I agree, michel. Xander better play that darn idol for Evvie. That would be soooo great!
And, I am pumped it looks like it will be Naseer, not Heather. She's a nobody. And, there are shades of Xander making alliances with Erika and Heather. and hopefully Evvie stays.
Back to the show:
they all voted him. Heather sighs
Naseer goes to the jury....
Bringing in the next group.
Unfortunately I was blindsided. Wow, Erika voted for Heather? what the heck? Shan voted one for Heather/ one for Naseer
next group:
dAnny: they all would have bet that he would have played his idol....Xander says that chicken and beef stew so good, you under sold it....
deshawn: bigger question is now what? Deshawn says there is 4 people here who I really wanted to work with, somebody has to go
Liana: there is four of us here 25^ chance to go...
Xander: did you have more power today, yes, people kiss up to the one who has power, find the one who is genuine is hard...
Evvie: is 75 % sure what will happen will happen
Deshawn says he's pretty comfortable.
Danny says once he saw Naseer up there, not so comfortable
they are all saying they are comfortable. Deshawn says the title, we will find out who's who in the zoo
Evvie: I have looked S death in the face and ...
deshawn: unfortunately someone is going to di.
See Xander and Evvie
Liana votes Evvie
Evvie votes Liana
Vote tally:
See Xander, Evie, Liana
Xander is not playing the idol. STOOOpid
damn....good game. GEEEEZ. well played guys
Xander looks at all of them and says good one guys.