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"Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"

Posted by ginger on 01-26-05 at 06:30 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-26-05 AT 06:41 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 01-26-05 AT 06:36 PM (EST)

Pity me this summary. Not only is any episode following the Demise of Jonathan and Victimia bound to be anticlimactic, but this installment takes place mainly in Shri Lanka. One simply cannot be funny about Shri Lanka right now, for obvious reasons (see Footnote 1). TAR producers grappled with this issue, and the episode begins with a tasteful tribute statement. In the same spirit (and to make up, karmically, for Footnote 1), I offer you all a few highly googlable donation venues:

Action Against Hunger




Other groups via CNN:

Non-recap race footage begins about 12 long minutes into the hour, after the requisite cavalcade of Julia Roberts’ maternity leave AOL commercials. We’re still in Ethiopia, and that dirty third world food is messing with Kendra’s pretty tummy! I’m hoping what’s upsetting her stomach is strychnine or, at the least, the collective saliva of hundreds of justified Patoos! (copyright Moonbaby, all rights reserved) as the Pit Stop Hotel staff responds to Kendra’s humanitarian musings while preparing her poolside brunch. At any rate, Kendra has to stop and vomit every few feet. I have rarely enjoyed Kendra footage so much.

The group heads, in stages, for the airport and the capital of Ethiopia (there will be a quiz later, boys and girls), Addis Ababa. (BTW, it’s fun to say “Addis Abbaba”…try it! Addis Abbaba, Addis Abbaba.) In keeping with this season’s theme, there now ensues great bunchification. Hayden and Aaron discuss world domination (“No team can beat us!”)…well, Aaron discusses and Hayden dominates. Lori and Bolo are savoring the clue: Bolo read very slow. There is of course no HINT of foreshadowing in the prolonged wrestler discussion of reading clues for details.

The racers are instructed to find a stadium where the teams will participate in a four-person relay race. I suspect, had they not already been eliminated, this would have spelled doom for Gus N Hera, not to mention Jessica Tandy and Hume (yes, I have forgotten their names already; early senility, perhaps). In adjacent golden TAR moments of political sensitivity, Hayden grouses that her cab driver doesn’t know what “Drive fast!” means (he does, Hayden; it’s just that he also knows what “Ignore the undersized American beeotch” means, too), and Bolo suggests to an Ethiopian teammate that he should “run like you do when the cops are after you.” All teams acquit themselves pretty well, however, even Bolo (Bolo run like Bolo read: sloooooooooow) and Kendra (although she clutches her side where she had those extra ribs removed and moans and generally suffers in a manner that would make Mel Gibson waaay too happy) -- not enough arsenic in the scrambled eggs, I guess. Better luck next time, Ethiopians!

Anyway, off we cab to Shri Lanka (I’m just going to gloss over most of the airport and train bunch and brak; it does not bear description every time. Or maybe it does, but it bores me. Freddy gets in his usual argument with the driver regarding how egregiously Fred feels it appropriate to underpay, and he and Kendra enjoy a good laugh about the greediness of the natives afterward. You know, beautiful stuff like that). Aaron and Hayden point out that Jon and Kris, in addition to being the only nonpsychotic couple left, may also present the stiffest competition. Well, duh. I guess we are all in danger of overlooking Kris and Jon (or would be if they weren’t, jointly, pretty damn hot) because the “long distance daters” seem to enjoy each other’s company, quietly and efficiently perform their tasks, and spend precious time savoring the exotic scenery when they could be abusing each other or threatening to quit. In short, the very unSpringerness of the couple results in them getting about 12 seconds of air time each week. No wonder the other teams have been slow to evaluate the competition.

