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"Andrews CBS Chat"

Posted by Befuzzled on 11-07-03 at 04:18 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-07-03 AT 05:21 PM (EST)

On Survivor Phoenix...


Nothing earth shattering. There are a couple good chuckles in there though.

Q: Andrew, how was your feeling when your votes were slightly more than Jon's, and do you think that Jon deserves to stay in?
I had a terrible sinking feeling when I had more votes than Jon, but being the eternal optimist, I was hoping that Lil came to her senses and sided with Morgan. In my opinion, Jon absolutely does not deserve to stay.

Q: Andrew, were you mad at Lil for going with the Drakes?
I was disappointed with Lil and her decision to side with the Drakes. Lil, for the nine days after she was voted out, was on vacation. During those nine days, the Morgan tribe practially killed themselves in engineering possibly one of the greatest comebacks in Survivor history against arguably the most powerful tribe in the history of Survivor. Lil, in one simple vote, washed away that entire effort, and that's what hurt.


Q: How did it feel when Lil called you on her being voted off and you failed to come back to her, and now you're out?
I want to set the record straight. On day nine, right before TC, I went up to Lil, gave her a hug, kiss on the cheek, told her that we loved her, that I was sorry about having to vote her out, but that it wasn't personal, it was a strategy. Before we left for TC, Lil showed me where she put dry firewood because the hurricane was coming. Lil said to me, "I know I'm not coming back, here's the dry firewood so you can start the fire when you get back." Lil has admitted in her exit interviews these two facts. She knew she was getting voted out and I told her.

Q: Were you surprised Rupert voted for you when you were so gracious when he was with Morgan? I wish you had won!!
Very cool and thank you. What you didn't see is that after the feast, Rupert and I had an alliance. There were three Morgans and three Drakes. A handful of minutes before we got into the boat to go to TC, Lil decided to jump ship and side with the Drake tribe. As soon as she did that, my alliance with Rupert disappeared. There was no reason for the Drakes to align with the Morgans, because with Lil, the Drakes had superior numbers. And to answer your question, yes, it hurt very much that Rupert voted for me.

Q: Do you wish you had voted Osten off earlier, saving Lil and maybe yourself?
No, we kept Osten because we knew very physical challenges were coming in the future. Osten did very well in the rope pull challenge, holding Darrah up for over two hours. Osten also did his part in the sandbag weight challenge, holding 160 pounds for as long as he could, and it enabled Morgan to win that challenge. What you don't see is Osten gathering oysters and muscles and firewood every day, and contributing to the tribe.

Q: What do you think about booted players coming back in?
I have great respect for MB, JP, and their production team. I signed up for what I believe is the greatest game and any twists, any curve balls, bring 'em on. Having said that, no one will convince me that Lil or Burton outwitted, outlasted, or outplayed me, because they were voted off before me fair and square.

Q: Are you trying to send some sort of message on wearing the coat to every challenge and TC?
*laughs* We're in the tropics, but it's cold at night. I'm wearing my jacket because it's cold.

Q: Did you burn your skivvies?
*laughs* I still have my Gap boxers and on special occasions, I still wear them.

Q: Are you working on an advertisement campaign with Armani?
Not presently, but I would love to in the future.

Q: Do you think Jon could have a bright future as a manager for a pro wrestler?
*laugh* I think Jon has a bright future in an industry that requires a personality that pushes everyone's buttons, and creates great controversy and attention. He is no doubt a master in those skills.

Q: Why was the Drake tribe so well fed while you guys couldn't even catch a fish, even after Rupert taught you?
We had Rupert on our island for two days. Rupert caught four fish. When Rupert is on his island for two days, Rupert catches thirty fish. Rupert's island is an aquarium. The lagoon on our island had very few fish. Regardless of the fishing skills, if you don't have many fish to catch, you're not going to catch any.

Q: How much would you want if Playgirl were to offer?
A hundred million dollars.

Q: Jeff seemed a bit angry and disappointed when Osten quit. Did Jeff say anything about Osten that wasn't aired?
I believe Jeff made several additional comments about Osten quitting, but those comments were very similar to the ones that hit the airwaves.

