegas,” “Scrubs,” “Medium” and “Law & Order” will air over the next few months.

Shows that will probably go back into production: “Law & Order,” “Law & Order: SVU,” “ER,” “30 Rock,” “The Office” and “My Name Is Earl.” The new shows “Life” and “Chuck” will probably return in the fall. Nothing has been decided about “Heroes” and “Friday Night Lights.” UPDATE: "Heroes" will probably return in the fall. "30 Rock" and "The Office" will return this season.

Here's the link for the full article if you are interested - you'll probably have to register to read.


2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"Friday Night Lights is in jeopardy"
Posted by sharnina on 02-12-08 at 07:43 PM
What can we do?

Here are a few things that we have going over on the NBC forum;

Write a letter or send an email-include a bottle of Clear Eyes or a box of conversation hearts with your snail mail)

NBC Studios
Save Friday Night Lights
3000 W. Alameda Ave.
Burbank, CA 91523

NBC Email
Scroll down to the pulldown menu and select FNL to send your email.

Sign petitions at these websites;

Best Week Ever
Online Petition
Save Friday Night Lights

Shar's World

"RE: Friday Night Lights is in jeopardy"
Posted by Glow on 02-13-08 at 11:06 AM
Email sent. Petition signed. I have to figure out how to print the postcards and then I'll send those.

"RE: Friday Night Lights is in jeopardy"
Posted by samboohoo on 02-18-08 at 11:29 AM

Tribe is pushing up my daisies!

"RE: Friday Night Lights: Season 2"
Posted by sharnina on 02-19-08 at 01:05 PM
FNL continues to be the most popular show viewed on NBC Rewind.

http://www.nbc.com/ - Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Shar's World

"Paralyzed Player who Inspired FNL Dies at 20"
Posted by KScott on 02-28-08 at 03:41 PM

Player Paralyzed in High School Football Game, Whose Injury Inspired 'Friday Night Lights,' Dies at 20

Thursday, February 28, 2008

SAN ANTONIO — David Edwards, who was paralyzed during a 2003 high school football playoff game and whose injury was fictionalized in the TV show "Friday Night Lights," died Wednesday. He was 20.

Edwards, who had been stricken with pneumonia since late last year, stopped breathing Monday night and slipped into a coma, his grandfather said.

Edwards would have turned 21 on Saturday.

Edwards, a junior defensive back at San Antonio Madison, had the fourth vertabra of his neck snapped when he collided with an Austin Westlake wide receiver when both were reaching for a pass during a November 2003 playoff game.

Director and producer Peter Berg was attending the game. In the pilot episode of Berg's TV show "Friday Night Lights," a high school football player breaks his neck and is paralyzed while trying to make a tackle.

Snidget rocks! Friday Night Lights Rules!

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn... that was fun!"

"RE: Paralyzed Player who Inspired FNL Dies at 20"
Posted by Glow on 02-29-08 at 10:02 AM
oh wow. That's so sad. Thank you for the link.

RIP David

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose

"RE: Paralyzed Player who Inspired FNL Dies at 20"
Posted by KScott on 03-11-08 at 01:50 PM
Very interesting story.....


David Edwards -- inspiration for "Friday Night Lights" -- gone, but not forgotten
By Gare Joyce

Updated: March 11, 2008, 7:22 AM ET

All game long this skinny junior safety was jacking up this wide receiver. This was Texas football -- 5A Division I playoff football, in the chill of November -- a game between San Antonio Madison (the safety's team) and Austin Westlake ( the receiver's team). On any one play there can be as many as 11 small wars, and a bunch of engagements within those conflicts, but this matchup -- between the safety, David Edwards, No. 5, and the receiver, Coy Aune, No. 1 -- was more intense than the others.

Did Edwards know No. 1's name? Or that No. 1's father used to hand the ball off to Earl Campbell in the University of Texas backfield? Well, it seemed like he did -- like he wanted to make this piece of Longhorns royalty his own trophy, like he was going to rattle every joint in his body. Just more fun on the Madison Mavericks' run that fall, with a record of 9-1 as they ran out on Neptune Field that day.

Aune was looking for No. 5. The kid didn't say much except "good play No. 1." But he didn't need words to get into Aune's head. Truth be told, Aune had thoughts unbecoming of a football legacy. He was feeling burned out. He was falling out of love with the game. The Westlake Chaparrals had been a powerhouse for years, but the 2003 season had been a disappointment, with four losses heading into the playoffs. He was falling more out of love with every play of this game. It was already one of the longer nights of Aune's life. The way he was feeling, this might be the last game he was ever going to play.

