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"Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."

Posted by Flowerpower on 05-01-09 at 06:08 AM
Thanks to Survivor Fever:


Jeff Probst: Next time on Survivor...

Taj <at Reward Challenge auction>: Oh my God!!!!!!!!!!

Stephen: Oh my God.

Jeff Probst: ...emotions run high...

Eddie George <Taj's Husband on Spring Wireless Device>: Hey babe. We miss you so much down here at the George household.

Jeff Probst: And Debbie turns on Coach.

Debbie <talking to JT>: I think we need to take Coach out.

JT: If Coach went next, I mean.

Debbie: It's time.

So, we have the RC where we see the shot of Taj that we had seen since the recrap future episode shots...she will win the video of her family at the auction...more than likely the family visit will be next week? OR, could they be there for the IC? I'm thinking next week at this point...

Will this be the episode where we see the shots of Coach...I wouldn't be surprised if he won the IC again...

A few questions to answer...
1. When will JT win a challenge?
2. When will the idols get put into play?

OFG Theory...well, at this stage it's kind of hard to tell, but notice how Erinn is squeezed right smack dab in the middle of this promo...Stephen is also all over...?

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"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by Smooth23 on 05-01-09 at 09:27 AM
Auction 'challenge'? They are sitting like they normally do for those. Coach appears to have a wine glass.


"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by byoffer on 05-01-09 at 01:44 PM
Coach certainly has a glass of wine. Presumably he got that from an early auction item. This scene looks normal for an auction, except they don't seem to be holding wallets.

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by Brownroach on 05-01-09 at 02:06 PM
What's with Debbie's hands in that cap? She looks like she's being manipulated by marionette wires.

A tribe glows in Brooklyn

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by michel on 05-01-09 at 07:58 PM
Possible, it's Stephen that is sitting behind her!!

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by kingfish on 05-01-09 at 09:50 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-01-09 AT 09:53 AM (EST)

The clue "It's time to take coach out", presented as directly as it is, just screams misdirection. I think it occurs occasionally that the editors present an overt clue that turns out to be accurate, but they usually use those to lead us down the garden path.

But, If Debbie really is turning on coach, and her quote is pretty clear, there really isn't any hope for the guy. Except for IC, which would seem to doom Debbie.

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-01-09 at 10:08 AM
I think we can throw the OFG Theory out of the window for this episode. All 6 contestants are there and all 6 have some kind of an up-close shot in one way or another.

The idols would have to be put in play either this week or next week - last two chances. Right now, I'm starting to lean towards it not being used at all as the three most vulnerable (Erinn, Debbie, Coach) all don't have access to the HII and I don't see Stephen/JT wanting to use Taj's (yes, I'm still calling it Taj's even if Stephen has possession at the moment) HII to save Erinn.

Stinky Musings <--- blog's been updated!

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by Brownroach on 05-01-09 at 10:29 AM
Yeah, OFG theory becomes moot at this stage of the game.

I've come to think the HII won't get used either. It just doesn't seem like it's going to be necessary while it still has currency. But you never know.

A tribe glows in Brooklyn

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by Flowerpower on 05-01-09 at 10:52 AM
Definately, can see your point, at this point in the game. I agree, it doesn't seem like the idol will need to be played, but editing wise, earlier in the show, it did come across as perhaps it would make a difference later...especially regarding Stephen and Taj...could have been edited that way for "drama", however.

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by samboohoo on 05-01-09 at 10:32 AM
Starting new thread about idol.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 05-01-09 at 11:36 AM
I keep going back to Jiffy's comment about last night's episode that someone was going to have a game-changing experience at Exile Island. We now know that that person was Erinn and we also know that she voted for Stephen last night at Tribal Council. I could not help but notice how many times they showed Stephen's face last night when he got that vote. He was none-too-happy.

I think that Erinn is in trouble this week. I think the Debbie going after Coach crap is misdirection. Coach will win immunity and maybe Erinn will be our boot? If not Erinn, than it will be Debbie. Just my two cents as I have not really been spoiling this season!

FISH by agman

Read me.

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by Loree on 05-01-09 at 01:18 PM
I think Errin might have hurt herself with that vote against Stephen. When Stephen gets nervous about someone he wants them out. Ex. Brendan. I would not be surprised if Stephen loses trust in Errin because of the vote and decides to replace Errin with Debbie in their final 4 pact of Stephen, JT & Taj. Debbie is willing to vote out Coach to stay with them.

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by SuperClyde on 05-01-09 at 02:05 PM
I'm eager to read the Survivor Insider transcript to see why Erinn voted for Stephen last night (and, for that matter, why Taj voted for Debbie).

To me, it doesn't make sense that Erinn was unhappy and decided to go Maverick on her alliance. Nor does it make sense that Taj was out of the loop and didn't know what she was doing.

My bigger suspicion is based on what JT was saying that voting Sierra out would create the fewest waves...
- I believe JT and Stephen are allied with Taj and Erinn through to F4.
- Their story to Coach and Debbie is that JT and Stephen are allied with Coach and Debbie to F4.
- In order to lull Coach and Debbie into complacency, it had to be a 4-person vote for Sierra.

Therefore I think that Taj and Erinn voted the way they did to throw away their votes as a red herring, to make Coach and Debbie suspect Taj and Erinn are out of the loop.

