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"Survivor 18 Episode #11 Title: "The Ultimate Sacrifice""

Posted by michel on 04-30-09 at 08:27 PM

This week, it was brought to Sucks by Blind Freddy:


Since the player who has said the title quote has left in the last 3 episodes, I think it would be nice to identify who says this. My first impression (!) is that it could be Coach, thinking he is sacrificing one of his loyal soldiers, Debbie, but getting the blindside instead.

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"RE: Survivor 18 Episode #11 Title: "The Ultimate Sacrifice""
Posted by SquidProQuo on 05-01-09 at 02:35 AM
I agree, sounds like something Coach would say to make himself sound noble.

On Sucks some people are speculating that it could be related to the family reward -- like in the Amazon when Matt gave up the chance to see his relative so that the others could see their family.

Or could it be about giving up immunity (or the HII) to save someone else?

"RE: Survivor 18 Episode #11 Title: "The Ultimate Sacrifice""
Posted by Brownroach on 05-01-09 at 09:37 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-01-09 AT 12:08 PM (EST)

My first reaction on seeing the title was that the RC winner gives up the loved one reward for the benefit of someone, or everyone, else. It seems like the kind of grandiose gesture Coach would make.

A tribe glows in Brooklyn

"RE: Survivor 18 Episode #11 Title: "The Ultimate Sacrifice""
Posted by kingfish on 05-01-09 at 09:44 AM
My first reaction is the same. Except that, cynically, I would suspect Coach of making (and claiming it to be) the 'grandiose' gesture in order to keep a relative away who might give away some of his lies.

Of course, that presupposes that coach knows they are lies, and that he hasn't started believing them himself.

"RE: Survivor 18 Episode #11 Title: "The Ultimate Sacrifice""
Posted by Brownroach on 05-01-09 at 09:59 AM
I wonder if it will be his brother. That would be priceless.

A tribe glows in Brooklyn

"RE: Survivor 18 Episode #11 Title: "The Ultimate Sacrifice""
Posted by kingfish on 05-01-09 at 10:01 AM
That was the thought in the back of my mind too. Pete (from what's been posted here) seems to be a world class liar too, but I'll bet they have different interpretations of who has done what.

"RE: Survivor 18 Episode #11 Title: "The Ultimate Sacrifice""
Posted by grit on 05-01-09 at 07:12 AM
Maybe Debbie makes the ultimate sacrifice to save her beloved Coach. I think a sacrifice is when you give yourself up to save someone else. I don't think Coach would sacrifice himself and I don't think he'd be too put-out if Debbie went, allowing himself to stay. After all, he's the dragon-slayer and ultimate warrier. {puke}

I got sliced!

"RE: Survivor 18 Episode #11 Title: "The Ultimate Sacrifice""
Posted by samboohoo on 05-01-09 at 09:10 AM
Could be Debbie sacrificing her position with Coach to try to save herself. But based on Taj's interaction with the family last night and the previews for the upcoming episode, I think it has something to do with family visits or Taj missing her family. She has such an emotional reaction next week. Maybe someone gives up their reward for her to see her family. Or she gives up the reward for someone else. I think it's more family related than alliance related.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: Survivor 18 Episode #11 Title: "The Ultimate Sacrifice""
Posted by SquidProQuo on 05-01-09 at 04:44 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-01-09 AT 09:36 PM (EST)

I just noticed this week's clues -- looks like the Ultimate Sacrifice is about one castaway sacrificing personal comfort to benefit the rest of the tribe:


"The Ultimate Sacrifice" - A tough decision gives one castaway the chance to sacrifice personal comfort to benefit the rest of the tribe, and a tricky immunity challenge puts brains and brawn to the test as the weary castaways fight for a guaranteed spot in the final five, on SURVIVOR: TOCANTINS - THE BRAZILIAN HIGHLANDS, Thursday, May 7 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

(CBS Press Release)

"RE: Survivor 18 Episode #11 Title: "The Ultimate Sacrifice""
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 05-01-09 at 06:31 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-01-09 AT 06:36 PM (EST)

The Ultimate Sacrifice" - A tough decision gives one castaway the chance to sacrifice personal comfort to benefit the rest of the tribe

This sounds to me like a twist element of the auction. Could be someone bids on and wins the personal comfort and then gets put on the spot by Jiffy with a choice.