Q: Did anyone from Drake say why they let Shawn go instead of Jon?
I learned that the Drakes voted Shawn out instead of Jon because they feared the return of Burton, and a resurrection of the Shawn-Burton alliance.

Q: What's up with Darrah? She seems really withdrawn from the game, is she just flying under the radar?
Darrah was a lot more active than you actually see on television. She had quite a bit more input and interaction with the Morgan tribe. Unfortunately, it's an hour long television show, and CBS can only show so much. Darrah is a great gal, tough as nails, and I hope she does well.

Q: You came across as very rude to, and dismissive of, Ryan S. Is that your motivational style, or was there something else?
I'm glad the question was asked. There was never a personality conflict with me and young Ryan. I always thought he was a decent kid. The reality was that young Ryan was in completely over his head. What you didn't see is young Ryan for hours on end lying around the shelter sleeping. We would check on him occasionally and he'd say he felt that he was on his deathbed, and only needed three or four hours more sleep. Young Ryan was voted out for his own good. The last point I want to make is that young Ryan claimed I swore at him at the beginning of the game while on the deck of the ship. That is not true. In my twenty-one days on the island, I did not swear at a single person, except maybe Jon. Especially two minutes into the game, I would not alienate one of my tribemates by using profanity.

Q: Do you feel you let your team down?
I was horribly disappointed when I was voted out. I don't feel there was anything I could have done or said to Lil to convince her not to jump ship and side with the Drakes to vote me out. I gave every ounce of energy I possibly had to help further the Morgan tribe. I do not feel like I let them down.

Q: If you had been able to choose the two outcasts to return, who would you have chosen and why?
I would have loved to have Michelle and/or Trish join the Morgan tribe. They both seemed like strong competitors, great gals that were wrongly ousted from the Drake tribe.

Q: What did your wife think about you doing that challenge naked?
When I returned to Chicago, I told my wife two things: the first was that I loved her and missed her very much, and the second was that I get naked on the first episode. My wife, in an interview, was asked about the infamous TV Guide picture with the red cross blocking out my nudity, and to her credit, she replied that she was just happy that it was accurately portrayed as a large red x as opposed to a small red x. She supports me in everything I do.

Q: Has anybody ever told you that you look like Hugh Heffner?
*laughs* No, that's a first for me, but I'll take that as a compliment.

Q: Did you think it a bit greedy of Burton to try and win the IC, since he was already immune?
*laughs* No, I did not think it was greedy. I would have been surprised if Burton had let up in the challenge, because he is by nature very competitive.

Q: If you were Burton, would you give your immunity to others and why?
Definitely. If I had the same double immunity that Burton had, I would have loved to give one of the immunities to Ryan.

Q: What was your reaction to seeing Rupert 'pirating' the Morgan's tribe supplies at the very beginning?
*laughs* I loved it. Those were my blue inserts that Rupert traded for a pineapple. I had no idea where they went, and had actually thought that I'd lose them in the ocean. The theme is piracy, and no doubt Rupert is a modern day pirate.

Q: Do you regret getting rid of your strongest woman first by booting Nicole?
I don't regret joining in the decision to vote Nicole out. Yes, she seemed to be a physically strong player, but her conflict with Tijuana could potentially destroy morale, and that effect so early in the game would have been too costly.

Q: Do you think your experience as a lawyer helped or hurt you in the game?
As an attorney for fifteen years, I have rubbed shoulders and met people from every walk of life. The skills and experiences that I take from those relationships definitely proved valuable on Survivor.

Q: Did that prison break challenge challenge you? It looked like it did.
The prison break challenge was the day after the sandbag weight challenge. Personally, I was still exhausted from the sandbag weight challenge and we didn't have much food, nor did we get much sleep. So, yes, the prison break challenge was very strenuous and exhausting. Running to the beach and gathering the flags definitely wore me out.

Q: Which Survivor would you predict to be the most likely to end up on The Jerry Springer Show?
*laughs* Great question! It's probably no surprise that I believe Jon would be the most likely candidate because he seems to exhibit deeply dysfunctional characteristics.

