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"Ep. 2 Insider Clips"

Posted by SquidProQuo on 02-19-10 at 02:29 PM
Looks like James Barber isn't doing the Insider transcripts (at least not yet) this season. Hopefully he'll be back soon, but in the meantime, here are highlights from watching the clips:


- Amanda says that she and Cirie are really aligned, although she can't fully trust that Cirie won't flip. She says that she, Cirie, James, JT and Rupert are in a 5-person alliance...she doesn't trust Tom, since he's smart, plus Tom overheard a conversation with her/Cirie on the beach, so she thinks their "cover" is blown.

- Amanda says she doesn't trust Candice because JT told her that Candice said she won't get together with the Micronesia girls. (Sounds like JT is playing a pretty good social game and planting seeds of doubt.)

- James likes JT and Rupert because they work hard around camp and keep the fire going....whereas Tom and Colby don't do as much.

- Colby says that the game has changed a lot since he played. People don't care about keeping their tribe strong anymore (a virtual echo of Jeff's blog comment) -- he thinks it's unfortunate that that style of play is now "archaic."

- Steph says that Rupert and James are nothing like their hero images on TV and she was very disappointed in both of them. She says she wasn't in the right clique this season and didn't have a chance from Day 1. She and Colby both say that from the moment they landed on the beach, the alliances started pairing off and no one even tried to get to know one another. It was all "game on" from Day 1.

- Steph says that she likes Candice and thinks that normally they would have hit it off, but Candice is playing very hard/smart/strategically this season and therefore they didn't have a chance of making an alliance.

- Tom seems to have a good social read on the situation but there's not much he can do about it, since he doesn't have the numbers. He says in a confessional that it was really JT who tanked their team in the puzzle challenge -- that JT was totally overwhelmed and didn't know what to do despite having done the challenge before (I guess he didn't have Stephen this time . Lucky for JT that James caused the scene with Steph to take the heat off.

- Jeff evidently asked the Heroes at TC whether the Villains are a smarter group since they're able to beat them on every puzzle. Tom thinks there's something to that -- that perhaps it takes a higher IQ to be a villain.

- JT says that the bad weather is good for him personally. He knows he's mentally tougher and can withstand the rain while most of the rest of his tribe is miserable.

- Steph says that 2 people on the Heroes tribe cannot swim (I know James is one, unless he's learned recently..is Cirie the other one? Or if not, who?) and that she was the strongest swimmer so it will come back to bite them if there are swimming challenges coming up. Bottom line, she says that she and Tom didn't fit in the Micronesia alliance plans and were a threat and that's why she was the first to go and Tom and Colby will probably be next.

- James really truly believes that Steph is the "rotten apple" and a loser and he says he cannot "suck it up and deal with losing" so he has to speak out.

- Hmm, nothing from Cirie...but she clearly has been instrumental in getting Candice to side with her alliance and also in getting Amanda's name on the drawing board which in turn riled up James.


Very funny confessionals from this team! Everyone across the board agrees that their tribes sucks and is dysfunctional and has no work ethic. Everyone complains but won't do anything to help. Rob and Jerry in particular seem to be getting fed up.

-- Courtney says that the girls are all losing it and crying at night because of the pouring rain and lack of shelter. She says that Danielle is starting to step up and be a leader. She should have some great 1-liners next week.

-- Parv says she lied and told people that she saw Jerri and Coach making out. She also says that their group is like a bunch of 8th graders making fun of everyone and cracking jokes. (Apparently Rupert and Coach are 2 of the targets.)

-- Jerri says "these girls are driving me nuts" (I think she mainly means Parv, Danielle and Courtney -- Sandra seems to be playing both sides, although hard to tell for sure), and that all they want to do is hang out on the beach. She says that she and Rob are upset about the lack of work ethic on their team.

-- Sandra says that Rob and Danielle bucked heads (because of a comment Danielle made at night...but perhaps also because Danielle is stepping up as a leader?) and that the next morning Rob told Danielle to "tone it down."

-- Zero on Tyson...little on RussHell too

It's very interesting that a theme seems to be emerging about "old school" vs. "new school" play. Rob, Jerri, Colby and Steph all make comments about the lack of work ethic among the "newer" players and also how they are more about their alliances vs. keeping the team strong...and of course Jeff mentions it in his blog. Sandra seems to straddle both groups, which could bode well for her in the end.

And then there's the dominant Micronesia alliance. They clearly are a force early on in the game, but whether they can continue to be dominant remains to be seen.

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"RE: Ep. 2 Insider Clips"
Posted by michel on 02-21-10 at 05:15 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-21-10 AT 05:16 PM (EST)

Thanks for this summary, Squid. I'll have to check them out.

"Colby says that the game has changed a lot since he played. People don't care about keeping their tribe strong anymore"

This coming from a guy who voted out Kel first and wanted Keith gone in Outback and who plotted to get Hatch out in @SS! Laughable.