Also, I suspect we weren't shown these machinations because from here on out it's reverse-Pagonging of Timbira, so endgame is too obvious.

I'm really eager to read that transcript to see if there's any weight to these suspicions...

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by emydi on 05-01-09 at 02:16 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-01-09 AT 02:19 PM (EST)

that's what I thought too but Squid watched the insider (it's in the East Coast thread) and Taj and Erinn both said they promised Sierra they would not vote for her...Jury manuevering? but at what cost...Taj was smart to vote with Sierra for Debbie but Erinn played it probably too much and has alienated Stephen so Debbie may replace her in F4 alliance

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by Brownroach on 05-01-09 at 02:41 PM
I just posted the Insider Transcript -- if you read the first scene, Sierra is crying all over Taj and Taj genuinely feels bad for her -- I don't think in her case it was a jury play, Taj really didn't want to vote for Sierra.

A tribe glows in Brooklyn

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by emydi on 05-01-09 at 03:02 PM
Thanks, I read it, and I agree that Taj didn't want to vote for her...it was easier for her to vote for Debbie than Erinn bc not on original Timbira...I really do think Erinn was or why not just vote Debbie? or if you want to vote STephen, tell him about it and say the reason you are is to make Coach and Debbie think you are on the outs and the F4WA is still in tact...

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by Brownroach on 05-01-09 at 03:14 PM
I agree Erinn should have told Stephen ahead of time.

Taj I think would have voted for Coach had the asshat not won immunity.

A tribe glows in Brooklyn

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-02-09 at 10:31 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-02-09 AT 10:33 AM (EST)


Is it possible that Erinn and Stephen were in on it together, and that he knew that Erinn would throw a vote in his direction then he acted like he was all surprised etc? It could be a ploy to lull Coach/Debbie into thinking that Erinn isn't with JT/Stephen as much as they thought, so they'd believe that the JT/S/C/D alliance is still strong.

If Coach/Debbie believed that Erinn wasn't strong with JT/Stephen, they wouldn't be as much in a scramble mode and it'd be easier to blindside them.

I realize it's probably unlikely with the message Erinn put under Stephen's name on the parchment.

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by ginger0226 on 05-02-09 at 01:07 PM
If you look at the videos on CBS.com Erinn says

"I promise to Never Again write your name down" My guess is he probably knew about it...Erinn and Taj both promised to not vote for Sierra.

Also, during the fight Sierra had with Coach, you can hear Erinn clearly say in front of the whole tribe that she wasn't voting for Sierra.

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by emydi on 05-01-09 at 02:22 PM
I was really surprised that CBS used Taj's family in the previews for next week

I wouldn't be surprised if Jim Nantz introduced Eddie on the Ipod or whatever...I bet if he calls golf over the weekend, he'll hype up the promos...

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by SquidProQuo on 05-01-09 at 04:48 PM
Wasn't sure where these clues should be posted -- but thought they might be helpful here with the vidcaps:


"The Ultimate Sacrifice" - A tough decision gives one castaway the chance to sacrifice personal comfort to benefit the rest of the tribe, and a tricky immunity challenge puts brains and brawn to the test as the weary castaways fight for a guaranteed spot in the final five, on SURVIVOR: TOCANTINS - THE BRAZILIAN HIGHLANDS, Thursday, May 7 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

(CBS Press Release)

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by Flowerpower on 05-02-09 at 06:47 AM
Thanks Squid! But, they've already been posted in the title thread by michel...we usually reserve the vidcap thread for vidcap discussion...which, btw, always has a narration of some kind which are clues in and of themselves...

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by Flowerpower on 05-02-09 at 06:52 AM
Jiffy must be estatic that Eddie George will be coming to his show...

Alot of folks are speculating on other board that it is Taj that is going to possibly make the sacrifice, yet, I do NOT think that...Taj is reacting to the VERY HAPPY, Jiffy...Jiffy is thrilled, as we all know he loves the love. (and, he must be doubly thrilled with Eddie George). Taj is the only married with children that is left in the game, and I think she will be the benefit of the sacrifice...it will be someone else that ensures the comfort of the rest, imo.

...and would'nt it be funny if they let the loved ones participate in the IC, as they did in Vanuatu when Chris and his wife won? I would say that JT has a chance to finally win a challenge if it requires brawn and brains, but if Eddie participates, he would probably run circles around our "fast" little JT!

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by Georjanna on 05-02-09 at 07:18 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-02-09 AT 07:21 AM (EST)

Good Morning!

I know that she has been easy to overlook this Season, but Debbie is also married, with children and stepchildren. And she has an eight-bedroom home to prove it ...


PS: I agree with you about the sacrifice. And it's about time that Coach earned his 'hero' cape.

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by suzzee on 05-02-09 at 08:02 AM
And if Coach made the sacrifice it would put a nice cap on his story arc. He's gone the full run of first impression as the strong hero, to mediocre, to joke, to empathetic towards Sierra and if he sacrifices to generous. It may be why he's not loathed by everyone and thought of as harmless. Anyway, he'll be safe this time but that will be it and he goes at the next, which seems to follow the quasi spoiler of him out at F5.

Agman camouflaged me for S17

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by Flowerpower on 05-02-09 at 01:52 PM
Whoops, you are so right, Georgianna, how could I forget Debbie! HA! My bad, sorry Debbie!

