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Thread Number: 662
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"James Rules"

Posted by CappySux on 08-10-05 at 02:00 AM
I can't stand the CappyFreaks. I mean, THE FRIENDSHIP - so sappy it makes me want to hurl. IMO, deserving players have INTELLIGENCE, wit, wisdom and, hopefully, humor - the more sarcastic the better. James and Kaysar - those two are gamesmen - and one of them should win. Howie is a moron. Maggie and Ivette's devotion to Eric (the self-righteous blowhard) borders on fanatacism. April and Jennifer - worthless. Rachel has a brain but seems not to be using it at the moment. Keeping my fingers crossed for James HOH next week and Kaysar's return.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: James Rules"
Posted by louieb on 08-10-05 at 03:04 AM
Hail King James!! He is slimey, but ya gotta love him. IMHO I think the two of them were wronged by being nominated. They were both down with the plan yet leave it to Howie to get sucked in by the persusive powers of Maggie (really its the midget channeling thru her) and throw it all away. I'm still scratching my noggin trying to understand the Jedi logic but as we say in Mexico, ni modo. But now we see an opening, will Jannele see it and flip H/R and more importantly J/A to whack Scurvette? That is what it looks like may occur yet I can never get my hopes up due to BB's oh so selective editing. But if that be the case watch Beaux abandon "The Friendship" (excuse me for I must vomit. Oh garcon......bluhhhhhraargIHATEMAGGIEbluhaaaach) and look for more shopping deals elswhere. One last time, VOTE KAYSAR A THOUSAND TIMES!!!!!!!!

"RE: James Rules"
Posted by Shine on 08-10-05 at 05:49 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-10-05 AT 05:49 AM (EST)

I thought Howie was a good player next to Kaysar and Jannelle. i like him b4 but now i see him like a immature and dumb. I hope James gets the HOH this week

"RE: James Rules"
Posted by catsnotkids on 08-10-05 at 11:51 AM
I don't care who gets HOH as long as it's no member of "The Friendship". Everytime Maggie or Ivette is on the screen my blood pressure shoots up 100 points. "The Friendship": PUKE!

"RE: James Rules"
Posted by Aruba on 08-12-05 at 09:13 AM
James has been the most impressive player thus far in the game. But I'm not sure his dominance is so much HIS great play...or the other Houseguests being morons? Julie must be corrected when she said James won the POV a record three times. He may have been removed from nominations three times; but Sarah won the POV once and removed James if my memory serves correct. As for his two POV "wins"...I believe they were HANDED to him more so than his great play. During the chess game four ganged up on two and the other three tanked the competition to GIVE the POV to James. This last time again the other five moronically handed James the victory without much effort on his part.
Bottomline, the one variable that means the most in any Reality Game is L-U-C-K! And James has had his fair share so fair. Let's see how long it will last.

"RE: James Rules"
Posted by leianawd on 08-23-05 at 10:32 AM
GO JAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"RE: James Rules"
Posted by Wildchil on 08-23-05 at 11:24 AM
Bingo Aruba! I think you nailed it.. James isn't all that smart.. slimmy? yes and rather sloppy about it.. if it weren't for the incredibly stupid play of others, namely Janelle and Howie.. and more than a little dumb luck.. ie: a more powerful player like Kaysar to vote off.. He'd be gone simply because he was so obvious with his lies.

I think he accidently stumbled into something else now too.. neither side trusts him.. so they keep saying.. things like .. "we know what XX will do if YY" .. vote XX off this time, we can always get James later!!!!!!!!

Pure, dumb luck. I believe the only one falling for his act is probably Yvette? She seems to *need* to believe.

"RE: James Rules"
Posted by Wildchil on 08-23-05 at 12:24 PM
The only Cappy "freak" i see is Yvette.. Maggie is his friend apparently from before BB6.. but has never displayed the kind of .. hmm... adoration for Cappy Yvette has. The others in the Friendship ... just seemed to more or less either like him or tolerate him. Of course I don't get the live feed.. so there may be things in this regard I'm missing.

I don't see much inteligence in the way either Kaysar or James have played.. lots of luck for James though.. big time.

LOL and Jen was sooo worthless she got Kaysar out for the second time

The only real brains I've seen in the group is Maggie.. although Rach would be a close second.. she does recognize that Maggie is a strong and very good player.. and told Howie (but not Janelle?) to tone down the bullying and cruel insults.