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"Local paper speculates about Paula"
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moonbaby 17120 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-03-05, 10:11 AM (EST)
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"Local paper speculates about Paula"
Freebie local paper (AM New York) asks if she will she be replaced after this season. So let's get crankin'- Who do you think should replace Paula?

I'm thinking Janet Jackson so we can avoid any further controversy


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Local paper speculates about Pa... nailbone 05-03-05 1
   RE: Local paper speculates about Pa... lovwigglesworth 05-03-05 4
       RE: Local paper speculates about Pa... Pensha26 05-03-05 12
   RE: Local paper speculates about Pa... survivorscott 05-03-05 14
 RE: Local paper speculates about Pa... kahanasunset 05-03-05 2
 RE: Local paper speculates about Pa... tamarama 05-03-05 3
   RE: Local paper speculates about Pa... kahanasunset 05-03-05 5
       RE: Local paper speculates about Pa... seahorse 05-03-05 6
           RE: Local paper speculates about Pa... kahanasunset 05-03-05 8
               RE: Local paper speculates about Pa... seahorse 05-05-05 24
   RE: Local paper speculates about Pa... DonnaLynn 05-04-05 21
 RE: Local paper speculates about Pa... ginger 05-03-05 7
   RE: Local paper speculates about Pa... Snidget 05-04-05 20
 RE: Local paper speculates about Pa... geekboy 05-03-05 9
 RE: Local paper speculates about Pa... DontGetMeStarted 05-03-05 10
   RE: Local paper speculates about Pa... ginger 05-03-05 15
 RE: Local paper speculates about Pa... Breezy 05-03-05 11
   RE: Local paper speculates about Pa... Pensha26 05-03-05 13
       RE: Local paper speculates about Pa... pollardsvision 05-03-05 16
 RE: Local paper speculates about Pa... motormouth 05-03-05 17
   RE: Local paper speculates about Pa... rez_lin 05-04-05 18
 RE: Local paper speculates about Pa... Poupee 05-04-05 19
 Congrats Moonie survivorscott 05-05-05 22
   RE: Congrats Moonie motormouth 05-05-05 23
       RE: Congrats Moonie seahorse 05-05-05 25
           RE: Congrats Moonie motormouth 05-06-05 27
 RE: Local paper speculates about Pa... newsie 05-06-05 26

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nailbone 27263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-03-05, 10:20 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Local paper speculates about Paula"
Debbie (Debra???) Gibson. 80's pop star that no one talks about anymore. Although didn't she just pose for Playboy?

Or maybe Tiffany...the other 80's pop girl that made her name singing in malls.

New from Sigs by Syren!!

Keep lookin' up, cuz that's where it all is. o-


lovwigglesworth 239 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

05-03-05, 01:58 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Local paper speculates about Paula"
Debra Gibson was one of the judges when they did the American Juniors show and I was not impressed. Gladys Knight was one of the other judges there and she did pretty good.
Gloria Estevan seemed sober and smart when she was on last year.
I love both the Janet Jackson and Cyndi Lauper idea.
What is Belinda Carlyle doing these days?
I know they would never have all three male, but Richard Marx is very knowledgable and would be a good judge.

Dolly Parton would be hilarious to see sitting next to Simon.
And I hear Cher has stopped touring now, maybe she is available.


Pensha26 772 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

05-03-05, 03:47 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Local paper speculates about Paula"
Dolly Parton would be hilarious to
see sitting next to Simon.

I do not think that Dolly can handle another pair of boobs by her side. She would need a back brace to handle one show.


survivorscott 2191 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

05-03-05, 03:55 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: Local paper speculates about Paula"
Do not besmirch the good name of MY DEBORAH!

She has quite the musical resume now, she has done lots of Broadway and is still putting out albums, plus she still looks hot.

comparing her to that gutter rat Tiffany.(In my best Foghorn Leghorn voice) You sir are talking treason!

Come in a stranger,leave a little stranger


kahanasunset 466 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

05-03-05, 10:20 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Local paper speculates about Paula"
OK I'll bite. I'll take Paula any day over JJ. In my book, Paula stays.

tamarama 1785 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

05-03-05, 01:28 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Local paper speculates about Paula"
OOoh!! Fun question!!

I'd love to see someone like...Cyndi Lauper!!

No really....