I like where you and suzzee are going with the title..."the Ultimate sacrifice", and I like what you are speculating, I sure can see Coach saying that in regard to his own actions...I don't associate Coach with a "Brawn and brains" challenge win, so this would fit nicely, to buy him one more week...and would do alot to make him a likeable player...

...I like it!

"Weekend Promo..."
Posted by Flowerpower on 05-02-09 at 08:06 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-02-09 AT 08:18 PM (EST)

Thanks to Survivor Fever...


Announcer: There's only 3 episodes to go.

Taj: Oh my God !!!!!

We see that this is a challenge that is similiar to one that was in China, and I think that Bob may have won it...clearly Matty didn't...but, it looks like they are in lanes and have to get through all of these obstacles....I think we see their starting platforms at the left...we can see JT's green platform, where most likely, he started. From there they jump and have to dig under the structure, than scale a balance beam, and then ???...seems like a challenge that JT could possibly win?

***One thing that we can note FOR SURE, is that these challenge shots DO NOT match up with the recrap photo of Coach - Coach is shirtless in this challenge, while he's wearing his shirt in the recrap photo...), so therefore, HE MUST SURVIVE THIS EPISODE! Coach is in the F5!

Also, note that JT now has the blue steer on his back, as is seen in the F4 spider challenge...

"RE: Weekend Promo..."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-05-09 at 04:17 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-06-09 AT 06:17 AM (EST)

>***One thing that we can note
>FOR SURE, is that these
>challenge shots DO NOT match
>up with the recrap photo
>of Coach - Coach is
>shirtless in this challenge, while
>he's wearing his shirt in
>the recrap photo...), so therefore,
> Coach is in the F5!

Another question.

How do we know for sure that they didn't just decide that the image of Coach wasn't worthy of being kept in an episode even though we saw it in the promos? There's precedence for a promo image not appearing in the actual episode -- we were shown the two tribes pulling on ropes back in about episode 4 or so, but it never made it into the episode aired on TV.

What if this Coach image from the recrap has already happened and we didn't know about it?

Stinky Musings <--- blog's been updated!

Posted by Flowerpower on 05-04-09 at 04:15 PM
Thanks Survivor Fever...


Announcer: Survivor, Thursday, it's the most extreme auction ever.

Erinn: Ahhh!

Announcer: Why is everyone freaking out?

"RE: Promo..."
Posted by LynnandJiminva on 05-07-09 at 02:24 PM
Long time lurker here. Thank you for all the spoilers. I was looking at the picture of Taj and I know they show her on the promo looking at the phone video. But in Flowers post it looks like she is looking over Jeff's shoulder as if someone is walking in. ??

"Sports PIP promo..."
Posted by Flowerpower on 05-04-09 at 04:38 PM
Thanks to Survivor Phoenix!

"RE: Sports PIP promo..."
Posted by Flowerpower on 05-04-09 at 04:48 PM
From the looks of the PIP promo shots, I'd say that JT is going to get some food at the auction, while Debbie and Stephen are going to miss out...Taj looks to be the big winner...

For the IC, I think Coach and Stephen are losers, I think that either JT or Debbie will win it. Debbie is so little, could possibly squeeze under that bar quicker than most, and I believe she is better at puzzles than say, Erinn. But, JT could possibly finally win this one...

"RE: Sports PIP promo..."
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 05-04-09 at 04:59 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-04-09 AT 05:06 PM (EST)

Thank you so much, FP!
You thank Phoenix and Fever (as do I), and I thank you for so faithfully doing the work of bringing them over.

There is a new Probst promo. Not sure if there are caps.

Probst says that brilliance wins the IC, and we see math. Stephen and JT are working it.

Stephen is the brain who went to Yale.
JT's bio mentions how he does all the books (as in accounting) for his ranch.

JP mentions that reading a book can help you in Survivor ... could Stephen win this?
Whatever his limitations on the brawn portion, this promo shows he is in it at the end, so he doesn't get bogged down so badly that he misses his chance to use his brain.

In the promo shots of the auction, Debbie does have a plate of food, as does Coach. Then Probst announces the chance to bid on the phone. Only one can win, no sharing. I think Debbie will not have enough money left to outbid Taj.

Then Taj does something for Debbie. Whether Taj makes the sacrifice, I don't know, because she does she at least the opener of her video.

"RE: Sports PIP promo..."
Posted by Flowerpower on 05-04-09 at 05:49 PM
Wow, great find there, OFG, thanks for posting it in here! Jiffy's preview video is out early this week. You are right, this is going to be a good episode...I think Taj will win the phone and messages from home...but she and Debbie do seem to be bonding in a way that could pay off for Debbie, perhaps?

Yes, you are right about the challenge as well...we see Stephen and JT going strong at the math puzzles...I am not discounting JT, but geez, I sure do wish he'd win one!

"RE: Sports PIP promo..."
Posted by SquidProQuo on 05-05-09 at 01:16 AM
Re the brains/math part of the IC:

Yes, I agree that Stephen would likely be good at this, but we probably shouldn't rule out Debbie the Middle School Principal either.

And wasn't Coach's brother a Calculus teacher and his dad a famous mathematics professor in Russia? (Thankfully it appears from the vidcaps that Coach doesn't win.)