Madison 20, Westlake 17. Westlake ball, fourth down. Aune was split tight. He was running a route down the middle. Edwards recognized it. He closed in a heartbeat, just as the ball hit the receiver's hands. Right at that moment their eyes met -- just for a split-second. Then Edwards drove his helmet right smack into Aune's chest.

The ball dropped to the grass. The curtain fell.

Many people saw the hit. Those on the field might have caught a glimpse of it out of the corner of their eye. Those in the stands saw it unfold in front of them. A bunch of cameramen were on the sidelines and around the stadium, and at least a couple watched it through their viewfinders. It was a hit that made people wince.

The bodies came to rest on the field. The stadium was silent for a second or two. Then you heard a scream, from the safety's sister. In the next few moments the air temperature seemed to drop about 20 degrees.

Aune had never been hit so hard. It took all his strength just to get up on his knees. Everything hurt, and his head was ringing. Staggering back to the huddle -- what down is it? -- he thought the silence was for him. Then he looked back and saw No. 5 on the ground, legs splayed at a weird angle, not moving.

Aune's head was still ringing when he saw the trainers run out, still ringing when they brought out the stretcher, still ringing when the siren of an ambulance blared in the distance. A chant went up: "David, David, David." It started on Madison's side of the field, but then the Westlake fans joined the chorus. Everyone looked for a wave, or a thumbs-up. Nothing. At one point during the 20-minute delay, the ringing died down and Aune said to himself, "His name is David."

The ambulance rushed Edwards to the hospital, and the other players finished a game that no one felt like playing anymore. Westlake came back and won the game with two touchdowns in the final three minutes. By that time Edwards was in the intensive care unit at Brackenridge Hospital. Surgeons were working to save and salvage his life by the time the Madison team boarded their charter back to San Antonio.

Crucial minutes, important hours and, finally, unchanging days passed. Specialists and surgeons scrambled. They put David on life support until he could breath on his own. They looked for a sign of movement, but none ever came. They explained to his family that he was paralyzed from the neck down.

It was days before Edwards could talk again. It was a struggle, a long time coming. But when he could finally speak, his first words were a question: "How's the other guy?"


David Edwards died on Feb. 27, a little more than four years after the accident that left him in a wheelchair, unable to make even a fist.

It's left to "the other guy" to tell David's story. It's left to him to tell their story. He isn't crazy about the idea. "It's not about me," he says. But Edwards would be OK with Aune telling the story if it gets the message out about spinal injuries, if it gets people to seek out the charity set up for Edwards' family. Edwards was OK with getting his story out there. Peter Berg, a producer and director, was on the sidelines with his cameramen that night in Austin, doing research for the pilot episode of the "Friday Night Lights" TV series. Edwards gave Berg his blessing to have a story line featuring a star player suffering a paralyzing spinal-cord injury.

Aune will tell the story, with one condition that Edwards would have attached: Don't make it a sad story. Everyone will tell you that David Edwards was always smiling. He never let himself be sad. Not when he faced a surgery. Not when they tried to make him feel even the tiniest sensation. Not when his bed sores got infected. Not even when he was having another bout with pneumonia, which ultimately took his life.

So read this and smile.


Coy Aune: "David was a good football player. He was a conference first-team all-star as a junior, which is pretty good. He probably could have gone on to play small-college Division I, at least. It's hard to say. He was just a junior and he was probably going to fill out.

"He was locked on me all game long. That game, it was a fun deal right up to the point. He hit hard for a skinny kid.

"My mother was at the hospital. She went there straight from the stadium. I went with Peter Berg after the game. I got there at 2 a.m. I wanted to be part of it. I couldn't see him then. They told me it was bad.

"I wanted to quit football right then. I didn't want to play anymore. I thought, 'It could have been me.' I thought this was stuff that you just read about, nothing that you're ever going see, nothing that I ever thought I'd be a part of.

"I didn't feel guilty about it. There wasn't anything I could have done different. He hit me. It just turned out wrong.

"It was amazing how many people he touched. He touched me. I became friends with him afterwards. David had lots of friends -- not like he needed more, because he had lots. But we became friends, and I told him that I didn't want to play anymore. And he told me, 'No, you keep on.' I gave him my word, and I always keep my word. From then on I felt like I was playing for the both of us. He rekindled my fire.