Q: How does it feel to have three days of your life condensed into a few pivotal and/or dramatic shots?
It's exhilarating and frustrating at the same time. I only wish Survivor were a three hour show instead of one hour, simply because great dramas and events unfold that are impossible to show.

Q: Where did those rain ponchos come from? Sorry to see you go, you were great!
Cool, thank you for the great comment. The rain ponchos were part of the RC we won when Rupert was with the Morgan tribe. You may recall we won the portable shower, shampoo, soap, water containers, and the rain ponchos.

Q: After watching the show, did you see that the Drake tribe really did throw that one challenge? You didn't think they did.
When you're out there on location, everything is very real. I thought it odd that the Drakes chose to sit out Rupert and Burton, however, there is a rotation, and the rule provides that you can't sit out the same two tribemates in consecutive challenges. I did not waste the mental energy to try and think who sat out for the Drakes in prior challenges. What I do know is the five Drakes that participated in that challenge tried very hard to win. Shawn threw Ryan O. in the water. Michelle grabbed ahold of me and did all she could to get me in the water. So, when Jon came to our camp to pillage and told us they threw the challenge, althought I had a slight suspicion that they intended to throw the challenge, I didn't feel that they had. And let me say, they don't ask how you win, they ask how many. Drakes won three ICs and Morgan won three ICs.

Q: Looking back, do you feel that the two tribes were grossly lopsided in favor of Drake?
Good question. The great thing about Survivor is that it's a magnified slice of life. As in life, you have to play the cards that are dealt you. All that I know is that I was so proud to be part of the Morgan tribe, and do what we did when faced with overwhelming adversity.

Q: Have any of your opinions about the people on the show changed after you have seen it aired, and if so, how?
I would say that my dislike for Little Jon has increased, which was hard for me to imagine. My respect for Tijuana, Darrah, Ryan O, and Osten has increased when I see that the Drake tribe was experiencing the Survivor game while on Club Med.

Q: Who did you trust the least out of Ryan O, Darrah, T, or Osten?
That's a difficult question. I would say I trusted Darrah the least, not because of who she is, but because I did not know her that well. I felt I knew Ryan O, Tijuana, and Osten very well, and that the four of us would put our lives on the line for the other. Needless to say, I don't trust Lil anymore.

Q: Tell us how you spend your Thursday nights.
*laughs* I'm a dedicated family man, and watching Survivor on Thursday is a very personal experience for me and my family. I watch Survivor on Thursday at home with my wife and two children and plenty of wine.

Q: What did your daughters think of you on the show?
My daughters are six years old and three years old. After seeing each episode on Thursday and always want to hug me and sit on my lap for the next hour. They were very excited that their Daddy was on television doing the best he could.

Q: Cubs or White Sox?
Cubbys, all the way!

Q: You and Ryan O had a nice brotherly rapport. Who have you kept in contact with since the show finished taping?
The sixteen castaways are not allowed to contact each other until after the finale. I can't wait to reconnect with Ryan O and the others.

Q: How much weight did you lose? You still looked pretty good at the end!
Thanks for the compliment. I lost about sixteen pounds, which at the beginning of the game, I didn't have to lose. Looking back on it, maybe I should have had Rupert's big ol' belly for reserves.

Q: Do you agree with Osten's decision to quit the game? And would you have voted for him that night even if he hadn't asked?
I did not agree with Osten's decision to quit, however, I have not walked a mile in Osten's shoes, so I could not begin to understand what he was going through. I hope all of us can appreciate that when a good friend is having a very difficult time, you want to support that friend in whatever decision they make. What you didn't see is that Darrah fell ill that day and was struggling. I say this because if Osten had not quit, it would come down to who was healthier at TC - either Osten or Darrah.

Q: Did Rupert choose the name Balboa for the merged tribe? Did everyone have input in naming the new tribe?
I believe Rupert did suggest the name Balboa for the merge tribe, however, once the name Balboa was suggested, we all took a vote and it was clearly a unanimous decision.

Q: How would you feel if Burton or Lil wins the whole million dollars?

