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"TAR Lvoe List Volume 17.11"

Posted by ARnutz on 12-06-10 at 09:39 AM
This week, team set off from Hong Kong and headed to Seoul, South Korea. Nick and Vicki were several hours behind as they quit the detour last week and had virtually no hope of catching up.

Once in Seoul, they had to drive to a bridge on the North/South Korean border, get their next clue, then raft down the river to US army base, Camp Casey.

At the base, they were faced with the roadblock - match a headband to a soldier practicing tae kwon do, then have him or her kick a piece of wood in half to get the next clue. This clue sent them by subway to the world cup stadium.

From the stadium, they had to travel on foot or by subway to the detour - full throttle - skate a 2 person speed skating relay - or - full bottle - deliver glass jars and drink a bottle of ginseng tonic. Brook and Claire made the mistake of taking a taxi and would incur a penalty at the pit stop.

Once the detour was complete, teams had to get to a park with an airplane statue to get their final clue of the leg, which told them to go to the pit stop - the Temple of Heaven.

Don't forget kidflash's week 10 rankings to check out how your favorite team is doing!

On to the list!

rank. names (last week's rank)

1. Nat/Kat (1) = I would love it if they win!

2. Brook/Claire (2) = I would be OK with them winning.

3. Jill/Thomas (4) = I would hate it if they win, which means they probably will!

Philiminated: Nick/Vicki (3) = Did we think they would survive the leg? Yeah, NO!

Cherishedİ Fancy Footwork Courtesy of Tribe!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 17.11"
Posted by Max Headroom on 12-06-10 at 10:30 AM
1. Nat/Kat (1) - Great team to watch, but they've slowed down considerably. Hope they find a way to win.

2. Brook/Claire (2) - Strong and consistent team, would be worthy winners, but I'm not a big fan of Brook's personality.
3. Jill/Thomas (4) - My least favorite team of the final 3, but they've earned their way. Would be disappointed if they won, but not horribly distraught.

Philiminated. Nick/Vicki (3) - Nick was immature and quick-tempered, but I'll miss Vicki.

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 17.11"
Posted by emydi on 12-06-10 at 12:02 PM
1. Nat/Kat (1)(2)(3)(2)(1)(2)(1)(1)(2)(1)- very slow skating puts them in 3rd place for final leg and again the editing is not the best for them. Will a all female team finally win? If so, I think it might be....

2. Brook/Claire (2)(1)(3)(3)(3)(3)(2)(2)(1)(2) - big misstep for not reading the clue...but J/T's preoccupation with how they passed them was too much. I sorta hope they win. Brook is a lot to handle but she is a strong racer

3. Jill/Thomas (10)(9)(9)(8)(7)(7)(6)(5)(4)(4)-I really hope they don't win

Philiminatd Nick/Vicki (8)(7)(8)(5)(6)(4)(4)(4)(3)(3)(3)- I am so glad that they did not get on the earlier flight. I'm glad they made them do all the tasks since they quit last week. The tank needed to be washed, right?

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 17.11"
Posted by KwietOne on 12-06-10 at 05:57 PM
#1 Nat/Kat
#2 Brook/Claire - I sense the first ever all-female team win.
#3 Jill/Thomas - I just want to smack that smugness off his face.

Phlm'd: Nick/Vicki - was hoping they'd catch that flight. Since they didn't, I knew they were toast.

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 17.11"
Posted by Belle Book on 12-06-10 at 06:09 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-06-10 AT 09:37 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 12-06-10 AT 09:36 PM (EST)

Here are my rankings:

1. Nat & Kat -- I sure hope this team wins! Incidentally, T.K. & Rachel were real laid-back in Season 12 and yet they won, so maybe this team will do so as well!

Small Gap --

2. Brook & Claire -- but if Nat & Kat don't win, I hope this team does. Still, they should've read the clue better!

Big gap --

3. Jill & Thomas -- I won't be distraught if they win, but I hope they don't.

Gonzo: Nick & Vicki. Had no chance. I'm sorry for Vicki, having to put up with Nick in the previous leg the way she did. She deserves better treatment than that.

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 17.11"
Posted by PsychoKitty on 12-06-10 at 09:23 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-06-10 AT 09:29 PM (EST)

With being away Thanksgiving weekend, I had TWO episodes to watch last night ;) My heart is full But not with Nick though!!!! What a negative, lazy a$$!