"I had a couple of Division I offers, but they were from smaller schools where there was weather. I decided to walk on here in Austin. It wasn't that my father played for the Longhorns -- I wanted to stay close to home. Looking back on it, David had something to do with it. I knew I could stay in touch with him. I knew he could see our games. The way I figured, if I was playing for him, it shouldn't be just someplace he can only read about.

"We won a national championship and we got to go to the White House. It felt like David was there with me. And I was there for him too. It's not about me.

"He smiled when I saw him after the championship game. But he always smiled. I know that I wouldn't have been like that. I'm sure I would have been bitter if I ended up in a wheelchair. He was better that way than I could have ever been. When he spoke at the graduation at our high school the next year, he was so positive, his smile was so real -- not just when he was on stage, but afterwards. You couldn't fake that. It comes from a good place.

"Someone asked him if he had any regrets. He said he'd do it again. He said he never liked doing anything as much as playing football. And he asked me how good the hit was, and I told him, 'Oh yeah, it was good. You knocked the hell out of me.'

"I thought Peter Berg did a good job with it. If it gets out there -- the idea that this can happen, that this is what the game is about -- then I think it served a good cause. It was tough to watch just because it was so real, but it didn't haunt me or anything. That play just happened, there wasn't anything else that could be done.

"Until you mentioned it, I didn't really think about the fact that 'Friday Night Lights' didn't tell the story of the guy who hit the player who got paralyzed. It would have been cool to find out what happened to him.

"I'm done with football now. I'll graduate this spring, corporate communications. I'm going to try to do some work in photography, which I like, but I don't know what I'm gonna do. It was different after that hit. I'll admit that I just lived for me before that play. It was about me. I was selfish. Now I try to be there for others. I don't know if I'd go as far as saying I'm selfless, but I try to be a good person. I rarely go out of my way to talk -- I've always been that way -- but I listen to other people now. I'm interested in other people. I'm sure that I'm that way because of the friendship I had with David and the way he was."


Your natural reaction is that David Edwards' story is a sad one. But it's not. Don't think of what might have been. Just think of what was -- the joy and goodness around David Edwards.

People from San Antonio and Austin and many other places did their best to support him and his family. They gave his mother the keys to a condo where she and her four other children could stay while David was in the hospital. They brought food on Thanksgiving and Christmas. They raised funds for a wheelchair-accessible van. They built a home for the Edwards family, one that David could get around. They raised funds to make up for stuff that insurance didn't cover. They made David the homecoming king.

A couple of days before his 21st birthday, David fell into a coma. Even then, others were there for him. At the moment when he died, Coy Aune's mother, Marci, was hanging birthday decorations around his bed. At the memorial service at the Madison gym, the preacher didn't talk about tragedy. He said David brought people together -- from two schools, from two cities, and far beyond that. David Edwards' gift was harmony.

Coy Aune will never forget his friend, David Edwards. They were brought together by an awful moment. But Aune can look back on that play and find a certain beauty.

"Something happened on that play that I never experienced before or after in football," he says. "There was a moment right before the hit where we locked eyes. He could see what I was thinking: 'S---, I'm going to get drilled.' His eyes were wide, wide open, and he was energized, like he was doing something he loved.

"It was a privilege to be the last person to feel him move."

Gare Joyce is a regular contributor to ESPN The Magazine and ESPN.com.

Snidget rocks! Friday Night Lights Rules!

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn... that was fun!"

"Breaking News!"
Posted by sharnina on 03-06-08 at 03:06 AM
The Lights are staying on!



Shar's World

"RE: Breaking News!"
Posted by KScott on 03-06-08 at 08:40 AM
What a way to start my Thursday morning!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the wonderful information.

Snidget rocks! Friday Night Lights Rules!

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn... that was fun!"

"RE: Breaking News!"
Posted by Max Headroom on 03-07-08 at 10:50 AM
w00t! Great news.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

Posted by sharnina on 03-07-08 at 01:39 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-07-08 AT 01:47 PM (EST)


ETA - Ohh, and --- Swoop Block!

Shar's World

"On 'Friday Night Lights'' future: 'We are very, very optimistic'"
Posted by sittem on 03-13-08 at 10:51 AM
...but it's not a locked up deal yet...


I'm now through episode 15 of season 1. I'm getting to know the characters better. I can see why people were so upset with the Landry murder in season 2 - where did all that come from?

The issue of the town being racialized just came up in 15 - very interesting and I'm anxious to see where it goes. Nice job exposing that one.

These are complex characters and even at this point a number of them have a long ways to go to get to where they are in season 2.

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