Or the sacrifice of comfort could be voluntarily going to Exile (and possibly giving something up), and the tribe gets something, perhaps they all get to see their videos or else get food, or both.

Some conniving castaways sounds like more than two, so could be the three Jalapao, or JT/Stephen/Debbie or add Erinn to the configuration, or a new alignment. It really could be anyone.

Turn the game on the head ought to mean that a Jalapao would get booted.
But it could be as simple as Coach or Debbie go instead of Erinn (breaking that promise), or that Erinn gets booted even though she thinks she is F4 now. Or something else.

Shocking TC could mean the idol comes into play or someone gives up immunity or people don't vote as expected. A BLINDSIDE again. Whoa Dude.

"RE: Survivor 18 Episode #11 Title: "The Ultimate Sacrifice""
Posted by shimane22 on 05-01-09 at 10:50 PM
I'm unspoiled and only saw Episode 10 (Sierra was booted), but I think Erinn is in a really bad position right now.

Taj, Stephen, and JT are a solid threesome, and Debbie and Coach are under the impression that they are tight with Stephen and JT.
I think Erinn the swing vote will get axed next week and then the tight threesome will surprise Coach or Debbie the following week.

"RE: Survivor 18 Episode #11 Title: "The Ultimate Sacrifice""
Posted by Flowerpower on 05-02-09 at 06:26 AM

This notes that it is a shocking TC...for it to be shocking we need another blindside, or a surprise boot. Someone who feels comfortable/confident that it will not be them.

The viewer knows that the primary alliance or the "power alliance" so far is indeed Stephen/JT/Taj and secondarily Erinn. That leaves the boot choices as Debbie or Coach. JT has strung them along, but the viewer knows they are the low men on the totem pole, so, their boots would not be a surprise.

We know that Taj and JT are in the F4, so it cannot be one of them.

So, imo, in order for this to be a "shocking" TC, revealing the intentions of some very conniving castaways, the boot has to be either Stephen or ERINN...two that are most likely feeling more safe than in danger. I am inclined to think that Stephen isn't going anywhere...but, in all fairness, all it would take, would be to get Taj to not vote for the intended target, Erinn/Debbie/Coach, as she did not vote for Sierra last week...2 votes Debbie/Erinn/Coach, and 3 votes Stephen, from Coach/Debbie/Erinn would do it...

If Erinn could pull that off, then she would deserve to win the game...I am leaning toward an Erinn boot here, because she spelled her doom, imo, when she wrote Stephen's name down...

"RE: Survivor 18 Episode #11 Title: "The Ultimate Sacrifice""
Posted by vince3 on 05-02-09 at 06:47 AM
I have an interesting scenario: Erinn pulls off the double-cross, and votes with Coach and Debbie. Taj for whatever reason, doesn't vote with JT/Stephen. So that should mean that Stephen is gone. However, when Jeff asks for the HII, Stephen pulls out the HII that he's been holding since he and Taj found it, pulls the pin, and the vote recoils back and hits JT/Stephen's target, whoever that may be, probably Erinn..........

"RE: Survivor 18 Episode #11 Title: "The Ultimate Sacrifice""
Posted by Flowerpower on 05-02-09 at 01:54 PM
Now that, my dear vince, would be quite the "shocking" tribal council and oh, how sweet!

"RE: Survivor 18 Episode #11 Title: "The Ultimate Sacrifice""
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 05-02-09 at 04:47 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-02-09 AT 04:53 PM (EST)

Thought on the title quote: as it almost certainly refers to a choice made at the auction RC, involving contact with loved ones, the person who says it could even be Jeff. So I'm not so sure the bootee will be the one to say it, although could be. Even if, anyone could say it.


So far we have thought about shocking vote twists and in terms of the TC shocking the viewers, and/or involving another blindside.

Another way to read this is the TC prior to the vote is shocking -- not to the viewers, but to the players. Never mind what we know about the alliances, but what do the players know at this point? What "true intentions" could be "revealed" during the question portion of TC that would be shocking?

1) Everybody knows that JT and Stephen are close. Everybody seems to acknowledge that a successful vote means getting those two as part of the plan, even though it's now 4-2 and if all the others got together and planned a blindside, they could do it.

2) Debbie and Coach have been led to believe Taj is expendable to those two. That has helped ST/JT save Jalapao, by not appearing to be as tight a unit as they probably are. I have not seen any confessionals indicating this is anything but a strategy on the part of the Jalapao to survive until they have the numbers.

