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"S41 | Ep 9 | East Coast Spoiler Thr..."
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Flowerpower1 4470 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

11-17-21, 09:35 PM (EST)
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8. "Post IC....teams go to different ca..."
Erika and Xander targets Shan and Ricard. Wouldn't it be wonderful if that came true? But, Shan has an idol, and an extra vote.

Viakana Raining

getting the food stew...Xander: the stew hit the spot, I have immunity and an idol....a huge opportunity to take out the big dogs at the top, belches mid sentence

Evvie; reality is that deshawn is out on the power group...if deshawn and Xander are with me I should be ok.... Evvie says that Shan and Liana are in the power seat.
Xander says that Liana is the minion to shan, would be fantastic to get out.

Deshawn and danny want to vote Evvie. Danny dictates it. Danny says that me deshawn and Liana, we have the power in this vote. Liana, I am writing evvie, biggest worry is if Xander plays the idol for Evvie, I could go home. Xander tells Xander that everyone wants evvie out, so she's not a threat.

Xander feels like the prom king. Liana wants Xander to give her his idol.

Liana has shown her arms and I am ready to expose them

Naseer and shan both have idols, but erika and heather are close, says Xander to the others.

Shan: Erika winning is bad for my game so it's an opportunity to get heather out cause Erika is her ally. Shan and Naseer talk about not using their idol...he's cool like a cucumber, says Naseer. Naseer tells Heather, I'm sorry but Heather has to go home. Erika says would you play an idol for Heather. Naseer says no way.
Erika: Naseer seems confident, heather is going home. Erika would love to get rid of Naseer but maybe there is a chance to get out Shan. ;It seems like there is not a lot of options....

Xander says he wanted to work with you guys but it seems you have been comfortable with Shan and Ricard....Xander is telling me that Liana tried to put a vote on me...if there is a move that you want to
Evvie and I made a deal, we will protect each other but if I take out Liana there will be a bad position from the majority alliance. I want to play my game ....Danny is telling Xander that he wants to vote for Evvie. Evvie is a better move, that scares me, they could work together and try to blindside her, maybe I should play my idol of Evvie, this tribal is crucial to my game.

Ricard: everyone has a huge target on Heather with no idol. I have to focus on an actual threat one with idols. Ricard is telling Erika and Heather let's vote Naseer, he's really comfortable.
Heather: Ricard has come up with a great plan...Ricard talks to Shan...Ricard tells Shan that they are voting Naseer as he has an idol. he asks Shan for the extra vote...
Shan: very risky, I don't trust heather and Erika. Shan says that Naseer is another number for me.
Ricard is telling shan that one person doesn't dictate the whole game.
Ricard: it has to be her way the whole time. Naseer to me is the biggest threat, if Shan is not willing to budge on her stance than Heather will be bye bye.

So, it seems that Liana and Evvie are the most at risk in tribe blue, and Heather and Naseer are the candidates at tribe yellow...

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 S41 | Ep 9 | East Coast Spoiler Thr...   Flowerpower1     11-17-21       
   Come on in.....   Flowerpower1     11-17-21     1  
     RE: Come on in.....   Sheldor     11-17-21     2  
     RE: Come on in.....   Sheldor     11-17-21     3  
     RE: Come on in.....   michel2     11-17-21     5  
         RE: Come on in.....   Sheldor     11-17-21     10  
   Wow....   Flowerpower1     11-17-21     4  
     RE: Wow....   michel2     11-17-21     6  
     RE: Wow....   Sheldor     11-17-21     7  
   Post IC....teams go to different ca...   Flowerpower1     11-17-21     8  
     RE: Post IC....teams go to differen...   Sheldor     11-17-21     9  
   First TC, yellow tribe.   Flowerpower1     11-17-21     11  
     RE: First TC, yellow tribe.   Sheldor     11-17-21     12  
         RE: First TC, yellow tribe.   Flowerpower1     11-17-21     14  
             It doesn't add up...   michel2     11-17-21     16  
                 RE: It doesn't add up...   Flowerpower1     11-17-21     19  
                     RE: It doesn't add up...   michel2     11-18-21     22  
   Tribe Yellow suspense   Flowerpower1     11-17-21     13  
     As a matter fo fact   michel2     11-17-21     17  
         RE: As a matter fo fact   Sheldor     11-18-21     20  
             RE: As a matter fo fact   michel2     11-18-21     23  
   NTOS....   Flowerpower1     11-17-21     15  
     RE: NTOS....   michel2     11-17-21     18  
         RE: NTOS....   Sheldor     11-18-21     21  

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