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Conferences The Apprentice General Discussion Forum (Protected)
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Show should be called Apprenti-Survivor-BachelorFactor
The show is so god awful this year. The worst ever. Last night I was not sure if I was watching the Apprentice or Survivor. Sometimes it seemed lik
2 messages
02-14-07 12:49 PM
What was with Trump last night?
was it me or did Trump over use the word "#####" last night? it seemed like that on his word-of-the-day calendar.
Big Pecker
7 messages
02-14-07 00:53 AM
Is Trump good looking?
I've heard Trump make remarks that make it sound like he thinks he's good looking...i.e. he thought some of the Apprentice girls were hot for him
9 messages
02-09-07 10:41 PM
Heidi needs to go...
I'm so sick of her smug-arsed face in the boardroom every matter WHAT side of the table she's on. I think she got off very li
2 messages
02-07-07 07:10 PM
Did I miss something last night?? What romance???
All week long, NBC has been touting a romance on The Apprentice. Unless I blinked and didn't catch it, I sure didn't see anything of the sort
18 messages
02-07-07 07:03 PM
I am going to miss Marissa
She was hot. oh, well.
Wacko Jacko
0 messages
02-06-07 06:14 PM
Link to contest to win Finale Tickets in LA!!
This is a contest from NBC and El Pollo Loco to win tickets to the Finale in Los Angeles!
3 messages
02-03-07 01:42 PM
Arrow used a chicken suit?
According to Marisa's exit interview at the other team used a chicken suit, and it was completely edited out...
5 messages
01-31-07 01:54 AM
Episode 3 [View All]
I do not blame Michelle for quiting. What was the point of going on. She knew the team was going to gun after her. She was 95% the one going home
Wacko Jacko
27 messages
01-30-07 12:57 PM
how about a reshuffle?
anyone think the reshuffle should happen? we've had the same team lose members 3 times now. this is usually where he drags them all in the boar
3 messages
01-29-07 08:40 AM
Ratings for the Apprentice!
I just want to know if there any thread with Ratings information as a topic for The Apprentice in this Forums, if not, can anyone post the name of
Palm Tree
14 messages
01-27-07 11:11 PM
Apprentice spoiling itself?
Is anyone else bothered by the contest for voting who we think should be voted off? The choices given are all on the same team, which gives away w
4 messages
01-25-07 11:56 AM
what happened to
Question, what happened to the first blonde assistant that trump had.. Although she looked a little on the not too nice of a person side she was a l
1 messages
01-24-07 08:14 AM
Is the tent city totally for real
I can't believe that the team is totally stuck in the yard. How can Trump expect them to be business spiffy dressed under
4 messages
01-22-07 03:42 PM
I really don't like the idea of a Project Manager holding the position until the team loses. You see, any given team member can stand out on a pa
2 messages
01-22-07 07:37 AM
The New PM rules proving to be annoying
I used to remember when it was a debate on who was going to be the next Apprentice. Now, it's clear who it is... I have to agree with t
9 messages
01-22-07 07:19 AM
Trump VS Rice
Trump and all his money. Making fools out of people, making them sleep in tents. (Funny to a degree) childish with Rosie. Now just pure ignora
13 messages
01-20-07 02:05 PM
Separated at Birth
It's early in the season but here's a couple to get us started ds/User_files/45b152
1 messages
01-19-07 08:41 PM
Week 2
Wow, surprised no one has commented on last night episode. I am waiting for the folks to say Donald is prejediced by firing two African-American ca
Wacko Jacko
17 messages
01-19-07 03:33 PM
Trumpie Has A Star!
..On the Hollywood Walk of Fame. WooHoo! ds/User_files/432b1f2f12a47081.jpg %5
4 messages
01-18-07 09:03 PM
My, how the annoying have fallen.
She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Hired will appear on [b]I Love New York[/b] (VH1, 1/22) as a financial consultant looking into the background of
7 messages
01-18-07 03:32 PM
Donald v. Rosie [View All]
I can't believe that Trump accused Rosie of lying about him, when everything that comes out of his mouth is either a distortion or downright lie.
36 messages
01-18-07 00:38 AM
Week 2
I can't believe the put this show on so freakin late on a Sunday, it was better on Monday, you had time to watch it. I did not think it was
1 messages
01-16-07 10:49 AM
Danged DVR didn't work last night-any chance of a re-run this week??
I was in-route from California, had my DVR programed, but I guess it was sleeping. SO, I missed the first episode. Anyone know
4 messages
01-15-07 01:32 PM
Just for being a cry baby, Frank deserved to be fired
I sort of wanted to see Martin stay a bit longer. I was curious to see how many more (not necessarily African/Nigerian) cliches he could come u
13 messages
01-11-07 04:56 PM
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