Naturally, despite all the taxi stress, the teams end up on the same fecking plane in the same fecking bunch. When they arrive, they are confused and infuriated by the traffic patterns (having been to Southeast Asia, I will say that the fundamentally improvisational manner in which drivers in Malaysia, Indonesia, and, apparently, Shri Lanka hurl their tiny overworked vehicles around can be daunting to the uninitiated; traffic in such places makes Italian roadways seem rigidly regulated). Sick of cabs? We’re back to the trains. Rebecca and Heckboy miss the train the other teams are on and Mary Adam throws Hissy Fit #413, threatens to quit, threatens to commit suicide, and once again disappoints us by doing neither.

Jump ahead to the Detour, via cute sort of Vespa-SUV type vehicles called, I think, Jub Jubs (or is that the pig in Doctor Doolittle? Oh, well…): Tree Trunks or Elephant Trunks? The former involves climbing ropes up palms and knocking down coconuts or something like that. Hayden again mentions her Fear of Heights. You know, I watch TAR, and I watch Road Rules, and there is always, ALWAYS some moron who has a deathly fear of heights who nevertheless signs on for these shows, three out of four of the episodes of which deal with dangling contestants from great heights over something. It’s even more moronic than not learning how to drive a stick shift before TAR, or how to swim prior to a stint on Survivor. Still, it’s great fun to watch Hayden grizzle and scream from the top of the trees, and I’ll bet Aaron enjoys it as much as we do. Kris and Jon, naturally, rock the challenge and finish up in about five seconds. Rebecca also scampers like a monkey with good hair products, while Adam plots his traditional course of nearly fainting and sobbing like a colicky infant, a colicky infant girl. Lori and Bolo attack the challenge with the zest, and gentle vocal stylings, of “Ma and Pa Kettle Get Hopelessly Lost In the Jungle and Die.” Freddy and Kendra are the only ones to choose the “Elephants” alternative and, unfortunately, excel. In an elitist colonial sport like polo, it seems Kendra’s a natural. Quell surprise!

The next clue directs the teams to head for the Kandy Artisan Factory, or some such; when they get there Mary Adam and Rebecca, dead last, are relieved to find…wait, you’ll never guess…the place doesn’t open til the next day! Yes, we have achieved even greater heights of bunchosity! In the morning each team completes some really pedestrian task having to do with rice bowls and races off to find Lion Rock. Kris and Jon once again pass Hayden and Aaron, which is entirely and completely Aaron’s fault, and I don’t understand why he didn’t appreciate Hayden pointing this out to him, in a fishwife screech – she was just being helpful! – Aaron actually locates some tiny vestage of testosterone and tells her to shut up. Or something like that. More Jub Jub racing (Rebecca and Heckboy’s driver has the temerity to pull over for gas; are the very fates conspiring against this team? Is there any possible way they could avoid elimination tonight? Oh, surely not!).

The Roadblock clue states that one team member must climb to the top of the temple at Lion Rock and give the entry ticket to some official up there before heading back down with some token of task completion. Okay, I was dealing with cat vomit at this point and lost the thresd of the challenge. Apparently, so did Lori and Bolo, not to mention Fearless Freddy, because neither took their entry ticket with them when they scrambled up the stone steps. Wait, details! Could this be what the title meant? Is it not oh so IRONIC that Lori and Bolo discussed reading clues for all the information first, before jumping in, at the beginning of this episode? Do you even remember back that far? Anyway, this little gaffe puts Wrestlemania in last place as the teams head for the Pit Stop, where another demonically worded clue asks that they SWIM ACROSS THE POOL to Phil at the actual Point of Pittage. Naturally, each team (except Kris and Jon, who are still freaking hot, and who have reading AND intrapersonal skills) scrambles around the pool to Phil, who completely flouts the rules of the game and INSTRUCTS them to go back and swim to him. Hayden barely has time to scream at Aaron for missing this part of the clue. All the teams go back, dive in, and splash up to Phil: Dominatrix and Submissive 2nd after Jon and Kris, then team Skin Deep, and then Becky and her Special Little Guy (girl) … and Lori and Bolo? The last to arrive, down for the count, and yeeeeeeoooor OUT! Surrender those belts and climb outta the ring. Further proof, boys and girls, that Reading is Fundamental.
Next week: More Infuriating Bunching. Don’t miss it!