"RE: Sports PIP promo..."
Posted by Georjanna on 05-05-09 at 05:54 AM
In the promo, Jeff also mentions the advantage that the winner of the IC enjoyed by virtue of reading a book. And Jeff and Mark Burnett are quite taken with Nobel Laureate/Mathematician John Nash's Equilibrium/Game Theory. So, I think that it's possible that Jeff is referring to one of the many books on the subject (including Dr. Nash's own Essays on Game Theory).

But, because Nash's work is so universally applicable (I think that Survivor's production staff recommends that every new Survivor read Nash), it's probable that more than one of the Final Six are familiar with it.

But, if I had to rank them in order of their likelihood to put the Theory to work in the heat of a Challenge, the list would be (from most likely to least likely):

Stephen, Benjamin, Debbie, Erinn, J.T. and Taj.


Now, watch it be The Art of War ...

"RE: Sports PIP promo..."
Posted by SquidProQuo on 05-05-09 at 11:14 AM
Would be interesting if S/JT applied Nash's theory and decided to cooperate on the puzzle vs. compete individually to get the optimum result and win -- that might be the "brilliance" Jeff is referring to? (Although I'm not sure if that is allowed in a challenge?)

"RE: Sports PIP promo..."
Posted by Georjanna on 05-05-09 at 04:50 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-05-09 AT 05:05 PM (EST)

That's brilliant, Squid!

I know about Nash, but I don't know Nash. So, your post was a revelation.

As to whether or not overt cooperation to complete an IIC - and win it - would be allowed: I have no idea. I can't think of an instance when it was done.

But we've seen numerous examples of cooperative effort to throw Challenges. And numerous examples of deals made during Individual Immunity Challenges that resulted in a player abandoning his/her effort to win. And perhaps the most famous one of those deals would be the agreement struck between Tom and Ian in Palau. So, production could hardly argue that a pact based upon the sacrosanct Nash Theory would compromise the integrity of the Game, could they?

But, even if J.T. and Stephen managed to finish the IIC in a dead heat, I doubt that the staff whipped up a second Immunity Necklace for the occasion and the question becomes which of the two is the designated winner?

On another note:

Assuming him to be the only witness to it, would Jeff be allowed to expose their cooperation at either the IIC itself or later, at Tribal Council? Because, can you imagine the reaction of the rest of the Final Six if it became apparent that J.T. and Stephen had joined forces to solve the puzzle and/or intended to coordinate their IIC efforts all the way to F2? That would certainly go a long way toward fomenting 'A shocking Tribal Council that turned the Game on its head and revealed the true intentions of some very conniving castaways', wouldn't it?

For instance: With three more Tribal Council votes to go before two became a majority (and only two left before the HII expired) I would think that the duo would have to perform some immediate - and major - fence repairs. Beginning with Taj.

And that is probably the reason that the scenario is implausible.

Although, in his interview of Stephen for Reality Blurred, Andy Dehnart observes:

"Another fear is that he might just have too much fun with the game, and because he’s 'not here to make friends,' he intends to play intensely. 'I actually think one of my downfalls might be, I love backstabbing people,' Stephen told me. 'I might backstab someone just for the fun of it, rather than for the logic of it.'"

So ...


"RE: Sports PIP promo..."
Posted by Brownroach on 05-04-09 at 05:00 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-04-09 AT 05:01 PM (EST)

With all the drama we're promised at TC this week, I'd say both Debbie and Coach must be non-immune.

A tribe glows in Brooklyn

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by Georjanna on 05-04-09 at 06:10 PM
If you look at the caps of Taj and Debbie embracing, there is a red pennant in the background (in the space between the stands and Jeff's reward table).

And if you look at the series of caps of Stephen wearing his familiar scrunched-up, decision-making face, there is the same red pennant in the background. So, I think that Stephen may have once again won a reward that required him to stand up and make a choice ... or choices.


"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by michel on 05-04-09 at 07:35 PM
I wonder if this was intentional:

The "3 to Go" could have appeared anywhere in the promo but it is right in front of Coach, Stephen and JT. Are they telling us who are the next 3 to go?

FP, nice observation here:

"***One thing that we can note FOR SURE, is that these challenge shots DO NOT match up with the recrap photo of Coach - Coach is shirtless in this challenge, while he's wearing his shirt in the recrap photo...), so therefore, HE MUST SURVIVE THIS EPISODE! Coach is in the F5!"

However, two notes of caution:
- We were fooled by a shirtless picture before. I think it was Terry that was seen in challenge pictures with and without a shirt. We figured they were from separate challenges but Terry simply took his shirt off after the first stage. Here, it could be a challenge done in stages and Coach puts his shirt on in between each stage.
- The picture of Coach in the recap was from an unseen challenge, kind of like the tribal picture of all 6 members of each tribe pulling on a rope that never aired.

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-04-09 at 07:45 PM

>However, two notes of caution:
>- We were fooled by a
>shirtless picture before. I think
>it was Terry that was
>seen in challenge pictures with
>and without a shirt. We
>figured they were from separate
>challenges but Terry simply took
>his shirt off after the
>first stage. Here, it could
>be a challenge done in
>stages and Coach puts his
>shirt on in between each
>- The picture of Coach in
>the recap was from an
>unseen challenge, kind of like
>the tribal picture of all
>6 members of each tribe
>pulling on a rope that
>never aired.

