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"Team Genius or Team Idiots"

Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 06-19-06 at 03:26 PM
Am I the only one who thinks Team Genius will be gone within the next three shows?

(1) At the airplane task they spent time wandering in the jungle while all the other teams followed the wreckage to the plane.

(2) On the bus they talked the Y.P. into going to the wrong mountain then wasted time deciding to go to Mount Rushmore - missing the distorted map clue was an added bonus.

(3) At the final task they gave the W.H. team the needed numbers then promtly forgot what they told them If they had remembered the numbers this would have been a mark of Genius as replacing the Y.P. with W.H. as their competition makes lots of sense. Forgetting the number right afterwards they had just said them left an openning only an idiot would have given a competing team.

Did I miss any other mistakes on thier part?

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"RE: Team Genius or Team Idiots"
Posted by dajaki on 06-19-06 at 03:49 PM
I loved the confessional where fat genius said they have to "dumb down" to understand the clues. No, dipstick, it's called common sense. Can you really be a genius if a mulleted hillbilly beats you in a competition that requires mental ability? Didn't think so.

"RE: Team Genius or Team Idiots"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 06-19-06 at 04:30 PM
Which fat genius? The one that guffawed as soon as he heard the morse code, making a noise more like an ape than a human? He's the one that we're supposed to think is cool because of his facial hair, but it looks like an affectation to me? Or the one that constantly has a blank look on his face and wandered arounf aimlessly all the time?

Sigs by Syren. Bouncie by IceCat. One and Only WeinerGuy.

"RE: Team Genius or Team Idiots"
Posted by Tahj on 06-19-06 at 05:11 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-19-06 AT 05:11 PM (EST)

They bloody well better be. I would so rather have watched the Young Professionals, although I hate that name.

Moves courtesy of Syren
He? was so cute.

"RE: Team Genius or Team Idiots"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 06-20-06 at 10:40 AM
As people in general, Y.P. looked a lot more interesting than the genius team. But then they lost because the listened to the Genius team too much.

"RE: Team Genius or Team Idiots"
Posted by michel on 06-19-06 at 05:45 PM
Earl, you're right about Team Genius. I'm thinking that calling them that is like calling a bald guy "Curly". The only problem with your assessment about leaving in the next three episodes is that there are at least 5 weak teams remaining! Beside our genius, we have:

-Mullet head have to be considered for an early exit. Looking in the garbage can for clues was hilarious.

-Team "Too many Brownies" will either come in last or be medivaced. Do we really want to see a heart attack on TV?

-Miss USA won't even be runner-up! I guess it was to cold in Alaska to use the weapons of manipulation.

-The Grads probably didn't get their grades by studying! This seems to be a case of double D's equaling a few A. I hope they prove me wrong but 2 minutes after the game starts and they already have decided to follow the geniuses. Great analysis of team strength there girls!

As competitive teams, that leaves the Fogals, the Southies, The ex-CIA and Air Force.

-The editors were sure we would hate the Fogals, making them look like TARFE's Weavers. They steal a clue from a grad then laugh at her. They hurt their daughter's hand and ignore her. Very classy! That means they should last a while but won't win.

-The ex-CIA I thought would be good for this but they seem in miserable shape and didn't have any strategy shown. That's not a good sign.

-The Southie Boys maintained a good position throughout. For finishing second, they weren't showcased much which can mean 1 of two things. It was a fluke and won't happen again or they are the surprise team. With the NBC site asking "Can any team beat Air Force or ex-CIA?" I'm inclined to think they just might.

-Air Force is the best team. The editors made sure we noticed how physically fit they were. I remember the camera shot to make us realize how far behing the Genius they were in the lava field, even inserting "We were 10 minutes behind." They passed them and always stayed close to the top. They showed they had the smarts also and finished first.

"RE: Team Genius or Team Idiots"
Posted by whoami on 06-19-06 at 09:56 PM
Is that not like a genius to over analyze the clues and to over think everything. They did realize that at their last confessional.
I thought they were going this episode. Maybe they will stick around for a while. We need someone to laugh at.

"RE: Team Genius or Team Idiots"
Posted by Earl Colby Pottinger on 06-20-06 at 10:33 AM
I have to agree with you there. My friend Larry is such a genius, but one day I was talking to him about a design for a space based telescope and what size optical blanks would be needed. He covered half a page with calculus, and came up with the same answer as my three line of algebra.

Sometime genius is it's own worse enemy.

"RE: Team Genius or Team Idiots"
Posted by qwertypie on 06-20-06 at 03:25 PM
I missed the last 10 minutes. Why were the "geniuses" not able to open the jerry can? Were they punching in the wrong code, not turning the knob?

Yes It's Vintage Tribephyl!

"RE: Team Genius or Team Idiots"
Posted by Estee on 06-20-06 at 03:53 PM
I think they had to hit a reset button after each wrong combination, and they weren't pressing that one.