Andrew: I take full responsibility for everything I did in the Pearl Islands. I have absolutely no regrets. I had an absolute blast and a wonderful adventure. Cheers to Captain Morgan, our namesake!

Edited to scold myself for not putting this in blacknwhitedog's Andrew on Early Show post, clean up some html and to add:

I got a couple laughs out of Andrews responses surrounding the Jon questions, particularly the Jerry Springer one:
"...he seems to exhibit deeply dysfunctional characteristics"

I also found it interesting that Andrew said Darrah was a lot more active than we actually see, either:
a) MB is deliberately trying to hide her away from us for some reason, maybe, or;
b) There is simply just too much other stuff that MB feels is more interesting/entertaining to show us, or;
c) Some other option

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Andrews CBS Chat"
Posted by Brownroach on 11-07-03 at 04:32 PM
My favorites:

I had a terrible sinking feeling when I had more votes than Jon, but being the eternal optimist, I was hoping that Lil came to her senses and sided with Morgan

Um, she did come to her senses, Andrew, and sided with Drake.

During those nine days, the Morgan tribe practically killed themselves in engineering possibly one of the greatest comebacks in Survivor history against arguably the most powerful tribe in the history of Survivor. Lil, in one simple vote, washed away that entire effort, and that's what hurt.

Give. me. a. break.

I don't regret joining in the decision to vote Nicole out. Yes, she seemed to be a physically strong player, but her conflict with Tijuana could potentially destroy morale, and that effect so early in the game would have been too costly.

Oh, yes, and keeping Wussten around was much better for the tribe's morale.

"I agree with him...."
Posted by MikeD on 11-07-03 at 04:38 PM
I will be very sad too if Lil or Burton wins the money this time around.

"RE: I agree with him...."
Posted by Loree on 11-08-03 at 12:06 PM
I agree unless they are in the final with Jon. Then I would be relieved that Jon didn't win. LOL!

"RE: Andrews CBS Chat"
Posted by mistofleas on 11-07-03 at 04:43 PM
The sixteen castaways are not allowed to contact each other until after the finale. I can't wait to reconnect with Ryan O and the others.

I'm curious about this. They've never done this in the past. We've heard of surivors visiting each other and having parties together. Most of Thailand partied together in New York. (Erin and Dave getting smashed together before Erins appearance on the Early show).

Is this because I've been right all along and the finale vote is cast live? Or is MB just getting more and more paranoid?

--will except either answer

"RE: Andrews CBS Chat"
Posted by zzz on 11-07-03 at 05:08 PM
If that twist is true, I think it would be very unfortunate. If players get to see the show before voting, players in the future will be more careful what they say in confessionals because they would not want negative statements to affect voting. Confessional would just turn into a bunch of lies about how the person loves everyone but unfortunately has to vote off this terrific person. What a bore.

This was why Big Brother decided they had to sequestor their jury. For anyone who does not know, last year's second place finisher (Danielle) ruined any possible chance of winning because of her behavior in private (particularly "diary room" conversations which are like confessionals). To prevent future players from being more coy in private conversations (and ruining the show) the jury was sequestored this past summer. If players on Survivor run this risk because the jury will see private conversations, the show will be hurt significantly. I hope MB has not made this mistake.

The purple rock "twist" may have been awful (and I believe it was awful), but it seems to have successfully avoided tie votes. Bringing Burton and Lil back, which I know a lot of people do not like, could lead to more interesting future seasons. People will have one more consideration they have to take into account in deciding whom to vote off.

On the other hand, live voting after everyone has seen the season might very well lead to disasterous future seasons of Survivor. This could be the twist that ruined Survivor.

"RE: Andrews CBS Chat"
Posted by Swami on 11-08-03 at 01:23 PM
I like the idea of having the Survivors read the vote they have already cast in the last TC, but "live" and to the face of the Final Two.

This would be fairly easy to set up, and is a dramatic confrontation that MB has not yet milked. Yes, they must stick with their vote as cast at the last TC and thus not be influenced by having seen the show (& confessionals). But their comments can reflect their present thinking. More likely, Jeff would show their comments then as well as their present moment comments. It would be "dramatic" and new.