Can't you see her still being the positive sweetheart, but telling it like it is, and NOT afraid to disagree with Simon or Randy -- therefore fulfilling the 'balance' need and YET,

During her career, she's stood up for her own musical integrity, recording the music she wanted to rather than just being a pop machine. She certainly understands individuality, expressing one's own identity rather than squeezing into a slot.

Plus, she's an actual musician/singer/composer...not a dancer who looked good in videos but had to be over-dubbed in the studio. (Remember that scandal?)

In Simon, we have a guy who really knows the business side -- he knows what can be marketed. In Randy, we've got a producer who knows what will work on a recording. In Paula, we supposedly had a performer who had been out there doing it BUT -- she's proven that she really doesn't know a heck of a lot about music. Let's get someone in there who's more of a singer, less of a choreographer.

(credit where it's due: Cyndi Lauper was actually a friend's idea first - he's been saying it for over a year now...but I absolutely agree with him)


kahanasunset 466 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

05-03-05, 02:28 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Local paper speculates about Paula"
If Paula goes, which she won't, then I would be very happy with Cyndi Lauper. She's an awesome talent in many ways.

seahorse 14337 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-03-05, 02:41 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Local paper speculates about Paula"
If there is any truth that Paula was trying to help a contestant win, she might have trouble staying on the show.

Handcrafted by RollDdice


kahanasunset 466 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

05-03-05, 03:01 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Local paper speculates about Paula"
Guess we'll see more on Primetime Live tomorrow night after the latest Idol wannabee is booted.

It would seem improbable that Paula would risk so much by trying to help someone like that, who wasn't all that good in the first place. ABC obviously feels it has something credible. If it doesn't then this is a ploy to damage ratings for the show. Either way, I don't think it'll work. AI has become iconic in tv history.


seahorse 14337 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-05-05, 11:16 PM (EST)
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24. "RE: Local paper speculates about Paula"
OI don't think AI will be hurt at all. It remains to be seen if Paula stays around.

Handcrafted by RollDdice


DonnaLynn 582 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

05-04-05, 12:07 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: Local paper speculates about Paula"
Cyndi Lauper is a great idea! I 2nd your nomination!

But while we are speaking about replacing judges, what about Randy? He needs to go go go go GO! I can't handle any more DAWG, WHAT'S UP, WELCOME TO THE DAWG POUND! UGH UGH UGH!

Why not replace him with someone better for the job like ##### Clark? He knows more about music than anyone and he's getting so old that he can't do much else. He's got my vote!

But we absolutely need Simon. Even though he's a jerk most of the time, he usually speaks the truth... Far better than Paula always loving everyone, never saying anything negative!

--Donna :~)


ginger 22512 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-03-05, 02:57 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Local paper speculates about Paula"
I've said it before, and I'm sticking to it:

Courtney Love

Second choice: Camille Paglia.


Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-04-05, 11:05 AM (EST)
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20. "RE: Local paper speculates about Paula"
LOL *snort*

I likes it, I really really likes it.


geekboy 1788 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

05-03-05, 03:11 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Local paper speculates about Paula"
I think Kelly Clarkson would be an obvious choice.



DontGetMeStarted 880 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

05-03-05, 03:17 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Local paper speculates about Paula"
LAST EDITED ON 05-03-05 AT 03:18 PM (EST)

I'd have to go with Kim Caldwell because I have an irrational hatred of her and I could stop watching the show.

But LL Cool J would be *sigh* great he wouldn't even have to talk. They could just prop his photo up... hey- that WOULD be better than Paula's seal clapping....



ginger 22512 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-03-05, 05:04 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: Local paper speculates about Paula"
Oh, yes. LL Cool J.

End the discussion now. I'm drooling on the keyboard.


Breezy 18380 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-03-05, 03:42 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Local paper speculates about Paula"
Mark McGraft.

Save a horse, ride a cowboy. Sigpic by Syren.


Pensha26 772 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

05-03-05, 03:49 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: Local paper speculates about Paula"
Mark McGraft.

I think you meant to say McGrath. I am not sure who this McGraft person is. Do you know any of his albums?


pollardsvision 25 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

05-03-05, 06:14 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: Local paper speculates about Paula"
Why was Paula chosen to begin with? She seems like a nice lady but she was never really talented as a singer...Maybe, they should pick someone a little more qualified...