That's certainly possible, but I see these vidcaps earlier up in this thread and they appear to match your vidcap here (orange wooden bar), and Coach appears to me here to be burying his head in disgust after failing to win the challenge.

And FWIW, I don't think there's anything intentional about the "3 to go" - it just happens to be in the middle of the screen and that's where the three guys are.

Stinky Musings <--- blog's been updated!

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by michel on 05-04-09 at 08:22 PM
But it could have been written over a camp scene or over an auction scene. They chose which scene to use.

"New spot"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 05-04-09 at 07:55 PM

Wow, so Debbie is going to Stephen and JT begging for mercy and offering them anything.

We see JT bidding 300 in the auction. Coach hugging JT. Erinn crying and saying it was awesome.

And more of the "Freaking Out" because of the auction theme. (the sacrifice?)

This promo is heavy on Debbie, almost Coach free.

"RE: New spot"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 05-05-09 at 01:35 AM
There's a shot of JT and Stephen hugging that appears to be from the IC (not the auction) -- could that mean that one of them definitely wins the challenge? Seems to be congratulatory, although it could just mean that they both proceed to the next round of the challenge (i.e. puzzle solving)? It's hard to tell if it's one continuous challenge or if it's done in phases.

It would be interesting if Stephen wins over JT....wonder how JT would feel about that? (Esp. since he commented in this past week's Insider Clips that he hasn't won an immunity yet.)

"RE: New spot"
Posted by coolbluepig on 05-05-09 at 07:28 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-05-09 AT 07:29 AM (EST)

I am not good at these spoiling things but here are my observations

from this pic the colors of each station are

(from L to R)
Orange (Erinn)
Blue (Taj)
Red or Brown (Coach)
Red or Brown (Stephen)
Green (JT)
Unknown (Debbie)

And in what seems to be the final station here

We see three stations to the right of stephen colored Orange, Blue and Red/Brown respectively. Which means there are still sapces for Erinn, Taj aand Coach in the final stage.

If this would have been by pahse then the Survivor team would not create stations left to be unused.

So i think this challenge is one continuous one to be won by Jt or Stephen and Coach lives to see another day in Tocantins.

Co0L 3luE P1g: OINK OINK...

"RE: New spot"
Posted by Flowerpower on 05-05-09 at 08:11 AM
Well, first off the bat, I agree with coolblue...that it appears that all of the tables are there, therefore we could assume that the others just are not at their stations yet, they have not advanced from the physical portion of the challenge yet...if this is the case, than the congratulatory hug that Stephen and JT are sharing would indicate that one of them wins this IC...

But, is it possible that these tables are made, as they don't know who will advance from the physical portion of the challenge to the mental part of it, so they had all of the corresponding colored tables available?

At this point, I am leaning toward the former option, that they all are able to advance to the mental station, they are just not there yet....the only station that you cannot see is Debbie's station...it is possible that she could be there as well, but clearly, Erinn, Taj, Coach are not there yet.

"RE: New spot"
Posted by kingfish on 05-05-09 at 08:37 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-05-09 AT 10:37 AM (EST)

Is that a thumb on Coach's table? An apparently disembodied thumb? I don't think it's Stephen's thumb, he's on the fourth table from the end, and the thumb is on the third.

And the darkened grass behind the thumb makes it seem as if some photoshopping has been done, maybe to wipe out coach's arm.

The big question would be why would they go to the trouble? Why not just show Coach at the table?

Unless he wins, and this is to throw us off?

Coach on an IC run? Say it ain't so!

"RE: New spot"
Posted by byoffer on 05-05-09 at 08:42 AM
They don't normally make up colour coded stations in the elimination challenges. Thus I am pretty sure that all get to race to the end. I also think that this is more consistent with Coach's reaction (banging head in sand). Usually when there is an elimination, the emotions don't seem to get as high at the mid-way point. But if the challenge is continuous with a puzzle at the end (especially one that seems tough), then even getting behind early (as Coach seems to have done) might not be bad as he would think that he could catch up on the puzzle. Not doing so would get him upset.

IMO the IC is down to Stephen, JT, and Debbie.

"RE: New spot"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 05-05-09 at 09:58 AM
I wish I could find a screen shot of the JT/Stephen hug -- they both look happy/congratulatory, so based on that, I definitely think it's one of them who wins the IC challenge.

P.S. Maybe the book is something about Brazil? Reading it advance of coming on the show might help the winner figure out the puzzle? (Kinda like when Debbie figured out that "feast" would be one of the words a couple episodes back.)

"RE: New spot"
Posted by suzzee on 05-05-09 at 05:48 PM
Just watching the video it looks like JT is more exuberant then Stephen. That could mean that Stephen wins and is still just a little drained from the adrenaline rush. I can see JT being excited for Stephen winning, especially if they're targeting Debbie and she came in a close second.

On the other hand an excited JT winning his first IC is just as likely for a jubilant reaction.

I'm leaning towards Stephen for the win on this one though.

Certifiable Guest at Tribe’s Lodge

"Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by Flowerpower on 05-05-09 at 08:58 AM
Thanks to Survivor Fever!


Jeff Probst: Sierra lasted a long time considering the start that she got off to. I hate to see Sierra go, another one of my favorites. She was lippy one day, she was funny the next, she'd cry and then she'd laugh. I loved having her on and I miss her, thank God she's on the jury now with Brendan and Tyson.

