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"Mark Burnett pitches "Rock Star""
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Conferences Rock Star (Protected)
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Mistral 205 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

06-10-04, 10:34 AM (EST)
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"Mark Burnett pitches "Rock Star""
Now THIS I would watch! Could be much more interesting than the "American Idol" pop crap.

Forgive me if I messed up the link. My 13 year old is better at this stuff than I am!


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Mark Burnett pitches "Rock Star... weltek 06-10-04 1
 RE: Mark Burnett pitches "Rock Star... pheeann 06-10-04 2
   RE: Mark Burnett pitches "Rock Star... Wacko Jacko 06-20-05 3
       RE: Mark Burnett pitches "Rock Star... Estee 06-20-05 4
           RE: Mark Burnett pitches "Rock Star... Wacko Jacko 06-20-05 5
               RE: Mark Burnett pitches "Rock Star... ginger 06-20-05 6
                   RE: Mark Burnett pitches "Rock Star... nattynats 06-28-05 7
                       RE: Mark Burnett pitches "Rock Star... Wacko Jacko 06-28-05 8
                       RE: Mark Burnett pitches "Rock Star... evilj9 07-16-05 10
 RE: Mark Burnett pitches "Rock Star... brainerd 07-15-05 9

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weltek 16936 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-10-04, 10:52 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Mark Burnett pitches "Rock Star""
MB? Evil God.
Love the plan.

pheeann 101 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

06-10-04, 05:33 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Mark Burnett pitches "Rock Star""
This could potentially be an awesome show, and I will definitely watch. I hear the winner gets to sing as the lead for INXS. Hard to replace Michael Hutchence, but what a prize!

Wacko Jacko 2438 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

06-20-05, 02:54 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Mark Burnett pitches "Rock Star""
The cast has been revealed on CBS for Burnett's new series - "Rock Star". Have any of you seen this? The cast is very diverse. Do you really think INXS will choose a woman or african-american? Really there are only a couple Michael Hutchense types. Seems crazy. Seems like it will be one of those few close to Michael Hutchense. What is casting thinking? Oh, I am sure they will all be drama kings and queens but do these people really have a chance of winning?

Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-20-05, 03:49 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Mark Burnett pitches "Rock Star""
What I'm deeply afraid of is a Survivor-based voting and alliance system, as in 'Let's get rid of the best singer now, or s/he might win instead of us!'

Wacko Jacko 2438 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

06-20-05, 04:04 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Mark Burnett pitches "Rock Star""
INXS would never allow for that to happen. Although I am surprised 80% of the contestents don't look like INXS singers.

ginger 22512 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-20-05, 06:09 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Mark Burnett pitches "Rock Star""
I can imagine a really tasteless elimination ritual.

Jordan? I'm afraid you've been eliminated. Here's your rope.


nattynats 18 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

06-28-05, 01:12 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: Mark Burnett pitches "Rock Star""
I'm still in two minds over this show.

I'll happily admit I'm a HUGE INXS fan. Have been for 20 years (holy cr*p I can't believe its been that long). I saw them far too many times to remember live and even saw them when Jon Stevens was lead singer. The boys still rocked. INXS are the soundtrack to my life. I can always relate a big event in my life to an INXS song.

I believe that Michael was the heart and soul of this band, but the others did contribute quite a bit too. Hell, without Andrew Farriss most of their greatest songs would never of happened.

I guess the reason I'm in two minds is that to me Michael equals INXS, but I still think the others have something to offer the music industry. I will go see them tour with the new singer (should they tour Aus), and will probably buy the new album, but it'd probably be more due to the fact of being a collector more than anything else.

I do wish them all the best with this venture, and who better to have on your side than the evil Mark Burnett! I'm probably looking forward to this show for the wrong reasons though - to see the work of Burnett.

Have I made any sense here?? Probably not. Oh well, pregnancy brain does have a lot to answer for!!!

I've got my bro taping this show for me, and will be sharing it with another fellow proud to admit, INXS fan. Its only showing on Pay TV here is AUS.....



Wacko Jacko 2438 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

06-28-05, 12:10 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Mark Burnett pitches "Rock Star""
LAST EDITED ON 06-28-05 AT 12:12 PM (EST)

What do you think of the contestants for the new lead singer?

Do you really see INXS going on with a female or 'black' singer? And don't think I am racist for saying that either. Much of touring will be singing the old songs. I have seen it before and in many cases unless the lead singer looks and songs like the old one it never works. John Stevens is a great example. The guy probably looks and soounds more like Michael Hutchenese than most singers could and that didn't work.

Just picture this, Coming to a town near you INXS with new lead singer Jane Doe? General consensus - "What the.....?". Jane gets up there and sings "What you Need?. It would never work.

So I am wondering what Burnett was doing with the casting. Did INXS have a choice in the casting and if so I bet the new lead singer was prechosen. They probably said "I like this guy". Then Burnett said ok, I will fill the rest in with interesting characters to make good tv.

I personally from just looking at them think only 1 or 2 stand a chance.


evilj9 29 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

07-16-05, 12:15 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Mark Burnett pitches "Rock Star""

I have to agree about INXS being in the soundtrack of my life. I can't say they are the only band on the soundtrack, but it seems that they probably have the most songs of any other band. I pulled out all my INXS CDs, and started a trip down memory lane. I'm almost through The Swing, and have Shabooh Shabah queued up.

I caught the show by pure accident on Tuesday, and was blown away. Granted I missed the an episode or two, and didn't even see all of Tuesdays show, but I was amazed at the talent and the commitment from the band members. It's why we all love and hate EPMB!!

I'm thrilled to have Dave Navarro involed, especially since everyone's soundtrack to life should include at least one Jane's Addiction song, and he's freaking hot. I agree with another poster that they should toss Brooke and bring in Carmen. Double Hot Hosts!

From what I've seen, Marty seems to be the one who could most emulate Michael (if that's what they want). As far as vocals, the ability to sing the standards well, and bring a future direction for the band, I would go with Jordis, JD or the blond chick with the pigtails that sang "Never tear us apart" on Wednesday.

I've set my Tivo, and since they are repeating the Tues/Wed show tonight, I'll get to see what I missed. I'm adding it to my guilty pleasure list, and telling the people I know will love it. I hope this works out for the band, it's the right time and place!

As always, in Evil, J9. . .


brainerd 41 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

07-15-05, 02:16 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Mark Burnett pitches "Rock Star""
Well we all know that Mark Burnett is the evil genius. Rock Star is the Apprentice for the drug induced. The winner is probably alreadly preselected and this is nothing but a money grab cash cow and a solid excuse to an INxS revival. But entertaining it is for the minions of rock heads looking for valid bang for the buck on the tube. Dooood was that a flashback man or was that Burnett. Yes, the show must go on.


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