Not sure who would be a good choice but can you imagine having Celine Dion? It be like a female Simon!


motormouth 4507 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

05-03-05, 06:14 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: Local paper speculates about Paula"
Angelina Jolie, of course.

just because she's so damn hot!


rez_lin 4 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

05-04-05, 01:41 AM (EST)
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18. "RE: Local paper speculates about Paula"
I'll go for Tina Turner!!!!!!!!

Poupee 11 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

05-04-05, 02:43 AM (EST)
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19. "RE: Local paper speculates about Paula"
Lisa Rinna

survivorscott 2191 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

05-05-05, 05:38 PM (EST)
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22. "Congrats Moonie"
this thread was mentioned in a USA Today article:

ABC's 'Idol' expose: Money, sex, cough syrup
USA Today (FINAL) - May 05, 2005 - p D.1, LIFE
By Ann Oldenburg
The question now: How will pop-culture darling American Idol weather this latest scandal?

ABC, in a special edition Wednesday of Primetime Live, devoted an hour to investigating the Fox show and the personal relationship between Season 2 contestant Corey Clark and Idol's most contestant- friendly judge, Paula Abdul.

Clark, 24, says he and Abdul, 42, had a secret sexual affair. He also says she helped him through the competition, giving him her prescription cough syrup to soothe his throat and cash to buy clothes, and helping him pick the song that got him into the final 12.

Andrea Brown Easterly, 32, of Alpharetta, Ga., says this changes her opinion of the show. "I am certainly more inclined to think producers and judges are tinkering with contestants and results," she said after watching Primetime. "However, it does not make me want to stop watching the show. It almost adds to the drama, in a sick sort of way."

Brad Adgate, an analyst for ad-buying firm Horizon Media, doesn't expect a backlash. "I thought they were pretty strong allegations," he said Wednesday night. "But this is the 21st century, and this stuff is not that shocking as perhaps it would have been a decade ago. All of this controversy just draws viewers."

Idol's ratings have risen each season since its debut in 2002; Primetime moved to Wednesday this week in hopes of capitalizing on the frenzy. Idol averages 25.3 million viewers on Wednesdays; Primetime draws 6.9 million viewers Thursdays.

On Primetime, Clark said Abdul slipped him her phone number through an intermediary. He talked of the relationship unfolding over the first three months of 2003. During one late-night meeting, it turned into romance, he said: "She came up behind me and just started kissing my neck."

Two of Clark's friends, as well as his parents, appear on camera to corroborate the story.

Even if Clark was cozy with Abdul, she couldn't have directly affected the outcome of the contest; viewer voting determined the finalists.

And although Clark advanced to the finals, he was later disqualified for not revealing that he had been charged with assaulting his sister and resisting arrest in Topeka in 2002.

However, as a group of Season 2 contestants said on Primetime, Abdul's advice could have given Clark an unfair edge. "For those who put so much work and effort into it -- and someone that's kind of getting the easy ride in? Absolutely wrong," Nasheka Siddall said.

Abdul denied the allegations last week and said Clark is a "liar" and "an opportunist." Fox and Idol producers have said they will "look into any evidence of improper conduct."

At , message-boards fans already are suggesting replacements for Abdul, among them Debbie Gibson, Janet Jackson, Cyndi Lauper and Courtney Love.

Come in a stranger,leave a little stranger


motormouth 4507 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

05-05-05, 11:03 PM (EST)
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23. "RE: Congrats Moonie"
Neat! Thanks for pointing it out, though I'm a little disappointed they didn't mention my suggestion, Angelina Jolie.

*WooHoo, I got me a Syren and a bounce from IceCat!*


seahorse 14337 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-05-05, 11:19 PM (EST)
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25. "RE: Congrats Moonie"
They probably checked in before you posted.

Handcrafted by RollDdice


motormouth 4507 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

05-06-05, 12:00 PM (EST)
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27. "RE: Congrats Moonie"
That's it! Thanks seahorse...

I'm sure it's not because she has no musical/singing experience


newsie 3 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

05-06-05, 04:01 AM (EST)
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26. "RE: Local paper speculates about Paula"
i say sharon osbourne...she'd still be the nice judge..but with an edge..and she'd keep the censors working overtime with their fingers trembling over the censor button. hee!


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