This episode has the Survivor Auction and this is one of the greatest auctions, ever. You'll know what I'm talking about when you see it. I can say I felt like Bob Barker and had just given somebody the greatest prize in the world. It was awesome.

Jeff <at auction>: This phone does a lot. One thing it can do right now is bring you love from home. Loaded on this phone are messages from loved ones. You're going to be bidding to see any video message that your loved one sent to you. Only one person can buy this and win this.

Jeff Probst: And also at our Immunity Challenge, brilliance wins a challenge. Think it can't pay off on Survivor to read a book? Think again. It's beautiful to watch.

What I see: Debbie is going to get those French Fries...you can see the wooden bowl on the tray on her lap. Coach gets some kind of meal, as he's eating it with a knife and fork...and has a glass of red wine. JT is going to be happy with what he gets, I think. Taj and Erinn appear to have not bid on anything when the phone bringing messages from home appears, and it does appear that she will win it.

Regarding the IC...physical portion and then the mental portion... here are the lanes/colors from left to right...
Erinn = Orange
Taj = Blue
Coach = Red/purple??
Stephen = Grey
JT = Green
Debbie = Yellow

Note that when we see the camera zooming in to the chalk board tables where someone is writing down the math, it's at the grey table...Stephen's table...

I do think that either Stephen or JT will win this one...the math problems certainly do NOT look difficult, so I don't know how much brain power is needed here...it seems that good eyesight may be a variable here, and I don't know how good Stephen's eyesight is...?? I also wonder how they get the numbers...this could involve the challenging part?

But, indeed if there is a challenging mental aspect to this, perhaps Stephen may win...I would not discount JT, however.

"RE: Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by kingfish on 05-05-09 at 11:06 AM
The hand shown solving the math problem is on a green table, so I guess that means JT is still in it at that point. That has to be close to the end of the challenge, so either JT just barely loses out, or he wins.

"RE: Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by Flowerpower on 05-05-09 at 11:25 AM
I don't know about that King...I think that there must be a colored board on top of the tables that covers up the chalk board...look at the side of the table, it's grey and also has grey on the sides of the legs....I think there will be a similiar chalk board at each of the tables, no?

Here is a close up of the green table, before he takes the cover off, thanks, Survivor Phoenix...

Here are the tables from the side view...you can see that Stephen's is grey, and perhaps Coach's is brown?

Now here is the vidcap in question....looks more grey to me, especially if you look at the sides of the table?

"RE: Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by kingfish on 05-05-09 at 12:15 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-05-09 AT 01:18 PM (EST)

I suspect that you are right. The vidcaps I was referring to are the ones showing a hand working the math problem, and the side of that table is green, I think. Or maybe it is gray. But the overhead shot shows the table as a pretty obviously an enhanced shade of green. It almost (on my monitor) looks looks it's glowing.

But your third vid cap shows a different green too.

If it's really gray, then it would be Stephen instead of JT.

"RE: Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by suzzee on 05-05-09 at 05:54 PM
Those numbers are written by a precise hand everything is very neat despite the rush they must be in. My numbers would be scrawled badly and shaky. Unless, of course, this is a dream teamer shot and therefore meaningless. It does look like it would favor a methodical approach.

"RE: Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 05-05-09 at 06:19 PM
that could be the dreamteamer shot we'll see when Jiffy explains the challenge ...
I wish I could see the fingernails better. Any Survivor should have long dirty nails. They look clean and shortish to me.
And yes, the writing is WAY neat for during competition.

JP says that BRILLIANCE wins.
I suppose it could be cooperative. I don't think there's any rule against helping each other.

In fact, I dimly remember a long ago challenge where someone gave a puzzle hint to another player, someone who clearly wasn't going to win, and didn't want the other person in line to win it to get it. I can't remember what season though.

I wonder though if Stephen feels secure enough to help JT win. It's always dangerous to give up a shot at immunity, and I'm not sure he would, Nash or no Nash. That is a good guess for the book though. I've read Burnett's book a couple times and I don't know what it would be that helps, plus you don't need to be a brainiac to get through it, only a fan.

"RE: Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by michel on 05-05-09 at 07:18 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-05-09 AT 07:21 PM (EST)

"In fact, I dimly remember a long ago challenge where someone gave a puzzle hint to another player, someone who clearly wasn't going to win, and didn't want the other person in line to win it to get it. I can't remember what season though."

You must be refering to a word puzzle in Guatemala and Judd giving Rafe the answer: "Ancient ruins". It wasn't brilliance that time since Judd was involved!

"RE: Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 05-05-09 at 07:28 PM
YES, thank you michel ...
was it Gary that Judd didn't want to see win?

"RE: Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by michel on 05-05-09 at 08:09 PM
It was before the merge so individual immunity was given because it was the double boot episode. Gary wasn't involved in the individual part of the challenge, only the NuNakhum. Judd was clearly out of it so, if I remember correctly, he just blurted out the answer. If he was trying to help Rafe to prevent someone else getting immunity, it would have been Margaret. Later, Rafe gave immunity to Gary when he attended the NuYaxha TC.

"RE: Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 05-06-09 at 02:05 PM
thanks michel,
boy, I have blanked most of that season's details. Yes, Judd hated Margaret and didn't want her to be immune, that was how I read it.

