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"Boy Meets Boy - Why I think Franklin is Straight"

Posted by Scottflyer on 08-24-03 at 04:43 AM
It's simple

Although my intuition says Franklin's the straightest, I know that can go wrong at times. It's only 50% accurate.

You know that the producers want one straight guy at the end, right? How can they ensure that if there are two left in the previous round? There is only one way and one way only - put the two straight guys together. Then, and only then, one and only one will be eliminated. Otherwise both could be eliminated. Franklin was paired with Sean - straight. Therefore Franklin is straight. End of story.

Franklin is wonderful. He's cute. I wouldn't be surprised if he switches or tries out gay sex after this. I really fell that he has gotten his feelings into the whole thing. But, there is no question, he is the straight guy. If he weren't, I'd pick him for sure, he's so cute.


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"RE: Boy Meets Boy - Why I think Franklin is Straight"
Posted by Erik0415 on 08-30-03 at 00:22 AM

Wouldn't have been funny if James had picked the "straight" guy and then he (the straight guy) came out of the closet and spoils the producers whole premise. Then the twist would be on the producers and it would serve them right. Maybe in the next season.

also check out this link


"RE: Boy Meets Boy - Why I think Franklin is Straight"
Posted by keithsam on 09-03-03 at 01:22 PM
When i first saw the show i totaly thought franklin was straight. then after a few shows i changed my mind, because he was so emotional... then thought they other guy was straight.. not wes but the other one..i forgot his name..my favorite guys where franlin,rob, daren, and wes. well any back to what i was going to write is that i think it would have been soo great if franklin came out.... i would have died... james would have #####...