Sanctuary....first sanctuary....OMG....Kyle has conf: sees big sign: survivor social hour, corn hole sodas and grill and dogs....and the veggie dog for me cause I am a vegetarian, the happiest I 've been for food.
coming this close to the merge,
Teeny starts: basically we get to tribal and get this weird feeling....I am on the bottom.
Rachel with Sam from Gata, if we merge getting as much info as possible is critical, we go every where together. They heard that you and Sierra were running the show, we have a secret bond together, that is dangerous for my game.
Tyanna notes this is her best case scenario, Gabe has been looking for idols the whole time, and we see Sue. Gabe has been throwing my name out there so now they are going to think of him that they cannot trust. He found and idol and he played it
Sue notes that Tyanna threw Gabe under the bus.
Sue: gabe was my number one ally and Ayanna but a target on his back!!!
then they play corn hole.
Rachel Gen and teeny talk. Caroline is still playing survivor. Sue is my number one she tells them. she feels good vibes from both teeny and Rachel.
Teeny has established a great relationship with I'm thrilled over th emotion
back at loser Gato
worst S day says Sol
Rome: when we lose the RC, the worst feeling in the world, come back hungry, coconuts and water, rough. With Teeny not at camp opened the door for me to get out teeny. have to convince him to trust me. share knowledge with people to dev'p trust.
tells him about teeny, has an amulet with 2 other people and if they use tighter it counts as an idol.
Genevieve told me that she doesn't want yto work with you long term
Sol is voimiting info to me, and that when I recognized, I have 20 years sales experience, I'm getting a big dose of humble pie right now.
see rome and Gen: actions speak louder than words. Gen: right now Rome is very chaotic right now....she says he is acting like he lost an I C....he's pitching Teeny to Sol. But Rome is easier for me to work with...
Rome told me that you didn't want to work with me long term, says Sol to Gen.
Gen in conf: Rome has been very naughty that Rome told Sol that. And rome was the one targeting Teeny, not sol. If Rome is not telling me everything than his danger level goes up, and then he won't be valuable to me any more and right now the scales are tipping.
Looks like Gen is finding all the BS that Rome has told Sol and Gen is not having it.