"RE: Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by Brownroach on 05-06-09 at 02:35 PM
It was Margaret. You said so yourself


A tribe glows in Brooklyn

"RE: Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 05-06-09 at 04:28 PM
Aw, BR, that was nice of you to find the archived topic!
Reading it reminds me of why I've selectively forgotten S11.
Jamie, Judd, and Bobby Jon, and Stephame.

"RE: Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-05-09 at 11:45 AM

>I do think that either Stephen
>or JT will win this
>one...the math problems certainly do
>NOT look difficult, so I
>don't know how much brain
>power is needed here...it seems
>that good eyesight may be
>a variable here, and I
>don't know how good Stephen's
>eyesight is...?? I also wonder
>how they get the numbers...this
>could involve the challenging part?

That kind of math puzzle can be quite challenging to someone who doesn't have an aptitude for puzzles - and add in the fact that they're feeling rushed and have the whole world's pressure on their backs trying to win immunity to keep them in the chase for $1 million, and suddenly a seemingly-easy question becomes a giant molehill. Trying to decide if it's addition, subtraction, multiplication or division for the space between each of the numbers can be time-consuming, especially if you don't know the answer you're supposed to find until you actually see it. I can see them trying out various combinations then finding out that answer doesn't work with the solution, then they have to go back and try it all over again with different formulas.

I think the whole thing is going to be challenging.

Stinky Musings <--- blog's been updated!

"RE: Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by Rayne on 05-05-09 at 01:04 PM
I think they are being given the operation to use by the white boards going up and down in the background. The trick is to make sure you get them in the right order or you have to wait until the boards come back up. Then, of course, you have to make sure your math is right !

"RE: Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by Brownroach on 05-05-09 at 01:52 PM
The sequence is

+ ÷ x ÷ - + + ÷ - x

A tribe glows in Brooklyn

"RE: Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by kingfish on 05-05-09 at 03:16 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-05-09 AT 05:19 PM (EST)

And them in the Brazilian Jungle without a calculator. How will they survive?

In the BIGGEST TWIST OF ALL!! Six survivors will be asked to perform mathematical calculations by hand! That's right, manual math. It's never been done before, it's the hugest twist in the history of Survivor, even bigger than last week when I told you that that was the biggest twist ever!

Well, this one is really the biggest ever!

Stay tuned folks, I promise you will be on the edge of your seat this week.

Kingfish "Jeffy-Bob" Probst

ETA, this was not a spoiler, quote, or anything like that. Just an unrelated mind fart.

"RE: Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by suzzee on 05-05-09 at 05:57 PM

A Tribal Sig

"RE: Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by rachelOH63 on 05-05-09 at 08:04 PM
Hello! Pardon me if this was stated already. This is what i think:
The numbers are already on the chalkboard. Players need to put in the operators (as someone said). You can see the chalkboard looks different where the person needs to write something, figuring out a 3 or 4 digit number (?). i think they have to race down to one side of the course, where the operators are spinning, memorize them, run back when they are ready, and start filling them in on the chalkboard, which is at the beginning of the race. so if they mess up on the operators, they'd have to run back down the course...

regarding the ultimate sacrifice, i'm going with debbie giving Taj money to allow taj to get the video. that is why they are hugging.

thanks for letting me lurk so long!!

"RE: Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by michel on 05-05-09 at 08:14 PM
Welcome aboard Rachel. I like your idea.

Why were you lurking so long?! We need all the good ideas we can get!

"RE: Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 05-05-09 at 08:23 PM
yes, I like that idea too. There was at least one puzzle in Fans vs. Faves where they had to tread a water course and go back to recheck ... IIRC, I get all these seasons of puzzles mixed up.

Welcome to Blows posting!

I wonder if Stephen figures out a way to get a jump on the other players. Say if JT powered through the course and Stephen stayed put and worked on the math, if that could be cooperative as Squid and Georjanna discussed above. Or maybe they divide up the task and Stephen works on some of the operators and JT on the others, until they get them all, and then they both solve.

I mean, it is not BRILLIANT to decode this math. The math is easy if the numbers and operators are right, but remembering the operators could be hard, and running the course is arduous, so figuring out how to run the course fewer times would be a winning strategy.

"RE: Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by Flowerpower on 05-06-09 at 07:57 AM
Yes, I agree, rachelOH63! Where have you been and why are you lurking....welcome and we all hope you will stay around. I think you have it...I love it! Indeed this makes it quite a challenging challenge. I remember they had a challenge like this in China as well, should be fun to see if JT and Stephen act as a team, or do they compete on their own...I am thinking that perhaps they won't be allowed to work as a team? I certainly do not discount JT's memory, we'll see. Clearly, one of them will win...and I also agree with your speculation regarding Debbie and Taj...looks like maybe Debbie is buying her way into the F4, perhaps?

"RE: Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by CTgirl on 05-06-09 at 09:06 AM
Debbie buying her way into the Final 4 would also fit with the challenge in the beginning of the season when Taj went over and congratulated Debbie and why EPMB included that interaction in the show. They have a mutual respect for each other that goes way back.

"RE: Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by byoffer on 05-06-09 at 09:18 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-06-09 AT 09:18 AM (EST)

I don't think we have this challenge figured out yet, gang. I agree that the order of the math operators seems to be given (plus, then divide, then multiply, etc). The numbers seem to be very neatly written, and I wondered if those were actually painted on before the competition - i.e. the competitors are given the numbers in the right order.