3) Erinn has been working with JT and Stephen and seems to think she is headed for the finals with them and probably Taj. Stephen did say in an Insider confessional a couple episodes ago, that if Erinn stays loyal he sees this F4 coming to fruition.

Far as I can tell, Erinn has given Coach/Debbie no reason to hope she will vote with them again.

4) We see that Debbie tries to make a move against Coach in this episode. I think that tells us Debbie doubts that JT and Stephen are looking to taking her and Coach to F4, so she is scrambling, because it is likely her or Coach this time. But if she is smart she would act like she believes they are in an alliance with her, and is proposing they pull a Tyson on Coach, instead of booting Erinn as "planned."

5) We haven't heard much from Taj lately, but she does not seem to have been scheming with her own side alliances, but rather seems to consider her original alliance the way to the end. Which seems to be a great plan.

So, looking at this dynamic, at this point the people who have promises out that could be exposed as false during the TC, are:

JT and Stephen - have made promises to Debbie, Coach, Taj, Erinn, and each one of those could be put in jeopardy by other players saying, NO, they promised ME.

Debbie - has been with Coach the whole game, now trying to backstab him, which could be brought up to stir the pot.

Erinn - while I don't think she is being dishonest, could be accused by Coach/Debbie of acting like a floater/independent, when really Erinn has agreed to cross tribes. I don''t think this is any sin, but in Survivor logic it might be, especially if Coach is involved.

Taj - nothing unless she conspires this episode, but if she says something about her alliance with Stephen and JT, or admits to having the idol, she could contribute to the drama.


Loath though I am to trust CBS teaser writers' grammar, SOME generally means more than a few, or at least four. At first I thought this meant the conniving of an exposed alliance, but on second thought it may just be a general description of how many players have their true intentions revealed - more than half. I'll tentatively go with that, but it could be a majority alliance revealed.

OK, so the really obvious blow-up would be the revelation that JT and Stephen have made F4 promises to both Coach/Debbie and Taj/Erinn, and this is the TC where they pretty much have to make a choice in direction.

ALTHOUGH, if they boot Erinn, I believe that would satisfy Coach/Debbie AND Taj, as Taj doesn't seem to be directly involved with the Erinn alliance, and needs to believe Erinn is the outer layer of that onion.

Lastly, there could still be unresolved tension re Stephen getting Erinn's vote last time.

So there's quite a lot of drama potential if someone starts it by opening his or her mouth.

For example, Coach could easily start boasting that he has an agreement to the end with Warriors JT and Stephen, as he is the one with no clue about keeping his mouth shut. If by chance he has immunity again (and that Debbie scene was prior to the IC), he could really feel safe to mouth off.

That would open the door to Jeff asking if this is true, if everyone accepts this, and someone else, Erinn or Taj, opening up.

I'm not really sure where that gets us. Perhaps it ought to turn the game "on its head" by turning votes against JT or Stephen. JT has been the front man, but he could have immunity. We know JT survives this one. I don't think Stephen goes this early. I think he's at least F3, probably to F2, by his edit but that is just an opinion. If Stephen went at this point, all bets would be off as to the ending.

He certainly COULD play the idol if he comes under fire, although CBS and Jeff have a way of giving away the surprise element with teases whenever an idol is actually played.
I think it's to their advantage that players can't talk to each other at TC, so that even if they are both exposed as double-dealers at TC, Erinn and Debbie and Coach would have to take a leap of faith to all vote the same. And still a tie probability.

More likely IMHO that JT and Stephen's votes will be pivotal, along with Taj, who doesn't have the luxury of wasting her vote this week. Although Taj's vote is not technically needed, as long as she doesn't align with someone else, it is so hard to trust other people to vote how they say they will, I imagine JT/ST want her vote to be definite.

Say they have
1) Erinn thinking the vote is going Coach or Debbie (TBD after IC).
2a) Debbie/Coach voting Erinn, or
2b) Debbie and Erinn voting Coach and Coach voting Erinn.

There is no risk of a tie then of Timbira against Jalapao. St/JT just have to call it to Taj before TC and they are set. We will be shown them waffling, as usual.

I would assume that part of the "shocking" is not only the revelations but that they make a choice we and one or two allies don't expect. I think that right now Debbie and Coach appear to be the next to go - to Taj and Erinn, and to the viewing public.

