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"Jenns game play"

Posted by gwrbassin on 04-22-05 at 10:27 AM
I do not know if this needs a thread or not so I would not be upset if locked. But did any one else get the feeling last night that Jenn has more power in this game than we had given her credit for. Last night Tom clearly did not want to vote steph out but that was going to happen if Janu did not quit.

It seems to me that Jenn is controlling Gregg totally and he is being the mouth for her thoughts. We did not hear her say anything last night about her boot but gregg was saying everything he could to convince Tom and Ian to vote out Steph.

Just was wondering what other thoughts were in regards to this.

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"RE: Jenns game play"
Posted by fallingtogether on 04-22-05 at 12:42 PM
I don't know if Gregg and Jenn are that close anymore. Maybe they are, but from what MB is showing us Greg is tight with Ian and Tom now, which in my opinion will be his downfall because he's not in Ian and Tom's final four.

That's just how I see it.

"RE: Jenns game play"
Posted by JohnMc on 04-22-05 at 01:49 PM
Does Jenn have a game???

She's in with Gregg so they both can try to pull off a Romber. Gregg is in the flop position, so he really is able to play Tom and Ian, and Jenn can play Katie so that they both make F5.

But at this point in the game it is just going to be high school popularity until F5. Boring game for 2 weeks.

Oh, but I'm still confused. Does Jenn have a game?

"RE: Jenns game play"
Posted by gwrbassin on 04-22-05 at 01:55 PM
That was what I was saying I did not think she did at all until last night. But then last night we have gregg being by far the most vocal about getting steph out of the game as a threat. Why does he see her as a threat. The only reason I can see is that Jenn has convienced him that she is. It just seemed wierd to me that It was Gregg that saw her as a threat when it was Jenn wanting her gone the week before for being a threat. It also seemed wierd to me that He sees her as a treat and not Tom and Ian.

"RE: Jenns game play"
Posted by MDSkinner on 04-22-05 at 02:56 PM
"Why does he see her as a threat."

Not to speak to anything else mentioned here, but I think it is clear why he would see Steph as a threat. She is outside of his overarching alliance (which he probably right now sees as Jenn, Tom and Ian), and she is by far the most physically and mentally gifted of those outside that alliance. She has been magnificent at the challenges, I think it would be crazy to have not seen her as a threat.

He should certainly see Tom and Ian as a threat as well, but if he firmly believe that they are going to the final 4 with him, then, though a threat, they would be part of his plan. Steph is not. And she is the next biggest threat outside of the two of them.

"RE: Jenns game play"
Posted by Flipper on 04-22-05 at 02:00 PM
I don't know if Jenn is more powerful after watching last night's episode. What I got from Tom's hesitation was, Tom may be more of a master strategist than I may have been giving him credit for. I think he was thinking of the numbers. If he fans the fire of Jenn wanting to get rid of Steph, who she perceives as a big threat, the numbers turn even more in his favor. At this point although spoilers say Tom has a mostly uninterrupted run of immunity wins, a la Colby in Outback, he doesn't know he'll be in the catbird seat. If Jenn somehow had an epiphany, "Tom is a bigger threat to me than Steph, I'll throw in with her, Greg, Katie, and Caryn, and try to take out Tom if we get the opportunity" the game could have turned out way differently.

I say Tom knew exactly what he was doing when he went with the vote off Stephanie faction and that Jenn does not have that much influence.



"RE: Jenns game play"
Posted by lovwigglesworth on 04-22-05 at 03:08 PM
According to her bio she likes to play soccer.

Okay, I got nothing.
I don't think she came on Survivor to win, just to be on TV,

"RE: Jenns game play"
Posted by Karchita on 04-22-05 at 03:56 PM
Jenn is just bobbing along.

I think Gregg sees Steph as a threat because he wants to protect his core alliance partner, Jenn. To some extent he may have been talked into this by Jenn, but that doesn't mean she has a strategy.

Jenn probably sees Steph as a threat because she is an outsider and excels at ICs. I think it is a personal thing with Jenn, not that she doesn't like her, but personally threatening as in: new, competent woman = I don't like her.

Gregg may be thinking that he will turn on Tom and Ian when the time comes, but Steph is easy pickings now.

"RE: Jenns game play"
Posted by JohnMc on 04-22-05 at 05:45 PM
Has anyone noticed that in both of the individual IC's so far, that Steph has beaten Jenn? Jenn does not like Steph because she is the only female that can beat her. Katie is a wuss, and Caryn can only survive on willpower. She might make it on and endurance challenge against the girls, but not against Tom. So Steph is Jenn's biggest female threat.

Why else would she coddle up to Katie so much? She is prettier, a better competitor, and easier to keep control of than Steph.