Footnote 1. Okay, Shakes could. Because Shakes has that grandfathered “no tasteful boundaries” clause in his contract. So Shakes would probably say something like this 50-foot wave appeared on Dr. Phil last week and denied killing over 150,000 people; that was ALL EDITING, people. But I’m not Shakes, so I can’t go there.

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"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by AugustGirl on 01-26-05 at 07:00 PM
(Bolo run like Bolo read: sloooooooooow)

Too funny!

And this gem:

Further proof, boys and girls, that Reading is Fundamental.


And the links for the tsunami aid are a lovely touch. Kudos to you, sweetie.

Great job, Ginger. Thank you!

"Great Great Great Job!"
Posted by volsfan on 01-26-05 at 07:01 PM
Becky and her Special Little Guy


There are so many good lines I can point them out. But you did a fantabulous job!

"Thanks a bunch..."
Posted by moonbaby on 01-26-05 at 07:06 PM
for the laughs!

Jessica and Hume, LOL! Don't ask me their real names, either. I tried to think of them and I'm drawing a blank.

I really enjoyed seeing Hayden wobbling around up there on that rope like Olive Oyl. I don't understand why they didn't ride the elephants-did Aaron make this decision? Maybe so...

"RE: Thanks a bunch..."
Posted by ginger on 01-27-05 at 12:31 PM
Everything deterimental that happens to Hayden and Aaron happens BECAUSE of Aaron. Didn't you know that? So I'm sure it was his decision.

Thank you for loaning me "Patoo!"

"You're welcome"
Posted by moonbaby on 01-27-05 at 12:43 PM
The "patoo" is for all people to use and enjoy, lol.

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 01-26-05 at 08:34 PM
Kris and Jon once again pass Hayden and Aaron, which is entirely and completely Aaron’s fault, and I don’t understand why he didn’t appreciate Hayden pointing this out to him, in a fishwife screech – she was just being helpful! –

Too funny! This was great and very quick to post it, nice job!

S10 PTB Sign up HERE

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by seahorse on 01-27-05 at 00:06 AM
Very amusing Ginger and quick, too.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 01-27-05 at 00:40 AM
Great summary ginger! Amazing to put out such humor in such a short period of time.

courtesy of Surveysez

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by Surveysez on 01-27-05 at 01:34 AM
A Ginger-ific summary. But I will miss the rasslers.

I child proofed my home but they still keep getting in.

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 01-27-05 at 06:14 AM
Way to make me look bad. ;)

Great job tho with a kinda tough episode!

"My generation was going to change the world, and all we really ended up with was classic rock channels." - SurveySez

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by ginger on 01-27-05 at 11:49 AM
Au contrair - I was NOT pleased to follow your summary, Draco.

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by emydi on 01-27-05 at 01:58 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-27-05 AT 01:58 PM (EST)

Getting confirmation from Bebo, Queen of the Non-philimination summary, that I indeed have been called into duty to write next weeks' summary, I am so stressed out that I not only do I have a non-philimination episode next week, but I have to follow the genius of you two veteran pros.....I'm gonna need some Immodium like Kendra did..

GREAT SUMMARY GINGER. Very funny and extremely quick...don't you all get spoiled though, I'm not sure how long it will take me next week!!!

Handcrafted by RollDdice

BTW, I like the fine print, it's true, very true

etf spelling error

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by ARnutz on 01-27-05 at 08:23 AM
Reading is Fundamental

Ah... yes! The moral of the story!

Great job Ginger!

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by Esbea on 01-27-05 at 09:08 AM
"Okay, I was dealing with cat vomit at this point and lost the thresd of the challenge."

No, you didnt. In fact, the cat vomit was probably more entertaining than the show. Not that anyone would know that reading this summary............fantastic job, Ginger!

tuk-tuk, tuk-tuk, tuk-tuk.......I want one!