But what are the lines under the formula for? Usually a challenge like this would involve calculations, and then a code where each number represents letters to spell out a winning code. Could the answer to each pair of numbers (and thus the answer to each operator) correspond to a letter on a chart. Then perhaps the survivors need to anagram the resulting letters to reveal the magic word, although there would typically be another set of lines below for the anagram.

etfix typo

"RE: Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by Georjanna on 05-07-09 at 05:43 PM
I don't think we have this challenge figured out yet, gang ... what are the lines under the formula for?

I think that you're right about the lines, byoffer. They have to be there for a reason and yours is the most logical one I can think of. A numerical answer to the puzzle would be too anticlimatic, wouldn't it?

So, perhaps we're over-thinking this? Maybe "Brilliance" - as in 'Brilliance wins a Challenge' - is the magic word?

But, I have no idea why it would be. Or how, if it does, it fits the clues and vidcaps for the Episode.

And I can't shake the feeling that Dr. Nash's Theory is a part of this mystery.


"RE: Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 05-07-09 at 05:49 PM
I think the lines underneath are as spec'd, to write the answer for each individual operation. Then that could result in further operations? And there may be a numeric to letter translation.

I noticed that JT and Stephen hug, I think it's at the end of the course where the whirling books are, which is not near the tables. Maybe they have to take something they arrive at on the chalkboard back down to the other end.

Number string could also be a combination opening a lock. They've done that before.

"RE: Jiffy's Preview Video Vidcaps..."
Posted by Georjanna on 05-07-09 at 06:12 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-07-09 AT 06:28 PM (EST)

In that shot of J.T. and Stephen hugging, Jeff and Stephen appear to be walking in the same direction, and J.T. approaches them from the area of the Challenge containing the whirling tablets.

So, although when I left for work this morning TDT was speculating that the Challenge was run in phases (and I can't get the site to come up now), I don't think that's the case.

I think that J.T. had returned to that end of the course for another look at the operators when Stephen solved the puzzle at the other.

But, I will admit that this Tribal Council has me biting my nails ...

ETA: Number string could also be a combination opening a lock. They've done that before.

That's interesting:

At the top of each puzzle board there is a rectangular, box-like construction. But I don't see locks. That doesn't mean, of course, that they aren't there ...


"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by sethromax on 05-06-09 at 11:44 AM
On CBS.com they have a 30 sec commercial clip calle "Extreme Auction" Mostly the same material, with one noted exception.

I heard JT bid ??200 the the commentater said "Who's buying? Who's selling?" Selling! This is the Ultimate sacrifice perhaps.

"new video preview"
Posted by sethromax on 05-07-09 at 12:31 PM

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 05-07-09 at 04:02 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-07-09 AT 04:20 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 05-07-09 AT 04:13 PM (EST)

From Survivor Phoenix, Press Photos:

Taj has a new orange shirt that could possibly be from Eddie?

Stephen reading some treemail, pre IC?

Shot of the 5 without Coach. Perhaps he is on Exile after all. BUT, the Press Photos seem to be taken in one time frame, and there are shots of Coach, so I'm guessing he's doing his own thing, swimming?

And here he is under the shelter. What's that in his hand?

Second shot of Debbie talking with the Jalapao without Erinn.

Last but not least, new shot of the IC posted by Mayan Sun at Sucks, shows that those whirling operator books are not behind the solving stations (TDT spec'd that they are). So they must traverse the course to read them, and then return.

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by SquidProQuo on 05-07-09 at 05:01 PM
Hmmm, very interesting that there are 2 group different shots (1 in camp, 1 in the water) of JT, Stephen, Taj and Debbie together with no Erinn (or Coach) in sight. Not much of Erinn in the promos this week....could she be the one (instead of Coach) to make the sacrifice and go to Exile or something like that?

Also note that Taj's buff is tied differently in the 2 group water shots....so I think that means these are 2 different discussions -- one with Erinn and one without her.

Someone on Sucks speculated that the orange shirt was Spencer's, but why would it have taken so long for Taj to wear it? I like your idea of it being her husband's.

Finally, now that Taj is wearing pants vs. a dress, I wonder if she'll ask for the HII back!

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 05-07-09 at 05:31 PM
DUH, I missed that she has new pants!

What Stephen looks to be reading - is there another one hanging down from that wood frame thingie on the left?

"RE: Ep 12, "The Ultimate Sacrifice" Vidcaps..."
Posted by SquidProQuo on 05-07-09 at 06:50 PM
It looks similar but hard to tell. Are the hanging things water bottles? Maybe there's a wrapper around them?

"Mail's Here!"
Posted by Georjanna on 05-08-09 at 04:22 AM
And ...

If any tome played a role in this week's installment of A Beautiful Blindside, it was The Yellow Book. No Nash's Essays on Game Theory. No mysterious rectangular constructions at the top of the puzzle stations (with or without locks). No intriguing Brilliance in the blanks. And no sacrifice by Benjamin. Or anyone else.

So, it would appear that anticlimatic is in this Season.

And if all I'm going to get from Burnett and Company are these damned rejection slips, I'm going to be forced to find a publishing house that recognizes superior fiction when they read it.