I hope this happens.

IceCat is a Genius

"RE: Andrews CBS Chat"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 11-08-03 at 02:48 PM
i like that idea swami!

"RE: Andrews CBS Chat"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 11-07-03 at 05:24 PM
I think they've always done this; at least there were people from S6 who mentioned they weren't allowed to contact other castaways until after the finale. They might not enforce it that much, and I can see Andrew as someone who would be a stickler about it and either not contact anyone or not say that he had contacted anyone.

And who is this Dave from Thailand that you talk about? Do you mean Ken?

Really, hon, I expect better from you...

"RE: Andrews CBS Chat"
Posted by Brownroach on 11-07-03 at 05:27 PM
Misto's having a bad week.

Didn't we also find out that some S5 people had been at Penny's wedding? MB must have only started doing this with S6.

"RE: Andrews CBS Chat"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 11-07-03 at 05:29 PM
Yeah - Clay and a couple of other people.

"RE: Andrews CBS Chat"
Posted by volsfan on 11-07-03 at 08:38 PM

I am beginning to wonder if this isn't the case as well. Also, what a great way of testing it right before the ASS! The All Stars would have no clue about the live vote and the ones voted off will get to see all the confessionals.

I am not a big fan of the live vote...I do think it cheapens it to the Big Brother level.

I guess we just have to wait and see!


"Slight Problem"
Posted by idiotcowboy on 11-07-03 at 08:55 PM
Rupert is on the jury, if he is also on the All-Star (as spoilers suggest) there is no way he can go and vote without them knowing.


"Help me, please!"
Posted by LookeeLoo on 11-07-03 at 09:49 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-07-03 AT 10:22 PM (EST)

I'm really trying here peeps. I don't have the level of detail on past shows as most here, so my question is:

OMG this is really embarassing... Are there normally 9 or 7 jury members? I thought it was 7?

Edited to remove my embarassing addition...

"RE: Help me, please!"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 11-07-03 at 09:53 PM
7 jury member + 2 finalists = 9 remaining

"RE: Help me, please!"
Posted by LookeeLoo on 11-07-03 at 10:08 PM
DOH! I didn't do the math... Thanks I_AM_HE. And yes, that is embarassing. LOL

"RE: Slight Problem"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 11-07-03 at 09:58 PM
without who knowing? the rest of the ASS cast?

i can't imagine why it would matter if they knew or not, so i don't see any problem other than it gives rupert the disadvantage of having to sit through potentially exhausting hours of tribal council.

that said, count me among those who think it would be a totally crappy way to do the final TC (i think a live vote reveal sucks too, for TV, although i understand why they do it...still think it sucks though)

"RE: Slight Problem"
Posted by Befuzzled on 11-07-03 at 10:09 PM
Should be a non-issue as S8 filming is scheduled to be done prior to the airing of the S7 finale.

If this is accurate:

"RE: Slight Problem"
Posted by idiotcowboy on 11-07-03 at 10:34 PM
Rupert would know whether he voted at the island or not. Somehow I dont see him keeping that tidbit to himself. MB might ask him to of course, but even if they did it once its unlikely they would do it again for the obvious reasons (ie confessionals would get too sanitized).


"RE: Andrews CBS Chat"
Posted by Loree on 11-08-03 at 12:04 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-08-03 AT 12:09 PM (EST)

>The sixteen castaways are not allowed
>to contact each other until
>after the finale. I can't
>wait to reconnect with Ryan
>O and the others.

>I'm curious about this. They've
>never done this in the
>past. We've heard of
>surivors visiting each other and
>having parties together. Most
>of Thailand partied together in
>New York. (Erin and
>Dave getting smashed together before
>Erins appearance on the Early
>Is this because I've been right
>all along and the finale
>vote is cast live?
>Or is MB just getting
>more and more paranoid?

I have heard that Jon and Michelle were spotted at a VT football game together. Michelle would not let any fans take photos of them sitting beside each other because she said they were not suppose to be together. But they were sitting together. And Jon was wearing a T-shirt that said "Will Jon Survive?"