1) Nat & Kat - I really hope they win it! Don't make any mistakes ladies! And pick up the pace a bit ;)

2) Brooke & Clare - Brooke works my last nerve and I really like Clare. That said they are good racers and it would be great if they win. Unfortunately we would never hear the end of it from Brooke though! ;) What was up with not wanting to kiss the cabby Clare? Hadn't you two kissed almost everyone else on the race?! He wasn't the only one digging you! ;)


3) Thomas & Jill - I hope they don't win - they are being so smug. She has really stepped up her snobby factor. But if they do, they will have earned their way. I just don't like them.

Philiminated - Nick & Vickie - Vickie! Get a clue! This man is a millstone around your neck! I don't think since Gag Me: FLO!!! that we've ever seen a racer (Zach) who did ALL the work while their partner whined. For him to go so far as to lie down during the task was unforgiveable. He is all about sabotage. Rid yourself of this dead weight and go forth and enjoy your life! And Production: Why didn't you see this trainwreck coming and recruit someone else?

Not that I have an opinion one way or another ;)
Signature by tribephyl

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 17.11"
Posted by featherfish81 on 12-06-10 at 11:50 PM
1. Nat/Kat (2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - They are really enjoying themselves, and are calm, smart racers. Hopefully the final mental task will allow them to pull ahead.
2. Brook/Claire (4,5,6,5,5,5,3,2,2,2) - A strong team, but learn to read the clues.
3. Jill/Thomas (1,8,7,7,7,6,5,4,4,3) - They've mellowed since the beginning, so on other seasons they might be ranked higher, but I actually like the teams that are left.

Philiminated - Nick/Vicki (9,8,7,6,4,3,2,3,3,4) - I don't hold the animosity for this team that some others do, but Nick definitely needs to grow up and stop pouting when things don't go his way.

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 17.11"
Posted by Toban on 12-07-10 at 01:45 AM
1. Brook and Claire: I would love to see them win

2. Nat and Kat: I would be almost as happy if they win

3. Smug and Stupid: I would be mildly irritated if they win.

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 17.11"
Posted by beau_30 on 12-07-10 at 08:41 PM
1) Nat & Kat - Would lvoe to see them win.
2) Brooke & Claire - Okay if they win
3) Jill & Thomas - They better not win


"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 17.11"
Posted by Starshine on 12-08-10 at 12:06 PM
Well that was a very dull episode

1) Brooke & Claire - A little friction this week, however still racing well and having fun.

2) Nat & Kat - Racing well, I was frightened by the teeth again this week, and still find them overall a little meh

3) Jill & Thomas - Not a bad team, but not lvoeable

Lovely cheese Mooney

Just another Sleeperbloke

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 17.11"
Posted by MaryKat on 12-09-10 at 11:28 AM
1 Kat and Nat
2 Claire and Brook
3 Jill and Thomas I may be distraught if they win.

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 17.11"
Posted by louislam on 12-12-10 at 03:13 PM
1. Nat/Kat (1) - Please win it!!
2. Brook/Claire (2) - I am fine with them winning too~!
3. Jill/Thomas (3) - No, please get lost in the end no matter how much lead they have

Philiminated - Nick/Vicki (4)

The Amazing Race Fan from Hong Kong!

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 17.11"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 12-12-10 at 04:17 PM
1. Nat/Kat
2. Brooke/Claire
3. Jill/Tool-ass

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 17.11"
Posted by kidflash212 on 12-12-10 at 07:23 PM
Such a busy week for me I almost missed getting my list in -

1)Nat & Kat
2)Brook & Claire
3)Jill & Thomas

Capn2patch put me in motion!

"RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 17.11"
Posted by kidflash212 on 12-12-10 at 07:45 PM

Week Eleven - The Lvoe List

As they have every week since week four, Nat & Kat take first place in the lvoe list. That's an impressive eight weeks in a row and they were first place in week one. Would have been a clean sweep for the season except Brook & Claire slipped into first place in week two and Connor & Jonathan took week three. Brook & Claire get second place this week while the smug duo of Jill & Thomass get every single last place vote.

Thanks for making this a great season for me - I enjoy reading every comment.

First Place Votes
Last Place Votes
Nat & Kat
Brook & Claire
Jill & Thomas

Capn2patch put me in motion!