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"Desperate Housewives Episode 3 10/1..."
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ddaflunky 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

10-20-04, 00:30 AM (EST)
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45. "someone correct me if i am wrong"
A lurker here, but I am so caught up in this show.....

Tried to gather all the "clues" from the 3 shows:

1 Mary Alice narrates the show and admits to shooting herself?

2 When her husband was digging up the swimming pool, she said it was a sound her son had heard once before, as a child. That puts the incident at least 10 years in the past?

3 The note found by her friends when they were cleaning out her closet was in an envelope and postmarked the day of her death? That was what Susan said when she pulled out the envelope.

Was it typed or handwritten, that I can't remember.

4 The note stated I know what you did, it makes me sick, I am going to tell?

5 The news stated that the trunk contained remains, did it say human remains?

6 The trunk looked like a childs trunk, there were some sort of figures or paintings on the side? Did anyone else notice?

7 The father seemed to vaguely threaten his own son? (he might not live to write daddy's obituary) That is more of an impression than a clue given outright, that might not belong in this entry.

Are there more that I missed, I am sure there are. just looking to pinpoint what we have been told for certain, so I can rein in my more active imaginative leanings? Anyone have any others?

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Desperate Housewives Episode 3 10/1...   volsfan     10-17-04       
   RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   volsfan     10-17-04     1  
     RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   StarryLuna     10-17-04     2  
         RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   volsfan     10-17-04     3  
         RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   KScott     10-18-04     5  
             RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   volsfan     10-18-04     6  
                 RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   KScott     10-18-04     7  
                     RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   volsfan     10-18-04     10  
   RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   Surveysez     10-17-04     4  
     RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   volsfan     10-18-04     8  
         RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   Pensha26     10-18-04     22  
   RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   Loree     10-18-04     9  
     RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   volsfan     10-18-04     11  
         RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   Surveysez     10-18-04     12  
             RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   volsfan     10-18-04     13  
                 RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   thetick     10-18-04     18  
                     RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   Surveysez     10-18-04     25  
                     RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   Loree     10-18-04     28  
   RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   samboohoo     10-18-04     14  
     RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   volsfan     10-18-04     16  
   I LOVE it!   moonbaby     10-18-04     15  
     RE: I LOVE it!   volsfan     10-18-04     17  
         RE: I LOVE it!   KScott     10-18-04     19  
   Samboohoo & KScott...   motormouth     10-18-04     20  
     RE: Samboohoo & KScott...   KScott     10-18-04     21  
     RE: Samboohoo & KScott...   samboohoo     10-18-04     23  
         RE: Samboohoo & KScott...   KScott     10-18-04     26  
             RE: Samboohoo & KScott...   samboohoo     10-18-04     32  
             RE: Samboohoo & KScott...   motormouth     10-19-04     41  
                 RE: Samboohoo & KScott...   KScott     10-19-04     42  
   RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   sisyphus     10-18-04     24  
     RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   Viewer     10-18-04     27  
         RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   Loree     10-18-04     30  
         RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   sisyphus     10-18-04     35  
     RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   Loree     10-18-04     29  
         RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   sisyphus     10-18-04     34  
     For Sale Sign   samboohoo     10-18-04     31  
         RE: For Sale Sign   KScott     10-18-04     33  
   POLL: Who's your fav housewife?   SilverStar     10-18-04     36  
   RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   StarryLuna     10-18-04     37  
     RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   volsfan     10-18-04     38  
         Actually   zombiebaby     10-18-04     39  
             RE: Actually   volsfan     10-18-04     40  
             RE: Actually   KScott     10-19-04     43  
                 Maybe...   zombiebaby     10-19-04     44  
                     someone correct me if i am wrong   ddaflunky     10-20-04     45  
                         RE: someone correct me if i am wron...   motormouth     10-20-04     46  
                         Welcome!   zombiebaby     10-20-04     47  
                             another off the wal specualtion:   sisyphus     10-21-04     48  
                             RE: Welcome!   volsfan     10-24-04     51  
                             RE: Welcome!   kidflash212     07-10-16     53  
                         RE: someone correct me if i am wron...   Pookie13     10-21-04     49  
                             RE: someone correct me if i am wron...   sisyphus     10-21-04     50  
   RE: Desperate Housewives Episode 3 ...   seahorse     10-28-04     52  

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