"RE: Andrews CBS Chat"
Posted by kiki_k on 11-07-03 at 05:02 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-07-03 AT 05:03 PM (EST)

you know, this guy really is delusional -- he still contends he did nothing wrong and even though the Morgans were starving, he still thinks he was a great leader -- even going so far as to state it was easier to catch fish for Drake because there were more fish there . . .huh?
Anyway, moving on to a possible spoiler: he still has the nerve to bring up the Morgan winning streak (he is delusional), and he adds:
"I was disappointed with Lil and her decision to side with the Drakes. Lil, for the nine days after she was voted out, was on vacation. During those nine days, the Morgan tribe practially killed themselves in engineering possibly one of the greatest comebacks in Survivor history against arguably the most powerful tribe in the history of Survivor. Lil, in one simple vote, washed away that entire effort, and that's what hurt."

Does this mean the Morgans get Pagoned?

compliments of GeorgiaBelle

Beauty Product Queen of the Boards and a fancy girl to boot!

"RE: Andrews CBS Chat"
Posted by cqvenus on 11-07-03 at 05:33 PM
Does this mean the Morgans get Pagoned?

I think he's just talking about her vote having washed away HIS entire effort. Egomaniac. You know how lawyers can be.

"RE: Andrews CBS Chat"
Posted by kiki_k on 11-07-03 at 05:39 PM
Yes, I do know, especially since I am one -- a lawyer, not an egomanic.

compliments of GeorgiaBelle

Beauty Product Queen of the Boards and a fancy girl to boot!

"RE: Andrews CBS Chat"
Posted by LeftPinky on 11-08-03 at 04:03 AM
In theory, Andrew won't know what order people get booted as he is the last Non-jury member and thus is on his way to visit Panama with the remaining members of LL.

"Darrah answer - "C""
Posted by idiotcowboy on 11-07-03 at 08:14 PM
> I also found it interesting that Andrew said Darrah was a
> lot more active than we actually see, either:
> a) MB is deliberately trying to hide her away from us for
> some reason, maybe, or;
> b) There is simply just too much other stuff that MB feels
> is more interesting/entertaining to show us, or;
> c) Some other option

I think your reading in too much, she may be the winner, she may or may not be interesting, but the one thing for sure is she is unintelligable and since MB doesnt want to have to put subtitles on the show he's opted to have her seen (showering) and not heard (speaking)

Let us all hope if she does win, she uses some of the money on speech therapy.


PS: I love southern accents, its not the accent it's the diction

"Discrepancy - Rupert vs Andrew"
Posted by pdragonfly on 11-07-03 at 10:14 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-07-03 AT 10:17 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 11-07-03 AT 09:05 PM (EST)

There seems to be a discrepancy between what Andrew said in his interview about the Rupert deal, and what Rupert said during his vote.

Andrew said that Rupert got Lil and that negated the offer, but Rupert said he came to him last minute and said he did want it and it was too late. Very different views.

Here are the quotes:
Q: Were you surprised Rupert voted for you when you were so gracious when he was with Morgan? I wish you had won!!
Andrew: Very cool and thank you. What you didn't see is that after the feast, Rupert and I had an alliance. There were three Morgans and three Drakes. A handful of minutes before we got into the boat to go to TC, Lil decided to jump ship and side with the Drake tribe. As soon as she did that, my alliance with Rupert disappeared. There was no reason for the Drakes to align with the Morgans, because with Lil, the Drakes had superior numbers. And to answer your question, yes, it hurt very much that Rupert voted for me.

From Yahoo Marcopolo's thread (thanks)
Rupert (votes Andrew): After the feast, I tried to offer you a deal. It would have got you to six easy, and maybe more. You three and my three. You tell me no. And you come back two minutes before this damn council and say, "yeah it's a deal." I can't change everything after that. Your own team starting turning on you after that. You're gone man, I'm sorry.

Very different. Andrew seems to be very bitter, just not showing it. He must really dislike what happened to him. He just keeps saying how wonderful Morgan was, even Osten, when the whole world sees it so differently. Even said that Drake was a Club Med while they were starving. Well, that's what you get when you go looking for food!