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by Seana on 01-27-05 at 09:18 AM
Very funny. My fave bits:

> Mary Adam throws Hissy Fit #413, threatens to quit, threatens to commit suicide, and once again disappoints us by doing neither.

> Yes, we have achieved even greater heights of bunchosity!

Thanks a lot!

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by ginger on 01-27-05 at 11:51 AM

Phew! Was thinking I would come in and read lotsa hate mail at my total lapse in self-control in the teeny tiny print...

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by Estee on 01-27-05 at 01:56 PM
Next week: More Infuriating Bunching. Don’t miss it!

But you just gave away the whole plot...

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 01-28-05 at 06:17 AM
What plot?

"My generation was going to change the world, and all we really ended up with was classic rock channels." - SurveySez

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by samboohoo on 01-27-05 at 02:34 PM
Way to go, Ginger!

And you did a great job following Draco! Draco: funny. Ginger: quick & funny.

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by strid333 on 01-27-05 at 09:06 PM
Good summary! Very nice how you gave a tribute to the Tsunami victims.

Three is the perfect number.

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by Spider on 01-28-05 at 01:55 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-28-05 AT 02:00 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 01-28-05 AT 01:57 AM (EST)

Um, poster, I know you are probably American but you spell the country:

Sri Lanka

Not Shri Lanka.
Also the small 3 wheeled motorbikes are called 'tuk-tuks' pronounced "took-tooks"

Not criticising you, just a correction and love your summary.

I live in Singapore.

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 01-28-05 at 12:29 PM
Hey Spider... this is the Bashers forum. We don't care about getting all the little things correct.

Ginger... fabulous summary with the limited material you had to work with!

Scratch and sniff

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by Spider on 01-30-05 at 09:42 PM
Pepe, that is so arrogant. i was only trying to educate people on the correct terms in other parts of the world, other than the USA.

My reply was not offensive in any way but yours is.

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 01-31-05 at 06:33 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-01-05 AT 12:06 PM (EST)

Well, first off, Pepe's not even in the USA. He's smarter than that. But it's just a frickin' joke. The use of the spelling "Shri Lanka" is a joke based on the pronunciation used on the show. Most people know that it's spelled Sri Lanka. Calm down, have some dip.

"My generation was going to change the world, and all we really ended up with was classic rock channels." - SurveySez

Edited because it was unintentionally funny.

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by dirob on 01-31-05 at 09:49 AM

It IS pronounced "Shri Lanka". (Sorry I'm slow on the uptake regarding the joke about the pronunciation.)

I live in the Philippines.

Oh and great recap Ginger! Funny and sensitive at the same time!

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 01-31-05 at 11:38 AM
I live in the Philippines.

Would you kindly send one of your country's flags to Brandon and Nicole from TAR 5? I'm sure they'd appreciate it.

And the rest of the teams that were in your country, for that matter.

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 02-01-05 at 10:35 AM
>Pepe, that is so arrogant. i
>was only trying to educate
>people on the correct terms
>in other parts of the
>world, other than the USA.

Like Draco said... I'm not even American. And again, we don't care here on Bashers, we're here to have some fun.

>My reply was not offensive in
>any way but yours is.

*sticking fingers into ears and singing LA LA LA* Oh wait. I can't hear in the first place so why do I bother putting my fingers into my ears?

The point is, this is the Bashers forum and we KNOW what the spelling is -- I know ginger far better than you do as she's a long-time poster here and I know she knows how to spell it. It's a bashing summary so the writer gets carte blanche to do what she sees fit with the show. If you hung around here long enough, you'd see what I mean. I've misspelled place names or people names on purpose in my summaries in the past. C'est la vie.

And, Spider? You might want to see who's on your side and who isn't in this 'battle'. That might be your first cue.

Scratch and sniff

Posted by AyaK on 02-01-05 at 07:33 PM
Spider -- please note that bashing other posters is NOT permitted in the Bashers forum; you have to stick to bashing contestants.

Thus, you are NOT permitted to post:

Pepe, that is so arrogant.


My reply was not offensive in any way but yours is.

