LAST EDITED ON 08-17-11 AT 07:03 AM (EST)LAST EDITED ON 08-17-11 AT 07:02 AM (EST)
As venomous as Vienna is, everything she says about Jake has a ring of truth to it. Everything he does seems to be calculated... He puts on a fake smile, but you can always sense the seething underneath. He showed his real self in that famous blowup with Vienna a year or two ago. I had felt that before his famous outburst at her. Why did he pick her? Maybe, water chooses its own level... and only two people who are like that will be drawn to each other...and ultimately repelled. Who behaves like that... it's like a young version of the War of the Roses.
So, does anyone know what was behind the breakup of Ames and Jackie? Ames seems like such a nice guy...but who knows how these guys are in real life. I hope it's just something amicable... I really do like Ames as portrayed on tv.
I don't really find anyone on the Bachelor Pad attractive.... I dunno why they brought back guy finds her attractive. Can't stand Gia. Vienna's just annoying. maybe Jackie kind of. Among the guys, Ames seems to be the only bachelor material. Blake seems sleezy, Casey, meh. You would think with such a good concept of bringing in the bachelor rejects they would bring all the most attractive ones from the past... but it's become just a freak show and a rip off of the Survivor concept of voting off the other side with these alliances.... I find that angle kind of boring...last season when they had the singles vs. the was practically unwatchable....I didn't care about singles vs. couples. On Survivor, they are fighting for their existence and the stakes seem higher. Here, it's just a bunch of wannabe actors desperately mugging for the camera hoping to be in the spotlight 5 minutes more.