The public is dying to see Coach go. In the game, however, he is still benefitting from playing fairly predictably, and that could be a motive for keeping him around. Debbie and Erinn are both far more strategic and likely to influence someone else to make a move against Stephen or JT.

I also think it is risky for power players, approaching the end game, the last vote before F3 that can't end in a tie, to allow the opposite gender to gain a majority. It could be all too easy at F5 for the three women to put aside their differences and decide that they must break up Stephen and JT. So better to leave Coach in and keep it 3 Jalapao against 2 Timbira.

Turning the game ON ITS HEAD - barring a Stephen, JT or Taj boot (and only Stephen is a possibility, because of the F4 challenge spoiler) - would be what?

My feeling is if JT and Stephen somewhat inexplicably decide to keep their alliance of expedience with Coach and Debbie, and take them to F5, breaking the alliance with Erinn in yet another blindside, that will go against what has been edited as the REAL plan.

Erinn has been shown as playing well, and Debbie and Coach as playing badly, so if both of them make it through this that will be more shocking to the public than either a Debbie or Coach boot.

Less shocking than a Stephen boot by far. However, with so much editing emphasis put on the Stephen/JT friendship from Day One, at this point I think it would be weird to see it taken out on a dime, without ever seeing it tested. I feel like they are set up to arrive at the point where they compete against each other, finally (either at F3 or in front of the jury).

"RE: Survivor 18 Episode #11 Title: "The Ultimate Sacrifice""
Posted by Belle Book on 05-02-09 at 06:03 PM
And it would really upset Michel! He (I think) really thought the editing was pointing to an Erinn win!

Belle Book

"RE: Survivor 18 Episode #11 Title: "The Ultimate Sacrifice""
Posted by michel on 05-03-09 at 02:44 PM
Very nice analysis, OFG. The only thing is that, "turning the game on its head" can only happen if a Jalapao leaves. Erinn could be presented as a surprise vote but not a game changing one. Who, in their right mind, expects Erinn to win?!

So, either a Jalapao leaves or CBS is using excessive hype. If it is the latter then Debbie and Coach are as likely to leave as Erinn. The episode could show Debbie's plea against Coach being well received and then, she gets blindsided. Coach could be going on and on about how he trusts JT and then he gets cooked.

I don't know if it's wise to switch the game at F6 because, if you have the votes at 6 you'd also have them at 5, but I saw indications that Stephen may be in danger.

And Belle Book, while obviously I would like to see my editing thoughts proven right, I would only be upset with a Debbie win. Not that I dislike her, just that, for most of the season, she was edited as a Tourist in Brazil.

I don't know how I would feel with a Coach win but upset wouldn't be the right word. I'd either be laughing at the biggest joke ever told or I'd be looking for other signs that the Apocalypse is coming soon.

"RE: Survivor 18 Episode #11 Title: "The Ultimate Sacrifice""
Posted by Belle Book on 05-03-09 at 03:57 PM
I think I'd lean towards looking for signs that the Apocalypse is coming soon if Coach wins. Debbie was edited as a Tourist in Brazil, so I wouldn't be all that pleased with a win on her part either. Stephen may be in danger -- but he's got the Hidden Immunity Idol. I think he'll use it, so he's safe.

Belle Book

"RE: Survivor 18 Episode #11 Title: "The Ultimate Sacrifice""
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 05-03-09 at 04:34 PM
>>>So, either a Jalapao leaves or CBS is using excessive hype.

I agree, michel.
If it weren't that I cannot figure Taj turning on Stephen at F6, I would be concerned that he's going.

But why in the world would she do that when she has a sweet ride to F3 at her command? Even if she were worried, why would she want to stay in the game with crazy Coach and a very upset JT, when instead she and her buddies can pick off the Timbira?

I would hope that Taj understands very well that JT and Stephen were working the Warrior Alliance and not really planning to send her out at F5.

As for excessive hype - yes, I think so. In excessive hype there's generally a nugget of reality though. I still think the plan going into this episode is Jalapao + Erinn to F4, and Coach to be gone if he doesn't win immunity, otherwise Debby. So that would need to change.

Another "shock" revealed at TC could be the second idol that Stephen/Taj hold. Sierra says C/D didn't believe there was one in play. Erinn is the only other person left that knows there were idols in both camps.