Anyway, Amanda proved that she is as strong if not stronger than that loser Stephenie so Colby is talking about keeping his own alliance strong, not the tribe.

Go Villains, the fun tribe.

"RE: Ep. 2 Insider Clips"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 02-22-10 at 11:19 PM
Wow, Michel, I didn't realize you didn't like Steph! I'm not her biggest fan either but I wouldn't call her a "loser," and on balance I like her as a strong, competitive woman (which sadly Survivor needs more of vs. the LA model types...but I'm sure all you guys out there will disagree ). I agree that Amanda is just as strong as Steph overall. Personally, I used to really like Amanda as a player but after reading more about her from other players (how shallow she is, doesn't help around camp, etc.) and her 2 lousy TC performances, I've lost some respect for her. And the last episode I just could not take her vapid expressions or fake "sad/crying" face at TC anymore.

I do agree that it was disingenuous on Steph/Tom's part to say that they were targeting Amanda because she was the weak link...but on the other hand, the other alliance's arguments were just as disingenuous, and as you say, it all came down to alliances. At least Rupert was honest in his confessional when he said that having Steph in the game was bad for his personal game!

It will be interesting to see if the heroes do better on future puzzles. So far, the common denominators on the 2 blown puzzles were Cirie and Amanda (Steph wasn't involved in the Ep. 1 puzzle -- she was in the boat). Cirie is so good at focusing the target on others...will she be able to keep that up?

Usually there is some obvious "deadwood" on each tribe at the beginning of the game to vote out...but with Sugar gone, and a stacked deck of All-Stars, there really isn't any deadwood on the Heroes tribe anymore. All the remaining women are strong so it'll be interesting! I have to say, I'm loving this season.

"RE: Ep. 2 Insider Clips"
Posted by michel on 02-23-10 at 08:10 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-23-10 AT 06:06 PM (EST)

Squid, you got me all wrong. I don't hate Steph. It's just that I think she is so overrated. She's been a terrible player in challenges and incredibly stupid at strategy. I also hate the fact that the editors ignored Jenn in Palau to set the stage for Steph the hero but I don't know the person so I don't hate her.

About her strategy, remember that Palau had deadwood like Ashlee and Kim when Steph helped get rid of Jolanda. Later, she decided to keep James over Angie. In Guatemala, she didn't win anymore tribal Immunity challenges than Danni but a "fortuitous" switch transformed a 7-8 disadvantage into a 8-7 advantage. As for her strategy, no ally was ever used and abused more than Steph was by Rafe and the girl was too stupid to realize it.

This season, her approach with Cirie was all wrong, proving once more she doesn't understand how to deal with others, see how they think.

About Amanda, I'm not a big fan either but I do remember that Aaron and Todd aligned with her because she worked hard in camp. There's missing info here to judge.

EDited to comment on:
"I like her as a strong, competitive woman (which sadly Survivor needs more of vs. the LA model types"

We've had many strong competitive women that sadly Survivor editors didn't show as such. Take Candice for one in Cook Islands was the strongest woman in challenges and the only 1 who knew the history of the game and its strategy. All we were shown was a dumb blonde in lov ewith Adam.

Eliza and Julie in Vanuatu, Jenn in Palau, Cindy and Amy in Guatemala are examaples of women who were good in challneges and had a game plan that was hidden.

Other strong competitve women have been given the b*tch edit, most notably Ami in Vanuatu and Laura in Samoa.

All this to say that Steph is nothing special and even her fans finally saw it.

"RE: Ep. 2 Insider Clips"
Posted by goldenmike4393 on 02-22-10 at 01:39 PM
This summed up a lot of info from various articles. Real time saver! Thank you.

Also, I found Stephen doing a write up and I liked it!


He has good insight!

"RE: Ep. 2 Insider Clips"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 02-22-10 at 10:54 PM
Thanks GoldenMike for bringing Stephen's article over -- I hadn't seen it yet but I agree with you, he's awesome and brings a great perspective as a former player vs. say Dalton Ross at EW. I love his line about Tom being too much of a mensch. The other funny thing is, I believe he's dating Courtney, so I wonder how objective he'll be when it comes to her, esp. if/when she gets voted out....will be interesting to keep up on this column!

"RE: Ep. 2 Insider Clips"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 02-22-10 at 10:52 PM
Yippee, James Barber is back. There are a ton of transcripts so I'm not going to bring them over, but here is a link for anyone who is interested in reading them:


"RE: Ep. 2 Insider Clips"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 02-23-10 at 00:44 AM
Thanks so much for that analysis, Squid! Have had no time to watch clips and I appreciate your slant. I was afraid you weren't around any more! Check your PM box, lol, sent you a Christmas card two months ago.