"RE: Discrepancy - Rupert vs Andrew"
Posted by idiotcowboy on 11-07-03 at 10:47 PM
They both agree that Rupert approached Andrew. The time also appears consistent (ie right after the feast). We were only shown part of what happened and not the Rupert-Andrew interactions.

The timeline likely went something like this. After the feast everyone is in a good mood. Rupert wanting to ditch both Burton and Jon at the first opportunity trys to hook up with Andrew and offers a six way alliance. Andrew is caught off gaurd and at best is lukewarm to the idea. In Ruperts mind he has rejected it, in Andrews he's weighing his options. With the "rejection" Rupert goes off to plan "B" with oportunistic Jon leading the charge with assist from Burton they persuade Lil to defect (we're shown much of this discussion).

Andrew by now has had time to see the writing on the parchment. His chances are now between Ruperts offer and Lil's loyalty. Neither of which he trusts. He tells Rupert you got a deal, but it's too late by they point. Thus Andrews final bad decision as the Moron's leader seals both his and his biggest ally RyanO's fate.

The story's arent that different.


"RE: Discrepancy - Rupert vs Andrew"
Posted by BrassFan on 11-07-03 at 10:52 PM
I was going to post about this, but you beat me too it...

I've been thinking about this all day, and I think I've come to a conclusion about Andrew. One of two things is likely. he's a bitter, lying loser...or, more likely, he isn't able to read people at all.

Exhibit A:
He claims that he told Lil she was leaving. She says he didn't, to his face, on the show. If she was lying...why would she accuse him to his face? If she wanted to lie about it to 'play the victim,' she would tell everyone else. I think what happened there was that he told her something that he thought let her know that she was leaving, but she didn't get that impression.

Exhibit B:
He tells us that he and Rupert had an alliance, and that when Lil defected, the alliance was destroyed. But, in his VoteCam, Rupert said that he offered Andrew a chance to make the final 6, and Andrew said No. Then, right before TC, he comes back and says yes..but it's too late to do anything about it. Why would Rupert lie to the votecam, nothing is gained in the game there? I'm guessing what happened is that Rupert offered Andrew the alliance, and Andrew said he accepted, but did it in a non-committal way that Rupert took as a no. Then, right before TC, Andrew mentions it again, and Rupert thinks, "you told me no earlier, now you want back in? Too late..."

I think what happened was that Andrew was trying to be very nonchalant with his discussions, and never bothered to come right out and tell anyone what was going on...and that eventually cost him the game.

"arguable points"
Posted by Oscirus on 11-07-03 at 10:24 PM
Im in the minority and agree with him on some points:

Keeping Osten around was better in the long run for them (regardless of how much he whined) than ryan and Lil

if lil told the big lie that wasn't like m___f__ it was yea so what

rgardless of the circumstances an starving undermanned morgan did overcome odds to tie up Drake only to get screwed by the twist

hes gonna be interesting at the reunion and once again mb has screwed over a lawyer

but then again im the only person in the world who likes jon so go figure

"RE: arguable points"
Posted by pdragonfly on 11-07-03 at 11:17 PM
Yeah, I don't think we've seen the Big Lie yet, unless its Lil being the head of a Troop. Anyone else shocked by the cuss words coming out of her mouth at Tribal Counsel?

I think Andrew lives in his own little world where he justifies things. Rupert has been upfront and honest from the getgo. With Andrew its not clear - too many discrepancies. Lil and now Rupert.

"RE: arguable points"
Posted by ImNext on 11-08-03 at 02:44 PM
<Yeah, I don't think we've seen the Big Lie yet, unless its Lil being the head of a Troop. Anyone else shocked by the cuss words coming out of her mouth at Tribal Counsel? >

Just because Lil cusses doesn't mean she does it in front of her troop. I think this would be a very hard aspect of the game for me, if I were to play it, as I am a Girl Scout leader. I'm sure she wants to set a good example for her troop, but at the same time, she's not perfect, ya know? I'm sure her troop, and her Scout's parents, will understand a few cuss words. It's not like they're bleeping her a'la Jon.

On topic: Andrew? Is delusional.