"RE: Survivor 18 Episode #11 Title: "The Ultimate Sacrifice""
Posted by michel on 05-03-09 at 05:36 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-03-09 AT 05:37 PM (EST)

>...I cannot
>figure Taj turning on Stephen
>at F6... But why in the world
>would she do that when she
>has a sweet ride to
>F3 at her command?

Great question but maybe you answered it in your previous post: "I also think it is risky... to allow the opposite gender to gain a majority."

Why would that only apply to the men? The women were practically decimated in the pre-merge so maybe they are tired of letting the men decide. Erinn may convince Taj that she can't win if she lets everybody else make moves for her. Some conniving players they would make.

And, who says JT need be angry? What if he is in on it?

"RE: Survivor 18 Episode #11 Title: "The Ultimate Sacrifice""
Posted by Belle Book on 05-03-09 at 06:36 PM
True enough, but don't forget that Taj is really close to Stephen as well as J.T. because of the original Exile Island Alliance and their Jalapao status. I think it's more likely that Taj's loyalty to Stephen will override any efforts Erinn makes to persuade Taj to flip on J.T. and Stephen.

However, I think Erinn might try to get Stephen out of the game and it might backfire on her when Stephen pulls out the Hidden Immunity Idol and out goes Erinn!

Belle Book

"RE: Survivor 18 Episode #11 Title: "The Ultimate Sacrifice""
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 05-03-09 at 08:53 PM
absolutely, michel,
it's risky for either gender. I was only pointing out what happens if they take out Coach at F6 ... because he is Coach and how nice to let him be Coach at Ponderosa.
That would leave 3 women to 2 men.

Would Debbie and Erinn prefer to have Coach go? Probably, especially Debbie!
As for the women going for the numbers, taking out Coach is just as good as taking out Stephen, and a lot nicer for the camp ... and he barely has one ally, and he knows he is on the block.

Taking out Stephen now doesn't benefit either Taj or Erinn, that I can see. He is Taj's best ally in the game, the person SHE chose when Brendan asked her to pick someone. He also, along with JT, adopted Erinn when Coach never did.

As for the women getting together taking out the threat to win the game, that would be JT, although JT could easily win immunity. Stephen seems to be doing an excellent job of hiding how much he is running the game. But Taj knows Stephen is holding the idol. Just a very risky plan.

I don't see it happening because it would leave three Timbira in the game, and for the Jalapao members, the other tribe getting a majority is worse than the other gender having the majority (which it's had anyway). So JT has NO reason to ditch Stephen at F6, and Taj doesn't either. At F3, maybe F4, yes.

"RE: Survivor 18 Episode #11 Title: "The Ultimate Sacrifice""
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 05-02-09 at 07:34 PM
From Sierra's interview with SB:
Sierra: If didn't really matter because what they were going to do was -- what order we went out didn't really matter to them because they were going to pluck off every Timbera player.

Reality TV World: So who did they tell you was next, Debbie or Coach, after you?

Sierra: Um, they said they were both going and they would make sure that they were both going right after me -- they promised me that actually.

So this goes along with Stephen's confessional that Erinn is slated for F4.
Not sure Sierra would be allowed to say it if it actually had happened.
This is now the expected direction, so if the game is to turn on its head, neither one of them will go this week.

"RE: Survivor 18 Episode #11 Title: "The Ultimate Sacrifice""
Posted by Brownroach on 05-04-09 at 10:11 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-04-09 AT 04:07 PM (EST)

Suppose Debbie or Erinn (or both) comes up with the idea of an all-female alliance now. For either of them that's probably their only shot to get to F3 anymore, so why not try it? Hence we see Debbie trying to pin a target on Coach this week.

If they broached the idea with Taj, I don't believe Taj would be receptive -- backstabbing JT and Stephen is not in her best interest for the endgame -- but she might pretend to be interested. Then maybe she outs the plan at TC, which "turns things on their head."

Just an idea. FWIW, I don't think that clue is intended to be about who gets booted. They never telegraph how the game will be affected by the voting outcome.

A tribe glows in Brooklyn

"RE: Survivor 18 Episode #11 Title: "The Ultimate Sacrifice""
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 05-04-09 at 04:29 PM
>>>FWIW, I don't think that clue is intended to be about who gets booted. They never telegraph how the game will be affected by the voting outcome.

yes, that's what I was trying to argue. The clue is about the TC Q&A portion, not the vote and boot.