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"Lost Forum Flashbacks!"
moonbaby 17013 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-23-10, 01:42 PM (EST)
7. "2004!?" |
Six years! And then cold turkey! We're going to need a support group. How's Tuesday nights?
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weltek 16933 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-24-10, 10:08 AM (EST)
8. "RE: Lost Forum Flashbacks!" |
Quote from a press release in the original show thread: Lindelof said that former ABC chief Lloyd Braun came up with the idea for a show built around a plane crash on an island in the South Pacific. "Basically, the network mentality was, 'Let's do Survivor: The Drama,'" Lindelof said. "I believe they originally developed that idea with Aaron Spelling. I got a call in early February from an executive at ABC and was asked if I wanted to meet with J.J. about this crazy plane crash idea. They didn't like the way the idea developed with Spelling, so they wanted to start from scratch. I met with J.J., and we talked for about three hours, and we got really excited about it. We decided that aside from the island being a character, it was going to be all about the people."The duo came up with the concept for Lost, dealing with 48 survivors of a crash on a remote island. "This is why I've always responded to J.J.'s work," Lindelof said. "It's all about the characters. Over the course of a week, we broke a new story for the pilot and a very detailed outline. ABC read it and loved it and immediately green-lit the show. From that day, it was about five weeks later, and we were shooting the two-hour pilot." And this is why I knew if I took the "mysteries" too seriously, I'd be disappointed. The mysteries kept me engaged, but weren't the only reason I watched. It was neither too sci fi, nor too "Grey's Anatomy-dramaish," but rather a twisted up ride that kept me coming back for more.
-A Tribetastic Creation
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