Normally, those offenses would earn you a warning. Since you are from Singapore, though, I'll make an allowance for your unfamiliarity with the use of idiom in North America. But, in the future, please assume that a misspelling in a summary in the Bashers forum is intended to be humorous in some way, especially where the subtitle of the summary is "Hooked on Phonics" and the misspelling is phonetic.

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by ginger on 01-28-05 at 01:03 PM
Wow. Singapore. Was there several years ago. Beautiful, yet scary. For god's sake, NEVER spit in a public place.

But thank you.

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by dirob on 01-31-05 at 09:55 AM
>Wow. Singapore. Was there several
>years ago. Beautiful, yet
>scary. For god's sake,
>NEVER spit in a public

Or forget to flush when using a public toilet! Last I was there it was a SD$200 fine!

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 02-01-05 at 12:07 PM
Gods, I have co-workers who would be in so much debt by now if they did that here.

"My generation was going to change the world, and all we really ended up with was classic rock channels." - SurveySez

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by brvnkrz on 01-28-05 at 11:37 AM
*does opera clap*
Great job, Ginger. Had me laughing through the entire summary.
I love the "Becky and her special little guy (girl) stuff.

"learned a new word...."
Posted by TARJUNKIE999 on 01-28-05 at 02:02 PM

Well, I learned a new word, bunchosity!


"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 01-31-05 at 11:43 AM
Good job with a tough episode, or what appears to have been one (I missed it). But you captured the flavor quite well.

I'm always amazed by the ability of summary writers to keep coming up with new names for teams: lvoed "Wrestlemania"! And I hope the estates of Johnny Weissmuller, Buster Crabbe, et al. don't sue over Bolo speaking like Tarzan!

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by Spider on 01-31-05 at 09:44 PM
Singapore is not that bad. I think the media blow it out of proportion. By the way, you can bring chewing gum into Singapore, chew it in front of a policeman if you want, it is not illegal. It is only illegal to sell it or buy it. I know that sounds crazy but hey, its their country.

Oh, just for the USA folks out there, remember the USA guy who was caned for vandalising a car in Singapore and the US were outraged?

Something the media never released was that the guy had committed the same offence 10 times previously and had been warned every time that he would be caned eventually.

Sorry, but after 10 warnings he deserved what he got.

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by ginger on 02-01-05 at 06:12 PM
I thought the little bastige deserved his spanking, because my experience with Singapore was that (a) they make it VERY clear, by sign, announcement, decoration scheme and any other means possible that the rules are to be OBEYED, no exceptions, and what those rules are; and (b) the dood was living there for several years, so it wasn't just ignorance of local legislation.

I always think of a Singapore-wide children's art competition I viewed while there. The theme was "courtesy as our way of life" and about four examples had been sent around to all the schools (give up your seat on the bus to someone older, don't spit on the sidewalk, etc.). Every single one of the children turned in a piece that copied one of the examples and the picture that had accompanied it. Reminded me of Village of the Damned.

Nice place to buy pearls and fur, wouldn't want to live there.

"RE: Official TAR Mine-Goes-Up-to-Episode-11 Summary: Panties in a Bunch, or Hooked on Phonics"
Posted by survivor gal on 02-02-05 at 00:09 AM
Funny summary, thanks for posting it.

"OK... I'm a week late"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 02-03-05 at 00:17 AM
I have to climb aboard the Ginger Love Train.

This was a great summary. Funny, sharp, incisive, short.

Can you please give me some editing help?

One tip: the correct misspelling Shreee Lankah.

I also got a laugh out of your clever wait for Shakes to break the embargo on Tsunami humor. Apparently it's not too soon. There's Phuket reference in my Apprentice summary, and I haven't been caned yet.

"RE: OK... I'm a week late"
Posted by ginger on 02-03-05 at 02:36 PM

I plan on invoking the "I wouldn't but Shakes would" maneuver at every possible moment in future. It's like a license to verbally maim. Glad you liked!