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"S47 ~ Ep 5 ~ Vote Thread"

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-16-24 at 09:03 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-16-24 AT 09:05 AM (EST)

TUKU, blue: Sue, Caroline, Tiyana, Gabe, TK, Kyle

LAVO, red: Teeny, Genivieve, Kishan, Rome, Sol, Ayesha

GATA, yellow: Sam, Anika, Andy, Jon, Rachel, Sierra

Pre-jury: TK, Kishan, Ayesha,Jon

Please place the name of the DAW who you predict will get the boot this episode then write the rationale in the Message area. Don't forget to have PHUN!

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Messages in this discussion
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-16-24 at 07:39 PM
In the NTOS previews we saw clown-boy Andy and his antics. We saw a lot of Sam shots and Anika looks. We also got the impression that Gabe was not having Tyanna bad-mouthing him. So, we see tidbits from yellow and blue but nothing from red.

Hmmmm. I just think Anika is the puzzle master on Yellow and they won't go to TC. I think Blue will trump red, so I'm going for Rome....

Posted by michel2 on 10-16-24 at 07:44 PM
I agree with you about the losers although I wonder what's the new twist. If Red goes to TC in the same configuration as last week then I'll go with Sol just to be a contrarian! Seriously, I think Rome, in addition to being goofy, has legs in this game.