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"who's the guy throwing the temper tantrum?"

Posted by silesia18 on 01-21-04 at 10:11 PM
Based on the hair, i can only narrow it down to 4 of the guys: brad, rick, sean, or ryan r. anyone wanna wager a guess as to who it is? for some reason i'm gonna go with brad...don't know why.

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"RE: who's the guy throwing the temper tantrum?"
Posted by Rockytop Chick on 01-21-04 at 10:25 PM
If not for the voice, I would have guessed Rick. But it just didn't sound like him. All I could tell is it's one of the dark haired guys. So not Ian, Matthew, or Todd. I don't really like Brad or Ryan R, so I kinda hope it will be one of them.

"RE: who's the guy throwing the temper tantrum?"
Posted by Nascargirl48 on 01-21-04 at 10:30 PM
It's Ryan R. throwing the tantrum....the suit the temper guy is wearing and the suit they show Ryan R wearing is the same one....plus he seems like the type that would do that. I don't know what is it about him but he freaks me out. Personally I'll be glad to see him go, he gives me the heebe-geebes.

"RE: who's the guy throwing the temper tantrum?"
Posted by sparksals on 01-22-04 at 00:40 AM
It's definitely Ryan R. His tie matches the tie in the pics where he is sitting with Meredith and Rick walks up to him. Then there is also the pics of Ryan R and Rick outside and it is the same tie.

"RE: who's the guy throwing the temper tantrum?"
Posted by HawaiiRaine on 01-22-04 at 02:12 AM
I definitely think it's Ryan R., too. The way he was staring at Meredith during the ceremony was kinda creepy...I don't know how she gave him a rose tonight.

"RE: who's the guy throwing the temper tantrum?"
Posted by missygirl3 on 01-22-04 at 10:02 AM
I HOPE it is Ryan R or Rick. I cannot stand either one of these men, Ryan R. is so clingy and so obnoxious. I cant believe she kept him. I wonder why she let Damon go. He was my favorite. I cant really give an exact word that describes Rick to me. He just bothers me.

"RE: who's the guy throwing the temper tantrum?"
Posted by Loree on 01-22-04 at 10:45 AM
I liked Damon too. I don't know why she still likes Rick.

"RE: who's the guy throwing the temper tantrum?"
Posted by teejax22 on 01-22-04 at 12:07 PM
She likes Rick because he challenges her..but in the end I don't think that will be enough for her. He's too high maintenance. You never know though...its still early to see what will develop.

"RE: who's the guy throwing the temper tantrum?"
Posted by TDeniseS on 01-22-04 at 01:35 PM
> I cant really give
>an exact word that describes
>Rick to me. He just
>bothers me.

hmmmmmm..... let me help..... how about GAY or bi! Those are the vibes I am getting from him and several others.....it's kind of creepy. I hope Meredith gets rid of those jerks ASAP....they are not there for her.....they want to be seen on TV!

"RE: who's the guy throwing the temper tantrum?"
Posted by ValleyGirl on 01-22-04 at 12:48 PM
I was hoping it would be Rick, he bothers me. Any guy who calls himself a "metrosexual" in front of his date has got to go. Rick is definitely not suited for Meredith and sooner or later she will see that for herself.
Valley Girl
"I'll never kiss and tell....."

"RE: who's the guy throwing the temper tantrum?"
Posted by Tiggertramp on 01-22-04 at 02:18 PM
Okay, forst of all, I must be getting too old or something, what the heck does "metrosexual" mean??

And two, I definatley think the tantrum belongs to Ryan R, he is getting too deep emotionall based on what...10 minutes alone with Meredith? I can see him flipping out not getting a rose.

"RE: who's the guy throwing the temper tantrum?"
Posted by silesia18 on 01-22-04 at 02:44 PM
a metrosexual is a guy that takes care of himself like a gay guy, but is still straight. like manicures, pedicures, and the like.

"RE: who's the guy throwing the temper tantrum?"
Posted by Tiggertramp on 01-22-04 at 03:42 PM
Thank you for clarifying, I was feeling rather lame...

"RE: who's the guy throwing the temper tantrum?"
Posted by ValleyGirl on 01-22-04 at 04:33 PM
>a metrosexual is a guy that
>takes care of himself like
>a gay guy, but is
>still straight. like manicures,
>pedicures, and the like.

Thanks for the enlightenment, I've never heard that term before.
Valley Girl
"I'll never kiss and tell......... well maybe"

"RE: who's the guy throwing the temper tantrum?"
Posted by munson on 01-22-04 at 09:33 PM
Here's a good definition of metrosexual from urbandictionary.com

Stylish, urban dwelling straight male, known for his savvy with clothing, his subscription to Kiplinger's, and who has all three of the following in his home:
1. a full set of silverware
2. books on a bookshelf that have actually been read
3. pomade

"My last boyfriend was a metrosexual. He spent just as much time on his hair as i did."

It's not a bad thing necessarily and a lot of guys I know sort of wear it a badge of honor. Truthfully, there are more metrosexuals on shows like this than non-metrosexuals.

"RE: who's the guy throwing the temper tantrum?"
Posted by sea0tter12 on 01-22-04 at 10:53 PM
Here's a great article on what a metrosexual is: http://archive.salon.com/ent/feature/2002/07/22/metrosexual/

I think it's OK to be one, but don't admit it on the first date! It's one of those interesting quirks you should pick up on and mock someone for as you progress in a relationship She should let him go just for that!

"RE: who's the guy throwing the temper tantrum?"
Posted by maddie adams on 01-22-04 at 05:34 PM
It is for sure Ryan R. b/c the pictures of the ten waiting for her he is the only wearing black shirt with a black coat. The tie is white or silver maybe gray. The guy walking out of the house throwing something is wearing black shirt and black coat with a light tie so it has to be Ryan R. Or at least that's what I got out of the picture.

"RE: who's the guy throwing the temper tantrum?"
Posted by realitycoholic on 01-22-04 at 10:27 PM
Is it just me, or does anyone else think that Ryan R looks like a cleaned up version of ARAGORN? But, it appears that he lacks the personality, poise, and demeanor of the king...

(I'm not sure how to get his actual picture to appear in the post, so here's a link to show you his picture)

"RE: who's the guy throwing the temper tantrum?"
Posted by SilverStar on 01-25-04 at 05:58 PM
I don't understand why everyone is saying that Ryan R is so creepy. He's barely even been on the show! Did I miss something that he did? Now Ryan M is verrrry strange and creepy to me- all through last weeks show I kept calling him STALKER. I believe HE was the one who was falling all over Meredith after their 10 minute 1 on 1 time. Are we getting our Ryan's confused here? But I definately agree that it is Ryan R who throws the tantrum- looks just like the back of his head! haha


"RE: who's the guy throwing the temper tantrum?"
Posted by ryan_from_canada on 01-25-04 at 05:53 PM
Pretty sure it's Ryan R, and if it is him, I can't for the life of me figure out why he'd freak--- he's only spent a few minutes with her!!!! Talk about obsession-- yipes. Oh well, there's A LOT of this kinda stuff on these shows lol.....

"RE: who's the guy throwing the temper tantrum?"
Posted by djandy on 01-25-04 at 11:27 PM
One of the things I thought of (other than Ryan R. is just unstable) is that Meredith spends time with Ryan R., and still rejects him. Does picture 57 look like Ryan R.? If not, who is this?
