Jesse is first...
Noelle with first question....diffferentiate your game from the others. Gabler says his strength was relationships, social game. I talked behind the being in all the different groups, 26 days, no one has written my name down. Cassidy: my fingers have always been on the pulse...I had close bonds with Karla and James, I knew if I went to the end with them, they would beat mess I had to form bonds with those on the bottom....even she recognizes it
Owen: I am super fan and thought I would come out here and play a super game, and that came crashing down, thought I would be the first boot....I was on the wrong side of the Ellie boot, had to claw and get myself out, with these two...I learned that I don't need to be perfect just need to be me....underdog
James: Owen when did you stick your neck on the line for someone else...Noelle answered the question. Owen thought James and Karla were the biggest threats in the game. ... I had to trust in Noelle
Gabler: Ellie vote...Jeanine tells him that it was me that went through your bag...GAbler...I stirred that pot, we had argument...I am way to high profile here and I need to be like an alligator and go under water here
Cassidy: what move to get you here. playing game with you and James, blindsiding Geo...our alliance into the moerge
Jesse: give me ex of when you used your social relationship to gain info....GAgbler said when I was alligabler..because of my social game and info, got deeper
Cassidy says she was in trenches with everyone, and I had mental track list of those that were coming for me....all of these people would get me I had to get them out before they could get me
Gabler and Owen, who were your closest allies...Owen says Noelle. then he want with gabler and Cass
Gabler core alliance, in ride or die, with samy, Owen in with Ryan Noelle. when you flipped and went with Jesse cody...were you going to go back and forth? I got all the way here without getting a vote...peopel didn't perceive him as a threat because he didn't want them to
immunities...did you need to manage your threat level? Cass didn't see herself as a physical threat. Most imp win was the final one.
Noelle tells them she was a paraolympian....wonderful that you won 3 challenges. why did you choose gabler instead of taking on that challenge yourself
She says she worked her ##### off and won that immunity fair and square...if Owen made that fire that would five him enough of a boost to beat me in final...
Karla says I fought out there physically and mentally...Owen says F5 IC...Owen tells the how he lost out to her getting the advantage....I need to win, and I won. so representative of how my entire game has gone.
how did you handle the low points of the game, not well. I went after you....that blow up with you I am ashamed of and wish it hasn't happened.
what was your biggest mistake...gabler easy I blew the challenge, he would have played his shot in the dark...
Cassidy says the biggest mistake she had was the last conversation I had with you, I was so sure that you would beat me. I am not just pandering to you...I love you.
Owen says in regard to getting bamboozled, the sides that I went to they led me here, the adventure of a life time, I regret a few conversations that I had.
Jesse: talks about voting habits, he wants to know about persuasion....gabler talks about persuading the others about Ellie...Cassidy said the Ryan vote....I convinced them that Ryan needed to go before they took me
Owen says he doesn't have one specific vote that he was driving that vote. I showed that I had strategic chope=s and could be part of a vote.