Cut to the challenge.....Gata tribe is bringing their chickens to the challenge. Are they family members that travel with. you. They want to negotiate with Jeff. Sam says that not everybody was comfortable at eating them, and they suck at making eggs.
They want 2 dozen eggs in a swap for the chicken. Jiffy tells them that you want all your eggs in one basket. Jiffy will give them 5 eggs per chicken, 15, Sam says 20, they settle on 18 eggs, they will be back at camp. Jiffy takes the chickens.
Immunity up for grabs
drag heavy net full of coconuts and sand bags, along the way collect more coconuts and sand bags, heavier, then use them to knock off all the blocks then they must reassemble the same puzzle block wall.
gata sits out Anika. Tuku sits out Suel
go....drag the net bag to first mat, untie knots and saw the ropekyle working it for blue, and has the coconuts and sand bags, get into the net.
Sol has Ihis and Andy still working for gata, struggles blue is onto the next mat.
red has their bag and and y is terrible, then has it cut they have a lot of time to put in the bag
blue is at the third mat blue is working together in the lead
now blue entries the bag
now yellow pulls the bag to second mat
red is almost to the end.
Andy is so bad
Ayanna throws and cannot knock the blocks down, Kyle knocks some down
red is trying to knock the blocks down, sol is doing well, gata is so bad...
sol another big hit
neck and neck, I just don't know what the heck yellow is doing
blue knocks all of their s down now get all of the pieces back on the mat.
Yellow must throw the blocks down
red has a road block, they are jammed up, Sam is throwing
Sierra and sam throwing.
blue with huge lead
Yellow pulls ahead of red, then red knocks theirs down
Blue has won it
lava and gata starting on the puzzle at the exact same time. lava is winning red is winning lava wins and yellow loses!
See Andy. Rome is crying.
Big emotional win. we are the only tribe with just coconut, low energy, put whole heart into it. We were able to do it today, that 's why we don't give up on S.
See Sierra
See Sam
See Andy.
Rachel notes no way to cook the eggs with no fire.
Andy: this IC was a tough one, and after 10 days I conclude that I am not good at challenges, I have laid a lot of ground work, this is the start of my game I am looking forward to tonight, says Andy.