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"S47 ~ Ep 5 ~ East Coast Update Thre..."
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Flowerpower1 4631 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

10-16-24, 08:46 PM (EST)
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13. "Gen is thinking Rome is being naugh..."
....and the scales are tipping and not in his favor.

Sierra and Anika are thinking of letting the chickens go...

Andy the three of us are hungry, and these chickens are unwanted members a t gata beach. We won a great fishing kit, maybe we can catch some fish...see them with the net.
Andy: nothing is working. a bad afternoon after a defeat.

See Sam and Rachel come back, see them trying to get something with the net.
Tuku goes to the second TC...and tells them. I leave out that Sue told them that we heard you and Sierra were running things back at your camp.

later he tells Sierra that, this is not good for my game. I know I have Rachel Annika and myself but sam and I have a tight alliance , the three of us with Andy. What is best for my game. I know I have a lot of power but it is stressing me out.

Teeny told the others that I was on the bottom and I was scared so she tells her tribe aobut what happened, didn't not tell he stole Kisha's vote.

Gen then tells Teeny that Rome told Sol a bunch of crap...teeny has the amulet....sol and gen finally see the light that Rome's unpredictability is just too chaotic to have in this game

at blue. Tyanna, when we get to the merge...Sue felt horrible that she put a target on games back in front of all of them. I think she did it intentionally, she wants him gone, he's my number one ally

Sue tells Gabe everything...Rachel: my strategy that tuck is falling apart, looking like we will all make it to the merge, my fear is that Gabe has all trust gone from Tyanna because she threw him under the bus. I will try to do damage control, we need to get together, I want her to tell him about it, come clean with Gabe.

but if I ignore her advice they won't trust me.

If she wants the to apologize to Gabe then it feels like it is the right thing to do.

Gabe is not buying. Tyanna tells him that we are going to the merge.
Gabe is not buying it. doesn't trust anything that she says, she says the only thing I told them was that you played the idol.

If she was not compelled to apologize to me then she wouldn't have.

She says she had a private convo with them and told them he had played the idol. Sue tells him.
Gabe wants to crush her s dreams and smile while he watches it happen

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 S47 ~ Ep 5 ~ East Coast Update Thre...   Flowerpower1     10-16-24       
   hello FP   michel2     10-16-24     1  
     Hello Michel....   Flowerpower1     10-16-24     2  
   Previously on Survivor....   Flowerpower1     10-16-24     3  
     Come on in at 8:05?   michel2     10-16-24     5  
         It was all just....   Flowerpower1     10-16-24     7  
             RE: It was all just....   michel2     10-16-24     9  
   Post Intro   Flowerpower1     10-16-24     4  
   Reward Challenge   Flowerpower1     10-16-24     6  
   That Twist can be decisive for Teen...   michel2     10-16-24     8  
   Rome is at it again   michel2     10-16-24     10  
   The Survivor hou...   Flowerpower1     10-16-24     11  
     RE: The Survivor   michel2     10-16-24     12  
   Gen is thinking Rome is being naugh...   Flowerpower1     10-16-24     13  
   Question   michel2     10-16-24     14  
   Gabe wants Tyanna out, Red wants Ro...   Flowerpower1     10-16-24     15  
   Andy or Anika?   michel2     10-16-24     16  
   Yellow....losers   Flowerpower1     10-16-24     17  
   The Chicken and the eggs   michel2     10-16-24     18  
   TC   Flowerpower1     10-16-24     19  
   Well....   Flowerpower1     10-16-24     20  
   NTOS   Flowerpower1     10-16-24     21  

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