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"Ep 7 July 12"
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jbug 16685 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

07-13-10, 09:50 AM (EST)
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"Ep 7 July 12"
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At this point, I always begin to feel bad for the finalists. Supposing they have true feelings for Ali, all but one of these guys is going to have his heart broken - or at least bruised.

I think I could fall for Roberto! Dang he is cute! & his family was my favorite. Guess his dad is more my age, so maybe I should fall for him instead

What the heck was that low-cut t-shirt kinda shirt Frank was wearing with a v-neck sweater-type thing over it? Huh? That has to be the strangest "straight" clothing look I've even seen!
Seriously, is it just me or was that not a strange looking shirt?

for talking a lot? me? Jan 2010

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 RE: Ep 7 July 12 LFJ 07-13-10 1

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LFJ 363 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

07-13-10, 10:53 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Ep 7 July 12"
I think, as he was saying "Goodbye" to Ali, in his driveway, that the sleeve of his sweater fell open a bit, and it was a sleeveless T shirt, like a v-neck wifebeater, almost. Very strange. My gaydar blipped on, and, I must say, not for the first time when I see him. I wonder if he is having a gender identity crisis. That might explain him not practicing law, or something related to his degree, living at home with his parents, roaming around Europe. Trying to "find himself" at his age is rather self indulgent, otherwise.

That might also explain his mother having no real questions for Ali, or fears for Frank - just grasping Ali's hand and saying (paraphrasing) "I feel totally fit right in..." Desperate, instant bonding. That would have firghtened me away from Frank - almost as bad as the taxidermy. GAAAAAH!!!

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