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"FINALE Season 2"
Rhyn 524 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"
05-23-06, 09:05 AM (EST)
5. "RE: FINALE Season 2" |
I needed a day or two to digest the show, because I half loved it, half hated it.What I loved:
- Orson. I loved that he admired Bree's great escape, and I love that he moved in subtlely. He's smooth. (But he's also a lot of what I hated, too, so more on that later.)
- Zach shafting his dad was brilliant and dark. I thought it a very smart choice.
- Susan's banged-haircut was cute, but even better was the hideous, stereotypical "bad perm." It absolutely had me in stitches. I loved that she decided to propose to Mike, too.
- The reveal about Tom's child. What a fantastically under-represented population on TV. We've seen the single mom a million times on television, but how are they going to deal with a sympathetic man with a family who theoretically could move to an apartment and pay tons of back child support at the expense of his other kids' education? It will be intensely interesting, and provide a very different story than the one we typically see. I also love the girl playing Nora. She's absolutely brilliant. What a twisted character, in an appealing way.
- Bree's move toward Matthew and the gun was so moving and emotional. I loved it. She carried the finale last season with Rex's death, and the second season premiere with her cleaning frenzy. She's hands down the star of this show.
What I hated:
- I was really unsatisfied with the Gaby and Carlos story. I know she cheated plenty, but still, Carlos had been redeemed in my eyes, and that he was loyal and faithful to this woman was also the reason I had so much faith in her. (If he could love her, then there must be something subtle under the surface... but lately, we haven't gotten anything from Gaby's softer side. The last was when the police took the aadopted baby from them.) I don't know if I hated their story, but it really was dissatisfying.
- Orson as a creep really bothered me. I hope it's just a case of mistaken identity (meaning, he thinks Mike is a really bad guy but is wrong) because I really like him. I don't want him to be a creep à la George.
- I didn't like the Applewhite storyline. I was really looking forward to it after the first season finale, but I have to admit, it never ended up impressing me. I figured Matthew was the bad guy a few episodes ago, but it just wasn't a well-executed or well-woven subplot.
- I missed Edie in the finale. She's so much fun on screen. I really think she's my most favorite antagonist ever.
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