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"Hey, Dave..."
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Estee 56715 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-19-14, 09:36 AM (EST)
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"Hey, Dave..."
...are you willing to admit you might be just a little bit of a threat now?

No one can take Flo's title of Whiniest Winner Ever away from her -- I hope -- and Rachel did her best to crash-land her edit in the last hour (which, unfortunately, is prepping us for the summer to come), but Dave did his best to give them a male counterpart. 'Why is everyone picking on me? I'm old! I'm weak! They should be coddling me around the course! I should get a three-hour head start every leg just because I move so slow! Age discrimination1 Age discrimination!'

Did he and his son earn the win? Not arguing that. Potent Racers, although a cluster of bad design elements on the final leg didn't hurt them. But is it possible that he might recognize he's earned a U-Turn or two on merit?

Doubt it.

Nice win. Enjoy your half of the post-tax million. Unless, of course, you want someone else to carry the check for you because the weight might throw out your back.

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 RE: Hey, Dave... Colonel Zoiderg 05-28-14 1
   RE: Hey, Dave... PepeLePew13 05-28-14 2

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Colonel Zoiderg 31 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

05-28-14, 09:43 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Hey, Dave..."
Dave still was playing the "torn Achilles" card a lot, but at the very least, his kvetching was based on actual fears rather than Flo being completely insane and Rachel being histrionic (look it up if you're not a therapist or married to one.) Besides, at the very least, just like Flo's partner, Dave's earned the hell out of that win.
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PepeLePew13 25257 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-28-14, 11:48 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Hey, Dave..."
Got no problem at all with his fears about the Achilles heel and it legitimately was a focus point based on his first go-around, just like most of the other teams had to answer questions or make comments about things that happened on their original seasons, nor do I have an issue with him mentioning his age.

It's the constant kvetching about how outrageous it was for other teams to "pick" on a 60-year-old baby with the U-Turn, and it was bad enough that he mentioned immediately after it happened but to keep overplaying that angle for episodes to come? Sorry, he lost me there for good, even if he did play one hell of a race. I have never seen anyone whine so constantly about being U-Turned.

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