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"Please tell me... WHO keeps voting for Anthony and Scott? "
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jaded0920 2 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

04-14-05, 09:56 AM (EST)
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"Please tell me... WHO keeps voting for Anthony and Scott? "
I'm serious. Anthony, in my opinion shouldn't have even made it to the final 12! he's got a nice voice for a musical. I could totally see him in a West Side Story remake. but he is not a star! and scott .... oh scott. i looked past the fact that he beat up the mother of his child, i look past his appearance, but come on people, he won't do anything after his week after the win interviews.. i love carrie, has as unbelievable voice, but she is stiff as a board, can't dance, i'm not even sure she has rhythm. here's the deal, unless they take off their clothes, or can dance really well, you won't make it without writing your own music... I don't see anyone doing that with the exception of... ANWAR,Bo (Nadia possibly, although too late) hated to see her go. Vonzell is great, she might make it, she's cute enough! i don't know, i'm off track here, i just wanted to say that i need to know why on earth people are voting for anthony.

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 RE: Please tell me... WHO keeps vot... Bebo 04-14-05 1

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Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-14-05, 10:39 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Please tell me... WHO keeps voting for Anthony and Scott? "
There are already two threads discussing Anthony on page one of this forum - one fan, one bashing:

Anthony? He's Just Not That Good

Anthony Love Thread

Please join in existing discussions where possible before starting new threads. Thanks.


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