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"TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Results ..."
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Jims02 7407 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-17-10, 09:18 PM (EST)
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"TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Results ..."
LAST EDITED ON 02-18-10 AT 10:02 PM (EST)

And Away We Go!

The Amazing Race 16 is underway. And it was definitely an eventful episode. We had two different penalties which probably had players yelling at their TV screens. We also had a killer Roadblock knock a team out of the race. Considering they were supposed to be on the first flight, that's a rough way to lose the show.

We also got the sign fixed. I was going to return it Crazy Estee's, but eventually I just got esquire to kick it a couple times. It did the trick. I'm not sure if I've just voided the warranty, though.

Week 1 Results
1st place - Jordan/Jeff (2x)
2nd place - Monique/Shawne (1.5x)
3rd place - Jet/Cord (1.3x)
4th place - Steve/Allie (1.2x)
5th place - Joe/Heidi (1.1x)
6th place - Carol/Brandy (even)
7th place - Brent/Caite (.9x)
8th place - Dan/Jordan (.8x)
9th place - Louie/Michael (.7x)
10th place - Jody/Shannon (.5x)
11th place - Dana/Adrian (0x)

TAR6 Redux

We should've seen this coming after TAR6. The moment you have a Big Brother contestant on the show, they win the first leg. It's like a rule or something.

Overall, scores were a little subdued to start the season. Jordan & Jeff weren't the most popular pick (although still got several mini-bets), and Monique/Shawne were only picked by one player (Deshawnator22).

We did have two players make perfect wagers, winning the appropriately-titled Perfect Bet Award... tribephyl and vince3. tribephyl, returning after a few seasons off, decided to come back to kick out butts at this game, while vince3 remembered his TAR6 history. Congratulations, you too.

Oh, and while we're doing the news, why don't you check out ARNutz's Love List thread, Seana's Roadblock Tally thread, or Estee's Brandy & Carol fanclub thread. Or check out the Bashers Forum.

1. tribephyl - 40
2. vince3 - 40
3. Element King - 33
4. HauntedOne - 30
5. Nessie - 28
6. chiubakka - 28
7. mia rules18 - 28
8. louislam - 27
9. kduck - 26
10. Road Kill - 26
11. Silver03 - 26
12. MaxZ - 26
13. sarah1234 - 26
14. qwertypie - 26
15. KwietOne - 26
16. michel - 24
17. Belle Book - 23
18. bbenzenberg - 23
19. esquire - 22
20. Max Headroom - 22
21. MzTee - 22
22. flipxcyd - 22
23. Weez - 22
24. VisionQuest - 22
25. Yogi - 22
26. Deshawnator22 - 22
27. Starshine - 21
28. Corvis - 21
29. taffnic - 21
30. vennui - 21
31. Molaholic - 20
32. Estee - 20
33. Wallflower66 - 20
34. FFantasyFX - 20
35. ARNutz - 19
36. kidflash212 - 19
37. Snidget - 19
38. CTgirl - 19
39. Ontheroadagain - 18
40. beau_30 - 18
41. Jims02 - 18
42. dragonflies - 17
43. popeave - 16
44. jbenz - 15
45. mikey - 14
46. AddieRacer - 14

Week 2 Payout Table
1st place - 2x
2nd place - 1.6x
3rd place - 1.4x
4th place - 1.2x
5th place - 1.1x
6th place - .9x
7th place - .8x
8th place - .6x
9th place - .4x
10th place - 0x

Max Individual Bet - 20 points

New Players Still Welcome! (Also, Rule Update)

Up through the 4th week, new players are permitted to enter the game. Feel free to consult the rules in the Week 1 thread. The only difference is that new players who enter the game this week will start with 15 points, instead of the 20 from last week.

Entries this week due by showtime, 8 PM Eastern, February 17, 2010.

Also, as veteran players have noticed the Maximum Individual Bet has returned for this season. That means that the maximum amount you can wager on one specific team is 20 points. If you're already above the 20-point mark, you can still bet all of them... You'll just have to spread around the points to more than one team.

No wager on an individual team may exceed 20 points this week.

TAR16 Teams Remaining

Good luck!

I don't know why I never thought to use this sig for TAR season yet.

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Table of Contents
  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Results ...   Jims02     02-17-10       
   tribe's Wk2 wager   tribephyl     02-17-10     1  
     RE: tribe's Wk2 wager   Nessie     02-18-10     11  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   Estee     02-17-10     2  
   Point correction requested   KwietOne     02-18-10     3  
     RE: Point correction requested   Jims02     02-18-10     10  
         RE: Point correction requested   KwietOne     02-21-10     26  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   Road Kill     02-18-10     4  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   HauntedOne     02-18-10     5  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   Molaholic     02-18-10     6  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   Belle Book     02-18-10     7  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   Weez     02-18-10     8  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   Max Headroom     02-18-10     9  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   dragonflies     02-19-10     12  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   jbenz     02-19-10     13  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   esquire     02-19-10     14  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   Starshine     02-19-10     15  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   ARnutz     02-19-10     16  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   Nessie     02-19-10     17  
     RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   Jims02     02-20-10     19  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   mia rules18     02-19-10     18  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   MzTee     02-20-10     20  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   chiubakka     02-20-10     21  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   kidflash212     02-20-10     22  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   VisionQuest     02-20-10     23  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   vince3     02-20-10     24  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   MaxZ     02-20-10     25  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   flipxcyd     02-21-10     27  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   beau_30     02-21-10     28  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   popeave     02-21-10     29  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   taffnic     02-21-10     30  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   qwertypie     02-21-10     31  
   Corvis' wagers   Corvis     02-21-10     32  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   CTgirl     02-21-10     33  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   vennui     02-21-10     34  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   Ontheroadagain     02-21-10     35  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   Jims02     02-21-10     36  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   Snidget     02-21-10     37  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   michel     02-21-10     38  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   sarah1234     02-21-10     39  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   Element King     02-21-10     40  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   Deshawnator22     02-21-10     41  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   bbenzenberg     02-21-10     42  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   louislam     02-21-10     43  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   Silver03     02-21-10     44  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   mikey     02-21-10     45  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   kduck     02-21-10     46  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   IanQuentin     02-21-10     47  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   FFantasyFX     02-21-10     48  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   Yogi     02-21-10     49  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   Wallflower66     02-21-10     50  
   RE: TAR16 Casino Game! Week 1 Resu...   AddieRacer     02-21-10     51  

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